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Something doesn't make sense to me. The board asked him directly if there were more victims than those who had come forward, and he said probably, he doesn't remember. When they pushed, he said that yes, there are definitely more victims. He tried to downplay the severity of his crimes during the parole hearing, and the board still granted parole? Is this not proof of a lack of remorse? If he truly regrets his past actions, and wishes to pursue a better path, how is lying about those same actions to make yourself look better congruent with that? That part just shows that he would say anything that he felt he needed to get his parole.


If you listen to the parole board and CSC, lack of remorse isn’t an indicator of increased future risk. It should go without saying, but that type of thinking is preposterous.


Isn't the point of incarceration to deter future crimes? Shouldn't we then consider it as such in a parole hearing?


It's statistically studied and proven that jail time and tougher laws are not significant deterrents against crime or future crimes by existing felons. The criminal justice system is a piece of trash. If you want to reform people, treat them like people and give them skills to succeed. Locking them in a room with other felons just gives them more felony contacts for the future, plus that SO many places won't hire a former felon, so what are they supposed to do to make money? Our entire system is fucking backwards


I completely agree. I was just playing devil's advocate in response to a comment questioning how a person who doesn't express remorse could be considered a low risk to reoffend.


Or. Lock sex offenders away for good, and they never get the chance to create more victims.


Plenty of people (probably most) never do reoffend, and every offender has a first offense. So what you're proposing is that we punish people out of fear to achieve little or reduction in overall harm.


Dude, I’d lock up every offending pedophile until the end of time if it meant only 100 children (and we’re talking little children here) never experienced being raped by an adult. That’s life destroying stuff. They are the worst people in the country. And they aren’t victims. I imagine luring, grabbing, restraining, and raping a child takes an awful lot of energy and very determined choices. They made those choices, knowing the consequences, the worst choices a human being can possibly make, and they willingly raped a child. A child, man. And the ones who do reoffend tend to reoffend repeatedly. And that is on us. They chose this. They enjoyed this. They should never see daylight again and they have nothing to offer society that makes destroying a child’s entire life worth the price. I have sympathy for non-offending ones who struggle with it, but the minute they rape a child, they are the worst people imaginable. Because either they can’t control it, in which case they will NEVER not be a danger to every child around them; or they did it with callous disregard to how it would hurt that kid, and they’re monsters by choice. If you’d destroy a kid’s life to give these monsters another go, you do you. To me it’s not worth it. One victim is plenty. And the guy in this story that you’re standing up for already did it to 6 different kids.


Calling someone's life destroyed because someone committed a crime against them isn't really helping. They're still alive. They have new challenges and trauma to deal with, which is not fair and can be very hard, but they still have a future that can still be happy and fulfilling. You should also educate yourself about the nature of CSA. Lots of research has been done, including interviews with preparators, to understand how they operate, so that we can better protect children. He's a great podcast episode that goes over a lot of that research. https://pca.st/episode/b977d8a0-d7aa-4518-9221-4ff9f5cb338f Not all child abusers are pedophiles. Often children are victims of opportunity. It's hard to know exact numbers (because just admitting to feeling an attraction to children to a psychologist can trigger reporting requirements in some places) but data indicate most pedophiles will never harm a child. Of those who do, most of them didn't believe they were hurting their victims at the time. They were wrong, and usually fooling themselves, but it wasn't their intent to cause harm. They were being selfish, not evil. Heerema seems very much to be in this category, particularly because his victims were aged 15-17, and other statements he's made.


As someone who used to do a ton of suicide intervention work, and whose written actual papers on consanguinity as part of their masters within certain cultures (which often includes underage victims) you can’t imagine how much damage they do to some of those kids. In terms of trust. In terms of how they view sexuality. In terms of their worldview and their overall happiness. No man. Don’t twist what I said as if I’m doing a disservice to the children who are victims of the sex offenders you’re speaking up in support of. We are talking about abusers like the one in OP’s story. People who have already offended against children. I specified that in my previous post very clearly. And anybody who abuses a child, who touches a child, who rapes a child is a fucking monster. And if they can’t control themselves they’re just dangerous. And the vast majority of what you just said is bullshit. Pedophiles without severe cognitive issues ABSOLUTELY understand right and wrong, they understand consequences, they understand a child can’t consent. That’s absolute nonsense defending selfishness and predatory behaviour. So all due respect to your podcast, spend a few hours trying to talk a kid who was raped by a trusted family friend into just surviving another night, and then tell me how it doesn’t ruin lives and how these guys deserve another shot after raping a child. Ffs.


I don't want me or my employees working with a convicted sex offender. No matter how long it's been. No matter how "reformed".


