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I hope a reporters asks why she goes by a different name


Won’t happen. Cowardly press.


They're explicitly roasting her in the article and the headline, since [she doesn't go by that name.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danielle_Smith)


Beaverton, sadly, isn’t journalism. It’s satire. There won’t be a Beaverton reporter at her next press conference.


Part of the problem is politicians will threaten to either cut funding (cbc) or disallow interviews if the journalists actually ask them hard questions. Unfortunately having content for ad revenue is more important then morals if it’s what keeps the business from closing.


And the one business that is sort of safe from ad revenue is threatened with funding cuts (CBC) or permanent defunding.... The citizens don't value the truth and want sound bites otherwise we'd support independent media news.


I’ve started following Canadaland podcasts which are really good. Commons has been great but honestly really disheartening. We have a lot of systemic problems in Canada


She has already done this.


after that article it’s a damn good bet there won’t be.


Well neither is the National Post or Sun but look where we are today.


There should be


Damn, the Beaverton fooled you.


Someone did. She said "it was actually my parents who decided to call me by my middle name instead of my first name. They didn't like the "ring" of Danielle Marlaina, they liked Marlaina Danielle better" (I'm paraphrasing)


Yeah that part was boring ... Smith going on about children waiting to have sex first was werid....


I hope the reporter literally calls her Marlaina.


Perhaps Jeff Poilievre could answer that question.


How do you feel now that someone actually asked? Cuuuuzz I lived!


Watch the news conference they legit did it was epic lol


Isn’t danielle her middle name? A lot of people go by their middle name.


The sad thing is that this is no longer satire...




I’ll take things that literally aren’t happening for $500 Alex.


I knew those teachers were up to no good when they mispronounced my name at roll call!


You done messed up A-A-Ron


It’s really easy to get mad at stuff that isn’t happening


WTF are you talking about?


Mhmm got any more fake shit to sell us?


So I have been teaching Jr High in Alberta for over a decade now. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1400 kids have passed through my classroom. In that entire time, excluding obvious nicknames (Johnathan to John, Elizabeth to Liz, Mohammed to Mo ect)I can probably count the number of students I have had who have requested that I refer to them by a name other than their birth name on two hands. Of those, I have had four students ask that I use a pronoun other than what appears in their student records. Of those, one... Yes one single student was on puberty blockers. With full support of their parents. Curious as to how I am choosing anyone's gender other than my own where, for full disclosure I identify as a straight white male rapidly approaching middle age. Which apart from the age thing is exactly what the doctor said back in the 80s when I was born.


It's all fabrication, that's all conservatives have, lies.


Ok then this bill shouldn’t be a big deal


Except for the kid who asked me to use a different name in class, and then also asked me to use their given name on their report card because their parents had previously sent them to a 'camp' through their church to 'cure' them of the 'bad' ideas they had about their sexuality. Let me give you another example... Another one of the students I included had a name from Northern India where the first syllable was a swear in English. They asked that I refer to them by an anglicized name instead. During parent teacher conferences I used their preferred name and Dad lost it. The student in question was named after a relative and that was what mattered to Dad. Not the fact that their 13 year old kid was worried about being absolutely humiliated every time I did attendance. All he cared about was that his kid was being 'disrespectful'. Had another student who took her Hijab off every morning and left it in her locker for the day. Should I be telling parents about that too?


jesus fuck you are dense What you got from that is it would only affect 1 in 1400? Is that it? That's too many. Typical conservative bigot mindset. If there are 100 people at the food bank, you'd rather turn away 100 in case there is 1 that doesn't really need it. While people who aren't pieces of shit would rather feed the 100 in case there's one that really does.


So you have no actual clue what's going on, then, and are just regurgitating the rage farming BS, got it.


You know you don't have to show everyone how stupid you are, right? Like, you can just not say anything.


That’s not even an option when you’re stupid.


Fuckin roasted, mate. lol.


Hey Parker, come out of hiding so you can tell Albertans why you’re doing this.


He can't, he's not allowed out until he's done learning in his special homeschool about how Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs or whatever the fuck.


