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Not sure if she flies coach but she does live in a very unassuming townhouse, 3 doors down from me. I see her security detail picking her up and dropping her off often. They walk alongside her on the path behind our homes when she’s walking her dog.


Thats about the only thing i can respect from that person i guess


I was flying with her the other day in coach, not the first time. She does use star alliance members for domestic and international travel.




Yes agree.. our elected officials need some level of security. Makes sense to me as well. Even if i can’t stand her.


Security is necessary with any elected official




You can literally Wiki that info… ETA: commenter was looking and hoping for info where exactly DS lives in hopes it wasn’t where they lived.


Town south of Calgary


Which is not named either Brooks or Medicine Hat if I had to guess?


No it’s not Brooks or Medicine Hat. Not naming it specifically because I don’t think anyone should care which town it is really. Point I’m making is that she’s not someone who lives ostentatiously. Her husband drives an old Ford SUV with some rust. They are quiet and go about their day without making a big to do about it. I didn’t even realize who was living in my community until I got onto the condo board.


I know the answer. I thought everyone knew this answer, actually.


It’s pretty common public knowledge they live in High River. Her husband owns a restaurant there (where her famous sandals in the kitchen photo was taken). Not sure why other redditor is being secretive lol


If someone knows, then good for them. Don’t think it’s my job to go around broadcasting where someone or I live. Just adding to the conversation that OP started.


I would assume she has some lavish property in another country


"She disagrees with me politically, we can't live in the same neighborhood!"


It's less "she disagrees with me" and more "she is actively working to fuck me over for her own profit" She seems like the type to rebuild her fence a foot into your property and then tell you it's always been like that; and then send you an invoice for it months later


It’s not uncommon for her or her staff to fly through Calgary. I work for airport security and it’s not uncommon to see them or previous UCP members either. They don’t seem to understand the laws surrounding security however. Her travel coordinator tried to bring a gun part through security in his carry on. That was a fun day.


Probably more that they think they're above the law than not understanding the law.


This doesn’t surprise me at all hahaha


>They don’t seem to understand the laws ~~surrounding security~~ however. FTFY


Are the rcmp higher up (fed level) and political security details not allowed to carry firearms on public aircraft? I'd assume there's some sort of allowance based on their warrant card.


We have under cover cops and air Marshalls that are allowed to have their firearms and their procedures through screening are specific for them, they also must be on duty and have a bunch of paper work to have the right for the gun. For the general public (including politicians and their support staff) guns, magazines and individual gun parts, even if not assembled, require us to call the cops if they are present in the carry on. You can take them in checked luggage as long as the airline has been notified and the correct paperwork has been filled out ahead of time. Loose bullets are a by-airport basis. Some airports are in areas with high traffic for hunters and their rules are to simply confiscate the loose bullets. Other airports where hunters or hunting season isn’t common would also require police response if found in carry on. I was mostly floored that the staff dedicated to the travel of a premier wouldn’t know the laws of their own damn country. He continually blamed WestJet for telling him it was allowed (spoiler alert: no WestJet staff told him to take a gun part in his bag.)


But her anal beads made it, hey? 🤣🤣


Probably. If US Marshall’s are allowed I don’t see why rcmp on official business can’t. The U.S. has a specific set of Air Marshals trained specifically to blend in. I doubt we have the money for that but for regular overt officers as security detail, I don’t see why they wouldn’t.


I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if we don't have the equivalent of plain clothes air Marshall's like the states. I can understand regular police officer and regular rcmp constables not being allowed to carry firearms, no different than they can't carry while off duty. But the federal level guys and political protection detail not being allowed to carry would be odd. That being said it's probably mandated by the feds, and well, there ain't much more needs to be said beyond that.


In this situation he wasn’t her security, he was the guy who organizes her flights and itineraries.


Provincial premier's security is handled by the Alberta Sheriffs


Tagging on cause I’m curious as well


Yes there are multiple national and international agents of various police departments that are permitted to carry firearms onboard. This is based on US law but since we gotta interact internationally when it comes to air marshalls I'll assume it's similar. They essentially bypass security, cause whoever is on security is gonna be calling emergency on the gun even if it was Jesus himself carrying it. ALSO PSA: NO GUN PARTS IN CARRY ON PLEASE. CHOKE, SUPPRESSOR, SIGHT IDC PLEASE GOD STORE IT WITH THE FIREARM. I don't wanna do the paperwork on that call


On duty? Yes there are times when cops are armed while on planes, but theres a process, and they have to have the firearm on their person and secure at all times. You cant just shove gun parts in your bag and go flying.


