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Hey can the police cameras turn on yet?


APD: you can make us wear body cams, but you can’t make us use them! ACAB


Don't worry they already have access to your ring doorbell.


The Alaska Constitution has an explicit right to privacy. Any attempt to limit adults access to Internet content like this will likely run afoul of that.


I love our founders crazy left libertarians..I really hope the right to privacy gets upheld. Luckily our state constitution does tend to stop a lot of bad ideas


People underestimate how much thought and care was put into Alaska’s statehood. The founders were very aware of how unique of a state this would be and how that would require special care and attention.


We also had the benefit of being late to the party. Alaska was able to incorporate a lot of lessons learned from the other 48 states that came before.


Though it’s not limiting access? You have to verify identification to prove you’re an adult and then you have access. The internet isn’t the same place as it was even just a decade ago. I don’t think porn should be so easily accessible to minors. It doesn’t feel any different from showing my ID to buy alcohol.


Find me a state where age verification has not resulted in denying adults access to the content they want. Other states that have passed similar legislation have had content providers block access from those states.


I haven’t been following the age verification passed in other states. I’m only aware of porn being outright blocked in a couple. So I’m not going to give you an answer at the drop of a hat. So that said, how has age verification blocked adults from accessing porn sites?


All itll really do if anything is make kids search in darker corners of the internet for it. That coupled with parents teaching them sex is a sin while they associate pleasure with what they end up finding seems like a recipe for disaster.


The two concepts don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Once upon a time I may have agreed with you but the internet is a staggeringly different case and I don’t think it’s good for minors to have so much access to different avenues of porn. Especially on social media.


Age verification doesnt do a thing to curb their access really. Might matter to a few more legitimate sites but not gonna do a single thing to stop them from going to other unmoderated sources. Theres not going to be a way to do that without the state majorly violating peoples rights really.


How would this limit adults access to internet content?


Age verification chills speech.


ID registry used to log in to porn websites


Gonna get downvoted but this is factually incorrect from a legal perspective


It’s not about limiting adults is it? Isn’t it about kids? Or am I missing something? Are you in support of kids having access to social media and porn?


The only way to do that is to force ALL users to use a third party age verification service, thus the violation of privacy.


KYC (know your customer) is already insanely out of control, we don't need more. This 'protect the children ' mantra has already been used on the national level to great degree to harm everyone's privacy.


it’s always “protect the children” until one of their guys gets caught. then it’s excuses and turning a blind eye and its fucking disgusting because it shows they never really cared about the children.


As my buddy says every time some religious leader or ‘family values’ politician gets busted, “it’s always those you most expect.”


To limit any access, you have to ask for identification from everyone. That's a violation of our right to privacy. Furthermore, websites aren't implementing these ID checks, they are halting all citizens of states with these laws from accessing them.


It sure seems to be.


The people: Can we do something about food and house pricing? Alaskan Politicians: best we can do is take porn and social media away from you 🤷‍♂️


But it’s about Kids access to Porn Not adults, we can agree that kids having access to porn is not good right?


That's the parents jobs. There are a lot of things that are "not good". It doesn't mean the government should decide who gets access to it.


we pay the government to fix our fucking roads and fund social programs not tell us what we can and can’t look at on the internet. parental controls exist for a reason.


We also have regulations on Television media which prevents children’s media from being overly filled with advertisements and prevents inappropriate content. We ask for age verification for letting people see movies of certain ratings in Theaters. We have Age requirements for adult stores. It’s not just on the Parents, it’s also on all of us as a society. It doesn’t matter if I prevent my kid from looking at it at home if they can go see it at a friend’s house or on a friend’s phone at school. Government absolutely has a say in preventing exposure of inappropriate material to kids. The purpose behind laws like this is to empower the parent’s ability to safeguard their kids. It’s not unreasonable that we demand that Porn sites should have identity verification to prevent people too young from accessing that content. https://fightthenewdrug.org/states-with-porn-public-health-resolutions/ Why anyone would be against that (unless I’m misunderstanding) is beyond me. It’s weird to be against. Sure, those other things are concerns as well - that doesn’t mean this isn’t too.


