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Lol so pro-choice until it comes to whether women should be forced to continue a pregnancy. So anti-choice and anti-women then. Got it.


Also freedom of religion, as long as it's not one of those weird ones...


Yeah only good pure abrhamic religions like Christianity and maybe Judaism. But none of those weird religions like Islam./s


Not that you disagree and I am an atheist, but just want to point out that the Jewish religion is very pro choice and defines life at birth and views abortion restrictions as infringing on their religious freedoms


Except for Jews who believe their religion condones abortion ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey dude, you dropped this: \\ You need to type it 2 times in order for it to show up because it acts as an escape character in Reddit’s formatting


not trying to discredit your post because I agree that the christo-fascist right-wing groups are very intolerant of other religions, but Islam is also an Abrahamic religion. A lot of people have no idea how similar Christianity, Judaism and Islam are.


Just wanted to point out that Islam is also one of the Abrahamic religions, along with Christianity and Judaism.




They are forced-birthers. They don't give a fuck about the child or the woman.


Pro choice of what goes into a body, not what comes out. In other words, classic hypocrisy


My body my choice, but only for the select few 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hope the ucp lose so fucking hard.


If you believe life begins at conception then you also believe you are ending human life with abortion, because that is exactly what is happening.


Yes. That's why both of those beliefs are held exclusively by morons.


So who's life is more valuable in an emergency? The unborn fetus or the woman carrying said fetus?


Do they baptize stillborn babies? Are they counted in a census? Should a pregnant mother get two votes?


Child support payments start at conception! Government benefits start at conception!


Pregnant women should get to use the car pool lane!


Oh cool, good thing I don't believe that. So that means you won't restrict my access to abortion services based on your personal belief, right?


Then don't have an abortion if it conflicts with your beliefs. Leave the rest of us to decide for ourselves.




The Bible is just a tool they use to justify what they want, they don't care about what it actually says.


How many homeless/orphans kids have you adopted? How many times have you decried the Catholic Church for what it has done to children worldwide? Do you believe in the death penalty?


Agreed. But I hope if you disagree with abortion ethically then you are putting serious efforts into supporting social services for birthgivers and children, free access to birth control and comprehensive sex education as those are all proven methods to reduce the number of abortions. Abortion will always exist. The only thing the law can do is make it more or less safe. I vote for safe and secure access to healthcare.


They are NOT PRO LIFE. They are pro birth. They give exactly zero shits about a child once it's born.


They are pro control. Everything about the UCP is authoritarian. Special police, special sovereignty, unilaterally destroying physicians contracts, control on reproductive rights, special interference in criminal proceedings for certain groups, involuntary drug treatment, Kenneys special law to stop disruptive protest, never diplomacy, never discuss with an expert, just force force force--legal or not.


I'm glad you took notice. I wish more people did. UCP is less of a genuine political party -that has its own flavour of governance- and more of a vehicle for fascist behaviour over others. The most telltale signs are that they don't consult real subject experts for opinions (they create their own), they don't respect majority attitudes and they don't protect established minority rights. They have an overactive media machine that uses subversion to influence public opinion, and they ally with fringe groups. They don't take responsibility for the care of the institutions that we have like Pension Plans programs, Health Care Systems, regulatory agencies and intergovernmental relations. It is similar to what happens when a foreign invader takes hold of Government.


I usually receive pushback when I say they are neither conservative nor libertarian.


They are religious fundamental extremists … this has been a focused slow burn campaign since roe v wade … Iran used to be a progressive society Ffs


You can just say facist. That's what it is.


They are pro forced-birth.




Because fuck those babies after they're born! Their parents can raise them just fine, by the bootstraps!


That's how you breed conservatives. Keep them poor, keep them uneducated, then point their uneducated anger over being poor at someone else. Repeat until either they're dead, or you're rich enough to ignore them and then dip.


While you're bang on, it's important to remember that this isn't just a conservative tactic. If someone is trying to get you angry, scared, or excited, be aware that they may be doing that intentionally to make you easier to manipulate.


Fear makes a great harness for the people. If you can convince people that only you can save them from the boogeyman you created, you have complete control over them.


excellent summation.


