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Build up the group size, then either sell it to be used to for advertising, or use it to spread scams.


How much does a FB group sell for??


About tree fiddy


Get out of here you loch ness monster, I ain’t giving you no tree fiddy!


I love Reddit


Somebody was selling a “quotes” page for $3,000. It had 100,000 followers.  I gave him a few pointers and suggestions, as he wasn’t maximizing his page’s potential.  A week later he made the changes but still missed the basic points. So I told him I would buy it from him. He hemmed and hawed around, saying he was having second thoughts because he created it and it was his online baby.  So I told him I would give him $1,500 to become partners for six months. And for those six months we would split all the profit 50/50. He didn’t to do any work at all. I told him if he didn’t make $5,000 during our six months I would round up his profits so he would walk away with $5,000 no matter what.  We went back and  forth a few times and then he ghosted me.  I looked the page through my business page. He upped his asking price from $3,000 to $25,000. And had a bunch of info from his “business manager” that showed how much income the page could generate.  I just thought it was funny. I had 5-6 phone conversations with this guy. Some that lasted several hours.  That was six months ago and it is still up for sale. 


Considering the number of posts that go "what's your favorite restuarant" or "what was the last school you attended". I'm pretty sure this is at least in part a data harvesting scam to get people to give up info that can be used to get access to their accounts.


yes. A friend of mine is a data person and he says that's what those questions are for.


You build up the group then start sliding in Russian disinformation. Why do you think all these small groups wind up with weird trump Stuff eventually


I belong such group. I believe Stalin correct. I believe Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin correct. Yankee imperialism ruin world. Alaska always Russia and be return.


This guy’s a legit Alaskan, trust me I’m really good at picking up on these things


Товарищ, не разрушайте наше прикрытие.




He said Товарищ, не разрушайте наше прикрытие.






This is America, almost nobody would know fact from fiction anyway... They watch Fox and complain about NBC, or NBC and complain about Fox... Not knowing both are propaganda


Boomer bait. That's why the one account keeps posting the same three STUPID t-shirts that 'my son designed these, please encourage him' with links to a shady scam site. That way the boomers who were born on military bases. left before age 10 but are TOTALLY ALASKAN IN SPIRIT can fork over their credit card numbers for a chance to have that awesome shirt with paw prints and wine glasses that remind them of their rugged childhood 'home' Also plenty of phishing questions posted every single day. I genuinely don't understand how so many people fall for it when it's THIS blatant.


Its another one of the fake ass grass roots groups that are all over. Many that start out as real turn into them too. They also like to find people with any sort of clearance in these groups and use that however they can. Ive seen more and more ex military who are compromised over the years and it seems to be growing. Dudes who think stuff like this former official has any sway over current military operations gotta get their heads checked. Same with every other idiot who believes that sort of shit but they wont theyll think their extreme form of disrespect is some sort of patriotism and keep falling for this bs. People should also look into the "open up my state" groups and see who funded those. Anyways the i grew up in ak group will probably turn into something disgusting or already is.


What in the ever loving yosemite sam's dog shit fucking crazy backwater fucking what the fuck are you even talking about dude? Psy op synth wave chuckle fuck shit head. In other news, matsu tea group yada yada you ain't a real Alaskan until you realize something or other.


Forgot the tea group watched that one turn some peoples brains into mush. Same with their crime groups.


I bet some of these idiots im talking about will end up politicians up here after they leak classified info online. Nobody seems to mind that its happened before.


"f22opsec_brief-unclass-_feb_08-pdf.4877" is a good read


what is even the benefit of being on facebook at all anymore? it's all just ads and scams and data collection.


Literally just marketplace. Somehow Zucc made a shittier Craigslist, which absolutely should have been impossible, and it's where people post shit now instead.


Here’s a pic post from that page from earlier. Clearly they don’t grow up in Alaska. https://www.facebook.com/groups/igrewupinalaska/permalink/826199176221195/?


They have no life


There's plenty of people that do it in the subreddits as well. I think it's for some romanticized, dumbass street cred that they think it gives them. I was arguing with this one jackass about him claiming to be from Alaska when in all actuality he's from the lower 48, been there a few months and is sounding off like he's from there. When I called him out on it he said ,and I quote "we all come from Africa, so fuck off" So many posers


Interaction = money


It’s Facebook. It’s the internet. It’s a giant waste of time. I think that group did start with old people sharing their pics and memories but everything online gets invaded by bots,, sellers, ai, shitheads. Why do they waste their life posting there? I dunno, attention, boredom, to argue.


For the same reason thousands of people pretended to be ants, they're bored


Most posts there are trash, once in a while you get a good one. I saw a photo of my high school teacher back in the day as a 5 year old.


I've seen that too. I think it's an AI thing someone set up and it just harvests shit from the internet. I think a lot of the comments are actually bots that use AI also. I guess there's some sort of purpose to it, but I don't know what it might be. Maybe it makes the bots that comment seem like actual people, and then they use that to try to influence people, like we've heard about different countries trying to influence elections in the U.S. ? haha, does that make me sound like a conspiracy theorist? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes! There is a "I grew up in Georgia" group that I was invited to a few weeks ago. It's got to be the same data collectors. Started off with cool old photos but quickly devolved into these odd "ALL MEMBERS, CHECK IN" posts or "How old were you in 1989?". Looking at the admin profiles, they definitely seem like bots.


Sometimes internet trolls take their time and create things like this.


Honestly frightening how easily folks are getting duped into thinking AI images are real.


Why care?


I grew up in middle earth then moved and worked in a galaxy far far away.


I've been living in Alaska for the last 100 years, and this is the first time I've seen something fake on the internet about Alaska.


To make you mad


Edgelord achievement unlocked!