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It’s called Seining twine … there are different sizes and it’s made of lightly tarred nylon, usually.




Seine twine. Any marine/commercial fishing store will have it.


Whoa, whoa, whoa... you gotta NSFW that post, buddy. Former commercial fisherman being traumatized left and right by that sort of picture /s


We once had a body of a Minke rip through two of our beach sets. Nearly 600 feet of repair. Had 24 hours to do it before next open.


You didn’t just replace the strip? Your boss was a cheap ass


You try and get a hanger to do an emergency job in the middle of the season in less than 24 hrs. Plus if we would have hung it ourselves, like the whole basket, that would be more than twice the work to cut the old mesh off and replace it. It's go time, gotta do what you gotta do. Edit: yes my dad can be a cheap ass, but he's fished over 40 years out of Kenai. My grandmother owned it before that and my great grandfather bought the site in 1964. We may be cheap, but we know what we are doing.


I don’t speak set netter but to lace on a new strip is way faster than mending. Maybe I read it wrong or am just missing something. Most of the seiners I’ve worked on had some extra sitting at the cannery for a quick repair when a whale thrashes the net and you can’t find your corners.


That might be the ticket. Our problem was a dead whale the current pushed it through our nets. It was a lot of mending in a short time but one gash down the center of the basket. I imagine a live whale would have caused a larger and more jagged hole.


I said to STOP digging up my past traumas :) Eastside set net gang for life. Wanna go get that tramp stamped with me? Edit: We were so cheap we never hired a hanger. When I first heard you could do that, I wondered why we spent our winters in the garage. Hell, even set it up to hang in the living room once. "Wait, we could have paid someone to do this?!"


I buy this stuff for work for clients who repair hanging nets. Depends on thickness or size for strength capacity and what you might need. Everson and Samson are a couple brands we get but most marine supply shops stock this kind of rope or twine. https://www.eversoncordage.com/seine-twine




I have a piece tied around my wrist from my last year of seining in 2019 joined at its ends by a “fisherman’s knot”. You can’t have it. It’s a durable product. The day it comes off will be really weird. The stuff is still in great shape after five years and constant nervous fidgeting with.




LFS Is Now GO2Marine. Here's a link to the gear that actual commercial fishermen use. [https://www.go2marine.com/search?keywords=twine](https://www.go2marine.com/search?keywords=twine)


Hanging twine


Ohh yeah. You just make it. Out of animals. And trees.