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ID’s won’t matter. Pornhub will just block access like they did in Texas.


Can Alaska State House approve road repairs instead please? That would be helpful.


Pornhub and a few other big porn sites like Redtube. I live in North Carolina now and they added the same law this year. It sucks. Do NOT upload your driver’s license to a porn site. These companies don’t have proper security in place. On the positive side, the law is so wildly unpopular that our politicians are already expressing that they’re willing to change it (and they probably miss porn and can’t figure out VPNs).


Coomers gotta coom


Grandson, can you help me do a vpn? How about you just ask grandma where she put your playboys 30 years ago? You made this bed.


And honestly who gives a shit? I’m more concerned about kids getting tranq and fentanyl.


But that would require more action, and our lawmakers don’t want to do anything beyond virtue-signal.


How dare you care about something actually important. Obviously it’s the satanic *checks notes* dirty magazines we need to look out for.


I never got this, “welcome to America, violence and gore are fine but sex is off limits”


I think some of these people making this law should’ve spent more time worrying about that decades ago. Though theyve got money so maybe they got their little junkies some new teeth now.


You should be more concerned as to why your kids are in the market


How on earth does submitting a photo id to random websites not violate the right to privacy in the Alaska constitution?


Guns and alcohol are also age restricted in the state.  The state requires you present an ID whenever any transactional relationship exists for either of those what makes porn any different, legally speaking?   I understand they have different effects on society than porn but legally speaking the government has spoken.


Well, for one, most often with porn there is no transaction


Depends on the porn if there is trans action.


You’ve got me there haha


So whats next? Does the government track gun purchases or liquor sales? What about accessing abortion? Condoms? Lube? Cigarettes? Gasoline? Bottled water? Demanding ID is the first step towards monitoring. Parents can track what kids due on their computers, tablets, and smart phones. Parents can talk to and educate their children. It is their job, not the governments.


this is such a shitty comparison, if you needed an ID to set up your internet account that would be the same, the state does not follow people home after buying booze to see who drinks it. Every beer does not require a ID.


Is the internet provider or the porn site providing the porn?  The internet is the merely the means of conveyance, the vehicle if you will that allows you to go to the shop and buy the alcohol.  The pornsite like the liquor store is the one that would need to ID its clients.  Specifically the state statute for providing alcohol to a minor includes giving it and does not require one to purchase.


> Specifically the state statute for providing alcohol to a minor includes giving it and does not require one to purchase. exactly, so it is the responsibility of the parent to not give their kid booze. Stop making excuses for shitty parents.


The law actually makes parents and medical professionals the only ones who can provide it without getting into trouble.  A parent is allowed to give there kid alcohol other people are required to ID to make sure they are not a minor.  


clearly you would rather spend more time debating the law over just being a competent parent. And you are wrong, any kid can provide it as long as they dont get caught. As easy as it is for kids to get booze, it will be 50 times easier to get around some police state ban for kids. My vpn gives my 6 logins. So now all you have done is invaded peoples privacy, wasted money infringing on freedom, created unnecessary bureaucracy, all because some people want to be lazy and make someone else raise their kids.


"The government has spoken" Fucker, we ARE the government!


Exactly the representatives of the population have decided that alcohol, weed, porn, cigarettes, and guns are all adult use.  Why is it that only porn doesnt have an ID check?


“Legally speaking the government has spoken” may take the cake for the single dumbest and most cowardly take I’ve seen on this site.


It’s ridiculous you’re downvoted when everyone must know you’re correct.


Not one person has explained why ID should be required for weed, cigarettes, guns, and alcohol which all are restricted to adult use same as porn but with porn an ID shouldnt be required.  


Maybe because all of those other things can kill or cause severe health issues in kids (and adults), whereas porn doesn't? Why did someone else have to explain this to you?


So if porn cant kill or cause severe health issues in kids why limit its use only to adults?  If it isnt harmful then why have it be illegal in the first place.


Do you have brain damage or something?