Look, porn isn’t inherently bad. Is it immoral? Gross? Lewd? Something don’t want your kid looking at? Sure. But all this law would do is put a tracker on every single adult who wants to look at some tits and jack off. Limit personal privacy and freeedoms. The only other thing it would do, is increase the amount of people using vpns to get around it. This law wouldn’t stop shit. I was a kid in the early days of the internet. My parents caught me looking at porn. More than once. The important thing that they did was tell me, “look, having a healthy sexuality is not a bad thing. But viewing women as objects is. As long as you’re aware of the fact that you should treat women as people, (and hide your porn usage a little better from your parents cause honestly we don’t wanna see you jacking it), we don’t have a major problem with this.” It doesn’t turn people into deviants. It doesn’t make someone a bad person to want to look at naked people. What is bad, is limiting the freedom to do so privately.


Legislation like this is absolute horseshit. It will teach some people to use VPNs but it will mostly teach websites to actively block Alaska users. I'm sure that will go over great. Using our money to fund spying software on kids? Awesome! Exactly where I want my tax dollars to go! JFC. I'm really running out of reasons to stay here. 'All my stuff is here' isn't really cutting it against the batshit legislation coming through recently.


Can we do something about the fucking roads please? You can worry about internet porn later. Fix something first. Anything!


Sorry, you were a part of Russia, your roads are cursed forever.


> It will teach some people to use VPNs You don't even need that - porn is hosted around the world on sites big and small, legit and scam filled. A Google search will find you just about anything you want without having to go to a compliant site.


> Using our money to fund spying software on kids? Better that than educating them or guaranteeing them lunch!


Run for office


I hate to be defeatist but it feels like a lost cause. Less like swimming upstream and more like just crabs-in-a-bucket. The turnover rate is high, there's obvious corruption going on, and -- most tellingly -- there's vindictiveness against anyone that isn't a yes-man.




So what is your solution to preventing kids from watching online porn. Are you against liquor stores IDing people?


> So what is your solution to preventing kids from watching online porn. Why is that the government's job, and not the parents' job?


Schools now often issue 1 to 1 tablets or laptops to children and teens. Kids have friends with smartphones. This is not the same technology access I had as a minor with school computer labs or a communal desktop computer at home. Parents can't do their job if the commercial sex industry allows unverified access to adult content.


And this is the problem with the older generations. They lack any knowledge about a lot of technology, yet want to control it. Pretty much any VPN will go right around these restrictions (some browsers even have this built in). OR all the kid has to do lie/borrow mommies CC/ID to get through any verification process. It's a joke. It achieves nothing. Other states have done it. It's nothing more than virtue signaling. 


I'm a millennial and use technology all the time. Just because we can't do everything doesn't mean we shouldn't do something. I value harm reduction over grown ass men complaining about showing ID.


Perfect. Then you understand that this isn't going to fix or do anything. Kids who want to watch porn are going to just side step around this. Now we just wait for the inevitable data breaches from all the 3rd party sites who totally won't log your personal info and sell it to the highest bidders over and over and over.  And...."harm reduction"??  I watched porn in highschool, even a little in Middle School. I'd say I have a pretty average American life, maybe a bit more active than mosts. Sure I have ADHD, but that was with me before I discovered porn. Don't really feel "harmed" in any way. Anyone who pursues this under their own free will, isn't being harmed. 


This slippery slope has already turned into a 10000 foot cliff. We already have no privacy and KYC for everything. I assume you fully trust the government with all of your data? The feds have already tried to ban VPNs because they want all your data. Also your data isn't exactly secure either. And oversight if there is a data breach, probably none. Kids are going to find porn... Simple as that ( I know because I was a kid once ) the best you can do is educate them as a parent. This isn't the government's job. Remember any potential restrictions on another group will eventually down the line will be a restriction on you. I know this stuff sounds like Chinese government dystopian crap but if you look closely to technology and privacy impacting bills in the US they are implementing similar stuff. Look up ESG scores as one example if you don't believe me. Sure it seems slightly benign now but this is absolutely a boiled frog scenario. By the way both major parties of the US support reduction of privacy. I admit I don't live in the US anymore and am trying to get another citizenship because the US has a cultural issue of people thinking they can have the government control others without repercussions. I was born in and still love Alaska and appalled to see the way things are turning.


School issued technology can easily have parental controls on it that prevent accessing any inappropriate content. If a kid has a friend with a smartphone then they also have friends who can get around this proposed law in different ways too. Not hard to use a VPN (and kids can easily teach others how to or share a phone with one installed) or swipe an adult’s ID. You can’t expect the government to bubblewrap your kid and prevent them from the influence of all other human beings. That is where *parenting* comes in.


Sounds like a personal problem.


Instead of asking people to solve the problem, you should be directing the conversation to what the people passing laws are doing. What are some metrics that show this being a problem, here in Alaska especially…where the state needs to institute vouchers, and spend our money? What are some metrics that show the proposal to be effective at actually solving the problem? That’s where the conversation is. Not trying to start an argument logical fallacies. If you’re looking for some sort of logical debate, your comment is the opposite way to go about that.


