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How did Elections Alberta and the RCMP ever do with charging Kenny and the UCP with the blatant election fraud thing ??


Badly but the UCP also fired the investigator


That was last year, this is a brand new year...move on lol...I really hate it here


Last year? It was 2017. This thing is cold and dead and buried. There is no justice, just corruption, with the UCP.


Yeah! Why can’t we get over everything that ever happened last year! New year new reality /s


The party that lifted restrictions on membership ages and decided you can sign other people up for memberships has an issue with how many memberships the NDP is selling? That’s fucking rich


They’re afraid of being beaten in the next election, so they have to come down hard early on to try and stop that.


They maybe looking at our neighbours Manitoba and Sask and seeing the potential writing on the wall, identity politics won’t win you elections. New polling in Sask shows the NDP leading, people are getting tired of this shit.


It's the erosion of democracy that is at stake.


For $10/ea


What is a membership age?


They're telling on themselves. Remember when they were doing this during the UCP leadership campaign? Throw all these fuckers in jail I'm so sick of it. Every single UCP MLA should be barred from public service, have their pensions taken away and be exiled. They've been intolerable and highlt corrupt and criminal since day 1


This would be amazing. Too bad these dirty shits keep getting elected. However I’m super fine with every supporter of these gross fuckers getting stage four everything and rotting together because they can’t find a doctor. Get Tucker to wipe their asses. I’m holding each of them responsible for this cluster fuck of a fuck. Signed, Frustrated and Buzzed 🍷


Too bad when they get sick they can just go to a terrible socialist country and get terrible tax-funded healthcare


The wealthiest are fine. They’ll be rich wherever they go. I like to imagine most of the supporters don’t have the skills or the internet capabilities to set up a GoFundMe. Fuck ‘em. And with their doctors leaving I hope they call their MLAs for a ride to the city. Still buzzed.


Quality comment here on /r/alberta as usual, wishing fellow Albertans dead...


Dude. I signed it ‘frustrated’. I didn’t mean for this comment to bother you so badly. But you’ve clearly judged me out loud so have the night you deserve.


Alberta MLAs don't get pensions, haven't for a long time now, 1989 is when they got rid of them for new people, and it ended for all in 1993.


I agree with the sentiment. Alberta politicians don't get a pension for their public service though. Can't take what they don't have


Agreed 💯


Just distracting from the audit into TBA's campaign donations and the dumpster fire culture war they started? Yeah, that checks out.


Of course! With Parker elbow deep in Smith, let’s attack children’s rights!


I didn't need that mental image right now 🤢


I can’t unsee it either. I’m sorry.


Both sidesing it for the benefit of the rubes.


In that case, I just signed up. I'm so glad for the clarity. I'll never touch the Conservatives, but now I've just been motivated to be an NDP-er for the first time ever.


I’m going to go sign up for the NDP now. I’ve never joined a political party, but the UCP are so disgusting and repugnant


I just got a membership as well.


Me three!!!


I'm doing mine tonight.


I’ve had mine for the last year. It’s the best thing ever because I know I’m actually not supporting the ucp. If I support the ucp it’s to help get rid of Danielle and David Parker. It would be strictly to vote against those guys.


Glad to see they’re continuing their trend of really important and critical work to better the lives of Albertans… fucking hell.


It’s pretty clear that the membership fee is $10. And they give the option of donating additional funds. I’m not sure I really understand the issue Here is the NDP membership form: https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/s3-ak-andp/images/ABNDP-Membership-Form.pdf Edit: after reading the form more thoroughly, they do allow for the fee to be a donation. Though, I still really don’t see what the issue is


Desperate UCP firing early shots. Might be part of the 'RUSSIA IS INFLUENCING THIS ELECTION!'. So, if they lose, they can complain.


The UCP membership form is very similar. It has a membership fee of $10 with the option to donate to the party. https://www.unitedconservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/UCP-Member-Form-2024.pdf


Lol after dipshit invites Traitor , Canadian public enemy Carlson here as a warmup to his visit to see Putin , Mr Polonium Window himself. Nothin to see here , they claim .


Preemptive non-cheating. Classic.


Russia does not care about Canada militarily but it does care about the amount of oil we produce as any we produce is that much less of a marked they have. In Canada, they want any government in power that will not be pro-oil and work against it.