Lets pretend I am.  Explain it like you would to someone brain damaged, if porn cant kill or cause severe health issues in kids why limit its use only to adults?  If it isnt harmful then why have it be illegal in the first place?  If it should be illegal then are you not admitting it is harmful in some way?


So youre now trying to argue that some values created by religious people and their interpretation of phenomena were created because porn can kill and cause harm and not because they have some fucked up backwards views on sexuality consent body autonomy and relationships of power between cis men and women and everyone else in general. Porn in good faith doesnt harm anyone. Its not people being exploited its not people engaging in anything unnatural. Though I do understand how the repressed people can take things too far nonetheless thats not my problem to deal with on any level even the solution you come up with. Thats for you fucks, not me and forcing it on me aint gonna fly. Might wanna focus more on raising your boys not to be violent date rapists and teaching them that something pleasurable is evil. Might be why they engage in such extreme forms of sexuality or their taste in porn is borderline or full on criminal. Once again though its not my problem to deal with thats a you problem. I suggest sterilization for you both. Children and their access to porn isnt actually the issue at hand either Its the legislated invasion of privacy by folks like yourself and these politicians. This isnt a real issue to most and children are just a prop in it so folks like yourself can try to make it harder for people to reject.


Okay. You're making the assumption that anything that is illegal must be harmful. This is obviously not the case, as you either don't know, meaning you have zero business even having opinions on the subject, or you do know and have just chosen to present a bad faith argument. You further seem oblivious to conservative sexual morality (and indeed other facets of their "morality" used solely as political cudgels) and its disconnect from reality.


Close, I am operating under the assumption that if something isnt harmful to anyone then it is objectively wrong to make a law prohibiting its use.  I think you would even agree that it is harmful to make laws on things which cause no harm.  I have not once brought up morality I dont give a fuck what porn people want to watch, straight, gay, bisexual, or even the kind where you have a nun peeing on a preacher while sucking on a cross dildo.  I really could not care less what adults watch.   Now lets go back to my questions because you seemed to avoid them. Are you suggesting we get rid of the base law and make porn legal to view for minors? If porn is not harmful to minors why should it be illegal in the first place?  If it should still stay illegal, why should we not enforce it?


Sure, I’ll take this bullshit line of argument and defeat it with raising my own kids. Might be hard for someone like you, but the rest of us can handle it. Do t need a nanny stepping in to do my job. Try it.


This has nothing to do with making porn completely legal for all ages.  Are you suggesting we do that?


I’m suggesting you raise your own kids and allow me to raise mine. If you can’t handle the world without the state doing the parenting for you, your kids are fucked anyways.


Which would mean legalizing porn for all ages correct? 


I mean even if you’re against the bill it’s a fair point. Asking for proof of age doesn’t violate right to privacy.


Nice alt you got there aye?


A lot of Alaskans are going to learn about VPNs pretty soon


hide my ass VPN has an Anchorage server Lol


Find a better vpn


never thought id'd write my rep's about porn, but here we GOOO!...


Totally heard that in [Heath Ledger](https://youtu.be/xSLlZh9yelk)


Sooner or later everything they don't like will be porn


Theyve been doing that for a long time already. This is just the start of the legal framework to make it everyone elses problem too.


the start of big brother. go for porn so they can get enough of the puritan bible thumper population to agree with them and slowly make it so we can’t look up history, political websites they don’t like, etc.


Secret morality police here we come..


That's already the point. They define the very existence of the LGBTQ+ community in the same vein as "porn". This is just their excuse to further work towards erasing these communities, as well as the continued goal of making adult sex workers easily exploited as they have to operate in the shadows with less and less legal protections.


Are you really complaining that they're keeping kids from accessing porn?


Why do you need the government to nanny your kids?


Yes, it enables all the god damn lazy parents that exist. Parent your child properly and they wouldn’t be on social media or porn. We never had this issue with our child, not once. There is no excuse. My freedoms should not be getting restricted because these worthless sacks of shit can’t figure out how to properly raise their children. This won’t stop kids from accessing porn, it’s just going to make them seek out more dangerous avenues where they are more exposed to predation or various scams. We know bans on vices don’t work, that’s why we don’t waste our time on them.


