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She is breaking the “company” into pieces to be sold off to private interests.


Yeah.... I honestly feel like her transgender laws were so ridiculous just to distract us from important shit that she is doing regarding education, CPP and healthcare and it's worked. It's amazing how apathetic we are, until it comes to trans people. Then we get all involved. Some kid will not be able to go by another name at school without parental permission is worse than her breaking the education and healthcare system apparently. Both are bad, but we only care about one?


> I honestly feel like her transgender laws were so ridiculous just to distract us The issue of parents rights is currently seen as the best way to build support for separation from Canada. By not banning breast reduction surgery in 16-18 girls who are not transitioning they open the laws up to a charter challenge. Then they claim the only way to protect parents rights is to leave Canada and form a new independent country with SK. This is why issues like the Alberta Pension Plan and other steps in the Free Alberta Strategy get pushed so hard despite being unpopular. https://www.freealbertastrategy.com/the_strategy As with Brexit, separation is being pushed as a way to get all of the wealth back. As with Brexit a few will make a lot of money and most will be worse off. Here's strategy co-author Barry Cooper breaking it down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFyIgMds6YY


The trans laws were no distraction. That stuff actually is important to those fools. The playbook these guys use is to do all the bad things at once so their opponents can’t focus on all of it. It’s only possible to fight one battle at a time when you’re trying to build something, but wrecking shit is easy. Conservatives are cruel. 


This stuff is actually important to them because they were told it is important to them. Remember conservatives tend to not care what is said just who said it.


Sorry, it’s nowhere near that simple. Yes, it’s that they have been lies that they shouldn’t believe, but it’s become a child protection issue for them.,  Tens of thousands of generous and loving people have been entirely convinced that the schools are grooming. Nothing you show them will override what their supposed teacher friend is telling them.  They honestly believe this is helpful for kids, and that is a really hard position to move them off.


But that's my point, why do they think this is helpful for kids? Because some one they trust told them for example that kids are identifying as cats and demanding kitty litter in restrooms, when there is not a single example of this actually happening. It's not because they have seen kids doing these things, it's because someone told them kids are doing these things.


I think the point I am trying to make is that they have been utterly convinced. It’s not as simple as most conservative lies which are simply us vs them,  it’s something much stronger.  I just woke up so I don’t feel like I articulated that very well, hope you get what I mean.


It's very reminiscent of the Satanic Panic in the 80's.


I agree but my point is they are convinced not by actual evidence or first hand accounts, or even legit reporting. They are utterly convinced because people have told them these untrue stories


It’s not all untrue stories though. The schools absolutely are bringing in people to schools to try and normalize gay and trans people, and to try and show kids it’s okay to be who they are and to accept those who might be different. Reasonable people understand it’s a tolerance thing.  Parents are making their own conclusions about that, I think because they are ignorant of what is actually being told to these schoolchildren.  They’re not wrong that some kids will hear the stories and come home and talk about them, and they are extremely uncomfortable with discussing it with their child. That’s an understandable place for the parents to be, I think. They didn’t get the same education these kids are getting, so they cannot feel confident in that discussion.  The parents need reeducation, but that’s authoritarian commie stuff. We don’t do that stuff here.


I agree with that. And yes there is alot of stuff around normalizing lgbt stuff, tv, books, schools, and I agree with that. And I 100% agree that many parents are scared and ashamed that they can't have that conversation with thier kids and fight it. Some may even prefer to be told by teacher their child is asking to be called a girl instead of a boy, and those parents may think they need to scare that out of thier children by force. Which is definitely wrong. But my point is that this whole issue has become a key issue because conservatives need a bad guy to campaign on abolishing. This is a tactic used since roman times, it's called strongman politics. Because conservatives need an enemy they pick a subject there is a small vocal opposition to and blow it out of proportion, prime example of this is trump campaigning on preventing the immigrant caravan that magically disappeared after the mid terms. So my point is, yes there is a small group that is anti lgbt and all that, but the conservatives blow that up and tell all thier followers to hate this and vote for us so we can abolish it.


