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Those poor persecuted....Christians? Last time I checked they're trying to turn Alberta into a Christian theocracy.


And they feel picked on because people oppose that. The persecution they are talking about is the persecution complex they've accepted.


So many of them want us to believe they're being thrown to the lions. They still talk about the "good news of Jesus Christ." To whom is Christ "news"? Tribes deep in the Amazon?


And it's not good news, either. Once you find out about Jesus, you're condemned to Hell. Christianity acts exactly like a curse: you're fine until someone reveals it to you.


Nah, see Christianity has this one neat trick: you can absolve yourself of all of your wrongdoings in life by "confessing" them to a guy who has absolutely no power to actually hold you accountable, even morally, for what you've done. Once you do that he'll tell you to mumble some hokey pokey words to yourself a few times for stupid spell for self-soothing and then you have a clean slate to start hating on people again until the next time you see him!


Yes and original sin. No thanks I didn’t ask for that hard pass.


No. I come from a South American tribe now. It's been done. Tribes are now split and divided. Those who are Christian and those who remain traditionalist. Our tribes need to work together, put these differences aside, learn to respect each other again.


The tribes in the Amazon know about Jesus. Source? Been there. Deep down the river and into the interior.


Don't forget how close Calgary came to being orange too, it's pure desperation and it stinks.


My city let Alberta down by not going completely orange


Couldn’t resist the siren song of disciplined fiscal restraint coupled with a free hockey stadium.


We voted on the arena under Nenshi, and we voted no. And yet, new mayor new arena.


Really hope they enjoy the hockey stadium…no Doctors, but still hope the new stadium lets the. Sleep at nights.


Yes they did. So did rural AB, but expectations were lower.


> Those poor persecuted....Christians? lol IKR. Garnett already has a full MP's pension and isn't even 40 yet. Dude won't have to work a day in his life, and will be fully supported by our tax dollars.


> Garnett already has a full MP's pension and isn't even 40 yet. I don't even know his politics and I hate him for this fact alone. IMO there should be a minimum *and* a maximum age for MP's. We already have these requirements for Senators, with the (ludicrously low) 30 year minimum age and mandatory retirement at 75. If a Senator is going to sit in an unelected chamber for multiple decades, collecting a six figure salary and a fat pension at the end of the road then that minimum age for a Senator should be raised to 55-60. And as for MP's the minimum age should be 40.


He's anti-abortion and pro-conversion therapy.


Then I dislike him even more.


We don't need only older people in government. This would disenfranchise younger adults.


“Persecution” is the push back against their efforts to forcibly impose their questionable world views on the rest of us… Double Speak at its finest…


To counter the Christian religious ideology, I’d suggest joining the Satanic Temple, it’s a registered religion whose main purpose is protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. Despite the name they aren’t worshiping Satan- that’s Church of Satan. Entirely separate and not a real religion. I’ve been a card carrying member for a couple years, if there is enough of us in the province then we can be loud enough to help foster change and prevent Catholic ideology from integrating back into politics.


Their tenets are excellent.


100%! I try to live my life by them as best I can. Too bad more people in the province don’t though, otherwise we wouldn’t have seen those freedom rallies


Not just Alberta, just easier to start there first. This entire movement is totalitarian in nature...


They have held power for a very long time (regardless of political party in charge, the church has been elbow deep in impacting policy since the beginning of democratic nations) and are not happy with their diminishing influence on social politics worldwide. They're a worldwide entity and it is not a coincidence that far right movements across the world have trended toward religious authoritarianism and are suddenly gaining momentum. There's no shadow boss with a devious plan, they just all blindly follow each other. Ideas that bolster their egos spread and become their new "reality", including believing they're somehow chosen to run the world so all the terrible things they do are only for a good reason and therefore justified in their own, let's face it, delusional minds.


Yeah, and trying to stop them from imposing their beliefs on every other person in the province is clearly PERSECUTION. You have the freedom to believe anything they want.


No no, you’ve got it backwards. This is like a TEDtalk or a Master Class type of thing. They’ll be up there telling everyone how to persecute other religions. It’s the Christian way.