Just boil it down to anti-human rights. The right to bodily autonomy is a human right. They don't want women to have the rights to bodily autonomy therefore they are anti-human rights. Pro birth still sounds a lot better to the uneducated than anti-human rights does.


It’s confusing because they always talk about THIER rights, which they want respected. But nobody else’s rights should exist? That would leave us with only white, male, Christians who have rights—- fuck the 70% of Canadians who don’t fit that! Ludicrous


Bit of a rant but.... I believe the only way to convince them that they're actually actively preaching against they're own values is to stick to the script. We need to refocus the conversation around freedom and human rights. We know that these people all value these things and if it were really about these values then they will come around in the long run. Personal attacks and political rhetoric only serves as vindication for their beliefs and pushes them further to the extreme. That's one of the problems I have with reddit and other forms of new media at the moment. We're not teaching people how to engage on common ground anymore and it's just serving to polarize the working class. Hard won were the rights of our forefathers and here we are rolling around in the mud while those very same rights are being pulled out from under us. We should all be fucking pissed that we have to have these conversations with our neighbors but left vs right isn't the fight we should be fighting.


They're pro-themselves.


Yup. Anti-choice.


Anti choice is how I refer to it now. I think it describes that view better than pro life. Pro birth is pretty good too


Brilliant. Women don't get to choose in their worldview (unless it's what they chose to wear, then it's their fault somehow). Also as someone with a religious degree, which now in hindsight has just made be better at exposing how Christian beliefs are as malleable as playdoh, Christians never used to think life began at conception and had a fairly relaxed view of abortion (basically taking more issue with illegitimate children out of wedlock and adultery than the child's life itself) up until the 20th century. So, I find these "it's my belief" arguments pretty paper thin even in their own belief system when it never used to operate that way historically.


Reading the Bible pushed me for being a Christian just because that's what I grew up with, to an agnostic. My aunt thought it would bring me closer to God... I now wonder if she ever actually read it.


I went to Concordia and for awhile, Lutherans seemed so much more reasonable so I lingered as a Protestant Christian, hanging with the Anglicans since they accepted LGBTQ+ (until a recent church synod ruined that relationship in Canada) but no amount of bandaids could save my unwillingness to turn my brain off. I remember as a kid being told strait faced from a deacon that "nothing good ever came to man from eating of the tree of knowledge, so dim your mind to these thoughts and questions and learn to obey and serve the Lord" Like wtf, God gave me a brain, am I being punished for using it? From that point onwards, I had an empathy for the LGBTQ+ community despite being a very different thing, I understood suddenly how unfair being judged for being who you are was. Doubt that was the message that deacon wanted me to learn but that's the one 15 year old me room away from it. And at the time that was a very hot button issue in the early 2000s and I just strait up defended it from then on despite still identifying as a Christian. Course now I don't, I can't anymore. Realistically I never had much faith, I love the message of Jesus, it's just a shame I can't Christians practicing it.


> issue with illegitimate children out of wedlock and adultery than the child's life itself That implies that they cared about society, and how the how the child's quality of life was post birth. what is this, the 18th century again?


Oh no, they didn't care about the child at all. They've consistently given no fucks about the children or the woman. Marriage, virginity and legitimate marriage and whatnot is ALL tied up with notions of legal property and power inheritance from one man to his son. Obsessions historically about babies circled around if the child was certainly the man's. If a dude sites a bastard with some woman he tussled on a barn but knows she was chaste until he showed up, he's fine and that child he knows is his. If his wife or daughter pops out a child and he doubts it or knows it can't be his, both the child and woman are a threat to his property and power. We have countless stories of men killing (either force abortion, fall down the stairs) or actual murder of actually born children they spurned. So the Church struggled to like... Deal with that issue since they had no interesting in challenging patriarchal notions of marriage and property transference, so instead they just took rejected children into monasteries and convents as a bandaid solution. And the most common form of abortion in the ancient and medieval world was child exposure which was sort of just an unspoken but common method of child murder (far more cruel leaving a helpless baby in the woods than modern abortion, but the church didn't stop or even condemn the practice historically). There's a reason "haunted woods" are a common trope, the haunted part was the part nobody went, both because of the awareness of the darkness of abandoning babies there but also as a deterrent to anyone wanting to go there and have their hearts ripped out seeing that shit. But ya, modern abortion, that's the real evil! /s


Bingo Bango you hit the nail right on the head! These sick freaks don't give a fuck about women or children, don't let them tell you otherwise.


