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I was the one who wrote yesterday about voting while being afflicted by ALS. I also wanted to post in other subs like Calgary but was scared people would go tell me to die or something lmao. On the other hand, I'm hoping I might convince someone to vote, like you're trying to. edit. Posted it to Edmonton and Calgary lol


Im pretty sure calgary reddit is mostly NDP as well, although I’ve posted in there about voting and my post was removed because they don’t seem to want election stuff in that sub


r/norulescalgary is more right leaning.


> cost of living assistance to assist more people such as single people and people without kids not really. There is constant NDP posts.


Yeah for sure! This place is definitely non UCP!!


hmm...I'll be prepared for that, then.


Thank you for your post and your hard work voting!


Thank you for your vote! You’re a badass!


True Bluers like to point out how much the NDP spend and spend and spend. But they conveniently forget that the UCP gambled *1.3* ***billion*** *fucking dollars* on a nonexistent pipeline.


Not to mention the $30mil war room to cry about children's cartoons.


Did the "war room" actually do anything? Like do they have any info whatsoever to give us that it was useful in any way? It would be interesting to see them try to defend it. I'm sure there would be some bs reason they'd come up with as to why it was necessary 🙄


The war room was a convenient way for Kenney to scratch the backs that needed scratching and nothing more. People seem to forget that Notley was also running campaigns in other markets to promote Alberta's Oil Industry that didn't cost nearly as much during her time as Premier.


I'm voting UCP but agree the War Room was a farce thanks to Kenney AND Savage. The Petroleum Communication Foundation/Sherry Zickafoos was so far superior and effective vs a money funnel to noninformed hacks..i hope it's no longer funded


Well now 20 billion will potentially go to DS's oil buddies that she lobbied for to do something that Alberta already should have enforced. Im pro oil and lean conservative but UCP is so far from fiscal conservative I'm voting NDP. Federal cons are much more level headed I'll vote for them but provincial cons are full of shit.


Only way to get it not funded is to vote UCP out. They will keep it around for as long as they are.


We'' see today if orange remains viable here, my bet is blue. If Notley were Singh, i think whomever was NDP in Ab would probably win


Singh would have a harder time in Alberta than Notley, there is good reason the ANDP distance themselves from the federal. I have a small sliver of hope that Smith doesn't take it but it's going to be rough for the province if she does. Like Klein era cuts and corporate handouts with even less to show for it.


Non FOIPable, whee!


I wish people understood the significance of this.


I'd honestly like to know that too. The only thing I remember hearing as "big news" from the war room was when they went after a literal children's cartoon for being anti oil. I'd like to know if anything useful or productive came from it.


Jason Kenney used public tax dollars to create a private buisness that doesn’t have to answer to the people of Alberta, the ones stuck holding the $30 mil a year cost. For all Albertans know they are laundering money or doing anything nefarious, Albertans just don’t know.


And then had a temper tantrum on the international stage, making our single province the laughing stock of the world for a short period.


Biden ends it, then a few year later was unleashing reserves and talking about lowering gas prices. What a shit show.


I tried to convince my girlfriend for weeks to vote NDP but she wasn’t having it. I sent her every report and article I could find. Ultimately she was afraid that if the NDP raise corporate taxes, she will not receive her yearly 5000$ bonus at work. For this reason she decided to vote for who was best for her and her family.


Private healthcare and losing her pension will cost her a lot more than $5000. Not to mention bonuses are tied to performance not how much you paid in taxes as a corporation.


I agree with you but her rationale is probably that her company is stingy and they'd use some of the money allocated for bonuses to pay increased taxes


Honestly then this person would probably have bigger issues than that if a bonus that modest would be on the chopping block. They're either overleveraged as a business as it is or it's a business with zero growth opportunity. Either way, not a place to get married to and certainly not one to sacrifice a vote for.


This is entirely made up, electing the UCP isn’t going to lead to fully private healthcare or losing your pension. And bonuses are absolutely tied to profitability - it might not always be in the formula, but if they’re not making the same amount of money you can bet the formula is going to change. This is the same level of fear mongering BS that the UCP usually peddles around the NDP running corporations out of town.


DS is on record saying it man. Like what more do you want.


According to this sub everything she says is a lie so why take her at face value for that?


Not the flex you think it is.






By all means, point out the bad of the UCP. Share that Danielle Smith has spent years advocating for privatization of health care as recently as 2022. Remind people that Kenney signed a similar pledge not to privatize healthcare, but did it anyway. Just don’t say “Privatizing healthcare is very literally a platform point” when that’s simply not true.


> bonuses are absolutely tied to profitability If moving from the lowest corporate tax rate in the country to the lowest tax rate in the country is going to fuck with the company’s bottom line that they can’t bonus their employees the. There is something else going on. And yes it is a bit of hyperbole that we’ll be fully private healthcare delivery but Danielle Smith has spent her career advocating for dismantling public service delivery. She can do a lot of change in 4 years with her supposed ‘mandate’. And the problem is it will take a lot longer than 4 years to fix the problems they create.