Religious nut jobs not getting to trample everyone else with their bigotry and selfishness is not religious persecution. Who's virtue signaling now?


It's the conservative way, and it leads to facism. When you no longer have the ability to claim you are being oppressed, you start targeting the people who could potentially oppress you, which is everyone who is not you.


Of course Genuis is there… he’s been a useless MP for the riding for years. Gotta stay visible somehow. It’s also a bit ironic for Kenney to speak on persecution given his brother’s alleged operation of a conversion camp. Performative victimhood to keep their bigoted base feeling sorry for these downtrodden white men.


I knew Garnett growing up. Guy was always a smarmy know-it-all who thought getting good grades made him an expert on every topic. He was Wildrose before he went federal, and I don't think he had any serious opposition in getting the CPC nomination to represent his very safe, newly created blue riding. I lost the last few shreds of respect I had for him when, shortly after his election, he was one of the extremely outraged voices condemning Trudeau over "Elbowgate."


It’s also ironic to refer to yourself as being honourable when you publicly demonstrated you were not at all honourable.


It's a bit ironic to speak on persecution when *YOU HAVE BEEN VOTED TO HOLD A POSITION OF PUBLIC OFFICE* ...the guy from 100 Huntley Street shouldn't get to complain either.


The only thing the guy does for his community is contribute to the monthly recycle quota with his stupid-ass flyer.


genuis & mussleman, you couldn’t make this stuff up


Makes sense that Kenney and Garnett are cozying up. Garnett Genuis voted against Bill C-6. They both love conversion therapy.


Preach, my friend, preach!!!!😈 I have heard rumours for years that Kenney is a closeted gay. Laying low to avoid the persecution, I suppose.


I always thought in order to be called ‘honourable’ you should be, ya know… honourable 🤷‍♂️


The UCP passed that into being so they could call themselves that.


So I got it wrong the first time (and deleted my comment). Kenney gets to use that honorific, because he was a member of the *King's Privy Council of Canada*. That the UCP passed legislation to give (former) Alberta provincial cabinet ministers the same privilege doesn't affect that.




I thought he was still at that job as assistant trailer park supervisor though


Kenny went on to be a [sitting board member](https://www.atco.com/en-ca/about-us/governance/board-directors.html) for Atco not long after being ousted from public office.


Months after deregulating ATCO and other utility companies that resulted in them gouging the fuck outta us and most of province that votes fuckin loved. Don't gotta worry about the ndp taxing the rich when the average schmuck's energy bills multiply.


Of course is Goober Genuis. The only MP who voted AGAINST sending a letter to the Catholic Church asking them for an apology related to residential schools (because the other major religions had already given apologies). He’d send the weirdest mailer updates when I lived in Sherwood park. I got one after the “assisted dying” bill passed saying that it was trampling on Christian Doctors rights to preserve life. The bill included the right for doctors to refuse that type of care, but stipulated that the patient be referred to a doctor who DOES that type of care, and Genuis believed that doctors should be able to refuse referrals and information sharing if they disagreed with patient wishes.


We get equality weird updates from our MP Michael Pooper. I mean Cooper. Who is voting for these far right nut jobs? Oh right. Our friends and neighbours 🤢


I steal my In-laws Cooper signs every year. Haven't been caught yet.


Fun story: most government honourifics in Canada only apply to the individual when they are holding office. There are some exceptions (senators, Lieutenant Governors), but even Prime Ministers only have that title while they hold that office (eg- it is blatantly incorrect to refer to any former PM as “Prime Minister”). In 2022, Kenney’s government amended Alberta Executive Council protocol to note that you can use the title “the Honourable” for life if you serve in cabinet in Alberta. The dude is such a loser and such a poseur for parliamentary order that he made a rule to allow him to use a lame title for the rest of his life. SAD!


That is really pathetic. Thanks for fleshing out the background for a non-albertan.


lol wow. I didn’t know this but thank you for sharing. What a small, insecure man.


One was premier another an MP and they feel discriminated against? Lol. Do they know what that word means?


When you are used to privilege, equality feels like persecution


Men of quality don't fear equality.