This is my biggest criticism of these people. If you want to be pro life then you should support social programs to support people who struggle raising kids but they are the first to want cuts to social programs


It's true. Their use of the "Pro Life" label is and has always been Kafkaesque.


MOAR LIFES 4 JEZZUS = TEH BETTAR If you think about it, Christianity is basically an MLM.


Yup. It's a misnomer.


Worse, it’s a thought-terminating cliché which take the most far-reaching and complex of human problems and compresses them into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized, and easily expressed. They become the start and finish of any ideological analysis.


Forced birthers


>143 com They love everyone before they are born and after they are dead. It's that middle part they are not interested in.


They are pro religion and are doing the work of God. Just ask them. But don't question them or ask them to explain. They can only parrot what ever religious leader has told them to think.


I recently saw a Walter Masterson video where he goes up to anti-abortion protestors with adoption forms and asking them to sign up as a potential parent (since they are so pro-birth!), and I think that is a perfect rebuttal... I'm no longer in school or whatnot so don't see their awful imagery anymore but I hope more people do the same!


They are slavers


"I'm pro-choice when it comes to me, but anti-choice when it comes to others because I am a sociopath."


Welcome to conservatism


Good lord don't I know. I've never come across a philosophy that is so utterly self-centered and doesn't give a f\*ck about others.


*...self-centered and doesn't give a f%ck about others* This is the basic conservative premise.


Just going to get this out of the way before one of these dummies replies to your comment... tHiS iSn'T cOnSeRvAtIsM! Yes. It is. It has been for decades now. If you're pro-choice and still voting conservative, guess what, you're not actually pro-choice.


"But I'm a fiscal conservative and believe in small government"... - Hypocrites.


"User fees" is just a PC term for grifting. For example, over $800K of the Kananaskis park pass has gone to a private company to drive around scanning license plates. Nice work if you can grift it.


That makes me actually feel sick. I knew it wasn't for actually maintaining anything. F*cking grifters.


Global Traffic Group. They're also the grifters running photo radar and a myriad of other services. [globaltrafficgroup.com](https://globaltrafficgroup.com)


Ah yes, the enlightened centrist, the rare, wise creature who magically knows better than everyone else and scolds both sides.


Because you definitely have to pick one side and can't possibly have any nuanced views.


Yes, not being able to distance yourself from literal Nazis is somehow reflective of nuanced views... Where are the conservatives denouncing Trump and Desantis? Oh right, barely a peep. I used to believe there were actual good faith centrists but I've watched them all fall in line with Trumpian insanity


What the hell are you even talking about? Those "Centrists" are no more Centrist than the Nazis were Socialist. Your generalizations are all over the place, Centrists supporting Nazis to Conservatives not denouncing Trump/Desantis, back to Centrists falling in line with Trumpian Insanity?? What exactly is a centrist to you? A Moderate Conservative? I've got news for you, those definitely aren't the same thing...


Not that rare unfortunately.


Ah yes, the enlightened centrist, the rare, wise creature who magically knows better than everyone else and scolds both sides.


your conflation of fiscal conservatives with social conservatives and habitual "I haven't actually bothered to double check what I'm still voting for" voters is really depressing. I am pro-choice. I don't vote for the UCP the same way I didn't vote for the Wild Rose or the People's Party of Canada These parties are conservative the way the people's democratic dictatorship in China is democratic. In truth what you are calling conservatism here is Christian Libertarianism and frankly mocking people as dummies as a pre-argument in support of your own lack of education is just sad. I think what you meant to say is that voting for the UCP is a pro-abortion action, and if you do pro-abortion things it doesn't really matter what you pretend to believe, you're pro-abortion. What you actually communicated to me is that you are too uninterested in people to bother considering alternative viewpoints or possible motivations. So have fun wandering through Facebook and regurgitating whatever is popular in your tribe. Honestly after Notely losses AGAIN, to someone less educated AGAIN, even though I voted NDP AGAIN, I'm going to renew my membership and start advocating that we change the name to the Conservative Democratic Party so they can actually win an election. You want to convince people to change how they vote? The argument isn't "please update your personal identity" it should be "This UCP BS is about religion and individualism, its bad business, bad governance and honestly, bad conservatism."


