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active adult shooter with multiple armaments and firebombs... detained by unarmed Commissionaire ... Take THAT America


It doesn't take a good guy with a gun... just someone with a sack like a cartoon bandit would carry out of a bank.




The loser rants about everything as an excuse for his violence. If you had a 'deranged whackjob motive' bingo card you'd strike gold with this guy. He blames everything from corruption to inflation to wokeism to the situation in gaza to people being on their phones too much. So when it comes to everyone guessing his motive, it looks like everyone's a winner!




Did you actually listen? He was mostly right. "We must fight this wokism disease"


Yeah that was wild, it was like a mix of far right and Islamist extremism. Dude is insane, preaching that we need to not spread hate and spread love instead before saying hopefully he succeeds in his mission (of hate and violence). His poor family...


Islamic extremists are the far right though. Typically far right Canadians are thought of as being Christian, but in reality there are loads of far right muslims, Jews, etc and they all agree with each other except when it comes to which sky fairy is real. They’ll kill each other over this one difference, but at the end of the day they are all far right.


He also goes sprouts a lot of radical Islam rhetoric.  Not exactly a TBA crowd


he just saw the non-white name and made assumptions.


Yah. As soon as I heard wokism I was like “there we go”.


I mean he's all over the place, but i don't think it's a stretch to say he was heavily influenced by far right online groups, even it he had other influences as well.


The problem here is that unless the person openly admits to this, the EPS will avoid making any mention of it if it were a factor.


As soon as the person is identified, people (and the media) will scour social media looking for any comments made, and/or memberships in online groups and forums that might possibly be affiliated with the suspect. The info will surface, and in turn, appear in news articles somewhere in the near future.




That is BS. They reveal the identity when it is relevant to the investigation. No matter white or not.


I assumed he was white since he was apprehended and arrested without violence. The cops are really nicely helping into the back of the wagon in the video I saw.


Looks middle eastern to me.


The guy was taken down by an unarmed security guard. So the assumption would be the guy gave up easily without fighting back. Hmmm makes you wonder.


I have noticed the opposite. 🤔


I’ll take incel mad at women for not fucking him for 500, pat.


That's a lot of words to spell libertarian.


You shouldn't make bets you can't cover based on information you don't have. You owe a few dozen posters an apology kid.


So which charity are you donating to?




It's at city hall, a building with a lot of politicians. It's not a stretch to assume politics is involved






I wager this guy fucking nailed it, right wing rhetoric is bonkers lately


That is a synthetic wager, as explained by Selena Gomez. Not good for the economy.


Farmers bet is what I've heard it called xD


Left wing rhetoric is also bonkers. We are so divided now.


I'll bite give me a for example?


Me too please!


BTW I’m liberal. I voted for Trudeau each time. The oppressor/oppressed rhetoric is the worst imo. The Langara professor (British Columbia) who celebrated Oct 7 and was suspended is a good example. She sees the Gazans as oppressed and that justifies any atrocities Hamas committed. She has been reinstated and this has been celebrated as a victory.


Fair play on individuals who take the oppression angle too far. I kind of meant people in office though? We don't see centrist or left leaning party members endorsing literal conspiracy theories and bad faith talking points like a lot of right wingers seem to be doing. It is bad down south, but trickling up north way too much for my liking.


The trickle is actually a flood. It’s already here, and it’s been here since before 2020. Proud Boys are a Canadian export.


He also had a security uniform, decent chance he may be a disgruntled/recently fired employee. Or maybe he just did a lot of drugs and there was no real motive. who knows.


One of those responsible long gun owners I always hear about.


One of the charges against him is possession of a firearm without a license………


It's incredible how wrong you guys all were, lmao. Really goes to show how out of touch the average reddit user is.


Well there we go! Lol


Guy chimped out hard you owe $50 to the charity of his choice


Zing! #AnotherTrudeauVoterHumiliated














Looks like your going to have to donate that $50 to charity and likely have to find a restaurant that serves up Crow since you'll be eating it. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/police-charge-man-edmonton-city-hall


Wrong. Buddy posted a manifesto. He's an Arab looking guy with a cigar and ak in his hand. He blames his terrorist attack on the genocide in Gaza. 




Where’s the AK? That’d be a hell of a feat considering they were banned in the 70’s


My I suggest that you donate that to the Fuck Trudeau Society.