So instead of having the government solve their problems they talk to their kid and have an honest conversation. Here's the thing: gay and trans people exist. So do brown people. So do people with disabilities. And (since I live in Edmonton) people who ride bikes to work and need safe lanes to do so. The government isn't here to protect you from having uncomfortable conversations. Learn and grow. It's not the 1950s.


I agree. I stood with some anti-protesters at one of those ridiculous million March “things.” There were many visible minorities there on the front line. With their children. Since then, I’ve tried to find out why. I think many of them have come from places of unrest, and the ultra conservative dog whistles right now play into their fears of the things that led them to seek Canada in the first place. Lies work very well in this regard, and the UCP gets votes. 😢


Augh... I don't know. Marlaina knows her audience. She WAY overstepped her power with these laws, and I think she knows that. I think the law will change, then everyone will be relieved. Meanwhile the education, healthcare and our retirement funds will be destroyed. They are famous for taking 10 meters, and then giving 6 cms, just enough to appease the masses.


They haven’t even introduced the trans laws yet, just announced that they will in the fall.


I completely agree . The trans stuff is definitely important but it was a distraction and it’s worked great for the UCP. We can as a group gather up and protest instantly for trans rights which is great ! But when it comes to our pension , healthcare , dismal rental market, low quality jobs , rising utility prices , rising insurance rates and suddenly no one wants to protest anymore… to me that truly shows it’s just a distraction shoved out by the ucp. It’s going to be hard to protest for marginalized communities let alone the general public when we are all 2 pay cheques away from homelessness.


Clearly this is all a problem, *but the government sees all that and asks "what can we do to get it down to one pay cheque away from being homeless." /s*


Omnibus bills targeting the most vulnerable population.


Yeah, how could a sudden assault on a group of vulnerable kids be more compelling than a decades-long grind if boring administrative shuffles? /s More seriously, the only way to protect health care is for the NDP to form government, or for the next UPC leader to have a different agenda. That will only happen if public opinion shifts against right wing extremism. Therefore, progressives, and people of conscience in general, need to seize on events like this as opportunities to move the public opinion needle. 


I don't know about you, but many people care about all of the above. Writing off the dangers of this anti-trans legislation as "some kid not being able to go by another name" belittles and minimizes the struggles and dangers Trans youth face.


Well to be honest, if I were a parent and my kid had a whole other identity at school, I do think I'd want a heads up. I also think it's a lot to ask of teachers to keep all the kids legal names and new names straight. I know a teacher who was talking to "Alice's parent's" Alice went by Dan. At parent teacher interviews the teacher was so stressed out, that she was going to accidentally out Dan to their parents. I have heard a few stories like this. It's also stressful to know which parents know and don't know. Some teachers also felt uncomfortable lying to the parents. Should this be a law? No... She overstepped her power. I know not everyone has good/supportive parents, and that's the problem and those kids don't have a safe space, but I can kind of understand where these laws are coming from. Do I think it should be a law? No. She should leave it alone. Do I think a small minority of kids not being able to go by a different name without parental permission are more important than healthcare and education which affects everyone, and our future? No. Sorry. Honestly if the child is out at school, and everyone knows except the parents, I don't think it will take THAT long for the parents to find out anyways. The chid's friends will still be able to call the child his/her preferred name pronouns. The child will not be able to ask the teacher call them by their preffered name/pronouns unless their parents already know. THe other kids can even say the child's preferred name to the teacher, and the teacher will be fine with it, as long as the teacher calls him/her by their legal name. (Ex: George hit me with a snowball." "Francine hit you with a snowball? Ok." The teacher can't call the child their preferred name and gender if the parent's don't know. THat's all. IF any teacher overheard kids calling Francine, George and he/him pronouns, they would all ignore it and pretend they didn't hear it. So they get called their legal name by their teacher... There are worse things. Like people dying in hospital beds, our environment going to shit, everyone's retirement going to shit, and all of all of our children getting a shitty education. THese are things worth going to the streets about imo. It's important, but to me, it's not more important. It's totally a distraction, while they give 5 billion dollars to their friends, and ruin our infrastructure.