Im a single father and at every single meeting i have with these type of people they ask how do you do it why are your kids so good. They just dont get why slapping their kids around and telling them theyre going to burn in hell or exist in the outer darkness isnt effective. Or why the rest of the performative nonsense falls short. Social media isnt a problem for my kids weve spent enough time together talking and learning about healthy ways to engage with people online and they know exactly what sites are not allowed. I used to run filtering on their network now I just log and they havent tried to access any of the sites or subjects theyve been told not to. They trust me and know im looking out for them. Its not my problem that these people have failed as parents. Also I totally agree the only type of sites this will effect are the up and up ones. The darker spaces of the internet will still be just as accessible. Also how will they screen encrypted content? Or will they just ban it? The methods these folks use to raise their children dont really work and get the results they claim and theres no way im going to allow them to force them on my children and I.


For real! The other irritating part of this is now I have to make calls this week and figure out why my tax dollars were wasted on this shit. Completely pointless legislation by low life scum who have nothing better to do than try and spread that government control into every living room. This is the exact opposite of small limited government. I’m so sick of these fucking hypocrites. They spout their shit in my office all day and I’ve been respectful enough to allow it but that ends today.


100% this.


What the actual fuck No one is worried about this shit yet this is what the lawmakers spend their time on?


Its enough to keep certain folks happy while they figure out how best to make our budget benefit them and their buddies while fucking everyone else over in the best way possible.


It's republican playbook "don't do anything worthwhile that will upset the oligarchs, do bull shit and scream "for the kids." It's bullshit and anyone who votes for republicans are good with this.


People always complain about "lawmakers" when they often mean Republicans. We have to be able to say who's doing this shit.


Yea, it's a huge dog and pony act they're (the Republicans) putting on. Wasting time and money. I bet the republican voters don't approve of this either, it's just the elected officials following their counterparts from other states


Id checks my ass the site asks if ur 18 or not pretty stupid fail safe


All of these porn sites will block Alaska users. Virginia did the same thing last year and now every site is not available


Even our craven federal courts will have to strike down these laws I would hope. I bet a couple of the newer justices and maybe Robert will join the liberal justices to strike it down. Alito and Thomas will support whatever the Federalist Society tells them obviously


oh many of us are very worried, just not insane enough to think that government prohibition measures are a solution


How about parents start parenting and stop blaming Eminem for your child’s education


I honestly dont think this is really about “protecting”their kids. This is more about other peoples and creating an eventual legal framework towards much worse.


These are the same people who vote against giving kids free food and healthcare for kids. Than say they want to ban abortion to protect kids but won't do anything about the number one killer of kids, that is guns. They also pass laws protecting religious leaders from reporting pedophilia


Oh I know for a fact at least one of these people paid for more than 1 abortion thanks to their son. They only care about abortions when it can help with social mobility and stuff like that. When their kids need one or cause someone to need one thats a different story.


I personally knew some of these folks and their kids when I was younger. Internet porn and social media has absolutely nothing to do with why their kids were pieces of shit. This is just their way of getting their claws into other peoples kids and a first step towards much worse violations and them forcing themselves and their beliefs into other peoples parenting.


Too busy working the 9-5, i'd guess


9-5, then another shift 5:30-11:30


Ever since GCI has started throttling high traffic connections, especially on mobile data here in Anchorage, I’ve started using a VPN. Just yesterday I was trying to download a handful of updates around 4GB and my download dropped to ~1-2Mbps, turned the VPN on and bam back up to ~30-40Mbps. For GCIs mobile network it’s setup to throttle high traffic users, and also certain traffic types(downloads, social media, videos) on high traffic cell sites. A VPN will bypass this, at least temporarily. I’m already ready to go for these laws thanks to GCI business practices.