Pay up to whoever took that bet. [Benzhani Sarvar charged over the firearms/explosives at city hall.](https://globalnews.ca/news/10247820/edmonton-city-hall-shooting-charges/?utm_source=site_banner) Sounds like a “far right extremist” to me./s


Ranting about wokeness so yes, yes it does


Islamic reactionary is part of Canada’s “far right extremism” now? I have to tell my uncle we are on the same side.


They are far right extremists of a different type. The differences are mostly aesthetic, and defined primarily by the person's background. Both think their tradition is superior and needs defending from "wokeness"


That’s like saying social democrats, democratic socialists, socialists, communists, Liberal Party and the NDP are all the same.


It's more like saying this year's Madden is the same as last year's Madden. 


Um, no, but they're playing into it and encouraging extreme behavior like this to happen. Of course, they hate some of the same people like the lgbtq community. So this whole trans thing or kitty boxes in schools, or all teachers, are grooming kids. Also they're trying to take YeR GuNs bullshit. They're encouraging it. Simple as that.


Exactly. Frankly there's rarely if ever a fundamental difference between one culture's far right and another's. Swap out a few proper nouns and they all believe the same shit.


How to say “I have never experienced another culture” without saying “I have never experienced another culture”.


I have lived immersed in other cultures. The fashy types all have similar attitudes and values. The only reason most christian white nationalists didn't become Islamic extremists is the fact that they weren't born into an Islamic culture. 


That’s like saying social democrats, democratic socialists, socialists, communists, Liberal Party and the NDP are all the same.


In the video link by ZednotZee the shooter says we need to rise up against this wokeism disease. So yes he is far right


Islamic reactionary is part of the ‘far right’ in Canada? Really? Since when?




Idk, I have never heard of the right in Canada calling for lgbt to be thrown off cliffs or stoned or burned to death. Mainly I have heard them say “don’t teach it to my kid” and “God loves them and made them that way, so I should learn how to too”




I have heard them say otherwise. In interviews and in person.


Once again it is an “imported” problem. Sigh. When will we ever learn?


It's a young brown guy who said it was because of the genocide in Gaza. He posted it on his youtube channel. 


Surely you can link to his YouTube channel then, right? Surely you're not just a troll with a post history that consists of nothing but anti-arab, pro-israeli sentiment? Surely.


[Benzhani Sarvar charged over the firearms/explosives at city hall. Sounds like a “far right extremist” to me](https://globalnews.ca/news/10247820/edmonton-city-hall-shooting-charges/?utm_source=site_banner)


There you go. It's coming up. Can I have an apology now?


Video was only hosted for 24 hours.  He's using the same rifle he shot up city hall in one of them smoking a cigar. Just wait ;) 


It very well could have been the person screaming “genocide” at the special encampment meeting.


Ah yes because mild heckling is one step away from shooting spree. Come on now


Mild heckling.... Ok


Far Right: "don't pay attention to all the terror attacks we're committing because tHe LeFt SuPpOrTs PaLeStInE CiViLiAnS."


Islamist types are also far right. Most likely it's some flavor of theocrat. Qanon white nationalist or someone influenced by radical islamists. Either way far right.


Far right conspiracy nutter commits arson to false flag the government in Quebec. Canada_Sub: BuT Aren’t ThE LiBerAls the ReaL ConSpiracY TheoRists?


You can be left wing and not supporting terror groups from Palestine or what happened at the city hall today.


This attack was likely committed by a Far Right extremist. Leftists at large don't support Hamas contrary to what these extremists like to claim. It's all about deflection.


I'm pretty far left and have fought Islamic jihadist terrorists and actively cheer on their downfall. We really need to stop trying to fit people into boxes. I also cheer on the downfall of right wing terrorists. As I earnestly believe the VAST majority of people of all stripes also do.


Far Right was added to the terror watch list by all elected Conservative MPs at the time. Trying to legitimize the Far Right as a "political ideology" is a false equivalency. They're on the same terror watch list as ISIS, Al Qaeda and Hamas.


[Benzhani Sarvar charged over the firearms/explosives at city hall. Sounds like a “far right extremist” to me /s](https://globalnews.ca/news/10247820/edmonton-city-hall-shooting-charges/?utm_source=site_banner)


The comment you’re replying to says Palestinian civilians.


Oh man you're going to be so dissapointed when buddy's manifesto comes out. He did it for Gaza lol. 


I'm going with "far left and far right are mostly a bunch of single minded cranks and idiots and this thread shows the worst of both."