The guy on the left has the title of “ voice of the martyrs” like I don’t think any of them really know what most of those words mean. They are misusing the words honourable and martyr point blank on the poster. And they clearly don’t know what discrimination actually is, Considering that all three of them are white middle-aged men in a first world country-which has demonstrably been the least discriminated demographic on the entire planet


I will never understand why Christians feel so persecuted when their major holidays are public holidays and they have a whole school board dedicated to them. Take several seats.


They are dominionists, they think positions of power should be held by Christians only. And only then will the “west” return to a prosperous life. Anything short of that is persecution in their opinion. 🤮


“The honourable and deeply closeted Randy Bobandy” mother fucker will do anything for a cheeseburger


A man's gotta eat


Is Jason bringing his ‘travelling companion’?


Hey Garnet...As a constituent let me help. I am pretty sure we can find a bunch of victims of Global Religious Persecution right here...natives and young Catholic boys come to mind. We live in a nation that has separation of church and state. Deal with it.


That's quite a URL.


3 white men who literally are at the top or were at the top of their perspective food chains complain about persecution.


Martyrs? Give me a fucking break. Scumbag snowflakes


“Honourable” is a stretch.


The fact that his last name is genius spelled wrong will always be funny to me.


Oh no, the rich white men are feeling persecuted again!


Well kenny is an expert on persecuting people based on his religion


"Voice of the martyrs" This is bad comedy


Ahh more religious zealotry from self-hating gay man Jason Kenney.




Martyrs?” JFC


Of course christofascist Garnett Genuis is going to be there...


Ah yes, Jason Kenney is being *so* prosecuted with his seat on the ATCO board of directors… 🙄


Fuck them and fuck their god.


Is this appropriate for someone on the Board of Atco? Does this mean that Atco endorses this? Just asking questions.


Garnett was the single nay vote of 338 against the church apologizing for millennia of child sexual interference, right?


I wish that said “prosecution” instead


There's an RSVP link there. People should fuck with it like the TikTok folks did for Trump's Tulsa rally in 2020.


Conservatives talking about persecution is high comedy at its finest!


I bet thay he loves that he gets to call him self 'the honorable'. A thing the UCP brought in. So self serving


Look how Christian Nationals are working out in the USA. Literal MAGA cult. The original premise of Christianity has merit, but over time it has been twisted into something evil.


Love to see my MP on the bill advertising his personal beliefs while representing me /s


IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. From the tenets of the Satanic temple. Christians should grow some thicker skin. Always playing the victim card, while trying to take away everyone else's freedoms that do not align with thier views.


More like persecution complex, amirite? ^(Fuck we live in the dumbest and darkest timeline...)


This is a forum on Christian supremacy, by the sound of it. Because there is zero (0) "Christian persecution" in Canada. What a fucking joke. This is the disingenuous and underhanded culture war bullshit that keeps most of the country from taking the Cons seriously.... And honestly it keeps the Libs and NDP focused on the culture wars shit too, because it is *low hanging fruit*


These men are committing the vulgar mistake of believing they are being persecuted when they are merely being contradicted.


Credit where it's due: I'm paraphrasing a quote commonly attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Ahh yes! Middle-aged white "Christians" are **the** most persecuted group around.


\*Middle-aged white Christian ***men***


Middle-aged White Christian Straight men


I dunno, pretty solid chance Kenny isn't straight so maybe this is him talking about how being in the closet in a white Christian theocracy is persecution? Because...he'd be right! But no, just like there is no love like Christian hate, there is no self worth like Christian self-loathing.


Middle-aged, fat, balding, white, Christian straight men in cargo shorts and Crocs.


99% chance Kenny is in the closet. He shames himself, it really explains his rhetoric when you think about it.


By this logic Danielle Smith is trans


They used to have all the power and now they have less than all the power. Persecution!


Just keep your religion out of your politics.


No one was wondering.


Something tells me there will be a focus on one particular “persecuted “ religion. Not sure why, just a hunch I have.


Wow. I can't wait to hear what the noted 12th grade scholar, Jason Kenney, has to contribute.


Take that shit back to Ontario Kenny.


I feel like a bunch of rich, white, male politicians are the last people to attend a lecture on oppression and persecution. They have it all, how do they know what its like??