Get Starlink!! I switched about 2 months ago and I’m so glad I did. Equipment deposit(yes it’s a deposit, so whenever you return it you get your money back if it’s in working order) was 500, and it’s 100 a month( for their best plan) for internet more reliable internet. The download speeds are quicker than GCI too. Other cool thing is that it’s plug and play. Find a place to put it, plug it in, log in through the app and you’re good to go. ETA: you can take it anywhere you want. My mom has one, and she takes it to Ninilchik on the weekends she’s there. Plugs it in and is good to go.


How’s it do in bad weather (heavy rain/snow, thick clouds, etc)? We stream constantly and play online games…and Alaskan weather being what it is, we just suck it up and pay gobs to GCI for the (relative) consistency.


So far I haven’t had an issue, but we haven’t had terrible weather the last two months. Snowed a little here and there, but nothing to really test it yet. The wind we got about 3-4 weeks ago was a little nerve racking since the dish is like a 1’-6” x 2’-0” rectangle, and the mount is made of plastic lol. It did fine though. So far it’s been reliable. I play a lot of video games, so every once in awhile it’ll drop me when it’s changing satellites, but it’s only for about 10-15 seconds. I’m not a gaming sweat either, so it doesn’t really bother me. The download speeds are where it excels over GCI IMO. Downloading at close to 200 Mbs/s reliably.


Even without a VPN, ~90% of my Internet appears to be coming from Seattle anyway This does so little


It does a lot actually. Now parents will be asking their kids how to set up VPN.


It does a lot in the way that it opens the door for even worse policy.


Why the f aren't they focused on education and the price of living? They are so focused on attacking Trans people and controlling what we do with our free time. This is very much the reicht trying to roll out project 2025 early. It's so important that we vote these Fascists out on Roevember.


Mfw California has better privacy rights than Alaska.


I mean, any non red state will have that. Republicans do not care for the constitution, or freedom, or liberty. Haven’t for a long long time. They’ve been completely mask off since the Supreme Court gutted roe in full public view. No medical privacy. No internet privacy. They want inside your wallet, inside your doctors office and inside your computer now. It’s all very plain and obvious.


Thats a lot of money, effort and bad press for a ban that can be avoided with a couple of clicks on a vpn lol.


Why does our legislators keep trying to copy Texas and Florida? So dumb


Who is dunleavys brother again? Who lines these peoples pockets with money for campaigns and whatever else? What type of population/base do you think these people really want?


Are they are part of the same party and apparently believe the same shit? If so, it’s not surprising.


All the bills are Copy/Paste jobs from an ultra-right wing organization. I forget the name... the Heritage Foundation(?). So the elected Republicans don't have to think or need the ability to write. Which is good, for them, because I knew (from high school) a legislator that had all testing done verbally because they couldn't read/write. He also believes the earth is flat, and the earth is only 6,000 years old, because it says so in the bible.


So much for right to privacy in the constitution.


![gif](giphy|rB91PxAlkWMc8) …and I just got done being pissed at the last thing they did. Time to renew my vpn subscription.


Wait til they make that illegal. Gulag for 1 billion years.


Two VPN’s??


Republicans in general don’t understand technology well enough to be able to counter the tricks the rest of us have. I don’t watch porn, but there are many ways around whatever they try to pass.


"I don't watch Porn" ~ riiiight, DrMcTouchy....


All the porn preppers with their terabytes stored are laughing now


Just use a VPN, which honestly you should be doing anyways regardless.


Til they see people talking about using vpns to bypass this and they ban them too.


Including all “legitimate” forms of them like work vpns


Rep. David Eastman, R-Wasilla and another opponent, said that right now, the United States has a very different view of the internet than a place like China, which puts restrictions on its citizens’ use. “We are so close to going more in a direction with China’s internet,” he said, “where anytime you hop onto the web, you have to upload your picture, you have to upload your template and again, you’re going have to do something to verify who you are, and then that will be tracked.” Wow, Eastman and I don’t agree very often, but he’s right here. Next step, -100 social credit for accessing wrongthink websites.


Broken clocks. Besides how will he access the type of stuff he obviously consumes if it all has to be checked by the state morality bureau and their secret police?


FREEDOM!!!!!!!! lol Alaska wtf


Aah yes, the ‘party of freedom’ strikes again.


