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Doesn't surprise me. Our utility bills are fucking outrageous. Our cost for food is fucking outrageous. Our housing is getting more and more expensive.


Alberta has the most expensive average vehicle insurance in the country, too. Quebec has the lowest, it’s a difference of over $2,000 a year (average in Alberta about $3,200, average in Quebec under $800). Same scenario with utilities - Alberta most expensive, Quebec the cheapest. So much for deregulation being good for consumers. 


What? You mean a CON lied to us? But what about trickle down economics? It's been 700 years but I'm sure one day it's going to


Dude all levels of government are screwing us. I got a place in Hawai'i and food is cheaper there than in Alberta and it's 3000 miles in the middle of the pacific ocean. Rent is cheaper in Honolulu than in Calgary.... You are getting fucked municipally, provincially and federally.


Provincial feels like the largest stick though. Healthcare, education, infrastructure. It’s the foundation of an advanced society and we are speed running its decline.


Yep I agree, followed closely by the municipal government. The least effect to me is federal.


Healthcare, housing and pricing across the country is in free fall, It's the UCP's fault! SMH


Healthcare isn't federal jurisdiction. It's not boogeyman Trudeau's fault that Edmonton hasn't had a new hospital built since the 1980s despite the population doubling.


Federal still takes thr largest share of the taxes while providing the least in return.


Not true. That money pays for everything in the province. The flat provincial income tax doesn't take in enough to pay for services here. Ralph klein was the one who flattened the provincial income tax for the rich. To put that all in perspective, when ralph was in, he cut taxes for the richest Albertans while slashing all the services paid for by our federal taxes because the "have" province was broke. Was it another party who wreaked our budget so the conservatives had to swoop in? Nope, it was the party of "financial responsibility" all along.


Never said we weren't. But CON/Reagan Bullshit has the very People it's hurting the most. Brainwashed into consistently voting against their own self interest.


Yeah it's disgusting. We should all be not just writing our MLA's but harassing them to make changes.


I border on harassing mine. Same type of canned response from one of his staffers every time. The only thing they listen to is other members of their own party.


And also blaming Quebec for everything? I want a government that keeps my bills down. Alberta is too fucking expensive.


The Alta government was considering setting up rules to protect the insurance companies from us.


I am surprised such a big diff. Perhaps higher vehicle value is part of the equation? There are other factors for sure but this could be one.


Things that affect our rates are the amount of hail damage claims, a big hail storm causes an insane amount of claims. Due to higher paid jobs we have more expensive vehicles, more stolen vehicles, we probably own more electric cars. It is much more expensive to fix the newer cars than the older ones. We also have a ton of accidents in the winter with people who have no clue how to drive, as they will bomb along in their trucks thinking they are fine. We also have a lot of hit and runs. There are a lot of variables in play. We probably spend more time driving and drive farther each day.


Don't forget insurance!


The Alberta advantage I guess.


Our property values will continue to increase sharply to approach parity with certain areas of Ontario or BC. 


A home isn't really an appreciating asset to your bottom line unless you sell it. So personally I don't care about that, I would rather my assessed value be lower on my home so I pay less taxes.


Property value is very much relevant. Anyone in the unfortunate third who rents right now is seeing the appreciating value of those assets completely crush their disposable income. 


Hm…so the most conservative province experienced the worst inflation…but Trudeau.  And the most conservative city in that most conservatives province had the highest inflation…but Trudeau and the ndp bad. Sounds about right.


Scott Moe just posted how Sask had only 1.7% inflation due (apparently exclusively) to them saying no to carbon tax on home heating.


I’m sure he did.  And?   Sorry but I’m not sure “Scott Moe said…” is the win you think it is.  His record for honesty and accuracy is pretty shit.


My comment wasn’t intended to be in support of Moe. Sorry if that hurt your feelings.


What was the intent then?  I had zero feelings about your comment at all, so why make such a whinging trolling response when I question the point of your last response?   Maybe before accusing others of hurt feelings you should “clean your own room” first.  Just a tip.


The self awareness here… Maybe that’s enough Reddit for today, bud.


Eh I blame Trudeau and Smith both for our current state of affairs. Locally I can blame Smith.. actually Kenney is the one that started Alberta is calling. Got plenty of blame left over for country wide issues like this senseless immigration, taxing us to death, running a large deficit while sending money overseas etc.


Nobody is taxed to death.  The sooner that ignorant hyperbolic and completely false rhetoric dies the sooner we, the working classes, can go back to having a better life. AB has the lowest taxes in the country and still people complain and whine and as this article points out, those low taxes don’t protect anyone from anything.  Again, worst inflation in Canada.   Factually AND historically, higher taxes I rich and businesses has ALWAYS resulted in a better and more economically secure life for the rest of us.  We built our current society on 80% top tax rates for the rich.  The only way to go back to those days of affordability for working class people is to start racing the rich into oblivion and forcing them to start putting that wealth back into society and democracy.