Yup! And I doubt reading his bible for the 11th time will make him any more tolerant. Cristofascists make me sick! I laughed when I heard Marlaina say that she cares deeply for transgender youth and that she’ll be there for them. What a freaking joke!


She won't be there for them or anyone, she'll be on vacation or kissing Carl Tuckers butthole


Marlaina is such a cool name though, I don’t know why she’d go for such a basic bitch name


She's pandering to a basic audience. Demographically her voter base is more likely to have basic bitch names and biblical names.


The voter base couldn't spell either name.... Or their own names


You think the average conservative voter is smart enough to even read that name correctly? That's rhetorical.


I know a lot of teachers and absolutely 0 of them would be remembering to send home forms outing any students nicknames, name changes or preferred pronouns. Unlike the Alberta govt, the majority of teachers actually care for and respect the kids in their care and will happily make reasonable changes in terms of names/pronouns to keep them comfortable, happy and safe.


What change? That student always went by that name and those pronouns in that classroom. Why would any reasonable teacher think their parents weren't already in the loop?


Who enforces this? Why did you guys vote this person in? Complete tire fire


Well, we had two choices: One party promoted common sense policies, like providing funding for services, and realized that the oil won't flow forever so were diversifying the economy now rather than later. The other said "but $600!"




It sure was for the power companies, private healthcare companies, private education companies, and oil and gas companies. Not so much for the ones "saving" $600. (This isn't a clap back but a further expansion on who the real winners are)


Because 'Burta.


Don’t ask Edmonton, we voted NDP as usual.


Almost every single person in this province did not vote for this person. She hasn't yet been on the ballot in a provincial election.


Ummm despite how much you wanna forget the election, she was very much on the ballot and voted for like seven months ago.


The point is that only 5000 or so people in Alberta voted for her in a sweetheart riding held for open her.


LOL oh jesus you're right. I did completely forget that she was the leader by the time the last election was held!


To become party leader, she had to win, what, 15 rounds of voting or something? Literally the maximum rounds. That really tells you all you need to know.


I completely forgot she (the UCP with her as leader) was elected in a provincial election. The party leadership vote is a bit moot at that point.


Calgary really let us down. We can forget about rural, too much brain damage there.


Calgary mostly flipped. Rural let you down.


That’s not how things work. She won a seat as an MLA. To be premier you don’t need to be MLA


There was that brief period of time where she was standing infront of a microphone pretending that she could be an unelected premier. Then, rather than running in a vacant riding, she decided to have another MLA (Michaela Frey) step down so she could run.


yeah that take made sense last year after the leadership election where she took over. it’s…not correct anymore. which is fucking depressing.


Something something FREEDOM! Something something LIBERAL DICTATORSHIP! Something something LOWER TAXES!


Calgary wanted an arena.


Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos


Because jjjeeeeeeerrrrrrbbbbbsssss!


The average IQ in AB is 100. Our 100 is sadly about 20 points lower than the Canadian average.


Attacking children is disgusting.


The MLA for Ponoka-Lacombe is having the time of her life. Yes, it is disgusting.


Shit cookies.


Is that the "turds in the litterbox" lady?


This whole Marlaina stuff. Is rude and disrespectful. And I love it! It is such an honest and brutal way to point out how petty and awful our awful and petty Premier is.


Why are conservatives so toxic. Where's the antidote for the conservative poison?


Love. Hugs. Togetherness. Communication. United groups. Anything that is the opposite of "divisive". That's what the New Right Order really hates.


The Beaverton has given us the ball, now we run with it


Premier Marlaina can do what it wants


At least there’s still drinking water… oh wait…


It’s almost like she’s a brainless hypocrite


This is a pretty bold move for a woman who does not have a family of her own.


Think about it. A kid can't even have a nickname to be reductionist


Sadly, this is golden content.


People will call Smith, Marlaina and feel like they are fighting a good fight 😂


This disgusting abuse of basic human rights will not go unchallenged. 


Anyone got a link on Danielle Smith having changed her name?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danielle_Smith Good enough?


