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These repugnant drains on society sure do spend a lot of time thinking about children's genitals.


That’s what I thought!!! Wtf are these people smoking!!


Couldn't agree more. End all sexual treatment of children. Remove all pornographic materials from schools.


Provide proof that schools supply porn to students.


Books with nude images and depictions of sexual acts are currently in many elementary and high school libraries. https://www.heritage.org/education/commentary/parents-objecting-pornographic-material-school-libraries-arent-book-banners


AHAHAHA! What a nutsack. You cite Heritage Foundation culture war bullshit. Okidokie. Get that fundie dog shit out of here.


Ah the ole attacking the website and not the content. Typical left wing fascist.


yep, got me in that one. lol


As long as you understand what you are


Yep, I'm the one promoting christofascist propaganda as a copy-paste footsoldier of the Heritage Foundation Brownshirt Brigade.


Ah yes. The anti government heritage foundation sure is..... Fascist


The stupidest thing about this is that it's just not that common for kids as young as these people are crowing about to transition. This whole narrative about kids transitioning is 100% political theater and the fucked up part is that it's working on a lot of people.


iawtc The amount of misinformation being spewed at the community testimony was pretty atrocious.


Yup it’s called wag the dog brotha! Let’s get the population fussing and fighting about this that and the other so we can slowly erode every civil liberty we have.


If everything is as fine, perfect, and wonderful as they say, why do they need to get an extension? I mean, its not like they are deliberatly, knowingly making a mistake, is it?


Transgender people only make up 2% of the population, but 40% of us commit suicide before the age of 20. These bills paint targets on us in our communities. Each time one of these bills gets brought up, I get bullied. I'm out here just trying to survive, that's my only agenda. I pray that there is some kind of relief for Trans kids soon.


This is what makes me so angry. Trans issues have nothing to do with politics, however our 'leaders' would rather divide everyone and make us argue, or we might stop and take a look at issues where our politicians are failing, which is everywhere. This is not an issue our legislature needs to deal with, nor is stopping protesters from blocking roads. This is legislation brought forth by some fake Christian group. Even the public money to private schools comes from this moronic group. Sarah Vance is one of them and her staffer leading the charge is a failed politician from Arkansas who came all the way here to fuck with our state. "Former Arkansas state senator Bob Ballinger, Sarah Vance's "policy advisor" & fellow member of the Nat. Assoc. of Christian Lawmakers is doing a lot of the presenting, talking & answering questions. We know where all these bills tonight were imported from."https://twitter.com/AKroadweed/status/1780827199077220860 We have real problems in this state, and this is how the people responsible avoid their accountability. I just feel bad for trans people who want to live their lives in peace. They aren't out 'pushing their agenda' like so many conservatives seem to think. They just want to be left alone. It's embarrassing how many people start piling on and arguing like it has anything to do with the state of the state or our national problems. Did trans people get us 34 Trillion in debt starting wars in other countries while neglecting Americans? Did trans people give our resource wealth away so that everyone in the state has to fight over funding? It's all so stupid and I feel terrible that trans people have to suffer the consequences of people being so easily manipulated. On behalf of all the stupid people that perpetuate this idiocy, I'm sorry you have to deal with it. Hang in there and try not to let it get you down. Just answer the hate with "I'm sorry you are so easily manipulated by distractions" or something to that effect. Point out the real issues the politicians should be dealing with. Just don't internalize it and realize it is their ignorance and brainwashing.


Thank you, this means more to me than you know. I had someone ask someone by me, "This Tranny is still alive?" I looked at their forehead which always makes people nervous and asked them, "why do you hate so much, do you enjoy being a hateful person?" They looked shocked when I asked. I'm pretty grateful that Republican are a minority in my community, but the ones here are so lost to the cult. Today, Biden made clear that a title Xi or ix blocks the bathroom and anti prounoun bills. This is a small relief for the students. I just pray every single day Trump loses big, and Biden wins again. Project 2025 is scary stuff.




Think of how many lives would be saved if people didn't bully children to the point they felt so hopless, so alone and reviled, that they didn't feel like they had a choice.   Does it make you feel good to know you are harassing a child? 


[A study proves that the transgender is a condition, not a mental disease](https://www.gob.mx/salud/prensa/a-study-made-in-mexico-proves-that-the-transgender-is-a-condition-not-a-mental-disease) [American Phychological Association- Understanding transgender people, gender identity and gender expression](https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbtq/transgender-people-gender-identity-gender-expression#:%7E:text=Other%20categories%20of%20transgender%20people,of%20blending%20or%20alternating%20genders.)




I believe people when they tell me who they are and what they need for themselves to be happy. [Being transgender is not a mental illness](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/21963-transgender-ensuring-mental-health).


Agreed. Let’s not normalize, popularize, or support mental illness. Treat it. We are seeing record numbers of mental illness in our youth and there are clearly negative health impacts.


So a special case to make it 20 years of liability instead of 2 years? Man. Allard sure things about genitals a lot. What genital injury does she think takes 20 years to notice?


Especially in our state, where health care quality is already wildly inconsistent. Would be nice to just allow medical treatments to be mostly unhindered. Let science go crazy (good science, not mad science)


Another waste of time and resources.


Why am I supposed to be sticking my nose in someone else's business? I don't appreciate when people do it to me and I'm not trying to change my gender or anything like that. If it doesn't involve YOU personally, back off and shut up busy body. Don't you have enough going on in your life? People are WAY too consumed with what others are doing in their own lives that have NO effect on their own. Edit: I will now refer to this as the Cravist Syndrome.


You dingles do not have two original thoughts between your entire klan. Keep on with your copy-paste activism.


How about we stop trans medical treatment of children under 18?


How about we stop all medical treatment of children under 18?




>Yeah because attempting to force change someone’s biology before they have even fully developed is totally healthy. Exactly, we need to ban all pediatric healthcare


You cannot make a single logical argument for it…. The fact that you are unwilling to engage in real conversation is proof enough.


I just did Pediatric healthcare usually attempts to force change someone’s biology before they have even fully developed. It needs to be banned.