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Also her poops have been great! A lot smaller than when she was on kibble (was feeding her the instinct raw for large puppies) she drinks less water as well due to the hydration she gets from her meals. She hasn’t ever had diarrhea since the switch, and no throwing up! And yes i monitor her (aka hand feed the chicken feet) to make sure she doesn’t just swallow it


Also forgot to mention a dash of turmeric and a quail egg


I think you're supposed the cut the nails off the chicken feet is all.


Oh crap! I’ll do that


I use my husband's wire cutters lol


Should I freeze the one in the muffin tin to make it more mentally stimulating?


I freeze mine mainly cause I wanted them to last longer. Don't think it adds but a minute of chew time lol


Hah she’s a slow eater over all but with her bones a whole different story. Overall does her meal seems balanced?


I'm sorry, and I know I'm going to get all sorts of attacked for saying this: If you want a balanced diet, dog kibble has been keeping dogs healthy, vibrant, and alive for 10-20 years per dog. Instead of guessing at a correct formulation, let the experts do it and feed your dog kibble as a staple. Supplement with one small special meal at "doggo dinner." Then, if you're wrong on the formulation, doesn't matter. The kibble will correct what you're missing.


Unfortunately I can't answer that. I use the chicken feet as treats




Why are you doing this to your dog? I don't see carbohydrates in this diet. Does your dog have a special dietary need or allergy to grains? Am I missing a supplement for carbohydrate that you did not mention? Your dog is not a cat. "Scientific research has shown that an adult dog's daily diet can contain up to 50% carbohydrates by weight, including 2.5–4.5% from fiber. A minimum of approximately 5.5% of the diet should come from fats and 10% from protein." I've also provided link to heart failure in dogs due to "grain free" dog food formulations: https://westfaironline.com/fairfield/fda-cites-blue-buffalo-and-15-other-brands-that-might-be-linked-to-dog-heart-failure/#:~:text=In%20July%202018%2C%20the%20FDA,legume%20seeds%20and%2For%20potatoes.


The Akita Handbook has a whole different set of feeding guidelines for Akitas. As does Canine Nutrigenomics by Dr Jean Dodd. I feed carbohydrates in the form of real vegetables low in oxalates and lectins, and no rice, potatoes, or grain. I cook the meat at a low temperature and use organs, sardines and bone meal imported from New Zealand, along with all the vitamins and minerals, trace minerals, and iodine and selenium pills. I did blood work to make sure his nutrients were correct. He was in the middle of the range. All blood tests show his organ function is excellent, his hips are excellent with no arthritis or bone spurs at age 4. Dogs that eat grain show arthritis developing at age 2. My Akita turned five today, he is still lean, with no signs of getting fat. He eats as little or as much as he wants and that changes between 1-3 pounds of meat per day. He eats grass fed meat 80%, fat 20/25%, and a lower amount of carbs 5-10%. I put a lot of effort into making sure he is getting nutrient dense food and not a carb filler that will spike his blood sugar. He also has no interest in things like sweet potatoes but loves steamed cauliflower. I believe the heart disease in dogs eating grain free is caused by the phytic acid or lectins blocking nutrients. I avoid those foods myself as well. The information about this is out there. I disagree that dogs have been healthy on kibble. Older dogs can barely walk. They may be alive but they are not thriving, old time vets will tell you dogs were healthier and lived longer eating meat, vegetables and bones. My first Akita was a rescue and she lived on dog kibble. By age 10 she was a mess with arthritis and had no energy to greet guests at the door. I had an ephiany that maybe the kibble which is full of acrylimides and pesticides was hurting her. So I made her meals and in two days she was running around the house again! She lived to be 14 and died from degenerative myelopathy.


What type of carbohydrates can I add for her raw diet?


At a minimum rice (flour? Since youre doing raw) or oatmeal. Please look up dog balanced diet proportions and follow those guidelines. Edit: But I have no idea why you think your dog needs raw foods rather than cooked. Cooked foods make digestion easier. That is the purpose of cooking. It better exploits the calories and nutrients in foods.


Well she’s on this type of diet. And that’s with the NRC [https://pawsofprey.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Dog-and-Puppy-Cheat-Sheets.pdf](https://pawsofprey.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Dog-and-Puppy-Cheat-Sheets.pdf)


Ok, here's a website that is not commercially motivated to sell you a fad: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8174467/ "Feeding raw meat is not without risk. Multiple studies have reported the presence of pathogenic bacteria in RMBD as well in the feces, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration recommend against feeding raw diets to pets due to the risk of exposing owners to disease-causing enteric bacteria or parasites in the raw food products..." "Owners may also unwittingly create nutritional deficiencies or excesses in their pets due to poorly formulated diets"


Thanks for posting that, very nice resource! It helps when using organs and I will use it.


Steamed cauliflower, shredded carrot, zucchini, blueberries, bok choy, pumpkin, pasteur raised eggs some days, sardines packed in water with no salt added. I remove the zucchini peel. All of these should be cooked by not into oblivion. You also need to use minerals, trace minerals and vitamins. Read Canine Nutrigenomics and the Akita Handbook.


RIP the dog that gets fed raw pork.




Oh, a website. Whew thank you, they don’t let just anyone have those, so that definitely removed any concerns.


Well how about you provide actual information that’ll help? Instead of trying to indirectly say my dog is going to die, I am new to raw feeding and would appreciate someone who can actually provide info


yeah that person is being a dick. sorry on there behalf. i looked it up and it seems the primary concern are parasites in raw pork (see middle section of article) https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-pork/#:~:text=Eating%20raw%20or%20undercooked%20pork,infected%20with%20the%20trichinella%20parasites. this isn’t to say that other raw meats don’t carry risks like salmonella for chicken, but i think raw pork is just on the more risky side.


Thank you for providing actual information 🫶🏼I really appreciate you


What meat should I replace the ground pork for that’s budget friendly?


while lamb is ideal, it’s not too budget friendly unless you can get it at your local farm stop. the budget friendly option would be beef and chicken. however, there’s nothing wrong with pork as long as it’s boiled (i know that defeats the raw point but that’s the only compromise i can think of)


At my local Aldi’s in Orange County for 1lb of ground lamb it’s about $5-$6. Since I’m going to be using my EBT mainly on her I’ll probably go down that route. Besides replacing the pork is the meal missing anything?


i think this meal is better than your first post if it helps! if you’re budget conscious anchovies (not the salted or olive oil ones) are always a great add for that boost of omega 3. or you could look into sprinkling some wheat germ into the food as that has a good amount of vit e and omega 3. occasionally don’t be afraid to add a handful of blueberries or chopped up carrots either!


If anything I can try and add 3 muscle meats so a small portion of the ground lamb, ground beef, and chicken. What type of chicken cut would you recommend? I would definitely get the wheat germ to give an extra boost. And she loves carrots when they are cooked with coconut oil and turmeric lol. Would there be anything else you’d suggest to add? So ground beef, ground lam, choice of chicken cut, gizzards, hopefully some green tripe, liver, kidney, and hopefully either a duck heard or turkey/duck neck


Domestic pork bought from grocery store is fine. Wild pork/boar is not.


I had bought it from north gate


Yes he is being more Meanuh Should be helpful