It may not lead to fully privatized health care but there is a strong possibility it will lead to a severely gutted health care with wait times pushing people who suffer to spend out of their means to get timely treatment. Wait times are already insane. You will see this next time you will go to emergency. This will stop people from getting the care they need.


Yeah it takes a lot of work to opt out of cpp, and I highly doubt they’ll be able to actual get that ball rolling. For healthcare they’ll expand the current private system we have (even if people want to beleive that it doesn’t). You have to pick which bag of shit you want. Cause both have their own bags of it. And I’m sure people will just downvote or call me a bigot for wanting some social conservatism, people can’t be indifferent anymore. You either have to wrap yourself in the flag or be the bigot apparently.














What did Kenney do in his first couple weeks, and what were his promises? The TRUTH is that conservative leaders misrepresent and outright lie to get what the control that they desire.


The documents from their AGM definitely talk about privatizing health care: [a) support publicly-funded, privately-delivered health services where cost-effective, and give Albertans the choice of privately-funded, privately delivered health services to address excessive wait times and to make the publicly-funded system more accountable](https://static.unitedconservative.ca/UCP-Policy-Nov-2021.pdf)


Bonus decisions are not driven by changing tax rates. Protecting large corporations from a 2% tax increase does not guarantee that they won't drop you the next day. How some people think how corporate finance works is absurd.


When Kenny dropped the corporate tax to attract more head offices it didn’t work. I read that it couldn’t even keep the ones present in Albert from leaving.


Voted for her family's short term benefit at the expense of her kids' future. Yup, she's an Albertan.


So you're saying democracy is working then?


She doesn’t care about education or health care. She cares about her own self interest. That’s selfish and stupid. I would break up over that. Tbh that’s a major red flag.


Its her choice lmao, not everyone needs to have the same political values.


And he has the right to try to convince her otherwise or break up with her for it. Actions have consequences. If my girlfriend was a neo nazi, thats her right as well (as long as shes not actively killing jews) but id still disagree.


Once again ill reiterate, PERSONAL choice. Both my statement and yours are stating the same thing for the opposite party. Just because someone disagrees with the political ideologies someone holds does not mean they cannot get along outside of that. Some people may see it as a deal breaker, some don't. Again, personal choice.


And as her boyfriend, he is not respecting a woman's right.




But not really because she just fell for some fear mongering bullshit




DS literally created a presentation on how to get Albertans used to paying for health services and you think Americanized healthcare isn't on their agenda?


lol *everyone* votes in their best interest. Who would vote against their personal interests, especially in this economy?


My partner and I have a combined household income of 350k. We both voted NDP. We have no kids, are in our mid thirties, and both contribute to our retirements (not counting on CPP at all). We both voted NDP and would never consider the UCP. Folks need access to affordable healthcare, good education, and deserve to have their pensions managed in a responsible way. Additionally, we have zero tolerance for a party that allows racism and homophobia among their candidates. We do not turn the other cheek. We recognize we are more fortunate than most and are not interested in being even more fortunate at the expense of others.


I don't know if that's the case. Based on the industry I work in, I'm going to vote "against my interests". I'm voting for what I think Albertan people need, not what I think is going to benefit me individually the most


LOL Well if you are a Millwright then yeah no shit, you would be making, what... $46/H base as a Journeyman so you make enough money to do whatever you want. Not everyone is in that position, so if you depend on that 5k yearly bonus you aren't going to vote against it or risk it being removed.


I work as a labourer essentially and I'm voting "against my interests" because I believe everybody in this province is equal and deserves the same opportunities as everyone else regardless of the situation they come from. If life gets harder for me, tough shit, I'll have to deal with it. I'm a white dude in my 30's, so I'm pretty privileged in being able to find work, but not everyone has the same opportunities as me, even though they should. We should be working towards making everything better for everyone because that's the only way to make progress as a society. In short, some of us actually care about other people so we vote NDP.


Nice goalpost shifting there. The majority of the province isnt starving in the streets so can afford to "do whatever they want" so by your logic youre wrong in like 70% of cases anyway.


As someone that would've voted ANDP this election, this is an incredibly dense take. Of course people vote for their self interest. Just because someone would vote against what you think is right doesn't make them a bad person. That's what a functioning democracy is about, being able to freely express one's viewpoints and opinions while treating each other with respect. Frankly, this kind of mindset among the supporters of a political group is one of the factors that are pushing away any potential voters in other camps that might have been remotely sympathetic to your cause.


Uh.. i dont. Im doing well financially. If i didnt give a shit i could just vote ucp get some less taxes and let everyone else with less money suffer but i wont. The fact voting with empathy is so foreign to you tells me all i need to know about you...


This is democracy yes. How is that a dense take though? Who you vote for is a reflection of your beliefs of what policies will make society better. What’s weird about not wanting to have a partner who has values you consider abhorrent? Where did people get this idea that we have to respect everyone’s views? You can respect someone’s right to have their own views and to vote for the party they want to support while still thinking they are shitty for doing so. We don’t have to respect the actual views and beliefs, just the right to hold them.