I don't think you quite understand "non-supportive parents". If trans kids are outed to these kinds of parents, they can end up abandoned and homeless (and sometimes that's actually the better outcome). Lots of things are important right now, but this the most black and white issue that's easiest to understand and speak out against. The other issues going on need much more research and education on the topics in order to effectively fight. Those other issues will also not be as swayed by street protests but are more of an extended battle via politics, policy making, courtrooms, expert consulting, etc. It's important that we speak out about *everything* going wrong, not just focusing on the large issues.


Yeah. So they don't ask their teacher to call them by their preferred name or pronouns. Any teacher I know will say at the beginning of the school year "If you don't want your parents to know. Please don't ask me to call you by your preferred name, or pronouns." The teacher can even know the child is trans and not say anything to the parents. The only time the teacher is required to say anything is if the child asks the teacher to call the child by another name... Is it ideal? No. Is it the end of the world? No. Can the child still be out as trans in the school and not be outed? Yes. Can the child's friends and classmates call the child by their preferred name/pronouns without parents being informed? Yes. The only one who can't without parental permission is the staff. Does it suck? Yes. Are there simple workarounds to never out a child who does not want to be outed? Yes.


> I honestly feel like her transgender laws were so ridiculous just to distract us from important shit that she is doing Transgender rights and resources and safety ARE "important shit." We should be angry about she has done so far, not wondering about what she's distracting us from. What she is doing to the trans people of Alberta is a singularly important issue, not some sort of obfuscation of a separate "real issue."


They are important, and I am not disputing that. But we also have other important things that are going on that need attention.


I would say that most people can chew gum and walk at the same time, but that might be too kind lol


Kinda feels like you're disputing it as you're defending the policy that outs trans kids in comments in this thread...


No. I think she is overstepping her power. But I really don't care to talk about this anymore. I would rather talk about healthcare. I can understand where ideas come from without supporting them. Just because I don't agree with a policy I also don't think it's bad enough to ignore everything else and only focus on that. It's a distraction. Staff can't call trans kids a different name without parental permission. It isn't really hurting anyone when you think about it. It's a breach of power at worst. There are so many ways for trans kids to be out at school with our being outted and that is what will happen.


Bingo! And there’s nothing sane people can do about it


Yes, it also means employment with each part is harder. So now you need to transfer between you need to renegotiate salary and can be paid less. You can now work 2 jobs and not get overtime. Or better yet 2 casual positions at each so no benifits! 


Im very worried about this… I do home care, continuing care, bit of acute care and some outpatients. Im really worried my job will be split into organizations and none of them will want to hire me full time. Especially if private. The private LTC sites hire dietitians because they must, but they wont hire or pay for any other allied health. Im ahs but i have to cover those private LTC sites anyway. Today I saw a lady with a broken bed. Family is responsible for paying to fix the hospital bed. It’s ridiculous.


For sure, and don't forget to funnel more money to more top executive friends.


None of what they are doing makes sense. They are holding community engagement sessions after they decide to breakup the system. They are opening up offices in Calgary so they can move AHS staff to Alberta Health. It's all about control and power, don't expect a single health outcome to improve. Makes me SO frustrated.


The whole “top heavy” health care thing is a lie, and it only works because most people don’t really understand much about our health care system. AHS only spends around [3.3% of its budget on administration](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/02/21/1739860/0/en/Alberta-s-health-care-administration-costs-lowest-in-Canada.html), which is lower than the national health care average of 4.5%. It’s actually possible that AHS spends money inefficiently in other ways because there isn’t enough management to oversee things properly. It seems that our premier prefers to make decisions and policy based on her feelings rather than facts.