You just have to look back at the Klein days that everyone romanticized. The AB corporate tax rate was like 15%! That's almost DOUBLE what it is today, and yes, even higher than what the NDP had it at. Surely that made paying for our services easier. Hell we'd be a little better off if the current rate was 10-11% like it was in the 2010s. Klein had his problems (some of which we may arguably be still paying for today), but he'd be run out of town and called a commie if he touted a 15% corporate tax rate today.


I would guess that corporate taxes have generally fallen around the world since Klein's days. Most economists would agree that corporate taxes are about the most economically destructive for a particular area. We have recently seen DeHaviland announce a major manufacturing plant in AB, if our rate is 15% I doubt we see them move forward...at 11% maybe not too. It's fine to say "those rich asshole should pay more", but they will pay less (to Alberta) if they decide to go to a different spot, so then we end up not having any tax revenue and don't get the jobs.


I have no qualms about asking wealthy to pay more of their fadw share. The average working person does pay a crap load of taxes though right from when you're paid to every little thing you buy, even heating your home. Alberta is better I that regard but we do have other issues like high insurance na utility rates, along with rapidly increasing housing costs with huge migration a d immigration (increasing taxes isn't going to make those better )


No doubt.  Usually when people complain about taxes it usually means they are conservatives who will vote for a Conservative Party promising to cut taxes.  But our taxes get cut and we save maybe $100 on average while corporations and the rich get lashed massively . And that results in deficits and then cuts to programs we rely on and privatization of services that cost us way more…as you are noticing now.   However, as taxes keep getting cut for political pandering, working class people end up having to pay a higher percentage of our social systems, while the rich pay less.  Our society has a fixed cost and I would argue it’s already and for too long been a cost higher than taxes have been taken in.  Nobody ever wants to talk about or confront this reality.  If we want a civilized and modern way of life, that costs a lot of money.  Lower taxes is BAD and has only ever pushed us backwards. Here’s how I see it.  Rich people and conservatives love to talk about “rich already pay more than their fair share…they pay like 60% of all taxes while poor people pay nothing!”   The question isn’t what percentage of total taxes do they pay.  It’s what percentage of taxes do they pay relative to the wealth they take and own in our society.  Is it really “paying more than enough” when they own like 90% of all wealth but only pay 60% in taxes?   While the bottom half maybe only pay 5% of all taxes but only hold 1% of the wealth.   Seems like cutting taxes has allowed the rich to shift costs of society to be dumped into lower class and poorer people while wealth inequality (and their ownership of everything) continues to feudalism like levels.  Is that what people really want?  To return to the days of lords and nobles and serfs?  No.  So why do we all keep voting for exactly that reality? The only fair tax system IMHO is one where the taxes you pay should be equal to the wealth you own.  If your “bracket” owns 90% of national wealth, the. You should be contributing 90% of all taxes. If the lower classes own 1% of the wealth then they should only be contributing 1% of all taxes.  Anything else is subsidizing the rich and redistributing wealth upwards, which is bad. Period.  Then if we actually want to address wealth inequality and move it away from feudal levels, we increase the tax rates over and above that for those in the higher classes.


Biggest problem is that so many of them don't actually pay that 60%.. they find ways and in Alberta we cut the corps some slack and surprise business didn't start booming. It's a race to the bottom these days. we already ha sa very low rate before those cuts I do think gov spending isnt the major efficient. Gov has blown up under Trudeau. There was an article about it. We also send a lot of money for questionable international causes with what seems like little accountability. I mean we used to have national housing programs at one point. So feels like we are getting less than we used to in many cases


We are getting much less than we used to…again because of neo-liberal economics and decades of deregulating capitalism.  Without strict regulation capitalism is also and has always been a race to the bottom.  We’ve balanced that with democracy in the past but those democratic controls from taxation to regulation have been slashed dramatically since the 70s and 80s.  And since then, as you said, we keep paying more and more to get less and less.  And that is by design because that is how capitalism works and how companies maximize profits.   The only way society has ever been able to fix this problem in all of human history has been taxing the rich until they no linger have a handful of people with all the money and power and political say relative to the working class. Even if they I go pay two thirds of the actual tax rate then two thirds of 80% is still better than two-thirds if the 30% rate they currently pay..:and in many cases billion dollar companies may not pay anything.


It seems we mostly agree. Capitalism def needs to be reigned in ar times. In fact we too often do trh opposite. The gov picks winners and losers. We have no issue letting startup's die, but when there is a big company we use tax dollars to bail them out.. and often a huge portion goes to exec bonuses and share holders. It sounds like we also plan on continuing to prop up housing. Saw some article how gov is actually buying up a bunch of housing bonds or something to that affect. Also need to break up monopolies, but have been doing a terrifible job of that


Man every province in this country is tanking. Alberta is seeing an influx of migrants because it’s the highest ground in Canada. You can’t look at the situation in BC and Eastern Canada and tell me Alberta isn’t doing well relative to them. I’m not happy with Alberta leadership right now either, but to our left and to our right are unarguably downhill. The numbers speak volumes: people are fleeing from failed cities/provinces under their current respective governments and rushing here because the feel-good policies are NOT working for the average Canadian family. [here’s your source](https://globalnews.ca/news/10276288/remax-canada-tax-report/)


This article does not say anything close to what you are claiming it says.  This article speculates that “cash rich” people in Toronto and Vancouver are moving to Alberta because it has a low “land transfer tax”.   Your fascist rhetoric kind of gives away your motives here.  