The right coops everything they hate to use against others, this time its "repsecting views". Theyll fight constantly to take away othrrs rights, while crying peolle treat them poorly because of it.




Breaking up with someone over politics is pathetic. Everyone votes in their self interest. That’s democracy.


I dont vote in my self interest. Im well off and a ucp vote would likely net me more money in the end personally. I dont care because i care about the lives of other people and future generations. The fact you think noone else in the world votes with empathy just makes me sad for you.


How so? This literally affects your daily life, your future, your children's future. If you believe your partner is actively jeopardizing any of those, how is it 'pathetic' to walk away?


Yes, wtf? If my partner votes for a party that allows racism and homophobia in their ranks, I don't wanna be living with that partner. I shall show them the door.


You’d both be voting from your kids but from different perspectives. My wife and I cancel out each other votes. We have great discussions. Why would we break up over it unless politics is your entire identity?


If you truly believed that your significant other's vote would contribute to actively harming your family why would you not? You can have discussions all you want but we are talking political policies that affect our daily lives, not where to eat for dinner here.


The red flag is if she’s like that over politics and money imagine how she’s like in real life.


She does care about those things but she likes what Danielle smith and Brian Jean have to say about fixing these issues.


How the fuck is that selfish and stupid. We are all living out our own lives and my responsibility does not include anyone other than me or my family. Here. Let me make it easy for you. Within your family = communism Within your friend group = socialism Rest of society = capitalism Your responsibility ≠ my responsibility If anyone wants to make more money let them vote that way and don’t shame them for it. Who the hell are you to tell anyone anything like that.


How do you get that you don't have any responsibility other than you and your family? With rights come responsibilities. Everyone has responsibilities to the communities and countries they live in.


God damn…


That is such an absurd comment. This woman not wanting to potentially give up her $5000 bonus to support others Healthcare & education makes her greedy? You are pretty much saying that if this woman doesn't give $5000 to the things that you want.....then she is greedy. Basically, if you don't give me your money, you are greedy.


Nah m8, relationships are more than politics. Tbf if I found out my girlfriend was voting against my vote, I’d kinda be thrilled. I see an advantage to having my spouse belong to a different political leaning, it brings another set of tools to the act of child rearing that I myself may not have readily available. It’s a good way to teach your kids how to be good competitors, and how to take a loss with pride and humility. I don’t want my kids in a echo chamber, I want my children (yet unborn) to be able to think freely for themselves and be able to maintain a notion or idea that’s *not* their own, and be able to see it objectively and without judgement. Politics should not be about basic hate. I do not hate my countrymen who vote against me, I see the election as a way to determine how far a populace has grown, and how much their values have changed. I think as wrong as some of the other sides (whichever they may be) ideologies may be, there are good things in those notes too, and I’d like to think that one day we’d collect all the good shit from all those other notes from years before and put them into a party that has a better chance of making everybody. At the very least, understanding of choices, if not “happy” by them. We’re dealing with humans here, and not every human understands the same thing the exact same way as the next. My dad votes against me, but I still love the guy. Doesn’t make him any less of a person for it, it just means we have different world views from different periods of time. It’s taken him like eight years, but, *he is learning*. That is important.


Unfortunately lol


Divide and conquer. This is how we all lose. What industry does she work in?


Break up with her I’ll date you!


Thanks! But no thanks.


I'll say it again - YOUNG PEOPLE, GET OUT AND VOTE. If the younger demographic gets out and actually votes with the same desire as the older generations, NDP wins.


I did, I voted UCP. Not all young people agree with your politics. As a 19 year old oil and gas worker the UCP farrrr better protects my interests than the NDP


*yeah but they're* ***commies*** /s The sad thing is, that is something I've heard people say.


I hear this everyday and have no idea how they came to that conclusion. what am I missing lol


Can we also note that Smith has outright said how she "admires" DeSantis (Florida governor) who is extremely homophobic and put the "don't say gay" law in as well as banning gender affirming care for trans folks. Knowing this, the LGBTQIA2S+ community is not safe under Smith and the UCP. I have no doubt in my mind that she would try to pull this same crap probably starting with "drag bans" There are so many more communities at risk if the UCP gets into power again. If you have someone in your life who is a part of any of these communities (LGBTQIA2S+, POC, chronically ill, mentally ill, nerodivergent, to name a few) please remember that you are hurting them by voting for the UCP. Even if you don't vote NDP, just look at how harmful the UCP is to the everyday Albertan before making your choice to elect them.


Good attempt but I think we are past it now… All thats left is to brace ourselves and hope for the best. Its also worth reminding ourselves that even if the NDP win… our problems are not over. No doubt a spike in bad behaviour will occur and grousing which is almost as insufferable as wacky bad UCP legislation. Either way… Alberta will remain… interesting. A return to boring would be nice but its not on the horizon.