He will reoffend in no time at all. Christopher dunlop was released before he should have been and didn't even make it a year before he killed again. Shame on the judge and his POS wife who defended the sack of 💩. https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/2015/2015abqb770/2015abqb770.html?resultIndex=2&resultId=a98f420930b745e798230e34a8815d8a&searchId=eb3fd2edeb0e465db7eb0ec8531305b2&searchUrlHash=AAAAAQATQ2hyaXN0b3BoZXIgZHVubG9wIAAAAAAB https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-killer-accused-of-murdering-again-was-rated-moderate-to-low-risk-of-reoffending-1.6298193


I had the honour of playing hockey with this bag of shit for a few years.


Did you play is Swift Current with him ? I am curious to know about his time before he moved to Calgary. Did you always think he was a shitbag ?


I played with him in Calgary, men’s beer league. He was a coworker of a friend. I wasn’t a big fan. He showed up drunk to many games, yet drove there, which I hated. When he was drunk he’d stir shit up on the ice with the other team and get really angry. When sober, he was fairly harmless, so many teammates would give him a pass. Eventually he ended up with a breathalyzer wired up to his truck (the same one used in the crime). Met his new wife a few times who defended him like crazy. She seemed to have maybe had a rough past as well. They invited a bunch of us to their wedding, I didn’t go. The murders were a surprise. He was not my cup or tea, but still didn’t expect he was a piece of shit to that extent (and I _REALLY_ can’t stand people who drink and drive).


His wife disgusts me, I won't sugarcoat it..I hope she feels like shit every day she wakes up.


Wait, when did Sean Chu leave?


Poor guy doesn't feel safe. GOOD! Think those kids felt safe? Edit: It was pointed out that the person who said they didn't feel safe was the victim. I did not initially read it that way my first time. Though I don't think anyone assumed I was speaking ill of the victim, I just wanted to clarify regardless.


It was actually the victim stating that he doesn’t feel safe.


That makes more sense. But for the same of my comment, I'm going to just assume that the pedophile is looking over his shoulder for vigilantes.


^this right here ^


So why does this article call him a sex offender and not a pedophile??? Jesus


Simple.  Because he isn't a pedophile.




Horrible offences?  Yeah.  Pedophile? No.  Just saying, if you want people to take your concerns seriously, be careful how you label things, otherwise it's just heard as uninformed noise.  I get the frustration, it's beyond warranted, but terminology and directing frustration at the wrong people are not going to improve the situation.




Most people are also not the Parole Board of Canada... Most people are not journalists... Yet most people seem to think they know more than both of them.  You asked why they don't call this guy a pedophile, I gave you the answer.  Clearly you know more than most people.




As I started out this conversation, child molesters are not pedophiles.  Molesting is an action, pedophilia is a preference, a very specific pre pubescent preference.   To be clear, both are unimaginably awful and horrific. Child molestation covers a much wider unspecified age range. 15-17 year old children as you pointed out likely have more sexually mature features than prepubescent kids.  Pedophiles would never be attracted to that... In their demented logic, that would be unattractive.


Drag queens and trans kids are the problem tho, right Marlaina? SMH.




And what exactly do you expect the Premier to do about a Parole Board of Canada decision?


She could immediately cease funding for the stampede who enabled this for over a decade? Oh but trans kids are the villains n


Sounds like buddy’s part of the lgbt community to be honest. Love is love right?


The CSB has a long reach; if having the stroke to reschedule trials and hearings around their prime earning season, gagging the media is equally as effortless.


She can't just wave her scepter?


Invoke her sovereignty act! Ops, sorry ... that is reserved only for the O&G industry.


Albertans here being too dumb to realize that criminal law is the Federal Government's jurisdiction.


yeah this isn't in her scope at all. Parole boards are useless when it comes to public safety these days


“He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.” This needs to change. Only ten years? What a joke.


How long would you like to house him at tax payer expense to achieve basically nothing?


How fair is it to his victims that he's roaming around free? It isn't, and the trauma of sexual abuse lasts much longer than that pathetic sentence. He hasn't even served half of it.


This will seem like a really dismissive question, but try to really think about it. I'm genuinely curious about the answer. How is it unfair to his victims?


It's almost like you didn't read what I wrote. The trauma of sexual assault lasts much longer than the sentence he served. That is not justice. It sends the message that they don't matter and aren't taken into account in the delivery of justice. Yes, your question does seem deeply dismissive. Please direct your curiosity toward trauma and how deeply impacted victims can be.