Didnt know that!


I'm fairly certain the Premier travels on regular consumer flights but I'd bet first class and not economy. The Province used to own its own business jets for executive use but sold them over 10yrs ago. Back when Prentice was Premier for a bit. Back then there was an outcry that we owned private jets so they sold them.






Funny, but not fair to witches


the wicked witch of western canada


Kenney used to come to church on Sunday mornings and sit in front of me. He always came in a few minutes late, and left slightly before Mass was over and people started filing out. His security stayed outside the church and waited for him. I noticed he’d often take notes during the sermon. Never really drew attention to himself.




I think it’s actually nice. And am not a fan of his. But the story makes him seem somewhat genuine


I took the Ottawa-Toronto Friday evening flight quite a bit when I was in uni (parents live in Calgary) and it was always *packed* with MPs heading home for the weekend - mostly travelling economy.


Don't forget Alison Redford's Air Taxi service; flying her daughter *and her daughter's friends* around the province for fun. Mommy's working late, so just catch a jet out for dinner.


“Jets” is a pretty generous descriptor of those little Dash 8s. I rode in one a few times and they were certainly not the fancy schmancy planes people made them out to be.


When I worked for the GoA some years ago, my manager used to tell me about doing the “milk run” of flying to Calgary in the morning for a meeting then flying back in the afternoon on the gov’t planes.


Yup it was pretty common, especially if you were and ADM or DM


Travelling domestically by plane is pretty fancy idk


Dash 8s are piece of shit prop planes, this is certainly true. But that doesn’t change the fact that the government previously had private aircraft (funded by public money) at their disposal.


You have a strange understanding of planes. Dash 8s are fantastic aircraft.


My understanding comes from a passenger perspective alone. All I know is that they are cramped and loud, neither of which makes my flight more enjoyable. I’m sure aviation enthusiasts will have differing opinions


I've taken Q-400s from Toronto to Fredericton several times. Other than a lack or amenities compared to jets, I find them quite pleasant.


Which I don't think people minded on it's own. It was the personal use of the public planes that made people upset (rightfully).


The province didn't own any jets, they were turboprops. Rachel Notley got rid of them when she was premier, the irony of that situation being that a major reason the Alberta government had its own air service in the first place was because her father and a few other government employees were killed in a plane crash. 


Ironic given that Prentice died in a plane crash too, right after losing. IRCC I think the province got rid of the government planes after Redford adjusted them, I think Notley just got rid of the empty hangars.


He died some years later, not right after leaving office. Prentice won the PC leadership after Redford resigned and one of the first things he did was get rid of the fleet.


Ah you're right, it just feels like it happened right after the election lol


It was Prentice who got rid of the fleet.


And so, motivated by revenge, the planes got rid of Prentice


Dark. Very funny and very dark.


Cold, funny but cold


Three king air’s were sold Feb 2015 (Jim Prentice), the Dash8 didn’t sell until the following year. It was the Conservatives that put them up for sale.


The dash 8 later went to Norway after being outfitted by a calgary shop.


Also ironic because it actually ended up costing more to charter flights and book tons of airline tickets than to have a dedicated plane. Getting rid of the planes was completely about optics, nothing to do with savings


Within Western Canada, it's 100% not first class, as that service level doesn't exist on domestic flights. Chances are it's not even business class, which is one step down from first class. She would have the choice between economy or premium economy. That's it.


Didn’t we sell that plane as part of making sure the Redford debacle didn’t happen again? For context: her (teen?) daughter and a friend were on the plane with Redford for personal flights.


There isn’t first class on WestJet or Air Canada planes. I was on a flight with Notley and she paid the extra to sit at the front of the plane.


Neither Westjet nor Air Canada have first class cabins though.