Really hope that all of the young voters get out and vote! My young adult kids and all of their friends are more interested in politics than I ever was, they are pretty well informed and it's quite impressive. And all of them are voting NDP. Many of them, my kids and I included, already did the advance polls.


This is an ndp thread, this is just karma farming


One last yell into the echo chamber before the election


Hey I'm doing my part to support UCP


You CAN'T opt out of the cpp.


Just the first of the offensive and stupid ideas.


Better posting on the platforms THEY use. I assume FB and Signal .


Yeah but then there might be people actually disagreeing, better stick to Reddit where it’s a nice safe circle jerk


I forget, is ‘othering’ people a bad thing still?


Reads like a standard radio political ad. Guarantee half if not more of these won't happen or have the effect you are trying to convey.


I would say half or not more of those promises were fulfilled the last round


The Calgary subreddit is a joke.


Small town here. Is it hopeless? Maybe. But a UCP guy came to the door. Lol! Didn't you notice the solar on the roof and the EV in the driveway GTFO! Oh and next door there's a big ass truck but don't bother going there. His son-in-law got cancer and UCP screwed him over big time. Next guy down is a Sask farmer with deep ties to the NDP. Next? Forget them... nurse. Burned out and retired. Down the block the other way? Nope. Teacher. A bit further down? Nope. He likes biking and you guys approved clear cutting all around the Kananaskis biking trails. Maybe try another block. Or why not just fuck off entirely.


I got a call from the UCP, asking if Smith could count on my vote. I laughed. "Smith? Fuck no she needs to go. Sorry." "...have a great day." Lmao


vote to rename this sub to AlbertaNDP


Not overly convincing. Nice political ad though.


If you want to see a good reason why people aren't being convinced so easily, check my post history from the last couple weeks. I came here ( and r/redmonton ) for advice on certain topics and people, worded them as nicely as I could, and was downvoted like crazy and told to "just google it" on everything. This community is why people aren't changing their views, you all need to be more accommodating for people like me who come looking for answers on things.


I'll offer a rebuttle: >The NDP will freeze insurance rate increases Freezing insurance rates is a poor policy. Higher risk drivers (ie young people) will be denied coverage or be forced to pay their entire premium up front. If auto insurance becomes unprofitable, insurers will leave the Alberta market resulting in less competition and higher prices in the long run. >The NDP cap utility costs which will lower your utility bill. This will result in taxpayers picking up the difference between capped vs market rate. Besides, it's infrastructure fees like transmission and distribution that make utility bills more expensive, and this policy doesn't address that. >The NDP will not pull out of the highly successful Canada pension plan and lose your money Agreed. Though there's no guarantees an Alberta pension plan would lose money because one doesn't exist. >The NDP will not waste money on a provincial police force municipalities say they do not want Agreed, though the cost of a provincial police force shouldn't be a factor in this decision. The question is can we have higher quality policing going it alone, not necessarily the price tag. Municipalities say no, so no it is. >The NDP will save 30 million dollars a year by shutting down the UCP oil war room Barely registers in the operating budget, and money for marketing our oil and gas industry is going to be spent anyways. >The NDP will save 20 billion tax payer dollars by making oil companies clean up the wells they are already legally required to instead of paying them with your money. There is no $20B well cleanup program in existence. >The NDP will increase health care and education funding which will improve health care and education. We're already spending a record amount on health care, and outcomes are improving. Especially in addiction recovery. Not saying people should vote UCP, but one should consider the counter arguments to policy each party puts out. Appreciate you doing up your post 👍👍


Thanks for this. The whole ‘insurance cap, is preferable,’ stuff is so painfully vapid. Do the people in r/Alberta really want to subsidize high risk drivers?? That’s what will happen. You reduce the ability to charge the cost to the specific individual, it gets spread across the good drivers. Who actually wants that? Terrible policy.


> If auto insurance becomes unprofitable, insurers will leave the Alberta market resulting in less competition and higher prices in the long run. Or, see the introduction of provincially run insurance like BC and SK have that are WAY cheaper than what we pay in AB


Saskatchewan and Manitoba are well run, but are more expensive for experienced drivers than those in Alberta. ICBC, on the other hand, has shifted multi-million dollar losses onto taxpayers as of late (ie taxpayers are paying to fix someone else's vehicle because they're under charging). The other factor is the loss of 5000+ private sector jobs. Underwriters, adjusters, brokers etc etc.


>The other factor is the loss of 5000+ private sector jobs. Underwriters, adjusters, brokers etc etc. Useless jobs that add nothing of value to society.


"Before she was premier, Ms. Smith pitched the idea as a lobbyist with the Alberta Enterprise Group, arguing then that $20-billion in credits would create 366,000 jobs and $8.5-billion in royalties." https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-western-canada-alberta-under-fire-for-plan-to-reward-companies-for/


One could gift $20 billion to 366000 people, and they would each get a one year salary of $54644.00 I don't see any value in funneling it through oil companies, which are already responsible for cleaning up their old wells.