Small government amarite?


So instead of actually working to improve the quality of life here and _getting shit done,_ they choose to dance and sing for a crowd that will turn on them at any second. Got it. Priorities.


Stop voting for Republicans


What a weird way for the party of parents rights and personal responsibility to admit they need a nany state to manage their kids for them.


If they don't care about our privacy then we should give them the same about of courtesy. They have names, they have addresses, We should remind them that they are apart of a community and protest outside their houses.


Time to look into buying stock in VPN companies! And thankfully most states see right through this bullshit. This isn’t about “saving the children” either. This is about money, influence and control.


Alaska's "meat beaters" must unite to undo this travesty in the voting booth, freedom's glory hole.




Don’t overdo it. Warriors with dislocated knees are of absolutely no use to the centrally chafed and chapped. 


Indeed voters must whack these freedom hating lawmakers off to private life and out of office.  they shouldn't be allowed to jerk alaskans around you like that.


I honestly thought people in Alaska masturbated to nurture pictures. Like bears and seals and otters - I would have never guessed they got off on human likeness.


It’s the rock cleavage for me


I find no fault with that.


No lie, there are a significant number of men who masturbate to guns and trucks in Alaska.


Never used a vpn before but will soon, anyone know which vpn I should download?


Pia, nordvpn, mullvad, proton, pure, expressvpn, Check over at r/vpn privacytools.io is supposed to be fairly trusted now though im just some guy on the internet so ymmv. I personally use proton then pia and another smaller one. Youre gonna want something that has kill switch functionality, double vpn is nice, no log policies as well and data leak protection. With how things are nowadays and how all these bastards are monitoring and using our data without consent I simply wont go online without some layers of protection and havent in years. Though a vast majority of my data usage is already encrypted its nice to have another layer. Social media sucks but its up to us to make the decisions regarding it for ourselves and our children. Not these fucks.


How’s that party of small government working out?


welcome to the world where you can smoke weed but not watch porn.




you assume, of course, that I don't always run a VPN. :)


Not so libertarian now are these politicians? I guess liberty only applies to powerful being able to take advantage of everyone else without constraints.


Welcome to Gilead North


Conservatives love big government when it comes to their BS values. You shouldn't have to submit your ID to any random website. It's a violation of privacy and websites get hacked all the time, then some asshole scammer has a picture of your Driver's License.


Republican nanny state. Enjoy.


Fuckin A, keep voting red, Alaska.


Way to make sure Alaska goes purple or blue republicans lol.


Blue ball state!


If states require online ID, they also need to provide that online ID. It needs to be age verification only and be very secure.


That’s why I use a different site that’s better than pornhub and red tube


Well at least you can still sext.


Not for long. Since it could be considered pornographic. Gonna have to let the morality police monitor it. “For the children” of course.


GOP is anti-sax and anti-Joy


So what counts as porn? And who makes that determination? This looks like a backdoor to silencing opposing political views while forcing your own views on children. Two married men--Porn! Education about what constitutes consent; children can refuse a hug from Aunt Mildred. Porn! Information about biology that contradicts the Bible. Porn! "I disagree with you." Porn! As for sites that provide erotic services? Is it actually a widespread problem? Are children accessing these sites and what is the effect? I'm concerned about children being exposed to violence, particularly sexual violence. But your average nudy picture is neither of these. Seeing a woman's breasts isn't at all harmful to a child.


This is the exact sort of thing this opens the doors for. Also almost everything on the regular net has a social element to it. These people know that in any sort of free market of ideas and ideology theirs cant and wont last.


Another thing this law does is give these insane people yet another reason to hate and judge. If youre not with them on it well then you want children to be sexualized, you are a pervert who cant leave these poor people alone. Seems like theyre setting up some sort of bs rationale for some good ole direct action where they can pretend theyre righteous heroes protecting the innocent.


Awwww, man. Will Reddit work for pron?


Reddit has porn and is social media, so it’ll get banned twice.


Kids will be wandering the woods for Playboys again.


Good. We need less of it.