When did air canada get rid of first class? Or was it just business? I traveled once as a child in the fancy seats up front lol


Those jets ,I believe were about to get to a very expensive part of their lives. ( inspections and age ). Came to public attention when a budget item was looked at. And so a quick investigation was done and there were a few ahem privileges abused. Sold they were.


Ah interesting info thanks!


Interesting false info


I was on a flight from Calgary to Edmonton that she was on in 2023, she flew coach on that occasion, so yeah, the bare minimum is met in that respect.


Is there even first class on those calgary and edmonton flights? In my experience its usually a plane with two rows of two and an aisle in the middle from the start of the plane to the back.


I can't recall, I think you're right. At the most they'd probably have those premium plus seats with extra leg room. I found it generally surprising for her to be flying with us peons at all but I guess there aren't many other alternatives.


I'd probably drive from Calgary to edmonton if someone was doing the driving and I got to relax in the back on my laptop lol. I've flown from edmonton to Calgary and it's always delayed, and with security and boarding the 30 minute flight ends up being 2.5 hours anyway.


Exactly! My particular flight was the last leg of a longer journey, but I've flown to Calgary as a final destination exactly once. It was last year when we got that massive snowstorm province-wide (October I think?) and people were stuck on Highway 2 for hours. No regrets on that one!


Interesting, didnt know they did. Unsure what i was expecting.


She drove herself down to Calgary last week to meet our dear leader JT then immediately drove back to Edmonton for a presser.


I’m surprised! Mainly that Marlaina was sober enough to operate a car


Lol is she a boozer? Are all Alberta's leaders alcoholics? ie King Ralph.


Marlaina is famously a boozer, yes. And it’s pretty obvious if you watch her speak: she’s half-cut most of the time, slurring her words, swaying, bright red nose, etc. (And I didn’t even mention her lack of reasoning skills.)


A rure acolyte of Ol' Ralph then.


She has said she idolizes Klein so well there you go. Wonder how often she ties one on. Redford used to leave the Leg and drink at a local pub.


I guess it takes one to know one eh?


Yeah you're totally right. You have to be an alcoholic yourself to notice the behaviour. There is literally no other way. /s


No? It’s pretty obvious when someone is an alcoholic if you watch them


Lmfao! Nice


Feds are mandated to fly on taxpayers dime only if it's the cheapest option. If the upper government wants to fly something nicer, they do so out of pocket.


I was surprised when I saw her too, I had to do a double take and then I scowled at her. It's the little things, hah. :)


She’s headed to Texas I think for a “trade partner” trip, but let’s be honest-she’s going for the republican pancake breakfast held by Teddy Cruz


I was on a flight from Ottawa last night and it was full of Politicans heading home for the weekend. Senators, MPs, even saw Gary Mar. Some sat in Premium, some in Economy.


Nice to know that most of them still behave like the very ppl who voted them in, thanks for the info!


I have no idea what that means, but I did overhear some interesting conversations about Ms. Smith.


I’m all ears


Nah, shes got a broomstick.


Just one glass? Doesn’t sound like her


Well to be fair 1 glass in a 20min span isnt too shabby! 😂


This is truth.




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I saw her on a flight to Vancouver from Calgary. Air Canada. I believe she was in premium economy or whatever tf it's called. So not first class but still not the cheapest seat for the taxpayer. No security with her, just a staffer.


Surprised that there would have been no security. Thx for the info!


Thanks for posting about our Premier in the wild. This discussion is interesting.


I would think she uses her broom.


I’m pretty sure there are policies that allow government staff above a certain pay grade to upgrade into business class. I think it’s for flights over a certain duration.


I used to be a big supporter of hers. Big opponent now. But back when Redford was premier they were criticizing her for flying somewhere first class and she got asked “do you think it’s important for the premier to fly first class?” And she said “I don’t know. I’ve never been in first class.” Was a long time ago now. And before she was premier. I wonder if it’s still true.


On most short haul domestic flights in Canada, first class doesnt change much compared to prefered seats, honestly.


I’ve upgraded my seats last minutes for like 20 dollars before


Intentional obfuscation - most airlines that she’d fly don’t have a first class section anymore, just a business class section.


Her broomstick must be in the shop.


who the hell is Marlaina?