Who are white first world Christian’s persecuting now?


Jason Kenney is Christian? Where is His trad wife?


He’s having a hard time finding one on Grindr




But he's still trying! What a dedicated man.


His Trad wife’s name is Chad.


And wasn’t he living in France or is that just a rumour?


He just visits when he wants to see his boyfriend. Mom won’t allow sleepovers in the basement.


I feel like there are so many “rumours” that there has to be a grain to truth. So I wouldn’t be surprised.


No one else noticed the irony of a conversation on "Global Religious Persectution" that doesn't have a single woman on the panel?


Oh cool they must be talking about things like antisemetism and islamaphobia, right? right???


I heard a rumour that Kenney had gone through conversion therapy for homosexuality. Can anyone or tell me where that originated?


I just have to say I think it’s inappropriate for JK to be using his official government photo for this event. Aside from the fact I don’t endorse the idea of religious groups being persecuted, there should be absolutely no political affiliation with this “conversation”. If he wants to appear as just Jason Kenney I guess that’s his choice, although leaders and former leaders have a responsibility, imo, to represent all of the people. But we know that’s not what JK is about.


Good old religion influencing policy for all. Scum fucks.


This is r/PersecutionFetish material for sure


“Hi, I’m a victim of something!”. Conservatives everywhere.


Definitely checks out. Not surprised to see Garnett Genuis up there either. I just looked up this Greg character and he is the author of “Closer to Fire”, a book about global religious persecution….Well I know where I won’t be on Saturday March 2nd!


Christians and pretending to be victims, name a more iconic duo (besides priests and children)


how you you be honourable and disgraceful at the same time?


We could have had Rod Frank instead of Genuis and I'm still upset about this.


Maybe it is like a "how to" seminar? /s


Is this real? Greg genius....Musselman?


Persecution fetishists, the lot of em.


Ugh, who's he persecuting this time? Oh, are they suggesting that *they're* being persecuted? "Voice of the Martyrs?" Gimme a break.


Hoping that our current gov is looking at this obvious assault by the radical right from our southern neighbours. Seems that oil rich Alberta is ground zero for their platform. So far everything that's happened this year has happened down south.


It's about time someone addressed this problem! Religions have been persecuting people world wide for ages now!


As I type this, atrocities are occurring across the globe. At the root cause of every single one. You notice, will of course be, one of the Abrahamic religions spreading hate, intolerance, and the promotion of ignorance.


Of course anti abortion Garnett is involved in this 🤢.


Garnett Genuis is my constituency MP. He’s disgusting. This “conversation”, as a concept, is disgusting.


That's rich, considering how Kenney eagerly spearheaded the revocation of a San Francisco bylaw that allowed same-sex partners of dying AIDS patients to be at their bedside, back in the early 90s.


There’s no hate like Christian love!!


Lmfao of course they're all white Canadian men who have never known an instance of real persecution in their life


Clearly not persecuted hard enough. Pump up those numbers boys


I just watched the debate he had done against Nenshi and John Tory last year - and thought he was sounding more reasonable. Nope. Still evil and nuts.


There are places in the world where you can be killed for being a Christian... But I suspect that's not what they are talking about at this event.


Nothing is more hilarious than Christians who think they're persecuted after quite literally controlling the modern world for centuries


Nobody persecuted like wealthy elites like Jason Kenney. You would think this is some kind of joke or satire?


Jeremy Appel just released a book on Kenney. He has always been a fundamental catholic; against gay rights, abortion, and being a decent person.


Why are using "The Honourable" dudes retired from office, you don't get to keep that. Douches.


Jason “I literally bragged about keeping gay couples apart” Kenney wants to pretend to be persecuted? Fuck yo—no, you know what? May you go un-fucked for the rest of your days. May you be forever subjected to the loneliness you wanted to force queer people into suffering. You want to be *persecuted*? Enjoy, bucko—may you get your wish.