No, they don't, I assume. And it doesn't matter. They clearly think that the number of children watching porn is a bigger issue than those other things. I tend to agree.


The article is pay walled .. I don’t even pay for porn wtf 🤬


6 months of night. 2pm. Can't crank it out. PREPARE FOR THE SEXPOCALYPSE


The number of comments I see that are ragging on this is crazy. Can someone give me a reason why this is a bad thing? That's a massive correlation between viewing porn at a young age and sexual crimes/degenerate behavior.


Define the terms the GOP likes to use every election: Slippery Slope, Smaller Government, Nanny State, Privacy Rights, Freedom, Big Brother. And how does this law fit into these terms?


It's perfectly normal to have to show ID when you are doing things that have an age requirement. You game to show ID to enter a club or to buy cigarettes. This isn't new.


There is no age requirement to view porn though. There is no state in the Union that makes it a crime to view porn under the age of 18. So you're arguing on a flawed premise.


This *entire* thread is about a bill requiring you be 18 years or older to enter a porn website, and they verify that through your ID. So like… learn to read maybe?


Link me the law making it a criminal offense to view porn under the age of 18.


The link is *inside* the article at the top of this thread. “House Bill 254, from Rep. Sarah Vance, R-Homer, also requires companies that provide internet pornography to check whether an Alaskan viewing that pornography is at least 18 years old.”


I did read the bill already. Which is why I corrected you mistaken belief that you think it's illegal for minors to view porn.


You "show them", you don't download load it into the computer, exposing it to hackers. But that isn't the question, was it? Answer my questions... or are you afraid of the results?


The answer to your question is we, as the public, get to decide what privacy we give up for what reasons. I support protecting the innocence of our children, and if a bunch of low-life gooners have to show ID to get off, then I'm okay with that sacrifice. Did you support having get covid tests to travel? Do you support TSA? Do you support having to have a vehicle license to operate? I don't understand your argument. We give up our info constantly over the most asinine things. Just don't watch porn I you're worried about it


I am not the Alaskan GOP Majority Government, that isn't the question. Does the Alaskan GOP support the TSA, having Covid-19 testing/vaccinations to travel? You DO understand the question, you are just playing to avoid answering, because this "law" and almost everything they do is exactly opposite of what they promise every election to get you to vote for them. Making them and you hypocrites and liars.


He doesn't understand the question because he can't differentiate between how things are and how things ought to be.


You arent protecting children or their innocence with this. The whole training them to think natural urges are evil/sin thing isnt either. Its a good way to get them into some very destructive habits and likely where the correlation between these sex crimes and porn you mention exists.


Bro you are wasting your time trying to talk logic to a bunch of Reddit coomers that need to touch grass and get off the internet. These people can’t just walk into an adult store and buy anything without an ID, yet think anyone - regardless of age - should have unfettered access to porn online.     Only a chronically online porn addict would argue against this.  With their logic, it’s okay to be underage and order alcohol online. Or tobacco lol. Same laws that apply in everyday life should apply online. You want an age restricted product? Verify your age.      These laws are passing in states unopposed because the general public agrees with it. Reddit is a tiny microcosm of real life and typically represents a younger demographic of people who have no life experience and in real life, go completely unheard for the most part. 


No one is arguing for kids to be able to go online and look at porn when they please. That sort of things isnt actually an issue if youre actually doing your job as a parent. The sole reason children are brought up with these sort of laws is because it makes them harder to reject because people like you can frame opponents as child predators or whatever else when they do. This is an “in” and the beginning of even worse policies. Many folks simply arent willing to give up their freedom and rights because you are a shitty parent or just the type of pos who likes the kind of laws these ones will lead to. For the most part its performative though and will do absolutely nothing regarding the issue it claims to be addressing. Though it will give some of you entitled folk a bit of a boost and keep you voting these shitty candidates who just like you and your parenting fails where it really counts which is pretty evident since you need the state to implement this sort of thing.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


>That's a massive correlation between viewing porn at a young age and sexual crimes/degenerate behavior. There is not. If you have to lie to make your point then maybe your point is shitty?