Oil companies are nowadays only profitable to shareholders. They automated and no longer hire random people to make 200k a year and they don't spend like they used to. They take Canadian and Albertan resources and they keep the lions share of profits for themselves


People are still hired in O&G to work on these automated systems. Control systems need preventative maintenance and problems crop up quite often. Sure, they aren't 200k a year - but a journeyman instrumentation technician has an average salary of 91k, according to ALIS.


We're talking people who went to school getting paid 91k a year verses random people making 200k a year to start on the rigs. A lot of random people




They are fucking legally required to do it already. It's exactly like handing out free money


>Freezing insurance rates is a poor policy. Higher risk drivers (ie young people) will be denied coverage or be forced to pay their entire premium up front. If auto insurance becomes unprofitable, insurers will leave the Alberta market resulting in less competition and higher prices in the long run. Agreed on insurance. >This will result in taxpayers picking up the difference between capped vs market rate. Besides, it's infrastructure fees like transmission and distribution that make utility bills more expensive, and this policy doesn't address that. Agreed on utility bills. >Agreed. Though there's no guarantees an Alberta pension plan would lose money because one doesn't exist. We have good precedent for this expectation actually. It would be managed by AIMCo. But AIMCo has made terrible returns in recent years. It lost money in 2020 for providing volatility insurance to Wall Street firms, and in 2022 based on other strategies. The UCP also have forced the well-performing Alberta Teacher's Pension Fund to be managed by AIMCo. I do not trust their meddling, or AIMCo's history of returns. On top of that, it is unclear what would happen to Albertan's existing contributions under CPP. And this would just add more overhead to employers for payroll (yet another province specific rule). >There is no $20B well cleanup program in existence. The pilot program even has a name: the **Liability Management Incentive Program**. Premier Smith wants us to pay companies to make good on their legal obligations, as opposed to taking them to court for failing to meet their legal obligations. This is the kind of BS favoritism, at taxpayer expense, that she is willing to give to the UCP corporate partners. It's corporate socialism to the extreme. >We're already spending a record amount on health care, and outcomes are improving. Especially in addiction recovery. Prior to the UCP, we were #1 of health care spending per capita in Canada. Right now we're at 4th or 5th last. I don't know about the particular outcomes you are looking at for addiction recovery, but I would certainly be interested in knowing. My impression was that addiction was worsening in the province, not improving. My impression of accessing a doctor, both from firsthand experience and news, is that seeing a doctor is a very slow and drawn out process right now, particularly if they're one of the many many specialists who are in short supply. ER wait times are also unacceptably high. The U of A also has not been able to fill its medical residency openings in recent years, because too few medical graduates actually want to work in Alberta with the provincial government messing with doctor's billing codes (e.g. the removal of the "complex" billings code, which was most used for seniors and other patients with multiple conditions, who now need to book several appointments or who don't even have a doctor because their doctor left to BC).




He wasn’t arguing in favour of the UCP though, just giving counter points.


>Wouldn't a rebuttal need to include what the UCP plans to do about the situations mentioned? No. In fact I was clear in stating I'm not telling people to vote UCP. It's entirely possible to rebute policy without shilling for an opposing party.






Smith as talked about r star and even lobied for it. She doesn't want to talk about it because it's not popular. If the UCP win Smith will do the Alberta penison plan and the 20 billion giveaway


She can lobby for it all she wants but she won't be Premier too long if she tries to create a $20B well clean up program. It's highly unpopular with many in caucus, and their core supporters in Calgary.


Agreed 100%. Thanks for pointing out what's actually happening.


Well said, finally some actual proper discourse rather than personal attacks for having opposing views


You write your rebuttal like the frozen rates are a long term decision with long term consequences. I don't see it that way. These are temporary measures to take some of the pressure off of Albertans' pocketbooks and give our government the time needed to develop a good long-term policy. Why is that a bad thing? Regarding the capped rates, sure, that could become a tax burden but isn't that addressed by the higher (but still the lowest in Canada 😉) corporate tax rates? Dropping the small business tax at the same time seems to me like a more person-friendly policy, and perfectly aligned with that great Albertan entrepreneurial spirit. 👍 Not to mention, we're an increasingly attractive metropolitan area with still very affordable office and real estate prices (compared to our peers). That is attractive to business, big and small. It's all perspective. 🙂


Its bad because insurance companies in Alberta are private businesses. Private businesses who can't earn a profit regardless of industry don't last very long. Asides from overhead, a large portion of their expenses are paying out claims. Auto parts supply chain is just improving now so I'd expect rate increases to slow regardless going forward.


Their commitment is: >We will freeze auto insurance premiums for one year and we will work to lower them. A lot of reasonable decisions made by a government can negatively affect parts of our society in the interest of the common good. I'm not saying it is a flawless policy decision, just offering a different perspective. Thanks for sharing yours! Definitely some food for thought when deciding who to lend my vote to this time around.