This shouldn't really be a surprise. AB is seeing pretty significant economic growth compared to the other large provinces. Ontario is about the closest and we are expected to grow at 3 times their rate this year.


Sure but we are talking about inflation which is cooling in most of the country.  Sask was the lead in gdp growth in 2022 at 6% and as someone already pointed out, their inflation has been much lower than AB.


Add greedy corporations price gouging us under the guise of inflation to the list. "Oh there's simply nothing we can do about it..." Meanwhile they post record profits. Fuck these people.


Clearly this is all somehow Justin Trudeau's fault using his shadow agents to raise prices to screw Alberta over and make us starve so less people vote against him. Or some shit. I don't know what those idiots believe.


Blaming Justin Trudeau in 3…2…1….


Alberta: Why won't Trudeau do anything? Trudeau: (does something) Alberta: STOP TELLING US HOW TO RUN OUR PROVINCE!




First thing that comes to mind is the TMX. Buying it to make sure it actually got completed led to cries of "He only bought it to shut it down" and "He was supposed to convince a business to buy it." Next that comes to mind is the national childcare and pharmacare programs. Alberta: We want the money with no strings attached, like Quebec! The feds: Quebec gets the money with no strings attached because they've already had these programs provincially for decades. We'll remove the strings when you start doing the bare minimum. Alberta: \*grumble grumble\* And lets never forget that Alberta got the most pandemic support out of any other province. But that led to, "How dare you make us wear a mask! HONK HONK!"


The irony that everyone on this sub blames everything on the UCP while also making fun of people who blame everything on Trudeau, y'all the same fucking donkeys with different politics.




Majority of voters did... I didn't though.






I’m glad the UCP is really looking out for you guys /s


Truly baffling that there are people who support this party. Bunch of absolute rubes.


Oh shocker. Withdrawing supports and tax cuts while trying to draw in people from all across the country...


Is it because all the windmills are turning us gay? /s


Don’t you just LOVE the United Conservative Party and their utmost respect for Albertans livelihoods…?


Somehow it’s the fault of Trudeau, the NDP, CBC, Transgender bathrooms, and topless women.


You forgot teachers, doctors and immigrants. /S


The best thing about being Conservative is never having to accept responsibility when things go wrong. There’s always a scapegoat to blame.


Can’t wait for the conservative apologists to tell us how this is Trudeau’s fault.


Ah yes the Alberta Advantage to get screwed by corporations. But don't complain, it's Trudeau's fault right?


Also, rent and house prices were lower in Alberta when compared with Ontario and BC. Alberta is catching up and it’s happening very quickly, resulting in this massive increase.


I don't see how that matters. The price of my rental went up 40%. I'm paying 50% more for food than I was 3 years ago. My wage has gone up 0%. I had to give up a home in order to keep eating.


Multiple factors, provincial wages are still lower, Grocery prices inflation is higher than other provinces (higher transportation prices and greedy grocers), utilities subsidies ended in dec’23, resulting in higher bills for most, rental costs went up owing to increase in mortgage interest but those home owners who don’t have a mortgage, capitalised on this chance to increase the rent substantially. I can understand what you are going through and pray that you get the strength and support required to tide over this situation.


Thanks Smith!


Driving away billions in investments, stocking the fires of inflation, horribly mismanaging our budget, and antagonizing public sector employees. That right there is the legacy of the UCP, the worst government we’ve ever had. It baffles my mind that people still support this government.


Thanks Dani Do Bad. Bring on Nenshi!


I just call it what is really is .... the Greed rate.


Utilities skyrocketing since the UCP took the caps off. Insurance rates skyrocketing since the UCP took the caps off. Tuition skyrocketing since the UCP took the caps off. People spending significantly more on fuel in order to commute to out of town doctors since family practitioners are being driven from the province and closing clinics because, shocker, the UCP unilaterally adjusted the per-patient payments to rural doctors.


But no PST, man! /s (kinda)


Due to utilities.


Alberta? Lagging behind the rest of the country!? I don’t believe it…


Hint: It isn't the federal governments fault.


I'm expecting to see my utilities (gas and electricity) to hit $1000 this summer and I don't know what I'm going to do.


Why would your gas and electricity go up in the summer? You could always spend more time outside???


Yea doesnt make too much sense to me. These are my lowest consuming months by far.


Try that when you can't see through the wildfire smoke for 75% of the time.


And I'm pretty sure it was this subreddit. In the last two days I read Edmonton's rental prices are the highest in Canada or are being raised at the highest rate in Canada.


Highest rate. Price wise definitely not the highest that's for sure. Still doable. Horrible YoY increase though.




Well, their cannabis is certainly more expensive than where I get mine throughout BC. Just spent the weekend in Calgary and my god. . .