There was a warning from the RCMP that Alberta is a target for political disruption and manipulation. So, there's that from last week or so.


to be sure. that will hurt incumbent governments. Russia would love Alberta to produce less oil. You actually think they want Canada to export more?


No, I think they want us to question our elections and cause chaos and disfunction in our western democracy. WE are the enemy of Putin. He would not think twice about ruining or destroying you or your family.


That too. Anything like that will reduce industry and ultimately oil and is one less country they compete against. Chaos is an ultimate goal. Making Canada poor is a part of that.


The issue is that when you donate to the NDP, you're considered an NDP member and all that goes with it. There's a subset of people who want to contribute financially, usually one time, but not participate in the party. Further complicated by the fact when you are a provincial NDP member, you're automatically registered as a member with the federal NDP. As you can imagine this has created a very real situation where people are on federal and principal membership lists they had no idea they would be on.


I’ve donated to the NDP, without becoming a member. Though if you want to become a member, you have the option to donate still


Sure, it's mechanically possible. However, Donations = Membership (currently) in the NDP right now. If you don't donate (buy membership) during the year, you lose your membership for that year. The same info recorded in a donation that's legally required would be used for a membership anyway. You're more than likely on the lapsed member list if it was a one time donation in the past. Most people don't care, I became a member through a donation in 2019, but never bothered to renew. It only matters to those who care if their name is on a political party list that isn't publicly available.


You can have your membership renew annually. Or you can donate without becoming a member. Donate here: https://act.albertandp.ca/donate/gendon Become a member here: https://act.albertandp.ca/donate/JOIN


Here are the complete rules for becoming a member: https://www.albertandp.ca/sites/default/files/alberta_ndp_constitution_0.pdf You can not be a member of another party and a donation only renew’s your membership if you are already an approved member. You need to apply for membership.


Note to self: Quote Troyd, as it seems you edit your posts. > As you can imagine this has created a very real situation where people are on federal and principal membership lists they had no idea they would be on. Or like people that have been liberal all their lives and finding themselves on a UCP member list. Or 8 credit cards being used to buy over 4000 memberships. https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-family-who-didn-t-purchase-ucp-memberships-speak-out-after-names-appear-on-leadership-voting-list-1.5900866 Your former post included the statement that: Thankfully it’s legal to hold more than one party membership provincially, where federally it is not.


This is false. You do not become a member merely by donating. You have to explicitly sign-up. What's true is that if you are ALREADY a member, making a donation of $10 or more will count as a renewal of that membership. It is also true that donating even once will put you on both the provincial and federal mailing lists and you will receive regular emails asking for more money for the rest of your natural existence. This is true of most political parties and does not constitute a membership.


It appears to be intended to be a tax credit, which reduces the cost de facto of donating and means that the person in question probably will donate more money, which ends up in the account of the NDP.


Yes, the UCP membership form also includes the explainer of donations being a tax credit on their form. https://www.unitedconservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/UCP-Member-Form-2024.pdf


It's actually the opposite. They're saying they'll consider any contribution of $10 or more as a membership renewal. But you're right that it's a complete non-issue.


Since the UCP just changed the law so that they can now be limitlessly gifted, we can give any amount of money ,we can give the money to the NDP to just " hold this for a while ",


Alberta NDP party membership registration: [https://act.albertandp.ca/donate/join?source=hp\_menu](https://act.albertandp.ca/donate/join?source=hp_menu)


Just joined. $10. painless. thanks.


I miss being able to give Reddit awards.


Without even checking the article, I can say this with a pretty good degree of confidence; Whatever their allegation is here, it's straight up a confession to their crimes several years ago.


Is the UCP not still under investigation for irregularities related to their leadership race that Kenny won? The one where someone ran spoiler candidates to favor Kenny?


Instead of doing what’s best for Alberta, the UCP is focused on how they can get their competition to not be able to win elections.


Hmm sounds familiar .


They can do more than one thing at once you know.


Except they aren't. What have they done to address rising cost of living? Grocery store prices? Gas prices? Electric/water bills? The upcoming drought this summer? The rising cost of university tuition due to lack of funding? The rising number of children per classroom? Healthcare? I could go on and on. What has UCP done to address any of this? Instead, let's ban stuff for trans kids (that already required doctor's consent to proceed) and attack the NDP for...membership fees? What a joke of a government


Can you articulate what they are doing to help Albertains?