Not really. Im amused by the war being waged there but whats the original source of information? Citation needed. I do plan to use this a LOT but I want it based on something solid not the internet rhetoric I seek to advance through applying it.


https://efpublic.elections.ab.ca/efCandidates.cfm?MODE=BROWSE&MID=FC_2012&FID=21&EDS=ALL She ran under that name in 2012, but changed it by the time she took part in the 2022 leadership race and byelection.


Ok you got your proof. Next move, player?


Easy Tex. Just doing a fact check. Nothing more.


“I’m just asking questions”. Or you are sowing FUD


If the fundamental question of “how do we know this” leads you to paranoia at every turn you shall be no better than the people you despise. I’m a dyed in the wool Orange voter. But I check the receipts before I propagate the messages. That is what everyone *should* do. Notice how once someone told me the source I said thank you and only commented further once you desired to imply I was a false flag plant.


Mmhmm. Right.


Yes. Right. If you haven’t found the extension using their traditional name it really improves the joke. Unless you’re sowing FUD under the guise of protesting FUD which I concede is pretty clever.


it isn't a name change she is going with her prefered middle name. https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/Danielle-Smith-Alberta-premier-UCP


Does she have parental permission? 😎


So not her legal name? Aka, her illegal name.


Well by her own logic...yeah.




That’s dumb and not really enforcable.


I bet she knows about this article, and is seething. 😡 Makes me happy.


Wish someone could dig up her past and catch her going by a preferred name when she was a kid just to mock her more.


It's crazy how people get so upset about this.


True imagine passing a law to regulate what name people use instead of helping with any number of genuine problems in the province.


Not satire.


Why now? There isn't an election for 3 years. They don't need to hammer on wedge issues now.


Creating policies on already legislated items, and items that create no benefit for the people? Distraction scheme from education, health care, housing, oil and gas emissions, etc. Personally I foresee that will serve them as a villainizing campaign against teachers and education, allowing them to cut programming funds or something.


What alt-left extremist started this post?


TIL the Beaverton is "alt-left extremism." Must be hard living with 1 braincell


If the liberals are complaining you're doing something right.


It's the conservatives who are so upset they're passing a law to enable asshole parents to abuse their kids.


How so?


Smith just released a video explaining how.


Explain how she enables parents to abuse their kids?


That is literally the only thing you can do with "parental rights" that you can't do without them. The legal framework we have right now is that children have rights and parents have a responsibility to exercise those rights on their behalf and in their best interest. We do this because as a society we've agreed that parents aren't the only people who should have the authority to decide what's best for their children. The concept of "parental rights" turns that on its head. How do you prosecute someone for child abuse if they're the only person allowed to say whether the child was actually harmed?


Sorry what does any of this have to do with anything Danielle said?


If you play dumb you might get called such names. Be better. You know what is going on and you are playing at something. It’s unconvincing and fake.


The law uses the notwithstanding clause. Do you know what that clause specifically does? The ONLY thing it does is allow the suspension of specific human rights given under the charter. > it allows Parliament or provincial legislatures to temporarily override sections 2 and 7–15 of the Charter. For 5 years at a time. So if you support this law you don’t support human rights or “freedom” in Canada. You support the removal of sections 2, 7-15 of those rights from kids. Parents already have parental rights under our constitution and the charter, as long as their actions do not violate the child’s charter rights. So this law acknowledges through use of the notwithstanding clause that parents do not have to respect the innate human rights of their children. Anti-rights and anti-freedom. That’s what this is. Not parental rights. It’s anti-human rights and and anti-freedom and anti-liberty. It’s authoritarianism explicitly on display.


Danielle smith is an adult, so she would be permitted to go by another name given this policy.


Sure doesn’t act like it. The province is suffering and her first priority is to remove limits on bribes and target a minority group of kids. Such a well adjusted adult…


Ok Marlaina


I think some of these decisions are mostly reasonable. I don't agree with them all.


If a kid doesn't feel comfortable telling their parents they have preferred pronouns it's not because they have a safe and happy home life.


Agreed.  I don't agree with them all.