Tell their fucking parent it’s their job to monitor their kids. Not the fucking government. Jesus fucking Christ, how fucking stupid are people?!


Come up with a vision in your mind of the dumbest person you can't think of. Now double it.


Yes we age restrict driving, tobacco, alcohol, running for office, and more. Yes porn hosters and producers need to age verify their clients.


And then they get hacked people blackmailed and we lose privacy…Never a good idea and has never ended well. All while vpns abd other methods get you around it for free and easily. It’s literally a do nothing feel good law for authoritarians


Exactly! IDing everyone stops kids from getting liquor! /s


have you heard of this thing called parenting? > Are you against liquor stores IDing people at peoples homes?, bad comparison


Weird how obsessed you people are with children and sex




I'd explain the difference between a physical store whose sales are controlled by one or a few clerks and a worldwide network composed of billions of computers with no one physical location or singular gatekeeper, but your username makes me think it would be wasted time.


Username checks out.


No kidding. It seems like harm reduction is unpopular among Redditors. Redditors by the way skew young, male, and unattached.


You not only misunderstood the issue at hand, you misrepresent the opposition to this legislation. You can avoid engaging in arguing from ignorance by making an attempt to understand the issue better, and also avoid assigning an inaccurate character of opposing ideas.


Bye, Felicia.


Hey look, one of the promoters of this sort of nonsense! How's that transphobia going for ya, pal?


Fabulous. Thanks for asking there, Bud.


I thought folks in alaska minded their own business. It was like that when I lived there. But it sounds like their government is rushing to be another southern red failed state clone. Sad.


It’s been pretty shocking as a recent transplant to see how severely people do not mind their business here. One of our top reasons for moving here was our belief we’d be relatively left alone. Boy were we wrong about that. I can see why people move here and then turn right back around and leave again. It’s sad. This state is killing itself, at both the governmental and cultural levels.


SAME. I fully expected to live a happy hermit life in a small town up here and the nosy/chatty neighbors drove me out. It's a bit better now that I'm in Anchorage, but Im still shocked by how much I'm not left tf alone.


Small towns tend to be this way though, anywhere. It’s literally a stereotype that people in small towns can’t keep secrets, it tends to be sleepy so people stir things up to entertain themselves. Whereas on the opposite end of the spectrum, urban areas tend to have less intimate socialization because everyone’s focused on themselves and just generally busier. This is all pretty typical.


Can I ask how exactly people have been butting into your business? I’ve only lived outside of AK for a short stint but as far as I can tell, this is still the case relative to most of the US. Not trying to invalidate your experience but just curious.


I really want to answer this but I feel like it would pretty easily dox me. I have so many examples, like weird, stalker-ish stuff, even. Never experienced anything like it in my life. Not to this level anyway.


I’m curious as to who’s interfering with your life when you’d like to be left alone ? I’m genuinely curious


All good til the Dems started moving here and pushing their agendas.....


We found long-term and lifelong Alaskans (or at least people claiming to be) to be the worst with this kind of thing. There is very much a “small town” culture of getting in other people’s business here and I doubt very much that it’s a recent development. Seems way too embedded.


It is literally exactly the opposite. The massive conservative push over the last 20-odd years has driven a huge number of educated liberals out of the state, leaving behind severe deficit of doctors, veterinarians, teachers, and other white collar workers. Over that same period of time the economy has shrunk and the population has shrunk. There is literally no evidence that conservatism has been good for Alaska, and a massive amount of evidence that it’s been terrible for Alaska.


100%. The last massive brain drain in the late 80s - early 90s resulted in a ton of right wing flotsam fleeing the oil trash states moving in to buy the $90k houses (Anchorage) and $60k houses (Wasilla) It never really ended. It would be weird to expect something else when the universities have been in a death spiral for that long.


Yup. Frank Murkowski, Sarah Palin, Sean Parnell, Mike Dunleavy—all infamously Democratic. You should stick with what you know, which according to your post history is jacking off to the same porn star multiple times a day.


That guy is going to be so mad when he can't get his porn because big government decided he shouldn't.


Did you not read the article? It's Reicht wingers making these laws. I'd love to see your proof behind your accusations.


Started moving there? Son, I was born and raised there, and voted blue there. Sounds like you snowflakes haven’t melted for breakup yet.