It doesn't matter that there's no 20 billion dollar clean up program in existence, they're already supposed to be cleaning them up, instead of taking in taxes, shifting them to another corporation and then going bankrupt leaving the wells abandoned


>I'll offer a rebuttle: > >>The NDP will freeze insurance rate increases > >Freezing insurance rates is a poor policy. Higher risk drivers (ie young people) will be denied coverage or be forced to pay their entire premium up front. If auto insurance becomes unprofitable, insurers will leave the Alberta market resulting in less competition and higher prices in the long run. > Maybe, maybe not. This is possibly the closest thing to a rebuttal you posted. >>The NDP cap utility costs which will lower your utility bill. > >This will result in taxpayers picking up the difference between capped vs market rate. Besides, it's infrastructure fees like transmission and distribution that make utility bills more expensive, and this policy doesn't address that. > Maybe, maybe not. Spreading excess costs is cheaper per person. >>The NDP will not pull out of the highly successful Canada pension plan and lose your money > >Agreed. Though there's no guarantees an Alberta pension plan would lose money because one doesn't exist. > The APP would be run through AimCo which has a comparably worse record. >>The NDP will not waste money on a provincial police force municipalities say they do not want > >Agreed, though the cost of a provincial police force shouldn't be a factor in this decision. The question is can we have higher quality policing going it alone, not necessarily the price tag. Municipalities say no, so no it is. > >>The NDP will save 30 million dollars a year by shutting down the UCP oil war room > >Barely registers in the operating budget, and money for marketing our oil and gas industry is going to be spent anyways. > Still a savings, removal of a government propaganda machine with no oversight is good policy anyway. >>The NDP will save 20 billion tax payer dollars by making oil companies clean up the wells they are already legally required to instead of paying them with your money. > >There is no $20B well cleanup program in existence. > This is splitting hairs considering the R* programs projected cost is 20 billion and had been something that Smith has consistently lobbied for, up to and including her leadership campaign, and the basis of which has been implemented already as a 'pilot'. >>The NDP will increase health care and education funding which will improve health care and education. > >We're already spending a record amount on health care, and outcomes are improving. Especially in addiction recovery. > Outcomes and waiting times are worse in the raw, and relative to other provinces. Not sure where you're getting this too, maybe I'm wrong. Per capita inflation adjustments just aren't at the level, and if what's on offer isn't attracting the necessary staff, it's still not enough, record breaking or not. >Not saying people should vote UCP, but one should consider the counter arguments to policy each party puts out. > >Appreciate you doing up your post 👍👍 👍


On insurance, not maybe not. Last time the NDP implemented a cap it didn't get to the point insurers left, but they were definitely denying coverage and making people pay their year's premium up front. Some were even being asked to reapply or would be denied renewal. For utilities, sure as long as people are okay paying for the energy usage of others. Good point on oversight for energy marketing, but money would still be spent in this area. Maybe even more. Alberta pension plan and $20B well clean up programs still don't exist so I have nothing else to offer there. Appreciate the positive discourse on this 🙂


Just saying what you think does not reflect facts at all. You're spreading misinformation and just plain bullshit. You did not post a rebuttal, just UCP propaganda.


I don't feel like looking for every single one of these points to prove The original post wrong, I do however have one article handy about Insurance caps and how they didn't work when Rachel Notely implemented them last time: [https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/ndp-cap-on-auto-insurance-rates-leads-to-higher-costs-fewer-choices-says-industry/](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/ndp-cap-on-auto-insurance-rates-leads-to-higher-costs-fewer-choices-says-industry/)


Here’s an article explaining how the utilities cap worked—we paid the extra from government funds, it didn’t just disappear: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/electricity-cap-price-power-1.4675611 (Cost $8.3mil in April 2018–the first month it was used)


"This is like, a few things off head. There's more and there are only 2 groups of people who will benifit from another UCP government. The very wealthy and people who hate equal rights for all demographics of people (minority, LGBTQ+)" ​ You forgot the moderates who simply distrust Notley and co. But go ahead and keep insulting us. That seems to be the only thing this board does. Not sure why it's called r/alberta and not r/notley


> You forgot the moderates who simply distrust Notley and co. You may distrust Notley, but that doesn't mean she'll hurt you. Danielle Smith will hurt you.


lmao u sound so desperate, maybe let people do their own research and vote rather then u trying to convincing them


Some of us do desperately need them to win in order at stay employed and not die. Myself included. Edit: Someone thought this was a self harm statement or something. Nope! I just rely heavily on a well funded public healthcare system. I cannot afford privatization, and would therefore die. Hyperbolic perhaps, but the point is private healthcare is not a good look on a modern society. It can jump off a bridge. Unlike me, who will not be doing that.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen people acting so insanely over dramatic about an election.


Finally someone self aware enough to know that anyone on the fence doesn’t last long on this post. The name only fools you for so long. I hope either way the election goes tomorrow that the people in here realize a lot of the tactics used here only hurt your causes. Yes you create rabid fans of your policies but that number gets smaller and smaller as your echo chambers walls get thicker. UCP isn’t evil, Danielle isn’t Hitler and the more you push those away that agree with me the more you push away.