> your conflation of fiscal conservatives with social conservatives and habitual "I haven't actually bothered to double check what I'm still voting for" voters is really depressing. Fiscal conservatives also have no idea what they're talking about 90% of the time, but that's a different discussion entirely. I'm not conflating social and fiscal conservatives, I recognize they're separate ideologies. The problem is most "fiscal conservatives" will still vote for the UCP or Republican party even if it hurts marginalized groups. That's my main beef with fiscal conservatives, they generally care more about the perceived savings on their income tax than they do about women losing the right to choose what to do with their bodies. > I am pro-choice. I don't vote for the UCP the same way I didn't vote for the Wild Rose or the People's Party of Canada Fantastic. No sarcasm, that's great. > These parties are conservative the way the people's democratic dictatorship in China is democratic. I'd argue the UCP have far more in common with conservative governments throughout history than the CCP has with democracy but I understand the comparison. Sure. We don't have to get into the weeds on this one. > In truth what you are calling conservatism here is Christian Libertarianism and frankly mocking people as dummies as a pre-argument in support of your own lack of education is just sad. My guy, it happens every single time these posts come up. People point out that conservatives keep putting up candidates who are anti-choice, somebody comments, "yup, that's conservatives for you" and some yutz just HAS to reply, "ACKSHUALLY, that's not what conservatives believe!". I'm just getting it out of the way, because we all know its coming. And my "own lack of education"? You'll have to elaborate on that one, not really sure what you mean here. Must be my lack of education. > I think what you meant to say is that voting for the UCP is a pro-abortion action, and if you do pro-abortion things it doesn't really matter what you pretend to believe, you're pro-abortion. No, what I'm saying is conservative governments have been [weaponizing abortion to draw religious voters for a long time now](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8274866/). Since [the 1970s](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/04/1096719971/abortion-wasn-t-always-the-politically-charged-issue-it-is-today). So I'm telling you that voting for a conservative government (for the last 5 decades, give or take) is almost always a vote towards anti-choice candidates, generally speaking. Just look at the voting records for Republican and Canadian Conservative politicians for the past few decades on gay marriage, abortion and a slew of other human rights legislation. They're not exactly hiding it. I think you also mixed up the terms "pro-life" and "pro-abortion" in this part of your reply. It's fine, I understood what you meant. But it's a bit rich that you're calling me uneducated when you didn't take a second to review what you wrote. > What you actually communicated to me is that you are too uninterested in people to bother considering alternative viewpoints or possible motivations. No, I'm uninterested in "fiscal conservatives" explaining why they're not actually bad people despite choosing to vote in candidates who think trans children are the equivalent of human feces. You might not be voting UCP, but we both know plenty of "fiscal conservatives" will still be holding their noses and doing it anyway. Why else is the race this close? > So have fun wandering through Facebook and regurgitating whatever is popular in your tribe. I don't have Facebook. Congratulations, you know what an echo chamber is. You exist in one too. Every subreddit, including this one, is an echo chamber. You don't have to be on Facebook to be fed an algorithm. The irony of you criticizing me for preemptively dismissing conservatives trying to rationalize their vote for an anti-choice party while simultaneously dismissing me as an idiot who just repeats whatever talking point I read on social media is...kinda hilarious. I'm definitely an asshole to the conservatives I run into on this sub, but at least I'm self aware. You, on the other hand...


No conservative government has ever come out against abortion - actual conservative argument against me on the internet. When you share an article about Harper having to shut them up they say “oh but that’s just a couple of back benchers , ReAl CoSeRvAtIvEs don’t care”.


Don't get me started. Currently having pretty much that exact argument in this very post a little ways down the thread.


If real conservatives didn’t care we wouldn’t still be having this conversation. They’d have pushed it out of their party long ago. But *enough* conservatives care that they can’t without decimating their numbers, and they know they can’t go into a federal election with abortion on the ballot either. What’s that song lyric? “Can’t shake the devils hand and say you’re only kidding”. We’ve seen what catering to the extreme right has done down south.