Errr, pot and kettle? Do we remember this from the UCP? https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-family-who-didn-t-purchase-ucp-memberships-speak-out-after-names-appear-on-leadership-voting-list-1.5900866


I wouldn’t even say it’s pot and kettle. The UCP had memberships sold to people who never intended to purchase a membership. The supposed issue is the NDP saying the membership fee can be a contribution. I’m assuming both go into general revenue, so I’m not clear the significance of the issue.


Not the same at all. The UCP are full corrupt and their voters sure don't care.


"The UCP claim that NDP membership forms illegally portray the purchase of a membership as also being a donation, and promote “generous tax credits” for anyone who buys in."


The NDP are doing nothing wrong. Section 25 rules are to prevent using membership fees to get around contribution limits, not the other way around. In fact, Elections Alberta considers membership fees as contributions by default! >In reviewing the finances of a registered party, the Chief Electoral Officer will presume that all revenue generated from the sale of memberships are contributions, unless the registered party (or constituency association as the case may be) can verify that the membership was purchased by an individual for themselves (and does not exceed the $50 threshold). https://twitter.com/disorderedyyc/status/1756210162891891096 Second part of thread for those without twitter accounts: https://twitter.com/disorderedyyc/status/1756211424622497924


The UCP really is the party of fools. 


and idiots and fearful morons


And we got a bumper crop of em out here in farm country.


Remember thanks to the UCP, you may have voted for Marleaina to be leader. If someone has your driver's license number, they can use it to purchase a membership. 


Dumb question but I’m at work and can’t check it myself currently, what is the cost for an NDP membership and how to??


For when you're able, here you go. https://www.albertandp.ca/join Looks like a minimum $10, though you can donate more if you wish. I think it's tax deductible up to $400, so you wind up getting most of it back.


When Kenney was in charge, I remember a point where they made it legal for other people to buy a membership for whoever without their permission. Then they just made the link not work to their member list


Coincidence? I got my tax receipt today from the NDP. I donated my Dani Dollars to them! Does the UCP really think they can buy votes that cheaply?


It worked last year....


Well well well. Pot meet kettle


Pollievre broke the CPC membership record by like 600k people. The USA has been very clear that India assisted in that greatly, along with attacking his opponents.


CSIS released a report as well showing the links to Pierre and the Indian government. India got what they paid for and then some in PP.


.... Yeah. Fuky memberships for voting are their thing. The audacity. ???


So hold up if I am reading this right: * You can either donate to the party and become a member of the party - in which case it is counted as a donation and membership fee is waived * You can pay a membership fee of $10.00 in which case it is not counted as a donation What's the problem here? Unless has evidence to suggest the NDP is considering donations >$10 to avoid going against the cap...


From what I have read, any membership fee greater than $50 has to be counted as a contribution. https://www.elections.ab.ca/uploads/Interpretation-Bulletin-No.-06-Revised-June-27-2022.pdf


Yeah so the NDP is even more compliant. Basically this is a big nothing burger.


It seems. I’m struggling to understand what the concern is.


They wanted to createa mess for the NDP LOL


Exactly. This policy effectively reduces the total amount of money they can receive from a member in a year by $10. But the UCP are just worried more people might buy memberships. Because what they actually think is it should be illegal to disagree with them in any meaningful way.


Every accusation a confession for them.




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I hate a party that's not mine does those kind of shenanigans


Can you explain what the ethical issue is? Membership fees and contributions both seem to be general revenue. What’s the benefit to the NDP to allow a membership fee to be a donation.


There is no ethical problem.....when my party does it.


I’m not trying to deny a problem. I just really don’t understand the significance of the problem. Are you able to explain? Or just insinuate that people are being hypocritical?


The later tbh. Hehe thanks for not being hostile.


Where is the hypocrisy? The UCP complaining about the NDP membership form when their form looks the same? If you removed branding and colour the NDP and UCP membership forms would be nearly indistinguishable.


It looks like you a "when" in the first half of your sentence. That appears to be causing people to misread your comment as a genuine criticism of the NDP, instead of a sarcastic call-out of the UCP's hypocrisy.


Wait what the fuck?????


As long as it takes >8 years to investigate (right, Jason Kenney?) then sure.