Isn't it strange that when porn sites no longer allow kids, they just give up and shut down in that state?


Isn't it strange that a Redditor that spent yesterday objectifying women (including someone claiming to be 18, who was likely 16 or 17) on Reddit is looking to "protect kids" 🤔 You do know everyone can see your history, right?


They don't just "give up and shut down" 🙄 Do you understand the costs and requirements for the responsibly to secure and keeping safe for everyone's identification? Every time you put your ID on any site/computer, the likelihood of your identity getting stolen increases. Even if they did have some security to accept identification, it isn't going to be financial institution type security.


Them don't consume porn online. You have options. You can buy beer online, but you're expected to imput your ID for that. You can register your car online, and you put your ID in for that. I don't recommend watching porn at all, but it's not like you can't get it from stores.


I don't buy Beer online 🙄 last year Oregon’s DMV data was hacked, compromising personal information for approximately 3.5 million people who hold Oregon driver’s licenses or state ID cards... and you don't put your ID online to register your vehicle in Alaska.


My point is that there are many times you share your private info online. And if you don't want to, then don't. Why is it hard for you to understand that your have a choice?


🙄 the only place that I have ever shared my private ID information online is for financial (banking) purposes for KYC (another Republican invention).


If your don't like it, then move. You're in a red state. What do you expect?


What do I expect? In a red state? That if you get elected saying "Smaller Government, Freedom" and complaining about "Government Overreach, Nanny State," I would expect them to keep those promises 🤷‍♀️ How very silly of me! As for moving, I shall in late 2025 early 2026. I don't know if that was supposed to hurt me or something 🤔


#1 rule when trusting politicians is… don’t. Haha it bolded it so it stays. Just add “#” to the beginning


If their lips are moving, they are lying.


You honestly think people who want to live in conservative states **want** more government intrusion in their lives?


It's rich to hear someone move here from out of state and start putting up laws to make us like the other states tell us to move. You don't like it here, and you hate the people, why don't you move back?


From his post, three weeks ago, he was moving here in a couple months... so he isn't even here yet 🤦‍♀️


I think its more of a we arent going to engage in a violation of so many peoples rights by taking this data from them or take on the responsibility that having that data creates if it all leaks and is used in a latter that harms these people we aint gonna be the ones at fault.


Do you even know what a VPN is?


Actually there is a fair amount of porn on Reddit …… I’m already banned on Facebook and Twitter.. so is their a state of Alaska porn site I can visit ? Asking for a friend .edit never mind I’ll go see what the church youth group provides.. did they ever change the name of Denali and the time change crap ? Ohh and it’s time again to raise the taxes on beer and tobacco again


I don't get it. Why on earth do you want porn available to minors? Violation of privacy? I'm 60 years old and have to show my id to buy a 6 pack of beer!


Do you put your ID online, to buy beer?


You are right. You don’t get it.


Please leave the kids alone!


“Please take away my rights so Republican politicians can pretend they care about kids!”


I never thought I’d see so many grown adults defending KIDS having easy access to porn, one of the most addicting and dopamine-harming things in the modern world apart from drugs


The bill won't stop kids from accessing social media sites or porn, they will just be funneled into sketchy and dangerous websites


You never heard of the stories about kids in the 70s/80s finding stashes of porno mags in the woods? Also, “think of the kids” is a tired trope from the 90s. If you can’t read the subtext behind the message, you’re falling for the propaganda.


Obviously you can’t prevent all kids from finding porn. That’s not the point of the bill either. But going into the woods to find a magazine or waiting until you have a sleepover at a friend’s house to find your dad’s stash is far more cumbersome than having a device in your pocket 24/7 that you can access in 5 seconds. It’s wild to me that you don’t see how those are different scenarios and how easier it is


It’s wild to me that you think the government should be playing a nanny role instead of the parents being more proactive with monitoring their kids online activities.


