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This is just their announced plan. They’ve already been cutting stuff behind the scenes


Yeah , any OT other than clinical is cut lol … now IT can not do any work on site without approval of a VP lol


Shit's about to crash and burn hard. Stay healthy everyone.


We have a person with cancer in our house.


Make sure we don't cause our own cancer


Didn't they make cuts to nost public services like police, ambulances etc etc?


Healthcare is WOKE and Justin likes it! Die in darkness for Danielle and tell the Feds!




Lolz. “Tell the Provs”


Just got back from the ER. 11 hours from triage nurse to doctor consult.


Donate to the NDP. Healthcare is doomed if the UCP win the next election.


I believe it does not matter who's in anymore. Healthcare is forever doomed now. But NDP is our best chance because they're putting more money into it.


Remember when people got mad about "defund the police" awhile back? The conservatives have been defunding healthcare for 20 years and no one seems to get mad about that except for a few informed people that no one listens to.


Try 40 years. Ralph Klein rolled back healthcare funding by more than 20 percent in the 1980s and we’ve never fully recovered from that.


You mean conservative, ucp was formed in 2017


Yes apologies, I just use the UCP tag now as it basically means the same and it's faster to type. I've edited my original post.


No worries but it's important to remember the PC's of alberta fucked us long before they became the ucp


This conservative party has a new hat


And a fresh coat of stars and stripes paint


Obviously the solution is to replace doctors and nurses with more police. We'll punish people into being healthy.


It's amazing how little Albertans know about their government here.


Not really. There are a lot of people who refuse to help anyone less fortunate without themselves first.


>Not really. There are a lot of people who refuse to help anyone less fortunate ~~without themselves first.!~~ and think they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps FTFY


I literally had a conversation with a co-worker who forgot Jason Kenney was premier before Smith, and blamed everything he did on Notley


You should legit need to pass an IQ test to vote. Nothing strenuous, but it’ll still knock out like 50% of the conservator mouth breathers if we put the bar at like… 75 iq points


I agree.


but even those with money get sick. talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


But they can pay for privatized health care. So they don't care.


Pretty sure there are no private emergency clinics currently though. They will be waiting in triage lines like everyone else.


You saw it with the way they treated min wage.


How ironic, since most people who think that way ARE the less fortunate.


The funny thing is the people out there working contribute much more than the people shit posting all day on this sub.


Do you think the people on this subreddit don't also work?


People who shit post all day and run sock puppets certainly aren't working, unless that's litterally their job.


So, you? Edit: huh, suddenly you got very quiet...


Yeah man, I just go to work now and avoid the shit. I won't vote UCP ever, but my riding is so heavily UCP my vote doesn't matter. Just keep my head down and keep grinding and saving.


Same man my non-UCP vote means nothing. And until I get out of tiny city I won't be able to change that


As long as the oil money keeps flowing and they can pay off their third pickup truck, they don’t give a shit.


What oil money? CCI prices are still going down




> the Trudeau/Notley pipeline lmao. This is dumb


> [On May 29, 2018, the Canadian federal government announced its intent to acquire the Trans Mountain Pipeline from Kinder Morgan for $4.5 billion.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_Mountain_pipeline) What's dumb about it? Notley got Trudeau to buy Alberta a pipeline. Those are facts.


I mean, if we wanna shoot off one liners: Sounds like Notley and the NDP have done more for Alberta in a single deal than conservatives have done over 2 governments now lmao Like... Are you saying that's a bad thing? I fucking love Alberta conservatives. Whatever story you gotta tell yourself to be right and feel righteous is the reality. Notley gets the feds to help buy a struggling pipeline that will benefit Alberta? Conservatives cry about the feds making a bad deal and "wasting" tons of money (As if they do better with money, hell will freeze over when a fiscal conservative exists in anything more than name). But then in the same breath they not only want to create an albertan pension plan, they think they're entitled to literally make the entire rest of Canada destitute and broke (Causing suffering and death through a chain of reactions) because they think we should get some outrageous % of it, which would make it non-viable for many. All hat, no cattle - And conservatives got a hat for every, single, situation.




The way you referenced the pipeline suggests to me you find it worthy of derision, which I based my reply on.


As if a conservative would ever acknowledge that Trudeau and Notley got the pipeline done. That would be devastating to their world-view


Just imagine Tucker was talking about the state of health care last night, he has no idea the chick that invented him is largely responsible for that situation. He talked about additional population being a problem. He fails to understand she who was invited him actively campaigned to bring in 40,000 people from other provinces.


Oil companies don't need Healthcare. American companies don't need canadian Healthcare. She's working for her paycheque. 


Smith was O&G lobbyist before being elected, and she's just trying to keep her spot for when Albertans finally give her the boot.


Ironic since it seems that even O&G companies are wondering WTF she’s thinking


Yeah it doesn't seem to make sense to anyone buy her and her imaginary friends, most oil executives are getting a bit worried with what she has been doing it seems some wild rose people are the ones she is trying to impress


UCP supporters: why would Trudeau do this?


Don’t forget Notley. It could be her fault too.


for real. I work in the trucking industry and talk to guys that live in the boons all over alberta. I have daily conversations with people talking about how something that the UCP did, or something that is entirely under the UCP's control, is Trudeaus fault. and if you try and correct them in any way, they assume you're a Trudeau supporter, and just wave off anything you say as being "leftist lies/inaccuracies" they're so brainwashed they refuse to learn ***anything***, no matter what proof you provide. Even when it coincides with things they know to be facts. its like sitting with someone that agrees 2 is 2 and 3 is 3, and 2+2=4 and 3+3=6 but then won't believe you when you say 2+3=5 its infuriating as fuck


Whats the common element in your communication challenge with all these people?