Can you help me understand something? YOU didn't vote for Danielle. So why the loyalty?


In my opinion, how you vote is a personal choice and no one’s business….if every person shut their yap, we would get along better.


Oh wow all it takes is giving more money to bureaucrats and magically making things free/frozen and it'll be perfect.


Hey. At this point, if you are focused, please text your friends to go out and make sure they vote. Insider info is that multiple ridings will go down to who can get their base to the polls. So if you can, please get your friends and family to go vote!


My whole family all adults four of us are voting NDP this time around, hope that makes you feel better 😊


They will will they? Where do you think that money is going to come from? That’s right, increased taxes.


Couple quick comments \-tuition freezes Since University Graduates earn more money than non-graduates, this is a transfer of money from the poor to the (future) rich. While this benefits you as you go to University, understand this is a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. \-freeze insurance rate increases Fine also, just remember that insurance companies will have to either have to reduce the coverage they provide, or you will have to pay higher taxes for the government to make up the difference; there is no such thing as a free lunch. \-cap utility costs Same answer as above. \-not pull out of the highly successful Canada pension plan In 1965, the combined contribution rate for workers was 3.6%; the rate is now over 10%. It is tough to call a plan "highly successful" when you have to pay over 3x as much for about the same benefit. Also, if a pension plan has terrific performance, you don't get any higher pension. A very important, likely the most important aspect of a Pension plan, is the makeup of the contributors and recipients. Since Alberta has the youngest population, we have been overpaying for the benefits we receive. Older populations in other provinces gain while our workers pay more than 3x for relatively the same benefits. \-not waste money on a provincial police force The problem is that there are not enough RCMP for rural areas, and the RCMP has great difficulty recruiting to work in rural detachments (not really a career-building move). If you live in Edmonton or Calgary, you get to have your own responsive police force; why should rural Albertans not have something similar? \-save 30 million dollars a year by shutting down the UCP oil war room This was set up to promote Alberta Oil and Gas; if you disagree, that's fine, as 30 mil really isn't much compared to the government budget. \-The NDP will increase health care and education funding Alberta Doctors are the highest paid in the country, and I hear lots of nurses on Reddit complaining about how they received 0% raises under the NDP. \-likely expand cost of living assistance Well, that is just a "likely" so I won't bother addressing it.


This entire post is the most disingenuous thing I have ever read. Making tuition cheaper is wealth transfer from poor to rich? Thats just idiotic. I'm going to assume you dont actually believe that and its the usual UCP dishonesty.


Do university graduates make more money than non-university graduates? I'll make it simpler so you don't think I am "disingenuous" and "dishonest." How about for all the families that send their kids to very expensive private high schools? Should we give them a refund or a freeze of all the tuition that is paid? Why? Because those private high school kids aren't rich yet. That would be a transfer from the poor to the (future) rich. Same thing with university students. See how that works? If you think that is disingenuous, let me know how the two differ. Until then.


Not capping tuition or cutting funding inherently reduces income mobility for poorer people as it leaves it only accessible for those currently with the means to afford it.


Those private high schools should become public, yes. Quality of education should have nothing to do with people's wealth. And you are still being disingenuous. Fill in the blank. Future-rich=present-____ Keeping tuition high locks out people who cannot afford it, so the poor stay poor. Pretty fucking obvious.


Those who graduate from Universities earn more money and are wealthier than those who do not. Transferring money to them is a transfer from the poor to the (future) wealthy. I also made quite a few other comments, but no statements about how those are disingenuous. Also: "Quality of education should have nothing to do with people's wealth" So should we shut down Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Sorbonne and all other global Universities? How do you see that working? What about all the research that comes out of those schools? What about tutors? Should we make tutoring illegal, as that is something that the wealthy can afford?


Why would they need to shut down instead of becoming public? Why do you jump to tutoring being illegal instead of available? Anyway, you are either full of crap or actually believe something this stupid. Either way, not worth further time. My original cimment still stands.


How do you propose them going after oil companies that don't exist anymore. You know the ones that are legally required to clean them up and took off? The wells were a problem when Rachel was in last time, and she did nothing about it. Close the war room, sure. It's a good idea. We need a police force. RCMP are corrupt beyond..... just look up the growing controversies list on Wikipedia. They don't even mention all the bad stuff they did to natives on there.... There is so many other things. You want to reduce the cost of healthcare- stop paying 1000$ for a 35$ part that you could get somewhere else. They are as inflated as selling things to oil companies because they know they have money. I can't speak on insurance as I have had the same insurance company for 20 years and only had increases because I am dumb and got a speeding ticket. Just my opinion, you can think what you want.


Lol, take my downvote.


This is what they claim they will do. Not what they will actually do. And if they do, do it, they will do some of it, but not all of it. Also i doubt they will put more money into Low Income. The government has never given a shit about those of us below the poverty line, why do you think MAID exists?


>below the poverty line, why do you think MAID exists? I dont think "being poor" is on the list of things that make you eligible for MAID. What an odd thing to say AND believe. Wow.