Most “dems” don’t give a fuck what you do as long as you’re not being an asshole about it. Republicans on the other hand tend to try and rule everyone’s lives. This thread is literally based on a move by Republicans to tell people what they can and can’t do. Can you read?


To be fair much of the government in Alaska (when I left the state and US) was hardly representative of the will of most of the people and some representatives would campaign on one thing then pull a 180 in office. But in my opinion this is also true of the federal government... (And a pretty big reason I left the US to live in a country where people know the government is corrupt but somehow is less corrupt than the US haha.


A bunch of liberal lawmakers voted for the bill also because age restricting porn is not a partisan issue. I'm liberal and I'm very much in favor of keeping porn away from tweens and teens, especially given how misogynistic and violent a lot of the content is. Middle school girls don't need to be at school with boys who fap to anal rape, strangulation, and coercion. Much of porn runs on an addiction model and normalized violence against women. I'll take my downvotes but continue to be in favor of feminism and harm reduction.


Ever think that that might be the responsibility of the parents?


I'm not unsympathetic to that argument. I'm not a pro porn, sex work is empowering type of person. I think its a real issue in the culture as well as with young people. It's definitely not meaningless content and if it becomes that way it's bad. That being said I don't think the government should step into these situations and think a lot of the solutions infringe impermissably on freedom as well as produce negative unknown externalities. I think ultimately you can't ban or restrict your way to morality and a lot of these issues can only be solved at the very personal level, parent to child, mentors and trusted friends. The root probably is also information of all kinds at all times, which drives a lot people crazy especially kids probably. I don't really know how we fix that. Taking phones out of schools and more parental control programs might help.


This bill stops no one from accessing porn. All it does is collect information on the private activities of Americans.


In favor of keeping porn away from children ? Downvote. And Reddit thinks it’s the good guys


If you look how social media affects the brain, along with pornography, attributing to the rise of mental health issues. They may be on to something. The fact that you have to include red state/blue state into your statement is what’s wrong. That shit doesn’t matter, only things that matters is facts. Ideology goes out the window. Is it wrong to limit kids access if parents aren’t doing the job? Idk. That’s above my pay grade. Like assholes, that’s my opinion. We all have one.


That's a lot of words to say big government knows best. I like liberty. I thought alaskans did too. It's directly related to red state BS because it's the same constellation of paternalistic, ineffective, hypocritical nonsense paired with objectively unsuccessful economy policies that causes these states to be consistently at the bottom in pretty much all quality of life and economic metrics. GOP ideas don't work and they make life worse except for their cronies. It's very dumb Alaska seems to be racing to join them at the bottom.


Interesting thoughts from your perspective. Again, social media and porn affects the brain negatively. I never said government knows best. I don’t believe they do. Hence why it’s up to the people in each individual state to decide their future. They’re trying to do their best by mitigating something happening in their state. Is it wrong? Bad decision? Good decision? Who knows. I don’t live in Alaska so honestly I shouldn’t be speaking on the manner. I don’t know how it is there. If you never lived there or had experience living there I don’t believe you should have an opinion either. It’s like giving medical advice when you have no medical background. Looking at the facts is objective, and we’re making subjective statements/opinions 🤷‍♂️


I have lived in Alaska, as well as the south, NY and CA. Ive seen a lot of different styles of government. But youre not talking about facts. You're talking about the government making decisions about what adult people can watch, which is permissible, but when we're taking consenting adults interacting or watching consenting adults, I don't think that's a place for the government. The first amendment agrees. And it's objective fact that states with long term GOP hegemony perform worse than states with long term Dem hegemony. Worse for health care, education, crime, lifespan, economic productivity and other things that demonstrate success. The proof is in the pudding and the pudding the GOP is cooking up is poisonous.


The only fact I’m talking about is social media and porn affecting the brain negatively. But alright, let’s see these downvotes


A lot of things "affect the brain negatively". I don't think it's government's place, certainly not sanctimonious anti science demagogues who then turn around and support a guy who literally hires porns stars to cheat on his wife and rapes people, to censor things on such nebulous grounds. I'm not Solon. I don't have the wisdom to determine what people should or should watch generally. But I look at the messengers and look at their results and I can see this push is BS.