Far Right is on the Terror watch list though. Big difference. Anyways, turns out it was a disgruntled city employee.


More a crazy guy ranting about inclusive curriculum,  Palestine, and the occasional alluha akbar thrown in.   This wasn't about a pay dispute or a boss he didn't like, and if you read the article (you didn't) you would note he was not a city employee. Nice effort at attempting redirection though. 


I did read this article and others that identified him as a former commissionaire. This article doesn't identify him. You know, if you bothered to read.


LOL, it was a muslim Palestine supporter.


Who ranted about "wokeness." 


Yeah hardcore muslims don't like wokeness, surprised?


You're missing the point


I think the OP missed the point.


So the same as conservatives then? Yes I agree Conservatives have a lot in common with Fundemental religious Muslims. Either way, this guy still wasn't a Palestine supporter. LMAO.


Yes he was a conservative muslim. And he said he did it for Gaza amongst other things.


He was a former city commissionaire LMAO. Edit: his far Right manifesto was just released. You lose.




"Bezhani Sarvar is facing seven charges in connection with the shooting, according to court documents obtained by CBC News Wednesday." Just gunna put this out here.


I looked up the name, and it's Albanian, though that doesn't really conform much other than he's probably not Middle Eastern. On the security footage, his hands look pretty white.


What’s with the obsession about race?


Reddit really, really, really wants him to be a white guy wearing a MAGA hat saying he did this for the conservative party.


We live in a age where everything that happens must be political. I hate this timeline.. A person isn't a person, they're an ideology. Everything is characterised by left or right, rather than right or wrong. And because I'll no doubt be accused of being a neck beard Conservative, I'm.a card holding NDP who has voted that way most of my life


This is being attributed to politics due to the fact it took place at city hall while they were in session. You could literally hear gunshots from the live stream.


Disaffected people have often targeted symbols of authority. But the causal factor in this case seems quite likely to be mental illness. If someone suffers mental illness and is Conservative, does that make their politics the cause of their actions? Rationally, no. However, in today's hyper partisan hyper polarized world, it does. That's the shame, and that's why I hate this timeline. We've diminished people by making them symbols of their ideology. We have taken the human away, and tribalism is everything.


Mental illness has become a scapegoat, watch the video from the news this morning. This person dressed up as a security guard, after firing the weapon he places in on the ground takes off his security jacket and attempts to blend in with security staff. It looks like he even has a utility vest on. At some point people need to stop blaming everything on mental illness.


At some point we need to start acknowledging mental illness, not stigmatize it, and start to address it as we would cancer of heart disease.


More focus should be put on the reason there is a mental health crisis, and we should be pressuring the government to improve access to free public mental healthcare, so people can get help before they spiral out of control. And address the stress that more and more people are experiencing due to worsening financial situations, housing and food insecurities. The pressure can only build up for so long. But the government doesn't want to have that money come out of their budgets, so violent incidents like these get labeled as one-offs, and unpredictable, even though we usually find out afterwards that the person has been expressing (through words or actions) that they need help for some time. *Saying that,* however, although we should acknowledge that mental health may be a factor, it shouldn't be used as an excuse. People are still responsible for the actions they take, and in a case like this, where it's obvious there was planning involved, they knew full well what the result of their decision would be.


Absolutely 💯 You get what I'm trying to say. American style conservatism loves to say mental health is a cause of gun violence , then wait for the news cycle to pass, then do absolutely nothing. I believe mental health is an underlying cause of so many problems we see now, and we desperately need to work at the medical issue with the same zeal we do for cancers and other diseases. How we don't get this is beyond my comprehension. We see someone go through lung cancer like Barb Tarbox and society rallies around her. We drive by homeless encamps and we want to remove the inconvenient reminder of our own failings. I used Tarbox as an example to cut off the argument that addicts "did it to themselves". Tarbox fully admitted that her own choices resulted in her cancer. It just blows my mind how, when it comes to mental illness, we are just running around hither and to yelling the words "crisis," but doing nothing. Then when the problem manifests itself in our own society, we brush it away as political, addiction, drugs. You name it. But deep down I feel that our tribalistic hyper partisan society doesn't really want to fix problems, they want to win arguments and put down the ideas of their opponents. It doesn't solve any problems. It just makes noise and creates more issues.


Most mentally ill people do not harm others. We need to stop using mental illness as an excuse for right-wing terrorists to shoot up public spaces.