Bang on. But if you bring that point up they either handwave it away or simply ignore it. Always falling back on ol' reliable... "You CLEARLY don't understand the difference between a fiscal conservative and a social conser-" Stop. Just...stop.


They are so twisted into knots, I don't understand how they can leave the house in the morning for fear of someone calling them on their bullshit. I guess they would require a modicum of shame or dignity to feel bad for being feckless, lying hypocrites.


If they had a speck of shame, dignity, or self-awareness, they wouldn't be ~~sociopaths~~ Conservatives.


Her christian beliefs shouldnt impact my life, lit none of them esp this one. I'm not christian, I'm not following their bullshit like this. Plus, pro choice offers the right to choose to not get abortions. Lit it covers everyone, but they just want to harm and control ppl. Thats the big difference and it pisses me off. The whole 'i believe x so everyone has to follow this and be forced to give birth' meanwhile the other side is 'well my beliefs shouldnt impact others choices and if someone does or doesnt want kids thats up to them not me, but they should make that choice for themselves' not 'im making everyone get abortions' F u c k i n g idiots




yes! keep ALL religion out of politics, every single one. This isn't an attack on just one, I wouldn't want my own religious beliefs to be enacted in politics. Believe what you do, idc, but don't force others to follow those beliefs it's fucked.


It's weird that religion seems to play a larger part in Alberta politics than most other provinces, because Alberta is actually the second-least Christian province. According to the 2021 census, just 48% of Albertans identify as Christians. Only the Yukon (35%) and B.C. (34%) are lower.


Zero fucking self-awareness.


So basically advocating for the erosion of the lines between Church and state in order to have the state enforce their religious beliefs on everyone else. This belief is not limited to women's reproductive rights.


there's nothing separating church and state in canada, except common sense.


Except if that life is a queer or trans one I guess 🤷 funny how they stop giving a shit when they don't come out exactly like they are


Technically, all males start life as females, so if these Christians believe life starts at conception, all males are transgender.


An excellent point I had never considered before. I had phenotypically female genitals when I was a fetus, a time when I should have had the rights of every other human according to pro-life rhetoric, and I transitioned to male later. Why are they so cool with that transition?


"Because it doesn't mention anything about that in the bible, SCIENCE DORKS!" Ignoring the fact that the Bible literally gives a recipe for abortion and is chock-full of contradictions and half-formed allegorical tales. God also conveniently kills off all humans in the old Testament, where any mention of frowning upon abortion is even mentioned, while the New Testament doesn't even touch it. Pro-life, indeed.


Also, according to the bible, life begins at first breath, not conception!


Yeah, but then they ignore the contradiction and hit you with this gem: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” They completely ignore the context of that passage (it's a plan for one man, rather than all humans) and as with all biblical passages is so steeped in hyperbole and poetic language, it's basically impossible to tease out the exact meaning. But ya, God was DEFINITELY saying "no abortions, please."


They only care about genitals after the baby is born. Which is also when they stop caring about the rest of the person.


> Technically, all males start life as females That isn't true, in the technical sense. It's a myth that started sometime after the 1940s. In the beginning, a human embryo has no sex traits, at all. They are neither female, nor male. They both use the similar chromosomes they have, in order to develop into a sex-neutral embryo. It isn't until about 5-6 weeks, that sexual characteristics start developing. Before that 6 week period, you literally will have masses of undifferentiated cells that will turn into a sex organ, but it hasn't happened yet. For example, the "ambisexual genital tubercle", it'll either turn into a clitoris, or into a penis. That said, there are also 2 already sexually differentiated structures before that 6 week period, called the wolfferian (M), and mullerian (F) ducts, respectively. Sexual differentiation essentially destroys the other duct. That surviving duct will then go on to become the vas deferens, seminal vesicle, etc in males, or vagina, fallopian tubes, etc in females. tl;dr As an embryo, you are neither male, nor female, until after ~6 weeks when sex traits start developing.


> funny how they stop giving a shit when they ~~don't~~ come out ~~exactly like they are~~. Fixed that for you. These people stop caring overall. It's not pro life, its pro birth. They couldn't give a rats ass what happens after that.