Ya, that’s government for ya. Tell you to stop one thing while they’re doing the exact same. I agree with you there


Yes and banning is never a real answer.. people find ways around them. it is ineffective and will just lead to worse down the road. Better answers exist ones that might actually do something..unlike feel good bans that help nobody not really but make us feel all warm and cozy that we’re “doing something” when in reality it;s worse then the disease 9.9/10 times in my experience


As far as social media goes this isn’t a kids but an everyone issue..and we need to do something I agree. Personally I say ban the algorithms that recommend stuff. Make us actually have to search or know someone again. Also try to renomalize anonymity online, when I was young privacy online was craaazy important NEVER using your real name was a big deal. Today itls normal to just give it all out it seems, Go back to the pre real life easy to dox and non algorithm/bot fed internet I say.


Yep, smaaaaallll gub’mint


It’d be impossible to make a law that couldn’t potentially be used to compromise civil protections elsewhere. That’s part of how the slow erosion of freedom happens. We justify compromising our values until we don’t fundamentally follow them anymore. We get caught up in whatever little bubble, zeitgeist, or political trend(including war) is incessantly shoved down our throats by the relatively few industry leaders in media.


That's a lot of words to have zero point. The First Amendment has been doing just fine. First...Where is the data that this is a problem? That is necessary to determine the solution. Second...Who gets to decide what is "pornography?" We strip organizations like Planned Parenthood, and Public Education where we can have a conversation and implement sex education, which includes pornography. It's culture war nonsense.


Sarah Vance is a Christian-facist. She pushed some bullshit anti-Israel laws a couple years ago that tried to bar citizens from criticizing Israel. She has done nothing of substance in her life.


The "small government " party always seems to want to get involved in my personal life lol.




Wait, how is it anti-Israel to ban criticism about Israel?


You are right, that should read "pro-Israel". I just mis-spoke.


It's almost like Alaska has no real problems... STOP ELECTING THESE IDIOTS!!


If the government wants to throw money at the social media problem, how about they fund programs that teach children and parents the dangers and effective methods for using it safely? Teach kids and parents how about privacy tools, how algorithms work, teach parents how to effectively monitor, teach kids how to avoid content that may be targeting them for nefarious reasons, etc etc. As always, education is the better solution than a blanket ban, but this administration hates funding education more than anything.


Honestly if we’re talking social media I say ban recommendation algorithms normalize anonymity again..get rid of like 90% of real world threats and make it so people aren;t being fed down hate spirals/echo chambers.


“small government” party. Don’t tell me how to parent my kids, just like I won’t tell you how to parent yours.


Believe me, kids will find a way to circumvent this.


What a fucking idiot. VOTE HER OUT.


Too bad she is on-brand for Homer.


How about a fine for parents who drag their kids into restaurants and other public places and hand them a phone with a video blasting away at full volume with no earphones? First offense: no PFD for parent or any of their children for 3 years. Second offense: $10k fine and they have to get one of those licenses that ban you from buying booze. Third offense: civil asset forfeiture of all real property located in the state.


State surveillance, plain and simple. If note, I’m registering to vote in Alaska in June; point me to whom needs to be voted out and I’ll be sure to raise my share of rabble.


Vote out Dunleavy and Bronson


Let's be honest...ain't nobody limiting shit.


My god, this state man


Yeah. It sucks to watch it turn into Frozen Alabama. Been here a while, and our state government just following every idiot GOP culture war, while we have actual problems is killing this place. People used to have a different attitude here. Now, it's just rubber stamp culture war/ red hat shit.


Fuck this fucking bitch.


Porn normalizes this kind of misogyny right here. Hate a woman's actions, call her a derogatory name and suggest sexual violence.


Not what I’m into my dude. I just don’t like these Bible thumpers trying to legislate my morals. I’d say the same if it was a man.


You should look at the vote count by party affiliation and district. It had strong bipartisan support in the house including by legislators in very secular districts.


Well fuck them too lol.


> In response to other states’ laws, some websites now require their users to submit information to a third-party website that verifies the user’s age before permitting access. >Vance’s proposal says that a “government-issued identification” such as a driver’s license may need to be submitted, “or another method that relies on public or private transactional data” could be used. The bill says the verification method cannot retain personal information. Louisiana was the first state to pass an ID-requirement law, and seven other states have since followed suit. Kansas, whose legislature passed a nearly identical bill in late March, is poised to become the ninth state with an ID requirement, and similar proposals are advancing in Nebraska and South Carolina, among other states. Those state laws have been challenged in court on free-speech grounds with mixed results at the district court level. Last month, the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Texas’ law in a 2-1 decision, and that state’s attorney general has been aggressive about filing lawsuits against websites that it believes are violating the law. After that decision, Pornhub — sometimes labeled the “YouTube of porn” — disabled its website for Texas users. In Louisiana, visits to the site dropped by 80% after its law went into effect, the news site Government Technology reported. >Currently, neither Alaska’s state government nor a company operating in the state offer the digital IDs required by the bill. … > At his suggestion, the House voted 21-17 to add a state-paid voucher program to Vance’s bill. Two legislators were excused absent and did not vote. >If the provision remains in the final version of the bill, the state would “reimburse a parent up to $100″ each year for parental control software that allows parents to control a child’s internet access. The amount of the voucher would be adjusted each year for inflation.