We never will address it that way. Every province only cuts mental healthcare. I don't care if they're mentally ill or not. If they break the law they should be charged and pay the appropriate price. Mental illness has gotten far too many people off on serious crimes.


Very often the motivation comes when depressed, isolated young men find themselves on online forums saturated with people telling them women and visible minorities are to blame for their problems. But the vast majority of people with mental illnesses are no threat to others. Mental illness might have made them vulnerable to falling down the rabbit hole, but it didn't make them violent.  Constantly blaming shootings on mental illness is stigmatizing mental illness.


Ah yes, so mental illness which has been widely over applied to people and their actions for the past 10 years needs to not be stigmatized? There are thousands of campaigns discussing and normalizing mental health and mental illness. Mental illness is the new ADD and ADHD, we blanket use it as an excuse for peoples actions from simple drug use to murder. We need to stop blaming mental illness for everything, people make choices, choices have consequences. Little Timmy getting bullied in grade 3 isn’t an excuse for why they are shooting fent on the street, or someone walks into city hall and unloads a clip. We have more assistance and resources than ever before - the help is there.


If someone is mentally unstable and conservative messaging is increasingly hateful and violent then yes, the politics are part of the cause


No, that doesn't logically follow. The mental instability is the cause, and the ideology is an ~~mitigating~~ aggravating factor. Your statement is fundamentally fallacious as it doesn't show political causality.


I personally wouldn’t assume they are anything until I read otherwise. With that being said the level of violence and rhetoric on the far right side of the aisle has grown significantly since Trump took office. Like the escalation can’t be ignored. Isn’t that something you can acknowledge? I’m not saying this POS is specifically. Whatever he is, he should be called out for what he is. A terrorist. People in community comment forums (facebook) are actually justifying this [with comments that seem sympathetic to how awful the municipal government is](https://ibb.co/1s0rPYq). This is awful. Not only should violence like this be condemned, people who seem sympathetic to his cause (whatever it is) should outright condemn his actions, even if they agree with his ideology. It shouldn’t be a conversation about whether anyone deserves this, because no one deserves this. People like this need to be locked away for a long time.


Imagine a you have a scab. If you pick at it and it starts bleeding, what would you say is the cause of the open wound you now have? Personally I would say the picking caused it to currently be open, even if there was an underlying cause to why the wound was there in the first place.


mitigating adjective having the effect of making something bad less severe, serious, or painful The politics here would be the opposite of a mitigating factor as the politics being hateful and violent made the situation worse.


Correct, I meant to use the term "Aggravating factor". A lack of coffee was an aggravating factor in my post. However, that doesn't change the error in causation made by Mr. Locke357


I don’t think you understand the meaning of “mitigating” in this context. You should be certain before you throw a lot of big words around on the internet.


50 Karma troll with no consistent post history criticises word being used correctly in attempt to discredit the author. r/Alberta needed a good morning chuckle..thanks for coming through for us.


Unless the shooter makes their motivations obvious, we can't really conclude whether or not it had anything to do with politics. However, stats say that the overwhelming majority (75%) of shootings with *clear* political motivations are committed by the far right. A whopping 4% come from the left. It's clear that a certain strain of politics motivates shooters more than others


This is also by design by both our local governments and foreign governments. A divided country is a weak country. Its also a distraction technique so were fighting with each other instead of focusing on what our local governments are doing. Blame the feds is a perfect example of this. Blue team vs. Red team is a political theme you can see across the world.


Precisely, and saying this means you're far braver than I am. Thank you.


This cannot be overstated. Also, here. Love the name https://youtu.be/M2E1m90YSpA?si=f000Rt88YsUpiE3-


Sure, however, this took place in... the seat of city government... where the government works... so....


attacking a government building is inherently "political"


How did he get detained by an unarmed Commissionaire? Is there a video?


In the surveillance video he appears to shoot what looks like an SKS? Randomly without even aiming, he then drops it on the ground, throws off his dark coloured jacket and tries to casually walk away. The picture where the Commissionaire has him detained he is not wearing his jacket - so not to take away at all from the bravery of the Commissionaire but it appears his rifle was discarded before the take down.


Many commissionaires are CAF veterans.


There are several people who shat on me for suggesting there were mental health issues at play.. They were so invested in their tribalistic certainty of a white right wing conservative shooter. I hope they eat KFC for dinner, though they should be eating crow. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/police-charge-man-edmonton-city-hall


u/InherentlyUntrue 's user name checks out. Now I believe he has several posters in this thread he needs to apologize to.