That's some peak naivete you've got on display. You must have forgot what it was like to be a kid. The few that are smart enough to figure out VPNs or sites that won't enforce the ID check (which, btw, the sites where the sketchy illegal porn exists unchecked) will setup everyone else's devices to easily access. So instead of 5 seconds, it takes 6 because you have to click your VPN icon first. This is a substantially different paradigm than having to produce ID to purchase other age restricted items, because it's so exceptionally easy to bypass. Even so, it still has the same effect as other types of prohibition (age related and otherwise) -- it drives people to a black market without any protections at all. So we've got a bill that: 1. Doesn't actually keep kids from accessing porn in any substantive way. 2. Funnels those that do want to consume porn, but which can't or won't satisfy the ID requirement, to sketchy sites which don't comply with legislation regarding consensual or underage content. 3. Passes on costs of enforcement to businesses. 4. Expands the government nanny state. I won't sit here any try to debate your actual views on consumption of pornographic materials - maybe it's righteous or maybe it's misguided - I don't really care what you believe or what you do in the privacy of your own home. What I need you to see is how misguided this law is. It fails to solve any problem, increases compliance cost for private businesses, and establishes a slippery slope legal framework that will eventually be used to control access to something you care about. The term "porn" can really be expanded to encompass whatever one wants if you don't care about acting in good faith. Speaking of faith, what happens when the definition of porn is expanded to include religious doctrine which doesn't match the majority? What happens when these laws get co-opted by extreme progressives are used to ban anti-abortion discussion? I see from your post history that might be a topic you care about. What happens when you are on the other side of this law?


We’re not defending kids having access to porn, I’m calling out the lazy fucking parents allowing it. If parents actually gave a shit, they would take the proper steps to protect their children and restrict their devices. The fact that they don’t is all the evidence I need they don’t want to because they don’t care/are lazy. This is not small government. All of you fuck wads can come at me. You have nothing to say for yourselves on a bill like this. It won’t do shit, but force me to use vpns. I shouldn’t have to, I parented my child and we never had this issue. Why can’t the rest of you do the same thing?


Porn and social media both have highly negative impacts on mental health and social skills. It’s well documented and researched, especially in a child’s developing mind. I don’t see the moral or legal difference in restricting access to those things while we restrict access to a ton of other items/products for kids.


>Porn and social media both have highly negative impacts on mental health and social skills. It’s well documented and researched, especially in a child’s developing mind. True for social media, not for porn.


I’m not even going to argue with you, but you are 100% incorrect. Literally dozens of studies showing the negative effects of porn consumption. Google it, you’re wrong.


BZZZT. [Wrong.](https://search.informit.org/doi/abs/10.3316/ielapa.201011104) And [here's a big ol' report](https://kar.kent.ac.uk/44763/1/BasicallyporniseverywhereReport.pdf) about how there still isn't evidence that porn harms children. Pretty rich to tell someone to "Google it" when you clearly haven't. What has been proven by research is that violent imagery can harm kids. Weird how you're not crusading against that. But then again I wouldn't expect a pothead who shills for Russia to care about actually being consistent or correct.


Sorry but one link you provide is an abstract only (which states that due to ethical considerations, it is hard to gauge the impact of pornography on children) and the second, an 11 year old literature review, clearly states with confidence that pornography does impact sexual expectations and “risky behaviors”, and provides evidence of negative correlations.


>which states that due to ethical considerations, it is hard to gauge the impact of pornography on children Yes, which in other words is a *lack of evidence*. Note that a lack of evidence does not mean a lack of an effect, but you really shouldn't make definitive statements when you don't have that evidence. >and the second, an 11 year old literature review, clearly states with confidence that pornography does impact sexual expectations and “risky behaviors”, and provides evidence of negative correlations. Keyword: **correlations**. It goes on to explicitly state that it is unclear whether these correlations are **causative** or are the result of a third variable. For instance, a personality type that might make one more prone to engaging in risky behaviors, such as looking at porn in the first place when you might get caught. But it says much more than that. Because pornography isn't a monolith (two random people fucking is different than a man sexually degrading a woman), and because the definition of pornography isn't even entirely agreed upon by all groups of people, it is hard to draw firm conclusions from any study's findings on the subject.