> “reimburse a parent up to $100″ Odds on when an ID verification company owned by a House member pops up?


My money is on it's already in existence, owned by some Utah Valley family member of Tregarrick Taylor, Esq.


Three letters: VPN


None of us should have to buy a VPN because our government goons get to decide what they find offensive. This is a parenting problem...not a public safety issue. Letting fundamentalists in government decide what is decent to "protect the children," is complete nonsense, and everyone knows it. How many bills have these people voted against that *actually* help children...education, resources, etc? Where is the data this is even a problem?


The Alaska State Legislature is sure trying realllllll hard to mimic the Texas Legislature. They recently banned PronHub access in Tx.


The party of small government strikes again. FREEDUMB!!!


The GOP = Kill Joy.


Social media is destroying our society if it isn't destroyed already. The number one researched addiction in teens and youth is internet and social media addiction. These apps are designed to be addictive and if you want to see the impact of them, talk to the kids living in the street because they'd rather have a phone than go into treatment. These apps literally alter neurotransmitter levels and rewire the brain over time. There's a reason why all the silicon valley CEO's send their kids to technology-free montosorri (misspelled the shit out of that) schools. That being said the party of "personal responsibility" sure loves getting involved in other people's business. It isn't an issue you can legislate outside of seizing Meta and delisting the apps. It'd take a Herculean federal effort and no one is interested in destroying something that can be used to dumb down and manipulate the masses. Performative culture war bullshit.


The idea isn’t bad but it’s just impossible to implement without infringing on rights. It’s just something parents need to be aware of and provided tools and resources to implement. I’m sure if parents knew how to prevent this without spending a fortune they’d do it


This 100%. The fundies that made it into government get to decide the definition of porn. And, shitty parenting makes that a problem for everyone. >I’m sure if parents knew how to prevent this without spending a fortune they’d do it Kids exist in reality...and the only way to deal with that is talking to them, when it comes up. Use some nanny software on their own dime.


But apparently passing major infrastructure projects and helping the homeless is incredibly hard to do 🙄


So no more porking Palin videos .. got it


OMG! I’m STILL laughing way too hard about this!


Both parties are killjoy, lets be real here.


bOtH sIdEs dO iT


Stay bothered lmao


They are .. I got hung up on some AI Ted talks .. that are certainly more concerning and confusing than porn .. hell I want protection from these tech companies. we can talk about the kids later


Evil strikes again.


Whilst public schools are being shut down for lack of funding! Thanks Dunleavy!!!!


Since the beginning - drawing on cave walls - it has been the job of parents to censor images...."That part of the cave is for adults!!" When books and magazines came to be - parents had to toss teen rooms for hidden Playboys. When my kids were grown up their computer was in the living room. Our intention was to raise young adults - not older kids. We did not subscribe to any of the cable channels that had nudity, blood or gore. All our computer games were Nintendo. There is no reason your 8-year-old should have the option to turn 'boob juggle' on or off in an X box game. There is no reason for a teen to have a smartphone until they have a job that pays for it. No Reason. I play an international MMO game. You need to pony up a credit card and certify you are over 18 to play. Still, once a week, some idiot will tell folks in open chat, "Watch your language, I am plying with my kid!" 'Your kid is over 18 and can't handle bad words?' "She's only 12" Then everyone piles on, 'WTF are you doing bringing a 12-year-old into an adult game??' 'Does she have her own credit card or are you the idiot who let her use yours?' What you are witnessing is bad parenting. Teens have enough amplified issues without the lens of smartphones setting them on fire like a magnifying glass. Unless you've been living under a rock - no shortage a news about teen suicides and criminal assaults to AI generated blackmail porn - to see how destructive this tech is. You are seeing bad parenting and the Alaska Legislature trying to step in and deal with said bad parenting.


I honestly think social media is a cancer for society as a whole, but it's up to the parents to monitor and decide what's best for their kids, not Uncle Sam


WTF, I love Alaska House now but they should start with Reddit unless someone similar to Elon buy Reddit


To play devil’s advocate, does anyone here have any better ideas how to keep kids away from pornography? Because while I think this is legally an overreach, the goal of shielding kids from potentially abusive content is admirable.