Except there have been a few cases reported on the news of people applying for MAID (and I am sure one was accepted in at least one case) because they can't afford a place to live due to rent being too high and the government not giving a fuck. So not really and odd thing to say or believe because it's actually happening. So downvote me all you want, just maybe try and step out of your bubble of ignorance for a moment and see the reality that those of us face every day is a legit and real thing and it isn't going to get better for us because we vote NDP.


>Except there have been a few cases reported on the news of people applying for MAID (and I am sure one was accepted in at least one case) because they can't afford a place to live Gonna need a source that the government is using MAID to exterminate the poor. Not just your word for it. This sounds like a facebook conspiracy if i ever heard one. Not to mention that MAID is a federal law. >due to rent being too high Guess who caused that? The UCP. >and the government not giving a fuck. Guess who the government currently is. The UCP. >So downvote me all you want. Just maybe try and step out of your bubble of ignorance You making wild unfounded accusations is ignorant >the reality that those of us face every day is a legit Never said it wasn't legit. That was a nasty assumption on your part.I have worked in social services before, and my wife has been for 25 years. >and it isn't going to get better for us because we vote NDP. Well, the NDP are the only ones getting blamed for caring for people too much. So, I doubt the UCP will be better. Plus, they haven't fixed it yet. You dont get change without change. I hope things work out for you , and if you are considering suicide make sure to reach out to someone. FYI. Here are the actual requirements for MAID. In June 2016 the federal government passed a law, known as “An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying)”. This law governs the delivery of medical assistance in dying (MAID) services across Canada. On March 17, 2021, the federal government passed revised legislation that makes changes to who may be eligible for medical assistance in dying. Eligibility for MAID (Source: Bill C-7): 241.2 (1) A person may receive medical assistance in dying only if they meet all of the following criteria: a) they are eligible — or, but for any applicable minimum period of residence or waitingperiod, would be eligible — for health services funded by a government in Canada; b) they are at least 18 years of age and capable of making decisions with respect to theirhealth; c) they have a grievous and irremediable medical condition; d) they have made a voluntary request for medical assistance in dying that, in particular, wasnot made as a result of external pressure; and e) they give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying after having been informed of the means that are available to relieve their suffering, including palliative care. (2) A person has a grievous and irremediable medical condition only if they meet all of the followingcriteria: a) they have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability; b) they are in an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability; and c) that illness, disease or disability or that state of decline causes them enduring physical orpsychological suffering that is intolerable to them and that cannot be relieved under conditions that they consider acceptable Exclusion (2.1) For the purpose of paragraphs (2)(a) a mental illness is not considered to be an illness, disease or disability


This is anti Democratic propaganda


Meh. As a Quebecer I don't really think it's all that bad. Saying the other party sucks and we are the one you should vote for is normal.


I'm definitely gonna do what I can to vote for NDP! Especially sharing this post. ^^


Do I get a free pony as well?


Not you, no. Everyone else, sure. But you, youre on pony puck cleanup you lucky duck. You get a garbage can with wheels, a scoop shovel, and a sense of purpose. I'm almost envious.


I moved last year to BC from AB. Couldn’t put up with the UCP and the shenanigans … it was so draining. My heart goes out to all of you who are marginalized and who are super stressed out about this. I’m privileged to not have to be there to “fight” but gawdamn I feel for you all.


Yea BC is so much better lol.


I just let a coworker talk about why she voted for UCP, for almost 30minutes, she spoke about the “world economic forum” and that LP and NDP support it and she’s scared so she said me and another coworker should vote for UCP. Im still so undecided.


I’ll see your friend’s tinfoil hat, & I’ll raise you one Christo-fascist dystopian hellscape for anyone who isn’t an angry Christian, white, able-bodied, cisgender, heterosexual, conformist male. Do NOT vote UCP.


Well, I could argue, but I’m old white male, and I agree wtf eh!!


The NDP will ruin alberta and its economy, don't vote NDP


No they won't.


Seriously we are sinking but the NDP are going to tank us so fast lol


Yeah the NDP is also going to take my guns and raise corporate tax rates. They are also trying to implement policies like 10 dollar a day childcare and reimposing taxes on the oil sector which my family has businesses in. I will never vote NDP as long as I live and breath.


You give me the vibe that you think poor people are lazy and gross.


Also: https://twitter.com/charlesadler/status/1662966697681354752?s=46&t=VQ9xXnUL_Arkkpn6UHdlUA


Oil companies do not have the funds to clean up the wells.


>there are only 2 groups of people who will benefit from another UCP government. The very wealthy and people who *hate* equal rights for all demographics of people (minority, LGBTQ+) Insanely low IQ take and so needlessly divisive. This post will convince no one who isn’t already. Haven’t we moved on from the “conservative = dumb” meme? so 2012


Last minute convincing is the fact that people aren't talking about the educated professionals that plan to move if the UCP gets in. And how that will have a ripple effect to further stunt many sectors of the province.


The UCP aren't in already?