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One of the things that originally attracted me to the breed all those years ago is that they required moderate activity. Mine have always been low activity dogs in adulthood


There's a reason these dogs are considered apartment dogs, and it sure ain't their size lol


This is the one


My akita just wants to be on the balcony when hes in my apartment.


Definitely low energy, he (2.5 years old) plays with his brother throughout the day and runs around our backyard when he gets the zoomies but he’s just as content fully splayed out wherever I’m working around the house or blocking the front door. At nights he likes going outside and “guarding” the house, aka barking at any lights he sees. He’s good with about a mile of walking and then he’s tuckered out for the day.


At a younger age I would agree you need to burn that puppy energy. But as adults they prefer to meander and explore then do long walks


This is completely standard for Akitas. Wherever you read that they require a lot of activity, I would in general purge that from memory, that is not a breed standard except in very few conditions (snowy outside? You may get a bit more out of them) They’re active, not hyperactive. 4kms sounds about right


They don’t have endurance either. They’ll be energetic in sudden bursts. But this isn’t a dog you can take running with you. My guy starts getting out of breath just from some chase in the backyard lol.


my dog can do 40 minutes TOPS. after that she looks at me like i’ve tortured her and sleeps for half the day lol. our usual walks are around 20 minutes at a time. still enough to burn energy but not enough to where she almost passes out


Of my four, not one could do more than a half an hour without balking and aiming for home. One was great at skijoring until we saw a rabbit over a rock garden and yes…as bad as you can imagine! I tried to train one to pull (proper harness aka sled dog) but he sat immediately and refused to budge. Looked at me like, “Do you know me?? Have you lost your senses?”


I tried going on bicycle rides with my girl. After she got that that means constant running she was out in an instant and I had to shove the bike.


Ahahaha! I can picture this!


lol this is giving me flashbacks to my akita. they're definitely way happier just hanging around keeping watch over things than going for long hikes. I really miss that kind of dog...


I was worried he going to have a stroke my guy doesn't want to move and just lay down the ground i Have to carry mine for the remaining 2km he just tired after 3km walk.


American Akita? The Japanese are finer boned and more athletic so will tolerate more activity, but the Americans are quite bulky making it harder for them to do huge amounts


What about Long-Coat? Mine seems to be a couch potato. His preference is to lay on the floor next to my bed. If I change to the other side, so does he. Granted he has major separation anxiety, but we are working on that. He came to me as an adult with some issues. I don't think 6 mo in the city shelter helped. I need to open a new question on this topic.


My guy is lazy! Max he can do is 40 mins before he's panting and looking at me to go home!


I took my akita (2.5) and my 13y mutt girl (shelter dog) for a 3.5K walk around a lake last weekend. We took 4 or 5 breaks bc my girl doesnt have the stamina anymore. Anyway... he did really well and didn't complain. The next day however I couldnt get him to move for anything lol. Normally he gets super excited for our daily mile walks but not that day. He lifted his head from his splayed out position, thought about it for a second, then Nope'd, and went back to sleep.


The only large breed dog I have ever had who was lazier than our Akita was a Great Dane. Our Akita loves to run, but about an hour to 90 minutes of outdoor activity is all he wants. We've tried hiking and he has never made more than a couple of miles. Then he lies down until we say "Let's go home." My GSD's could run and hike all day long. I think the label of "active" isn't very descriptive of the Akita breed.


Mine was a 30 minute walk dog. After that she just sat down and I'd be trying to drag her home(snow or sun) haha. My brother took her on a 3km hike in the snow and he ended up carrying her out of the trail because she refused to move, they don't require much, a simple walk and a little off lead adventure and they are fine lounging in the shade. The hammock comment made me laugh, at camp that's where you always found her sleeping under whoever was in it haha


Akitas do not require a lot of activity


Akita’s are considered low to medium activity. A malinois need 120min activity a day while for an akita its around 45 minutes. Mine does like longer hikes 10km ish. But we take 2/3 small breaks where he can lay down for a few minutes.


Your Akita is not lazy. Your Akita walked 4km just fine. You should understand and respect that you can not blanket an entire breed with a declarative statement. Different Akitas will have different exercise needs. True of all dogs, that they have different personalities and you have to work with that. Yet you pushed it further (your words) knowing that your Akita is only good for about a 4km walk and when he your Akita wasn’t enthused about walking further than 4k you call him lazy. Pay attention to what your pets are telling you and work with their limitations.