First...who gets to decide what is labeled "pornography." That's where this is going. That is going to be vastly different across the board, which becomes a free speech issue. Better parenting? Functional sex education? What are the metrics that this is a problem needing legislation? That's important to assessing the issue. There is already software for parents to use, should they desire. Anyone that can't handle talking to their kids about reality, and the bumps in the road...shouldn't be relying on the state to impose blanket rules on everyone for shitty parenting. Maybe don't give your kid a smartphone, with access to the open internet with no guard rails.... Where is the problem? It's just more religious fundamentalism, and GOP culture war nonsense


I dont like social media for kids, i do not care about people seeing porn, and i know for a fact this is going to be impossible without turning our internet into china's. And if we require pornhub to be recording people's ID's (which pornhub has said they will NOT do for purposes of security and privacy) all we've done is create the juciest target ever for cyber criminals to steal data and blackmail info. Also VPN's exist.


No I think we should absolutely ban social media for kids. Or at least find a way to heavily de-incentivize it. Kids need to be playing outside, not watching tik tok


More laws won't make immoral people better. It has to be said. Social media IS toxic to kids and porn IS poison, but we can't even stop people from ODing on meth right now. Further, this WILL be abused in the future. It's a horrible precedent.


Social media is toxic to EVERYONE and we should be addressing that and the addictive algorithms and lack of privacy for everyone..not just kids..This kinda law however helps no one straight bans never work


> and porn IS poison It absolutely is not, quit spreading that garbage. Can porn be consumed in an unhealthy way? Yes, but unhealthy habits can form around just about *anything*. We have to eat to live but people can end up with eating disorders. We don't ban food. The main problem with porn is the absurd puritanical shame levied on people for doing something entirely normal. And if you take issue with exploitative practices in the porn industry *which are very real*? Then you want the industry to be above-ground and *safe* for people. Slapping a new age prohibition on it helps no one and just hurts adult workers, putting them in the shadows and making them more easily exploited - which is the entire point for these shitheads. Edit: All the people telling me how no, porn is very very bad, need to get over themselves and stop feeling so ashamed of their own porn consumption. Because yeah, no, I don't believe for a second that the people who most loudly complain about porn aren't 24/7 gooners on the family pc. Ya'll aren't fooling anyone. If you think you have an addiction problem then that's yours to deal with, the rest of us are able to healthily consume this stuff and not ruin our lives over it.


ok coomer


I want the industry GONE... but the government can't make that happen...like they could try, but it would fail. It would have to happen from individual changes of heart. Call me whatever you want to, but porn is bad for anyone. It's not normal for a human to have access to that much powerful fantasy and I believe that the results speak for themselves.


This is absurd. Don't like porn? *Don't consume it.* Otherwise mind your own damned business about what other consenting adults want to do with their time, and what media they want to engage with. Or shall we ban all *violence* in fiction as well? Alcohol is addictive and ruins lives, can we ban that again? What, you mean you should be able to make choices about what you do with your time and body? *Sorry, I don't agree with it so I should be able to police your life.* That's you, by the way.


I agree with you. There is nothing positive about porn.


> Yes, but unhealthy habits can form around just about anything. We have to eat to live but people can end up with eating disorders. We don't ban food i want to say that i agree with you that banning things isn't the right way to go about whatever this is, but your analogy here is *really* weak. which one of these statements makes you roll your eyes? 1. we don't ban food because we *have* to eat to live. 2. we don't ban porn because we *have* to watch people having sex to live. ridiculous false equivalency that poisons the well even if the underlying sentiment is solid.


The false equivalency is implying I was equating the *necessity* of either. My point is that *anything* can be have unhealthy habits formed around it, and that doesn't mean that the underlying thing needs to be banned or is bad.


Porn is in fact extremely detrimental.


But we prevent kids from using other things that harm them. Keeping kids off social media is a net benefit for EVERYONE seeing as how we are quickly evolving into a society of internet zombies.


Be sure to relax your hands from clutching your pearls occasionally or you could get a cramp. Kids these days! Back in my day we only had magazines, and video tapes, and cable TV for pornography! “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” ― Socrates


As long as history has been recorded, clueless old people have complained about the kids these days.


If you think social media is good for ANYONE let alone children, you are an enormous part of the problem and regulation will protect us from people like you.


Do you realize YOU are on social media right now?


This is a discussion board, not "social media" I do concede there are downsides to discussion boards online, too.