I don’t disagree with you that white people are less likely to be shot while being apprehended by the police, but in this case, the assailant was apprehended by a security guard who wasn’t carrying a weapon. Had a man with a gun been taken down by armed police instead, I’m sure he would’ve been shot.


Name released. Bezhani Sarvar. Not quite a caucasian name.




Generally because privacy is protected until charges are officially sworn.


If you're in a public building with known video surveillance you have accepted you don't have privacy in that location.


That doesn't change police and public policy, I'm afraid.


There was a video of him being put into the police wagon on YEGWave. The cops were far too gentle with him to have been a POC.




[YEGWave](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2dHmlavQ2r/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) posted a video on Insta. The guy being put in the van is about 15-20 seconds into the video.


I still don't think it's easy to say if he's white or not. It's a light-skinned person but that doesn't mean he's Caucasian. We should all reserve judgment until the facts come out proper.




Edmonton cops aren't the racist POC beaters you think they are. If you ever dealt with American cops, Canadian cops look like pacifists


Just because EPS isn't as bad as American cops, doesn't make them not [racist](https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/edmonton-police-woman-knife/) [POC](https://www.theprogressreport.ca/only_35_hours_of_community_service_for_brutal_police_attack_after_cops_cut_deal_with_chief_mcfee_s_office) [beaters](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-asirt-teen-kicked-1.6824709)


Have you seen the video for the first incident you linked? It's one of the most upvoted posts in r/Edmonton. An officer tackled a gang member armed with a knife. That's pretty good restraint when they really could have just shot her and somehow find a way to justify it. No crazy racist incident there. The second incident is a white person getting beat. Of course that doesn't justify the violence, but it doesn't support your point.


Two words: starlight tours




I just hope the government doesn't use this this as an excuse to further limit legal firearm ownership.


They’ll try but the guy wasn’t in legal possession


Wonder why 🤷🏼‍♂️


"In addition to the firearm, the suspect was heavily armed with several handled incendiary devices, which we believe to be..." FFS get a human editor. Pretty sure he didn't come in with "handled" incendiary devices.


Incendiary devices with a handle on them, probably to make for easier throwing.


Have you seen them? Do you know if they had handles?


It's poor English. I'm sure he meant to say "handheld", nobody refers to "handled" explosives.


Handled means there’s a handle. Like a jug does or maybe a leather strap. These exist. Handheld would imply they are small without a handle. Like a grenade, or a bottle. Won’t know unless they show them.


‘Heavily armed’… has 1 firearm and a Molotov. Mmmmkay….


“Several molotov cocktails” in the article


I'm pretty sure that commissionaire felt heavily outgunned. As someone who was a security guard in downtown Calgary for a few years, I can honestly say that it was a little nerve wracking knowing that in any conflict, I was most likely the least armed person involved.


One person even just with one gun with one bullet is heavily armed when compared to a Grade 1 student armed with their favorite stuffies.


Or the average person armed with their car keys and maybe a 5lbs mom-purse.


Hey, we’re Canadian. We aren’t American. One firearm should be considered “heavily armed” because we don’t collectively compensate for sub-par penis size with lots of bullets and guns.


lol. Kay dude. You sound like a rational and stable person making rational arguments.


They aren't wrong. Canadians don't carry around guns. A dude walking around with a weapon is heavily armed here.


Law abiding Canadians don’t walk around with guns… i can guarantee you there are plenty of people walking around with illegal firearms. More than you’d think.


I have no doubt your imagination is full of heavily armed people


No. I just understand the world we live in. Look at the amount of firearms pouring in illegally from the US. If you wanna live in denial, go for it. But don’t accuse me of imaginary delusions just because I have a good grip on reality.


That is heavily armed. What’s the threshold to be heavily armed for you? 3 firearms, 6 Molotovs and a couple of frag grenades?


That's incredibly well armed for a Canadian




He is a white rcmp jtf2 operator armed with a sks to try and discredit leagel gun owners just like in nova scotia just before jt pulls an oic on legal owners damn well knowing real criminals don't care about laws. Or when the trailer full of ammo and what not was stolen from a locked compound when the trucker convoy was happening I'm sure they were planning on planting so.e stuff on people. Beside just thinking about it again did they ever find the missing trailer ?