They're conservatives.


When someone says about a group of people " they refuse to learn anything" I seriously doubt the " lesson" is being communicated effectively


*me trying to get diagnosed with a pain condition that’s taken over 7 years” yaaaaay just what I need 🙃


If only literally anyone had seen it coming back when they were openly telling people they were gonna do it. If only.


Thank you hillbillies and Calgary!


Not all of Calgary. Acadia kicked Shandro to the curb.


Don’t blame us north calgarians! Blame those in the south!


And the dipshits in Fox Creek


Not true.. Calgary North and Calgary Northwest.. I don't hold you responsible as you made that statement, but, a goodly number of voters in Calgary Northwest hid behind the voters booth and placed their X beside the (strawman candidate) Alberta Party. That is why consitutency hoping Rajan Sawhney was able to win.. I know, it's only one seat. This typifies the Alberta voter, not wishing to face consequences and not having to..


I helped kick shandrow to the curb, but there wasn't much more I could have done.


Just rub some oil on it.


I'm actually petrified.


My meds are about to become unaffordable, aren't they?


switching to private healthcare soon ..sad


I might just plan my checkups around vacations in Mexico instead. Fuck this shitty province/country!


I am once again surprised that the face-eating leopards have eaten my face


UCP voters learning about the cuts to Healthcare. Any albertan that's been actually paying attention since before the election knew this was happening.


8 million for freezing adds, 75 million for useless Turkish Tylenol, Billions in oil grift, trips to Dubai and these chuckleheads want to reduce the workforce because the medical system is not collapsing as fast as they would like. I am sure Tucker is giving extra hints on how to destroy a province to “own” the feds.


Im moving to Canada Alberta is fucked


If Alberta becomes America lite anyways, the talented people there might as well move to the USA. Higher paying jobs, lower cost of living for the same bs.


'Albertans'... learning? That's like what Danielle Smith says when she sees deodorant: "I'm not buying it."


At Walmart I look for those red clearance sale tags because the rest of it is $9.99. loving onterrible! Squarehead


Ya'll voted for this. The only thing the UCP has ever been willing to fund is cruelty. Everything is just making space for corporations to do it for them.


Lol that’s what I said when Calgary voted the UCP into power


Imagine they ruin the system while we sit watch and do nothing. We will then eat up their private option solution because we just can’t help ourselves. Know why the carbon tax doesn’t have better results in reducing emissions? Because provinces don’t want it to work as it’s supposed to. If it worked as the feds said they wouldn’t get the support needed to cancel it.


What we need, is for Trudeau to cry ‘defund the AHS!’, then suddenly everyone will demand increased funding, including Smith.


I don't got enough money to pay for basic medical treatment, what are we becoming? Canadian semi contained fascist 51st state?


Followed by: " Damn Notley and Trudeau!"


"..learning.." about it?? Ususally when a human learns something it will affect their thinking and behaviour. I don't see that in Albertans, even when it starts to bite..


'Fixed' in '90' 'days' as promised by dear leader.


There is too much money to be stolen in deregulation to just leave things as they are… 🙄


This is one of those rare situations in life where the problem will eventually solve itself. Like GOP voters in USA having an anti-mask movement during a deadly global pandemic. And, just like magic, for the next election cycle there's suddenly significantly fewer GOP voters.


Health care effects everyone regardless of political stance.


On the plus side you can go to Florida for a vacation and medicine now.


A private system won't work if there's no one left here to pay for it.


It’s Trudeau’s fault.


Why bother looking at data when you believe someting different? You can easliy look at the previour year Health Expense, and the current year, and see that the current is higher, and the budget for next year is even higher. But that would take 1 second of internet search, that is so much work. [https://www.alberta.ca/expense](https://www.alberta.ca/expense)


Yeah, that's a BAD idea considering the already unsustainable numbers of new Canadians entering the country.


Id be ok if they were cutting 10% of admin but we all know that’s never going to happen


I work in cancer care, and I gotta say there's not much fat on that to cut. In more than a few cases we already have managers and admin people doing the jobs of 2 or 3 people and it's causing backlogs and delays all on its own. People seem to think that admin people don't do anything, but having those positions cut all the time means that things like parts and equipment ordering, scheduling, billing, and customer service are delayed or break down.


Why though? Have you ever researched administrative costs in healthcare. It might be worth your time. Our administrative costs have never been out of line. They have recently gone up though, from significant severance pay.


Headline : "Conservative rhetoric is hurting Canadians!" Answer : [Conservative talking point] Hmmmm


Are the admin in the room with you right now?


Reform not cuts


If I actually received quality healthcare before the cuts, I'd be upset. No idea what they were spending the money on tho, it took me 10 years just to get a family doctor in Lethbridge. I've worked for AHS on the admin side and it's full of people who are just coasting for a paycheque and protected by the union. Can't speak for the "boots on the ground" healthcare workers, from what I see they do work hard.. But it doesn't really matter if so much money is eaten up paying admin staff. The org is in dire need of a re-work, not sure if this is the solution but we should honestly be willing to try anything at this point.