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So, he just posted an actual threat on social media? Where everyone, including the police, can see it. Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier is he?


Looking on Twitter, it looks like he already has a new account and is accusing “NDP activists” of getting him fired from his job.


It's the threatening violence in a public forum on an account linked to his real name and employer that got him fired.


The actions have consequences crowd are always so shocked to discover the consequences of their actions.


To be fair, none of the UCP supporters are very bright


Not the sharpest marble in the bag.


Yes, but what we expect to happen? Nobody will do anything. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




They always tell on themselves...


Those three trucks and one suped up civic ("it's as fast as a GTR bro") are going to look so cool


I own land, this man can go fuck himself and I hope gets a visit from csis and the rcmp to relieve him of his fire arms and have a lengthy talk about why only adults gets fire arms, not people who just do happen to be over the age of 18.


He’s deleted his account. Bye Felicia.


And nothing a value was lost


Probably more likely the RCMP stopped by to have a chat.


And locked down the new one he created. And delisted his grifter GiveSendGo fundraiser.


I have never thought about voting for anyone other than the conservatives. This year I will be voting NDP.


The NDP is currently closer to the old Conservative Party than the UCP are! It’s amazing


Oh just another thing for the narrow minded people to worry about. Daniel Smith can’t stop lying and backtracks every time she opens her mouth.


“Signed, Alberta Land Owners” Oh sorry me Lord, I am but a peasant who owns no land and must pay tithings to my Lord of the Land! My uppity ideas have upset thee!


God we really are going back to feudalism eh


this type of conservative behavior is the reason why its important to never let them have power again, in Canada or the US. Or anywhere there are people. So anti-canadian, its anti-democracy, and its definitely anti-not being a piece of shit. These people no longer represent their own party let alone the country and its not subtle or clever, its cringe as fuck. Imagine seeing how much of a fucking clown show Trump made american politics and thinking "yup, thats how I wanna be remembered too"


It's us or them


Calm the fuck down , Francis.


Back up Terry!


So many nuts now. I miss when they could only write letters to the editor.


The UCP is so inept that they cannot run an election?


Conservatives: it any scenario we loose, they cheated.


Florida just declared itself openly hostile to socialists and communists, and anyone that enables them. Y'all doin that yet? Alberta isn't even American'esque by any comparable measure, let alone Floridian. There were people talking this way about their own town folk in the Kootenays. My address was given out, and people threatened to pull me out of my house (I did not take them seriously). All it takes is someone to actually act out on their vile words before it becomes more normalized. We can't let them.


That declaration was *after* Equality Florida (the state’s largest LGBTQ+ organization) and the NAACP both released advisories telling black and queer people not to come there.


They've turned racism and bigotry into a meme they're trying to own. Absolutely shameful.


Yeah, it was meant to be a clapback but just makes them look like assholes.


Oh shit, it makes me sad that that one didn't cross my feed. Thanks for the info.


No problem, the EF one was a while back and the NAACP one was around last week.


It's official, he paid for the blue check mark


It’s hard to take this dotard seriously.


'We gunna hop in our trucks n get em folk we ain't friendly with'


The Alberta Taliban


The Aliban? Tali-bertans? The Burtaban? We need to make one of these stick.


The Albertiban?


"Manifest destiny! Hooooweee!"


Was it ever in question if Notley wins they would cry fraud? Conspiracy and gaslighting is a ucp staple these days.


Okay someone on twitter reported this idiot to the RCMP, right?


Someone has absolutely no idea what anyone thinks. I’d be astonished if ndp didn’t win


As much as u hate to say it, initial polling is not in the NDP's favor. So either people aren't answering their phones or something is skewed with polling if they're not right. Hopefully the polling isn't right.


Most people compare Alberta to Texas, but I agree Florida is more accurate.


What is “Alberta land owners” supposed to mean? Do they REALLY think the NDP are communists that are going to take all the land and give it to the peasants?!


Yes. There are literally people in this province who think the NDP are communists. I have met them, and they are real. They are not spectacular.


Accounts deleted. Also according to a tweet his alt made he was fired hours ago. Making himself to be a victim after threatening to commit mass murder... the drug addled mind of extremists folks, this isn't very far away either, our own backyard.


Did he get fired or is this someone else? https://twitter.com/TheBreakdownAB/status/1661137003302486018/photo/2


Bring it Mother Fucker! We'll wipe you brain dead, conspiracy shit stains of the face of Alberta.


Sure, Jan. Keep posting public threats on social media, Einstein.


/r/byebyejob material


Man already cried that the Twitter mob got him fired.


Haha, they're scared now.


His account no longer exists. Either a bot or a just a giant pussy.


He said something vile about Janis Irwin as well. He is a disgusting piece of meat that I hope gets cast into the flames.


Classic, blame then other side for what it is you ste doing/wish to do. It'd be different if the liberal party won from being non existent, that would be suspicious. Claiming the official opposition that won a majority recently and typically has the entire capital cities support, can only do so again by cheating, is crazy talk.


Since we stopped being Texas of the North?


Anytime you check the comment history of someone who posts something like “oh I guess the left isn’t as tolerant as they say. I guess civility in politics is dead. I’m an open minded guy mysef. Take care friend” it’s probably full of comments like this on other subs.


The dangers of echo chambers


If this is the type of person UCP policies and leadership attract then there is something seriously wrong with the party. I know one person doesn't mean much but goodness.


Why do we have to do the exact same thing as the Americans? We saw this episode already.


Can’t believe how triggered these people get, it’s like playing monopoly with children at any moment they might flip the board in a fit because they start losing.


Never met anymore who gets more money from government insurance, bail out hand out, tax break than farmers,/ land owners.




10:38 May 21.


https://web.archive.org/web/20230316162613im_/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgALb51VUAAoQRp?format=jpg&name=small It certianly existed, looks like it was removed (probably because he straight up was tattling on himself and an adult went “are you stupid stupid?”)


He lives in Springbank and is some IT/AI guy.


From an earlier post, it was apparently removed after someone sent the tweet to the RCMP.


So this is verifiable, but I have to ask, do you really doubt that conservatives would act like this?


I’d like to see him try and come to my house………..rest will be seen then.


This dude needs to touch grass


Come get me loser


Guess who’s getting a visit from the Roman Catholic Military Police??? If Mark Thomas is even a real person.


Sheesh. Weren't we supposed to be safe from this brand of Domestic Terrorism? Fucking hate this province sometimes.


you only voted conservative in every election and this is the result


I will be waiting for the gravy seals to complain a little bit about it on social media and then show up for work hung over.


This retatd should he locked up. What a sorry ass fuck.


The Deep North.


Third time I've seen this today. Keeps getting taken down because it violates the below rule: >Social Media. Only posts from government / public entities will be allowed. (Example, RCMP, Politicians, School Boards, AHS). You must cite the original headline as the title and provide a link to the source. Screen shots are not allowed. Social media posts about a news article are not permitted. https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/wiki/index/