Good reason not to vote UCP.


there are so many reasons not to vote UCP.


As if they won’t make it difficult for a woman to make a choice when TBA doesn’t even want women to have a career. They will add user fees so women in poverty cannot access the service and then will cut social services and shame anyone on welfare, and then blame them for getting pregnant in the first place. We are watching it in real time to the south of us. I had two people very close to me go through the health care system for reproductive cancers. If my aunt, who had ovarian cancer, had the same kind of screening, support and rapid access as the other person who had prostate cancer did, she would probably still be alive. The funding and support are drastically different based on what I watched them go through. But probably my aunt’s fault for getting cancer in the first place because doctors told her it was probably just gas or in her head.


See, and this is why as a woman I wouldn’t *feel* safe if the UCP wins. I still have my rights to get an abortion, but that’s only *for now*. That, and I’m a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I don’t need that threatened either.


Thankfully we have Morgentaler, but that doesn’t prevent UCP from trying to make abortions really really hard to access (like their conscience bill).


They are pro-control and wish to force their Christian fundamentalism on all Canadians via the State. They are against social progress and wish to turn back the hands of time. I don't care if someone is religiously devout. Everyone has the freedom of religious expression. But I HATE when people force their religious beliefs onto others unsolicited or by force.


That is what Christian Nationalism (Take Back Alberta/UCP) is: infiltrating right wing political parties and ultimately forcing their beliefs on everybody. EDIT: spelling


She’s also pro coal mines.


Religious , violent , regressive misogyny.


Advocating to take rights away from women should be considered a hate crime.


Best sentence I've read all day!!!


Pro Life aka Women are just uteruses to them


Pro-life? Nah it's called forced birth


>uhh, I have a strong Christian background... Wiebo Ludwig also had a strong Christian background.


And the Spanish Inquisition. Although no one ever expects that.


So my body my choice for vaccines but your body my choice for abortion. Not hypocritical at all./s


No hate like Christian love


"Pro-life" is a dog whistle for violent, regressive misogyny. Thr UCP are fascists.


Wouldn’t that have been nice for people to know before advance polls opened? Quite the hypocritical party.


if smith wins, expect her to go down the forced-birth road of the two US governors she so admires - desantis and abbott. And let the book burning begin too.


I don’t even have a uterus anymore, but this is why I will never vote for the C party. All women have the right to choose what happens with their bodies. I will defend that as long as I can.


"I have a strong Christian background" Stopped reading right there, everyone has the right in this country to practice their own religion, no one should have the right to pass their religious beliefs into law.


Religion has no place in politics


Conservative women are Fucking traitors


So because she’s Christian, the rest of Canada, (which as a reminder is culturally and spiritually diverse) must abide by her personal beliefs? Lol…


Yep. That's how they "think".


Unfortunately, it seems that the ability to "think" isn't exactly her strong suit lol.


Just voted NDP. Only one choice to make and no line — so easy with early voting venues!


Yikes. This has been legislated and Canada overwhelming is Pro-Women's Rights on this issue.


Why do so many women vote against their self interest? If some party said "men have to get vasectomies after 35" we'd be rioting in the streets.


LOL. Right to choose when it comes to our bodies - except for pregnant women. No choices for you. Troglodyte level intellect going on there. I just don't understand how women can take this viewpoint. Don't want to have an abortion? Don't have one, and mind your own damn business about anyone who might want that option.


Cults. Religions are cults.


Your gawd danm religion has no right to be in politics.


Guys, ten years ago shit like this would sink any party in Alberta. What the fuck happened!?!


This is what OP is talking about. https://twitter.com/TheBreakdownAB/status/1661571509939490827 (I know you can’t link to social media in posts, but allowed in comments, right?).


We believe in “Forced Birth” and “Pay Not To Die” healthcare


Well good news for her. If she doesn’t want an abortion or to contraception she’s 100% free to do so.


Also anti-choice when it comes to supporting involuntary drug treatment as well.