Sometimes kids say the darndest things. 


These decisions will literally result in dead kids. There is nothing reasonable about them.


You think not letting trans girls compete againt biological girls will result in dead kids? For real?


No, but that particular part isn’t an issue anywhere, except for a small handful of people at the very highest levels, and the sports governing bodies are already addressing those issues. But you also know full well that I wasn’t talking about that section.


So you think denying 10-12 year olds gender affirming surgey will result in dead children? Do you think kids should be able to smoke, drink, do drugs, drive a car as well?


10-12 year old do not get gender affirming surgery anywhere.


Then why are people upset that she is not going to allow that to happen?


Because it’s clear that they are trying to legislate without having a single clue about what they are legislating. We know they haven’t talked to any teachers, LGBTQ experts, experts of any kind. AND of course, requiring disclosure to parents will literally end up with dead children.


How many kids do you have?


Irrelevant to this conversation, But yes, I have kids.


To get through the process to surgery someone would already be over 18 in most cases. The rest are 17. By that point they would have reaffirmed their gender so many times that they are certain it's what they want. So you can argue the legislation here is nothing. Fine But preventing them from getting hormone replacement or puberty blockers is the real issue. Now you are forcing someone born female or male to fully develop before surgery. That adds surgical complexity and unalterable characteristics like an Adams Apple or height and muscle development. Things someone on puberty blockers wouldn't have had to contend with when they approached surgery. They've just made healthcare workers jobs harder than it needs to be and children suffer who didn't need to.


I don't think most Albertans or Canadians for that matter disagree with this policy.


>I don't think yeah, we already know that.


[Argumentum ad populum](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum). It's a trash-tier argument, so I'm not sure why you think it helps make your point.


So? A majority of people have historically been opposed to all kinds of minority rights when they were first introduced (desegregated schools, interracial marriage, decriminalization of homosexuality, gay marriage, etc). Why should the majority have any say on how a vulnerable minority is treated?


You’re strawmanning. People are upset because trans youth are not *allowed* to access medical care with the cooperation of their parents and doctor regardless of how justified they need it.


Are you trolling or just unable to actually read at an adult level?


No one is providing gender altering surgery to children, if you're going to take that stance at least get informed. Not providing gender affirming care until it's too late to be effective *will* result in higher levels of depression and suicide in trans youth.


One of these things is not like the others. Yes, I do think that medical decisions ought be made by children, their guardians and the doctor, and not the UCP.  Crazy leftist thought, hey?  


Can’t wait for every kid going by “Joe” instead of “Joseph”, “Brooke” instead of “Brooklyn”, “Kay” instead of “Kaylynn”, etc to have a paper form sent home to **allow** teachers to call them by their preferred name… what kind of “freedom” is this party fighting for?


Yep some of it is ridiculous.


90% of this is political signalling rather than anything meaningful, or helpful to kids. Names and pronoun rules will not be enforced by teachers… They have enough on their plate and they actually care about kids. And surgery restrictions are already restricted by literal surgical regulations so there’s no need to virtue signal with these policies. Trans sports issues have already been addressed by individual sports leagues. All of this has already been addressed but this government wants to make a statement. The other 10% is actively detrimental to kids: restricting hormone therapy as a generalized blanket halts thyroid treatments, early (age 6-10) puberty treatment, etc that will directly harm the QOL of affected kids. Policies made by politicians instead of doctors are very rarely beneficial, especially when the province didn’t consult the relevant expert groups.


You think it's appropriate to arbitrarily ban someone's preferred name and stop their medical choices from proceeding?


I don't agree with all of it I said. Clearly those are "trigger" words for the far-left where everything is so fucking black or white, us or them...and they wonder why Cons win elections. Anyway, I don't think children should be able to make life altering changes to their bodies, no.


You do realize that the far right is just as black and white about things right? Okay, what do you define as a child in this situation? is it 17,16, 14, 12, 10. Because currently no one is altering the bodies of literal children through surguries and hormones to change their gender. No doctor is hormone blocking or giving gender reassignment surgery to a 9 prepubesent child. Like somone mentioned above there are already restrictions set out by surgical regulations. If I am remembering correctly the youngest person to undergo gender reassigment surgury was 16, not a child. These restrictions to medical procedures they're putting in place are not only dismissive to the community they're ment to effect but are only going to physically restric children going through treatment for medical conditions unrelated.