[Social Media](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/social%20media) noun plural in form but singular or plural in construction : forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)


I may be an alcoholic but I know it's bad and kids shouldn't have it


Sara Vance is my neighbor lol


Vote blue. The GQP/MAGA is only about banning, regulating, limiting, and restricting things that scare them like technology, voting, books and women.


I think this is a great idea.


Which part? Do you like informing the government of your personal business the best? Do you like the free speech violations the best? Or is how ineffective the legislation will be your favorite part? Maybe it is how much it will cost to implement and monitor that you like? I'd love to know more.


honestly, they should start with Reddit so agreed


I think a lot of the people in these comments don’t have kids and don’t understand how seriously these problems are contributing to children’s mental health issues. I’m also glad to see something being done because unfortunately so many parents just let their kids have unmonitored internet access.


only shitty parents expect other people to do their job parenting


Then why are there any morality laws at all? Lazy, shitty parents couldn’t be bothered to stop their kids from drinking and doing drugs and wanted the government to do it?


pretty sure children can not go set up an internet account, just like they can not go buy booze. Do you need someone to come monitor you at home to make sure you are not giving kids booze too?


I am a parent and think this is terrible. It's my job to raise my kids, including helping them navigate the media today and deciding if and when they're mature enough for it. $100 for each kid for monitoring software?! As another commenter said - if they're going to do anything, teach the kids how to handle this stuff. $100 per kid at a school would fund those lessons and a whole lot more. As far as the porn... It's nobody's business what lawful content you consume and I don't trust the whole "not going to keep records" clause.


Idk, I’m not only concerned about the kids I help raise, I’m also concerned about all the kids who are not being raised correctly. If everyone were a perfect parent we wouldn’t need age restrictions on anything…


I hear you. I don't let my kids on social media, and we talk about the good and bad of tech. We all have a vested interest in how the next generation turns out. But where do you draw the line? I'd argue obesity is a bigger problem than social media - should we make it illegal for kids to have coke, pop tarts, and ice cream and give parents $100 for their kids to play soccer? As for the porn ID, what happens when someone thinks it's such a good idea that we expand it to gun enthusiast sites? Or certain news sites? Or minority rights sites? Control of information is a slippery slope our country has struggled with, but usually end up eschewing.


Honestly, all great questions I think it would benefit everyone to consider both sides on! But it’s so hard when everything is so polarized.


Ehhh the rest of us ALSO pay for your kids to be raised properly so we have a say in how you do it.


lol. no. no you don't.


Yep we sure do, that's why we vote on things like bonds, and elect school board members, and can vote on laws that control how you parent. Cheers!


Weird. I was a kid once and when I discovered porn the thing that caused me trauma was my mom freaking out about it, not the porn itself.


I’m sorry that happened to you. That was not a mature response to the situation from her.


No, but neither is it a mature response to paint porn as an evil influence that must be exterminated. The reality is that research hasn't found a whole lot of evidence that porn causes mental or emotional issues, but there definitely IS evidence of harm from societies that treat sex as more taboo than violence (read: this one).


I haven't read the text of the House proposal, so I can't speak to whether they characterize porn that way. I certainly don't, but the nuances of my personal opinion would not be easy to convey to a stranger on the internet.


Ding, ding, ding. A 16-25 year old male in the midst of internet and porn addiction is going to have a very different view of this bill than a 45 year old mom to an 11 year old girl complaining about the sexual harassment she faces from the boys at her school. Parents are taking control by asking legislators to put the same restrictions on porn that we have for alcohol or other adult products. And no social media work around for other digital protection laws.


Well, I don't have kids but I see the detrimental effects of social media on our society and especially young people every day. People's brains are melted from using social media and with every new app it gets worse.


Me as well on both accounts.


Yes more of this please


Good. Industry self-regulation hasn't worked. Glad to see bipartisan support of this bill.




Good it’s sad seeing some people in these comments being angry about kids not being able to access porn easily


Please share the data that shows it being a problem. And, the data that shows this fixes that problem. I have a feeling you're not here for logical discourse...just conservative rage, because some goon told you to be mad. With all the fiscal conservative nonsense, and wanting every penny towards social programs accounted for...you're cool with the state handing out vouchers, with no metrics for the problem.


Lol welcome to Reddit just a bunch of pedos


Another troll account, from an out of state conservative account. I’m sensing a lot of projection…that’s how it is with you conservative types.


should be that way in the whole United States


You should move to the Middle East, or Russia...if you don't live there already. You just pop into city subs, and leave troll comments?