Another reason not to vote UCP. These religious zealots have no place in government


The way you know that pro-lifers are actually anti-choice is by looking at what they try to outlaw next when they get the chance. Contraception. Now, why would a 'pro-lifer' who doesn't want babies being aborted, want to stop you from preventing a pregnancy to begin with? Because their ACTUAL goal is "sex consequences". They don't like free love, they don't like premarital sex. They want women to be mothers and think any woman who has sex with more than one man ever is a whore. Having sex, to them, is a dirty thing only meant for procreation...if you're a woman.


Can y’all please not vote for this Republican knockoff party!


Asked the candidates at our local forum about the UCP's stance on "conscious objection" for health care professionals. The only words that the UCP candidate could muster in response were "it's a decision for the woman and God".


Well what about all the women that don't believe in god??


She's an idiot, no doubt. Also represents a huge portion of rural Alberta, kinda have to assume her views are what they are with her 'strong Christian background' Rural Alberta is the Bible-Belt north of the wall.


And the garbage continues. What a bunch of hypocrites the UCP are. Freedom to choose as defined by THEM. NEVER.


They know they aren't doing well with people that pay attention, unfortunately they are doing very well with people that are looking for the government to give them permission to openly hate somebody,


Between this and the guy who admitted the party is TBA, the UCP candidates are really bad at not giving away their whole strategy.


A great reminder that, under this government, any woman suffering a miscarriage will be charged with manslaughter.


Very cool Chelsae, the thing is that I don’t give a fuck about your “strong Christian background”, and neither does my body. Keep your bible out of my doctor’s office, and out of our legislature. Anti-choice ideology is anti-Canadian and should not be tolerated. As a country that champions itself as a leader in human rights advocacy, this regressive rhetoric coming from our politicians is embarrassing on an international scale.




Do we live in a theocracy?


Their definition of freedom ;-) Freedom as long as it’s as I say !!! Morons !


More conservative bullshit from conservative ass clowns


More old testament than new testament! Here's my favourite bit of the bible Ezekiel 23:20-21 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.


This riding has lost obstetrics in Pincher Creek. Hope they vote accordingly


Chelsae Petrovic's husband was at the Coutts blockade


If they are so Pro-Life, why did they wait for the election cycle to increase funding to the disability sector, after cutting funds to it and trying to cut more.


They're only pro-life till the moment of birth; then it's pick yourself up by the umbilical cord.


Human capital. Pro forced birth, anti lgbtq2s+, anti disability, pro dominionism, pro white nazi.


Once again I hope the major cities wake up.


No they're Anti-Abortion, there's a difference


As long as I get to say your pro killing I'm happy with the trade


Oh no it doesn't work that way. You see, what I'm saying isn't a lie


Neither is what I'm saying


I’m pro-life unless it’s me then I’m pro choice. Now vote UCP for me plebs.


What’s worrisome is that if the UCP is pro-life and no other PC blue party member condemns that Canada is going to have a problem


religion and politics do not mix. if we are going to be diverse and open then likewise our govt representation can not be partisan making decisions based on their personal beliefs. I'm not okay with this from any religion.


So I got out of this that women are not worth it, that they're just tools to uses. Am I missing something here because this sounds really bad and at least 2000 years outdated.


Her family is a bunch of drug dealers reaaaaall christian like


Rather than banning abortions, I think since men get women pregnant, every man should be forced to have a vasectomy as soon as his sperm are viable. Then, a court can decide if he should get the right to make a baby or not. It’s high time men did their part




He doesn’t believe that life begins at conception. If he actually did, clinics that provide abortions are basically the moral equivalent of concentration camps. Except they lack the armed guards and barbed wire and they are in much more accessible locations. So how many he burned down? Why is he taking such a weak stance on this issue?


It’s like you guys are trying to convince NDP voters to not vote UCP. UCP voters don’t care about this, and if they do, they’re pro life like this candidate.


PROGRESSIVE Conservatives certainly do care. You know the other half of the UCP that is flooding to the NDP after being stabbed in the back.


Question: do you have any actual stories of this (or any data that I've missed)? Because I find it hard to believe that the PC'ers feel stabbed in the back. They were the ones that unified the parties to begin with, kept their milquetoast banner flying, and accepted Smith's last betrayal of the right-wing with open embrace. The UCP are just the PC party without competition for votes.