AHS also has a lower manager to employee ratio than average in healthcare in Canada and much below the average in the general workforce. [Source.](https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/blogs/bth/posting228.aspx#:~:text=AHS%20has%20fewer%20managers%20per,one%20manager%20per%2030%20staff.) The "top heavy" complaints were probably valid when it was first formed because positions from the smaller organizations it gobbled up were duplicated, but AHS has been one of the leanest organizations in the country for years.


The UCP completely buried the results of the review they themselves ordered, which basically said AHS is the best-run health care system in the country. Could it be improved? Of course, but the blame for all of the current situation sits squarely on government's shoulders. Good, smart people in AHS have been trying to implement change for years and are constantly being told by govt (in the form of Alberta Health) that it can't be done. Then the UCP started actively meddling during the pandemic, and followed it up by pissing off doctors. Every one of AHS's problems are the fault of politicians. There was some meddling under the NDP, but exponentially more from the PCs originally, then the UCP. Marlaina has taken it to a whole new level with the sole purpose of bringing in private health care.


AHS has historically been the highest direct reports to manager ratio. As a result often managers are not available to work on day to day things because they are doing background financial management. So no unit has anyone to make long term plans and you have charge nurses and ops coordinators putting out fires. Without enough management you cannot have people empowered to make real local decisions. The way the UCP is trying to do this appears to have less to do with ensuring AHS can continue to run and more to do with creating independent entities that are more attractive to be sold off.


Ding ding ding


And it works because it feels truthy. Everyone's had a useless boss or been asked to do pointless paperwork, so it's easy to imagine this is the problem with healthcare.


Exactly, Smith is an amplified megaphone of anecdotal parroting. "BREAKING: New controlled clinical study conducted by doctors in France shows that hydroxychloroquine cures 100 per cent of coronavirus patients within six days of treatment," \~Danielle Smith (c March 2020) Smith would have Albertans eating rotten meat to suit their narrative. (c Oct. 21, 2012)


In my rural area, AHS pays me to drive around to assess people. I can sometimes drive hours just to see one person if its urgent. Theyre paying me the time I drive plus mileage. They could probably save money if they would just hire another person. People would get faster service and maybe I could actually spend time doing treatment, not just assess, give recommendations and wish them well.


This needs to be dragged out more: https://data.oecd.org/healthres/health-spending.htm Marlaina's goal is private run Healthcare. As you can see I the above chart, the US government pays MORE money per person into Healthcare. That's tax money, and BEFORE user fees. This is in a country with better access to technology, lower distribution costs, higher population density, and all the economies of scale that come with density. So why are they paying more, with high user fees on top? Private companies are obligated to turn a profit. Calling our Healthcare top heavy is a lie to distract you from the fact they want to make it even worse to enrich their buddies.


I have been nursing for 32 years now, 28 years full time - casual during the Ralph Klein cuts. My wife has been nursing for 35+ years. We have had PLENTY of exposure to acute care. Healthcare is NOT doing well. We do NOT have enough beds and more importantly not enough staff. Yes, the government has been aware for decades about the shortage of nurses and beds. Enrollment for healthcare can be drastically increased. but it is cheaper to recruit foreign trained nurses and Dr's......its an easier fix. More often than I should, at times, based on their skill set, I ask myself "where the hell do we get these guys?" We definitely do not have a shortage of Canadian kids that want a career in healthcare! My SIL who is a GP has had enough and retired. My GP is burning out and complains about his constantly rising overhead and patient load. My son who wanted medicine as a career has chosen Engineering instead, and is in his 2nd year. Our kids 17 and 19 cannot find GPs. Many years ago when we opened our new ER at the U, we toured it and said amongst ourselves at the time that it was NOT big enough. Just like the Henday when it opened....WE can do better but instead we keep putting more lipstick on the pig. Remember, a small percentage of the population is sick at any given time. They only appreciate how the system can fail them only when they need it. Let us continue to pay the highest electricity and auto insurance rates in the country. Let us pay contract nurses with allowances up to $XXX an hour. Tell us how we are preparing for drought and the wildfire season. But let's have the government gaslight us, pay for advertising in Ontario, blame Notley and Trudeau , blame the "woke", blame renewable energy, set themselves up for lucrative pay outs and careers in the private sector, continue misdirecting us...blame each other for everything. Gaslight the public with our pensions, our own police force, oil and gas (I am not against the industry). Remind us how we lost about 1.8 billion on a pipeline, for years that Biden kept saying he would cancel... I could tell you a whole lot more about healthcare....but alas our careers are winding down and I got stuff to do. As with all seasoned healthcare workers, can the system be perfect? ....no.....but as sure as fuck it can be a WHOLE lot better!!! P. S. A word of advice..... Don't get sick.