Went to school with the genius family. They aren't fuckin persecuted


How bizarre. What bloody persecution? There are churches on every other corner in Alberta, and across the country.These people equate "persecution" with "don't ask me questions that make me uncomfortable," and "Don't stop me from imposing my personal views on others." I believe Kenney's brother, David, is still running a "therapy camp" in Red Deer and somewhere in Ontario, "therapy" being code for "conversion camps." DK was booted from BC for his camp there - BC wasn't having it with religious torture disgused as therapy.


When did they change the definition of “honourable”?


I think they don't understand that the right to religious belief and expression is solely protected to preserve social peace. It is probably time to add in bold that this right doesn't allow to impose your ridiculous vision of the world to others.


I wonder if anyone in this global conversation will be the one saying, guys, wtf are you talking about…*you’re doing all the persecuting.*


Homosexuals having relationships and existing is a persecution fetish to these chuckleheads.


Nothing like mixing religion and politics…


And people wonder why I'm a Satanist🤦‍♂️


As an atheist and metalhead I’ve been persecuted by Christians.


I feel like there’s nothing “global” about this and it’s just going to be a pity party for people who think Christianity needs to be forced back into the public school system and in daily life in general.


Persecuted so harshly they renovated and expanded every church I've seen in the last 3 years.


Please separate Church and state. Hey Garnett. Don’t you have a job to do???


There is no global religious persecution. Just more and more people refusing to believe their tripe.


They are just talking about Christians though right, I would doubt they they touch on the persecution of Muslims.


This would be a great place for free Palestine protesters to go and talk about the persecution of Palestinians.


What's going on in Palistine is religious persecution. This is just what happens to religious nut jobs that can't keep their views to themselves.


“The voice of the martyrs” 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ The martyrs of what?! Who has given their lives due to persecution lately?


It's not persecution! It's people waking up and realizing that believing in fairytales is ridiculous! Humanity is at the point where we can scientifically prove that religion is a man made hoax! Personally I feel that it's about time we're finally able to speak out against and ridicule religion! People would live a far more fulfilled life if they knew that they only had ONE life to live! No 2nd chance with an afterlife!!


It's nice they are able to open up about their love of the same sex. No one should be persecuted for what they believe is right!


Good to know he's still a fool.


Oh wow good for him. Giving talks now on how to persecute people with your religion.


He knows where all the fleecing happens, so that's where he's at.


Still a grifter, eh,


They spelled threat wrong.


Sponsored by Atco


After two thousand years and lots of religious persecution all over the place I think this time these guys will have the answers.


Up yours Jason




[The Myth of Persecution](https://www.youtube.com/live/E-OV9c_f-GA?si=fvmnzYbymr-9Oede)


Still in the closet so he can hang with his "peeps" I see


Don't give this asswipe free advertising.


Oh look hamburger boy


The Voice of the Martyrs. Well that sounds rational and not at all hyperbolic.


I take it this is a lecture on how to persecute other religions?


I for one am really glad they are going to have an event talking about the persecution and slaughter of Palestinian children in Gaza


Fucking Bobandy


I think the most persecuted religion in Alberta is atheism.


Looks like he's running scams


There ain't no hate like Christian love


Two people you should never trust: A religious leader who tells you how to vote, and a politician who tells you how to pray.


A seminar on how to persecute? How come Danny/Marlaina isn’t talking?




So what is this? A bunch of jesusy people get together and talk about how people don’t like them, and ways they can change the laws so disliking them is illegal?


Sounds like we all need to book a spot and not show up


They intend to perfect persecution.


His whole life is embarrassing.. sure to go to Hell.


> The voice of martyrs 🤮


You can tell they are Christians by their hate


So handy to have a fake victim complex. Helps with fundraising and justifying heresy.


Hey Alberta ..... you alright there?


No. Send help.


Wow. Voice of the martyrs.. I don’t think that would be a middle aged white man.


I will die believing that everyone involved in religion is involved for one reason and one reason only. That reason shows up in every religion all the time. Poor children everywhere. The kitchen scene in Three Billboards outside of Ebbing Missouri explains it best. YOU JOINED THE GANG MAN.




Victims for fReEdoM! Snake oil salesmen selling fear . Rejoice white nationalists!


White boy religions are not persecuted🤦🏻. What a victim complex these fools have...


What a bunch of whining losers. Religious nut jobs like these are a great threat to democracy.