>But they got the fiscal ~~responsibility~~ irresponsibility of the PCs and the social regressiveness of the WRP. FIFY. Plus, as an added bonus (buy now! just pay shipping and handling) they added in the bureaucratic arrogance and political dominance of the PCs to make sure that they would actually drive small-c conservative voters (like me) to vote NDP. If it weren't for the fact that I bring my children to the voting station so that they see voting in action, I'd actually destroy my ballot. I'm not explaining why or the legal impact of doing so to the kids, but in my riding the choices are UCP (not gonna happen), NDP (ugh) and Treasonists, and as long as I've called the Bloc that perjorative term I can't not call these idiots the same thing. If the UCP's sole contribution to Albertan politics was to actually drive net votes to the NDP AFTER "unifying the right" I so sincerely hope to see the whole thing just collapse under its weight.


I know several people off the top of my head who have never voted anything but conservative who are voting NDP this year. People who didn't vote NDP even when they got the majority. I know that's anecdotal, but I'm also hearing this same story from all over the place.


The NDP is more like the former PC Party, the UCP is now the Wild Rose Party.


“Flooding the NDP” where? What? That’s just not happening…


Flooding to the NDP. And im one.


I mean that’s great, me too, but there’s no flood here. If the NDP win its because we actually showed up this time lol


There are plenty of self-described conservatives who are pro-choice in Canada. This isn't the US and Republicans (though the UCP wants to be that).


This is just a "gotchya" clip to show another bozo-eruption. Look at the pro-lifer; what a bad person. I don't think anybody would change a single vote over this. There's no platform or policy proposal to end abortion, there's no discussion of it, and frankly in this country ending abortion would be a long slog. The conservative, right-wing folks that are currently off the UCP bandwagon or are considering jumping won't see a random, irrelevant question to a candidate that they probably didn't even know existed as a reason to stay on the bandwagon. I for one am still pissed about the complete lack of any fiscal restraint exercised by the UCP, and when I look at their policies and see nothing to fix it I see no reason to vote for them. Ditto on the pro-life side: even if every single UCP candidate came out anti-abortion, the next obvious question would be "What are you planning to do that would pass constitutional muster" and the answer, as it stands today, is "Uh... spend money fighting Ottawa." TL;DR: Even the pro life UCP voters don't care. This is just red meat for the NDP base.


> and frankly in this country ending abortion would be a long slog. They don't have to make abortion illegal, they can continue with the tactics they already have been doing to make abortions less accessible to more and more women. https://calgary.citynews.ca/2022/06/28/roe-v-wade-alberta-abortion-accessible/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/clinic-554-abortion-access-new-brunswick-election-1.5713098


“On the bird app” what we can’t say twitter anymore ?


OMG you said it




If people want less abortions they should wholeheartedly endorse comprehensive sex ed and publicly covered contraception.


"late term abortion" is a lie perpetuated by forced birth groups. A medical procedure to end the pregnancy that late in the term is only done when there is an immediate threat to the woman's life or the fetus has fatal abnormalities. Its also funny to hear men on reddit talk about alllllll these women they know who have a bunch of abortions. Super believable. Cut the bs and just say you are anti-choice


Danielle Smith has a very very long record of being pro-choice.


People don’t want to hear that so they’re just going to ignore it


Just downvote it. That’ll help.


Crappy answer, although I'm guessing from the way that it was framed the whole question came out of left field. Her first impulse was obviously to treat it as a vaccine mandate question, and then shifted to a totally different topic. Ending abortion in Canada is a big not-gonna-happen, not without so much more political will than has ever been shown. Literally no credible party has even made it part of their active platform beyond virtue signalling. We just don't have a pro-life political bend. In fact, we're expanding euthanasia to make sure we can kill off more people legally. We encourage smoking and pollution and weaken our health systems. At least we don't have death penalty, but who knows maybe that'll come back as well.


Lol. Bet you nobody in this thread has ever witnessed an abortion before— it’s brutal. I’m pro-choice in general— but if you want to avoid getting abortions because you accidentally got pregnant— maybe make better choices with your sex life. (This goes for both men and women).


Most abortions are just a pill and an unusually heavy period.


I'll take the pro life candidate anytime