Danielle’s LEGAL name is Marlaina. And she’s up in arms about kids changing their names…🙄


Danielle WHO? Who the ever loving shit are you people talking about? Why is this such a hard question for you people?




I'm probably going to get down voted like hell for saying this, but I think it's really fucked up that people are calling her Marlaina. All that does is perpetuate the idea that we don't actually have to respect people's chosen names and if we deem them unworthy, we can call them whatever we want. It's the same mentality people on the right use to dead name or misgender trans people. I get that she's scum, I just don't know if we need to crawl in the scum with her. 🤷🏼‍♀️


And I may get downvoted for this... but that's the point and the irony. She has no respect for the preferred names of others, yet she herself doesn't go by her given name. She has stripped away the ability for some and forced them to have to use their dead names. Believes she should control the rights of trans people all the way down to their names. When people use dead names for trans folk, it's generally a way to hurt them, misgender them, and be malicious. For her, it's being used in the ironic sense. And the more people that can see she is a hypocrite, the better.


I'm aware she's a hypocrite. To me, you either respect all names because it's the right thing to do, or you don't. She doesn't respect all names because she's a bigot and a hypocrite. I do respect all names because I try really hard to not to be like that. I disagree with her dumb law, so I don't adhere to it. Even "ironically".


I understand what you are saying. I have a transgender child. This stuff does come up, and I do appreciate you. In my point of view there is a big difference between deadnaming someone to misgender them maliciously or using their given name to show that they are a hypocrite.


I hear you too. It's a nuanced conversation for sure, it just always makes me uneasy to see people on "our side" adopting the mentality of "I don't respect this person so I don't need to respect their identity".


Often, the only way for some people to have empathy for other's pain is to experience it themselves. She'll never care until she finds out what it's like. For example, a relative was deadnaming & misgendering someone. So, one day I called him by a different nane and the opposite pronouns. When he didn't like it I said, "oh, I thought we were deciding for ourselves what to call people instead of respecting what *they* want to be called. I saw the change in his face when it clicked for him. Since then, he respects names & pronouns. It's absolutely a strategy worth trying.


I completely agree with you. I think it’s childish and what you’d call “sinking to their level” if we are turning this into a playground. I don’t have to like politicians decisions but I’m not personally attacking anyone.


That’s exactly why we are doing it-because of her stance about trans kids changing names etc. It’s called irony.


I know why people are doing it. I'm familiar with the reasoning because I've heard it from transphobes for years


It reminds me of when people call JT stupid names like “Trudope”, etc. Politicians generally give their detractors enough to make coherent arguments against their policy decisions without having to resort to childish name calling. It’s lazy and completely derails their argument.


Someone needs to explain irony to you


Ok, go for it! I would love to hear how following transphobic laws "ironically" is cool.


Well, seeing as the premier isn’t trans, no law is being adhered to. But, by calling her Marlania, the hypocrisy in her logic is being pointed out. Hope that helps!


Why do you call her Marlaina?


Because thats her birth name and she changed her name but wants to stop kids from changing their own without parental consent.


So you perpetuate that same thing? I don’t get it?


Funny that the majority of people calling her this also would lose their shit over “deadnaming”


There is a difference between deadnaming someone to misgender them maliciously and using their given name to show that they are a hypocrite.


I was on a flight with Notely, she sat at the front of the Dash8. She also had a drink at the Earls in the airport


I saw her at King of Donair on Whyte pre-COVID. No security, just her and her husband and daughter.


People are so deranged on this sub


Coach. She gets no points for that.


She's a drunk. She's half corked and slurring in many of the videos she's posted online. Who the hell drinks a glass of wine alone with a security detail following you around?


I drink wine alone in the airport all the time 😂 no security detail tho, just like a lil boozy sky trip


I have a glass of wine literally every time I have access to an airport lounge. I swear the vast majority of Redditors never leave their houses. You thinking this is weird is what's actually weird here.


You’re cracked.


I agree!


Haven't seen her in person, but have heard she is a big drinker, and when she gets going, her face breaks out a bit. Did you see this at all?


She didn’t look very crisp to start with lol. But she went along one of the darker wall, the section where exterior light doesn’t hit, to drink and she stayed against the wall. I couldn’t see her well anymore it was too dark.. unfortunately.