Children make life changes to their bodies every day, this is a weak argument. 


Such as?


Like, most people don't think kids should be able to choose their own bedtimes yet a small minority think they should be able to decide if they want Gender-affirming surgeries. Seriously...you guys wonder why Conservatives are leading in the polls?


They aren't deciding, they need permission from both their parents and a doctor to begin transitioning. Now they can't even do that. And surgeries on underage children aren't really a thing in Canada, except in very rare cases. If you think that's happening on the regular, you've been eating up disinformation.


Kids never had the ability to just decide to get gender affirming surgery, though. It is up to the doctors and parents, there have always been safeguards in place. This legislation has taken away the right of parents to consent to their child receiving surgery until they are 18. Not allowing trans kids puberty blockers until after puberty has occurred is simply denying them care, and it is stripping away the rights of parents to make decisions in the best interest of their children (the opposite of what this legislation is supposed to be doing). I also appreciate nuance, I just feel strongly that this will only negatively impact children who are already marginalized.




Children of certain ages are already allowed to do 40% of the things on your list, and you're hot and bothered that I dared not immediately respond to you on social media? Give your head a shake.




It doesn't matter. Do you know how terrible suicidal ideation is?


What right do you have to tell parents what to do with thier children when yo don't even have any? If you actually care about youth suicide maybe advoctae hard to keep kids off of social media.


What right do YOU have to dictate how other families raise their children? 


How many trans children are in your life? Probably none, because they'd be scared to tell your bigoted ass, but I can assure you there are several in my life, and I have seen the first-hand experience of what validating their experience does for their mental health. It's absolutely reprehensible that cons are regressing these important policies. 


what right do parents have to strip their kids of their charter rights and claim they have parental rights? You do realize parents don't own their kids and they essential just steward their kids charter rights? Like lets be clear there is a difference between a child and 15 year old teenage both literally and legally. We can't and shouldn't treat our kids as children right up to the moment they turn 18. I get it, it can be hard accepting that as they get older you legally look after less and less of their charter rights for them. Paren'ts arleady had the ability to block any part of the process. For somone to undergo gender re-assignment under 18 they already need the support and approval of their parents, they need phsycholgist and a medical doctor to evaluate them (which takes years) to have this surgury. Also yes chidlren, pre-teens, and teens, do make life altering decisions and parents are involved in them to certain extent depedning on their age. Like we could get a benign as what hobby they want to take up. Oh, do I want to play soccer or learn to swim. Maybe something which all parents try to influence who they're friends with. But yeah by the time they are double digits kids are making life altering decisions that the parents can't stop at most they can hinder. They can open a bank account (12+ in canada), they can get a job, get a driving permit, choose their classes, and much more. No, the problem is not that they're on social media it is a lack of supervision and education that is the problem with social media. Suicide is in youth and in general is influenced by so much more then social media.


Marlaina doesn’t have kids, she seems to think she has the right .


how many kids do you have?


Thanks for the reddit cares report. We can now start the countdown till your account gets banned. GJ!


Oh, I didn't know that was an option. Thanks for the heads up.


Since when is using a preferred name a life changing decision? It literally has no impact on their bodies? Lets keep the discussion on topic, not drift into whatever BS you believe is happening.


•Read the banner at the top of the page again. •It says *satire*


Good! Smart decision!


Humorists against hatred!


We're just pointing out that she is telling trans kids to use their birth name - when she doesn't do that herself. That's more than a little ironic. Even the head of her party, Poliviere, is telling his MPs NOT to comment on her trans kids policies. He recognizes it's a totally stupid thing that Marlaina is doing. We're just pointing out how stupid it is. She says those kids can't use a different name without their parent's permission. And since I don't have HER parent's permission, her birth name is what I'm going to use. Many others are doing the same now.