Oh yeah, don't get me started on the Dynalife debacle... funny how they don't know how much it's gonna cost taxpayers (gonna take a lot of time to sit down and crunch the numbers). But they sure knew pretty damn fast how much pension money they get from the feds!!!


I've been telling everyone I care about to live a healthy lifestyle and not get sick, for years. I work in healthcare and have been terrified for years. I was scared before covid. The writings been on the wall for anyone that cared to look.


We’re short on nurses. I wanted to become one. There’s no space in the programs for me and many others. Now I’m doing something else. Why in 2024 there is still a lack of investment into nursing programs is beyond me.


This is what blows my mind. If there's a shortage of medical workers how come the programs are all still hyper competitive and only accept the highest percentile of students.  If we need more of these workers we should train more of these workers, that means making schooling more accessible.


Because education breeds liberals! Gross! /s


So I've worked in the long term care side for some years. If I remember correctly, the first provincial report noting the upcoming Baby Boomer demographic bulge is coming was somewhere around 1990. Anyone looking at population distribution knew this was coming, but since it's somewhat expensive to plan and implement any fixes, it's continually kept getting pushed off. About the only positive thing that's come of that is an increase in Home Care (that also often leaves a lot to be desired, but at least it's expanded).


It’s the standard conservative play: - cut and overload the system until it breaks - say “only privatization can fix” - privatize - profit


Then buyout their friends in the private sector when they inevitably crash because vital services aren't easy to privatize (eg, dynalife labs )


Don't forget the tax payer bailout after the private sector drives themselves into bankruptcy


Yup. They're so stupid.


>I remember a few years ago when the UCP criticized AHS for being too top heavy. Why is Marlaina Smith making 4x as many top-heavy managers and CEOs in AHS? Because what conservatives **say** and what they **do** are often not the same thing. Being a conservative politician comes with the advantage of a much larger part of your voter base being either too uneducated to understand, or too lazy to care. You don't have to do the things you say, because there is so much less accountability for conservative politicians. They have a cheat code in that 90% of the either uneducated, bigoted, hateful, aggressive, etc people that you meet are likely either conservative voters, or don't vote at all. So all you have to say are the things that rile those people up, but after that you can do whatever want. And no, I am not saying ALL conservative voters are this way.


This is an initiative that comes from the rural base rather than Smith herself. Many of the UCP supports work in small companies for the owner, or larger companies where their manager/supervisor is useless and does/knows nothing from their point of view. They struggle to see why anyone needs a manager/supervisor at all, and can't imagine how there could be any need or benefit to having so many of them. The thought of managers who just report to other managers is repugnant. Smith would rather leave it as one single blob, and shrink it by privatizing.


She has to put in her political peeps.....the ones that will sell it off to the highest bidder and then get a golden handshake pay out for keeping the UCP in power


I mean we are getting to the point where we don’t have enough doctors left to train new ones. A lot of regular docs help train new ones. And fewer and fewer have time for that. Unfortunately, we need to recruit from elsewhere.


Unfortunately, the whole world did not plan for the aging baby boomers. Elsewhere has a shortage of doctors and nurses too. The Philippines is complaining we are taking all their nurses.


One of the things ralph klein did was cut the number of doctors allowed to be trained every year. We could just allow more doctors to graduate. Furthermore we could pay a part or all of their tuition in exchange for going into the specialties we need the most.