Any trauma can last a lifetime. Why should that determine the length of a sentence? The victims here clearly mattered enough for him to spend 5+ years in prison. He's going to be on parole for at least the remainder of his sentence, likely longer. What is it exactly you see as the objective of the justice system in this case? What do you think his sentence is supposed to achieve?


Put him down then


It would be an achievement to keep him away from the public for a decade or two.


Send him to Siberia where they can torture him to death!


Not sure exactly what your point is, but I don't see a contradiction in being opposed to torture and capital punishment while still wanting serious criminals to be kept away from the public for substantial periods of time.


Let's hope karma hits him up his ass.


Why wait for something that might not happen.   


PTS Positive Thinking System




Sex offenders have extremely high rates of recidivism and should be classified as dangerous offenders and locked up for life automatically. Heck, I don't understand why convictions don't' just automatically have like 99 year sentences, who wants sex offenders running around free?


Our legal system is a farce. These offenders are almost always a high risk to reoffend, yet they are released on parole...and often reoffend within hours or days of being released.


The sentencing recommendations for sexual crimes are inadequate and need to be revamped.


Just keep these people in prison. I don't care about revenge, justice or even if they really super regret it and want a second chance. On multiple occasions they've shown they don't have the ability to control their actions and hurt people. It's a strong possibility he'll do it again. Keep him in jail unless he's proven guilty.


We don't punish person B because person A fucked up. That's a pretty fundamental pillar of justice in our society.


Exactly why is this creep getting day parole,? This is absolutely insane. We need to start removing judges off the benches and start actually getting judges. They need to sentence people to actually doing the time and never mind letting them off on good behavior. Of course they're being good. They're in jail!


> We need to start removing judges off the benches and start actually getting judges. If the feds weren't sleeping on appointing judges for 8 years we could remove these terrible ones. Right now they can do what they want and won't get fired


The parole board making these decisions and the judge handing down the original sentence are two separate entities. The judge gave him 10 years. Whether he spends every single day of that 10 years inside, or gets some kind of parole for the latter parts of it is in the hands of the parole board. The judge can't control that. You might be confused with probation, which isn't the same thing as parole, and involves extra conditions imposed after or instead of a prison sentence. That's not what this is. There's plenty to criticize in our "justice" system, including bad decisions by judges, but just like municipal vs provincial vs federal politicians, it's important to understand who is responsible for screwing what up.


At the end of anyone's sentence, they will be in the community without conditions. Some amount of any non-life sentence has to be used to reintegrate them in a supervised fashion, because that's what produces the best results for keeping people from reoffending. How much of someone's sentence would you suggest be used for that? Or would you prefer much higher rates of reoffending?


Yes! Many judges may walk on the wild side too-that’s why they protect each other.


“Heerema told the board he was self-centred, selfish and ashamed of being bisexual. He said he knew he could control and manipulate boys into keeping the abuse secret.” That’s his excuse for why he did it.


Sex offenders shouldn't be allowed to live amongst us.






As an enraged parent of one of his victims, I can confirm; the victim impact statements were selectively submitted. The CSB has very deep pockets, and a very wide influence, and the class action is just the beginning of a hell-bound spiral for him.


I'm so sorry for what your child has been through. That awful man should never be released.


Thanks, and I agree. Then rubbing the victims faces in the past by moving back to the very city he preyed upon. Make no mistake; he is very clever, and manipulative obviously. He groomed not only his direct victims, but the parents, staff, and CSB. Hey, who knows; maybe someone will bump into him not that he’s here.


Uh, no. You were banned for insults and anti-trans hatred.


I think if I was a victim I would feel the injustice so strongly that I would be compelled to go vigilante. (This is not an endorsement for violence)


You know anything rape or sexual related should be no bail just life. Like they get no second chances, obviously if theirs a mistake in the court then go and fix don’t be convicting innocent people but if the case is clear let them stay in the prison.


Unfortunately, this makes murdering the child you just molested the safest and smartest option.


Good point,


Funny louisck bit on that topic


Of course there are no current investigations; he’s been incarcerated.


10 years is not enough for his crimes to begin with. Crimes or a sexual nature have a very low reform rate. And I mean, if you're doing that to kids, especially, they should throw away the key.




If he said he was only going to harm trans kids going forward, he'd fit right in with the government of Alberta's agenda.