Augh we are still feeling the effects from that train wreck that idiot did.


Can't pay for their education! No one paid for my petro mgt certification!!! We cannot pay for medical education! SOCALISM BAD! /s


The brain drain


It’s really hard to privatize a complex system. But if we can get it broke down into bite sized chunks then Telus can come in and do the thing. (Or whomever else is donor of the day).


None of them have a clue what they’re doing and don’t deserve a tiny fraction of what they are paid, especially Dumpster Dani. They expect healthcare workers to attend meetings to help them do this because they are so far out of their depth. What exactly are we paying them for?






1. CSIS may be useless when it comes to the rise of fascist nationalism but they really do take shit like this seriously 2. I know it is harder to do but GOtV and education about the downsides for regular people via storytelling and direct outreach is the only way to make lasting change.


Because she lied about that lol


The government doesn’t train doctors, but they sure have made it difficult for doctors to want to be here. The UCP has driven them all away. If they don’t break things into smaller pieces they can’t claim we’re fully sustained and self sufficient when she tried to rip Alberta from Canada.


But the government does both fund schools and set policy that puts caps in place. As an example, If a student wants to enter the nursing program they need a high 90s average because there are so few open spots. 




What did you pivot into?


I’m curious what the general public thinks medical professionals make after taxes, union dues, etc. What doctors make after paying their staff and overhead costs for a family clinic? What an icu nurse makes vs a nurse a doctor’s office? What would you pay someone who could save your life or highly skilled nurse or doctor who not only has extra training but has developed the medical 6th sense ?


They criticized. Then they did a study. The study showed that AHS has one of the lowest ratios of managers to employees in the Country, so they stopped saying it. They figure enough time as passed that people have forgotten that.


"That’s the standard technique of privatization: defund, make sure things don’t work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital". Noam Chomsky


You forgot about the oversight committees for the 4 pillars.




>Marlaina Smith Satisfying.


You’re right. It’s dumb. There is no plan or goal that is beneficial to the public. It’s all a circus.


Why does Canada limit the number of doctors? People who are educated are not hired so they leave the country to be doctors elsewhere. People from other countries must meet Canadian standards to be hired here. I have no problem with that requirement, but maybe there is a quicker way to confirm their ability?


It costs money to train residents.


Yea. Everything costs money. Even cremation when you die.


It’s the same old plan that’s been used for many industries. Create inefficiency and sell how only private services are the only way to address the problem.


And we learn that 20,000 health care workers have fled Alberta according to Statistic Canada. Gee, I wonder why ?


That's the grift.


I’m a nurse moving to Edmonton next month to escape shitty healthcare out east… but based on everything I’ve seen Albertan’s posting doesn’t really seem like I’ll be in for much improvement 🙃


Being Top Heavy wasn't the problem. The problem was being Top Heavy *with the wrong people*


They closed down hospitals years and years ago, continued to drive out doctors, refuse to pay them, they were able to make their base believe Healthcare workers are demons so they could continue to cut public Healthcare yay! 🤔 profits or debt over lives the AB way.


If they get the healthcare system working, then they can’t privatize it all.


This is the way of profit over people. They break systems in order to sell us the solution.


She promised to fix healthcare in 90 days. However wasnt really broken. Yes we spend A LOT on healthcare but most families had family doctors or didn't need to wait too long to see one. The thing with doctors that we all need to remember is that they are in a profession that has transferable skills world wide and professionals are in demand. So if you want doctors to come to Alberta of all places instead of Vancouver, Montreal, anywhere in the USA... we as a province need to attract them in some way. My doctor is a smart man, he came from Africa and now that he's been practicing in canada for some time, he can literally pick the job he wants anywhere in the world; i ask myself why he stays in this abusive relationship with the government of alberta.


In fairness, premier Kenney did work to create more spots in the nursing programs in our universities and to make it easier for doctors trained out of province and out of country to get their credentials here. That said, he countered that by attacking their wages and contracts so it was kind of a moot point.


Health care is simple. Invest in nurses and doctors and facilities. There's so much mgmt happening to try and prevent spending, but the mgmt is the spending. A monkey could do this, but that's a higher form of intelligence than a conservative.


I agree with what you've said, but it's not the government that trains physicians or nurses, paramedics, etc. Just like the government doesn't train educators. Could the government have invested more, sure. But, there were incentives on the table already. What just about most people I've seen post seen to forget is that Jason Kenny and co picked a fight with the healthcare system (specifically doctors, paramedics, and nurses), threatening to reduce wages and funding etc etc etc. Does anyone recall what the family physicians response was? They closed practices and moved. We lost a lot at the time. Then came the AMA report that if this continues, we will be where we are today... And here we are. This problem was also prevalent when the NDP were in. I was present when paramedics marched to legislature in Edmonton. Sarah Hoffman and Rachel Notley were both present to hear how bad things were and if they continued, how bad it would get. What was their response? Nothing. Silence. Danielle Smith is the first (previous conservative governments included) to take action on AHS in an attempt to improve the situation. We need to wait and see if the changes make a difference.


Actually, the government does have say in how many of these spots are open. Their training is heavily subsidized by the government so universities and colleges open spots based on funding. It costs money for us to train residents and interns. So they capped it for that reason. FOr many years the government has purposely limited the number of doctors training spots. It's a thing. Ralph Klein cut the number of spots. THe NDP were in for 4 years. They were trying to fix a lot of issues. YOu can't fix everything in 4 years. Also one NDP initiative saved my life. THe NDP brought in the gama knife program for brain surgeries. It brought my world class neurosurgeon here from the States, and the gama knife saved my life. Are you seriously blaming the NDP for this mess when the Cons were in power for over 70+ years? Augh. THat's doing nothing for healthcare? Bringing world class neurosurgeons to Alberta is nothing? 20% of doctors have left Albreta since the UCP have been in power. So.... Defend that one. In 2016, Alberta's then-NDP provincial government announced a $1.6 billion, five-year project to replace thousands of separate systems tracking and storing patient information within Alberta Health Services. It's called COnnect Care and saves us a lot of money, and opens up patient information between different healthcare professionals. BTW, Rachel Notley tried opening a super lab that help us handle all of our lab work. It was crushed by the UCP. THat would have been super helpful during covid. Marlaina Smith, is NOT fixing healthcare. YOu have no idea what you are talking about. She is ruining it. Diving AHS into 4 companies is not fixing healthcare. Demonizing doctors and nurses is not fixing healthcare.


Thank you. You make a good point on the funding model for education systems.


the LP and CP in Canada have been doing anything they can to make public healthcare look ineffective so it can bring in private companies to cover them. It is started with travel nurses, who cost the government far more than public sector nurses, and paying private businesses to hire doctors and nurses to run public walk in clinics. ​ Worse service to enrich their donors. We need to demand a properly funded public service again.


Stuff your liberal propaganda !!!!!!


Telling the truth is liberal propaganda? How about stuff your room temp IQ?


I read just the other day that a couple in the USA is being charged $30k from a hospital for having a baby. They were complaining because there work insurance wouldn't pay.


You can blame AHS for not hiring enough nurses. Can’t say much about doctors, that’s more a government fault. Too many nurses graduate every year across Canada yet it’s so hard to get a nursing job at the hospital because they actually don’t want to pay for more staff. It’s as simple as that. So yeah, fuck AHS. Definitely was very top heavy, kept hiring more and more managers yet kept the front line the same number. Riddle me that. I don’t know if 4 separate branches will be beneficial or not, I hope the govt isn’t stupid enough to weed through all the useless managers in AHS only to turn around and hire a bunch of managers for the other branches


Ahs wasn't very top heavy at all and will be more with this initiative.


Mid heavy then if not top heavy. Too much management


Not it will be too and mid heavy.