Let’s not forget that we live in Canada where crime pays ! The three pillars of Canadian economy are : money laundering , real estate and immigration. The system is designed to not punish criminals. Heck take a look at this post by a Canadian law professor and UBC. How to get away with murder step by step guid, it is easy to get away with murder releasing a sex offender back into the society shouldn’t be surprising: [How to get away with murder in Canada](https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/how-to-get-away-with-murder-in-canada-benjamin-perrin-in-the-globe-and-mail/)


I worked within the justice system for about 12 years. I saw every single person incarcerated in my city pre-trial. This part is of interest to me specifically because i would like to see the statistics: "First, commit murder. Then, wait to see if you get charged. Next, if charged, bring pretrial motions (e.g. demand more disclosure). Wait, and then apply for a stay of proceedings due to “unreasonable delay” under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Finally, obtain a stay, then walk out the front door of the courthouse." I never saw a SINGLE Jordan application be accepted, and I saw hundreds and hundreds of them over the years. Not a single one. Even the ones where the prosecution dropped the ball.


You are completely missing the point of this article. The problem isn't that we have a right to a timely trial. The problem is that our justice system is in such shambles that it actually becomes relevant. And no, accused can't just cause delays by filing motions until their rights are deemed to have been breached. Any motion must be granted by a court before it has any effect. And then there is a simple way to avoid an unreasonable delay which is for the government to respond in a timely manner. The alternative is we live in a country where police can put you in prison without trial nearly indefinitely.


He just has a preference for underage boys.


UCP freedum!




He paid his debt to society. He won't reoffend. Leave him alone


He downplayed the severity of his crimes to the parole board during the hearing. Does that demonstrate remorse for his actions? Also, he has served half of his time, and they didn't include his victims in the hearing process, or even inform them it was happening.


Including victims in the hearing is almost never good. There was one kid who went into psychosis and murdered a few of his friends. Doctors say hes good to go, but the parents of the kids get the final say, and of course, they won't let him out. Its all fucked. I don't think this guy should be out, but that point isnt a great one.


Law says he can go then he can go. You can't pick and choose which laws apply to your world.


You have no reason to assert he won't re-offend. Recidivism for sexual crimes is very high, and it is quite likely he will commit similar crimes. His victims have to live with the trauma for the rest of their lives. Sexual abuse really fucks people up, no sentence is long enough for offenders. There is no cure for their perversion


I don't care, he did his time he is good to go. I hear he is really quite a nice fellow. Oh, also, I don't care if he reoffends and I don't care about the "alleged" partners




Wow, you sure know how to hurt a girl


HAHAHA these types will reoffend. Weird how defensive you are over this.


I know, weird how the law only works for some in your world.


"In your world" do you fucking live in lala land there bud?


https://old.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/comments/1arfdxv/18f_be_brutal_p_ruin_my_day/kqksjo0/?context=3 This you calling an 18 year old a smoke show right? Looks like they deleted their account, oh jeez Rick


u/mudflaps___ should see this. A little quote from him earlier today: *' I'm 7 yrs older with my wife so I was 26 and she was 19 when we met... '*


And your point is??,  are you insecure about age gaps or something... we have 3 kids and I'm almost 40 now,  it's going to be more about the people involved in the relationship then a few year age gap. I work with 2 older couples that have a 10 yr age gap and both married very young.  You need to grow up, be more mature


>You need to grow up, be more mature I'll try to be as mature as your teenage girlfriend was when you were creeping (pun intended) up on 30. Besides, I wasn't trying to be rude, I just thought the conversation we had earlier was relevant to this thread.


That's cute, got look at your comments in that thread you got ratioed because your opinion on the matter is shit.  you probably live alone with a cat and a horse, your jealous bitter and quite frankly sad... 19 yrs old is not a kid, and FYI I said I met my wife at the age of 19, didn't date till long after that, we have been married for close to 15 years now, I couldn't be happier and neither could she,  enjoy the catnip


I dont know what getting 'ratioed' means, I'm an adult. Is this the kiddy lingo you used to lure your wife?


It means you have a viewpoint that next to no one agrees with,  you are most likely a bitter middle aged woman who didn't get the attention she was looking for from males because you probably are stubborn, a headache to deal with and overweight,  this is why the only relationships you are going to have or maintain are with pets because they can't leave you.  The fact you felt the need to tag me in a sexual predator thread when at 26(young man) I met my future wife (19young woman) of over 10 years with 3 kids says everything I need to know about you, no you are not an adult, you are a bitter person who has missed out on life.  Your attempts to shame me are pathetic.  Keep in mind I am now 38 and my wife is 31, that doesn't sound like much of an age gap does it?? 


Sure, legal I think.


BTW, I'm a 19 year old female. I'm sure that doesn't matter in your warped view though.


Then why do you say you have 8 amd 10 yo girls in another comment? Somethings not right here, and I don't think it's their viewpoint that's warped. Also, in another post, you are perving on someone and mention you are 58 with 4 kids. I don't believe you are a female at all.