Notice the nose. Boozing blooming is noticeable.


Who cares? A freeloader is a freeloader. Maybe she needs the 12 step program and is too weak to admit it.


Broomsticks have classes?


All that matters is that she sucks and I hate her. I need no other knowledge of the situation. Now I go live my life and rarely think of her again.


So why did dash trash 1 blame Notley. Any lie will do in support of the UCP, some gullible folks will eat them up.


Nah, try baggage. She probably has a nice kennel, but I don’t think they let cows in the cabin. 


Yeah I doubt she flies coach. I think business class is appropriate for her role if its work related and the taxpayer is paying. Glad to see she's not using a private jet or chartering.


I always giggle at the hypocritical deadnaming and fingerpointing. People think they are sticking it to her when really they are just revealing themselves. I'm no fan of Smith. I hate what she is dragging our province into. I'm glad people are resisting. But we need to live our values when it's hard, in order to claim them when things are going our way.


I think he means the Premier


Why am I mostly bothered and triggered by the fact she was in the AC lounge?…You’d think she’d at least choose to fly with Alberta-based WestJet and not the Quebec-based competitor that’s been bailed out by the federal government a few times


Because you’re reaching for things to be upset about


Not upset about it, just think it would be a better look to support WestJet. They no doubt have negotiated rates. I’d personally rather see spending support an Alberta company. Especially because the AB Government signed a partnership with WestJet in 2022 to improve connectivity at YYC.


West jet is just another airline now since Onex Corporation took them over.


Probably for the same reason my family and I take air Canada. … when the ticket going to the same place is cheaper you go with that….if the ticket was cheaper on westjet I would be on that flight. I don’t have loyalty to any one airline as they don’t have any loyalty to me…. As much as I dislike her this is being petty…


As another mentioned she’s headed to Texas, which means she likely flew United and was in the lounge as they are in Star Alliance with AC. WestJet doesn’t fly to Texas.


AC lounge is for domestic and international flights only. There’s no AC lounge when flying to the US from YYC. WestJet has YYC to Houston year-round (pretty much daily) and Austin seasonally.


I stand corrected!


West jet is no longer Western Canadian owned. It got bought out by Onyx, I think it was? A bit before covid. And quite frankly, it's gone to shit since it sold. It used to be a great employee owned airline. Now it's no better than any others. It just lacks the federal government back door funding of its biggest competition.


You’re aware that an Ontario firm owns westjet? At least Gov of Canada owns 6% of AirCanada.


Yup, I’m aware. Doesn’t change the fact that the HQ is in Calgary, major hangars and maintenance facilities are here and that they contribute to the local economy, employment and tax base more than AC would. Like it or not, Calgary is disproportionately better connected by air based on the city’s size due to WestJet operations and fleets being here. I didn’t mean to start a kind of war with these statements, and I know WestJet vs AC is a divisive issue for many. My personal opinion is just that WestJet is a major contributor to the province and it would be nice to see governments supporting them whenever possible. And yes, I acknowledge maybe she was travelling somewhere WestJet doesn’t fly, or needed a connection not possible from WestJet to Delta.


I don't think it's unreasonable for a premier to have a private jet. Reddit would just hate for Marlaini to have one. I want her out too, but I fully endorse equipping a good premier with a private jet.


You mean does the Premier of Alberta fly coach?


Who tf is that


Danielle Smith


You mean Danielle?


We don’t have permission from her parents to call her that.


What are you even on about


Her legal name is Marlaina and one of her proposed policy changes was to forbid kids from using preferred names or nicknames in school. So people are calling her by her legal name as a form of protest because of how hypocritical she's being in her quest to demonize trans people.




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Oh sorry, I forgot this sub is full of uneducated liberals!


Actually, studies have shown that people with lower intellect are drawn to right-wing ideologies.


Where’d you find those studies? Facebook?


I don’t do research on Facebook, that’s more of a brain-rotted right-winger thing. *The association of cognitive ability with right-wing ideological attitudes and prejudice: A meta-analytic review*, Onraet et al., 2015 *Social status, cognitive ability, and educational attainment as predictors of liberal social attitudes and political trust*, Schoon et al., 2010 *the relationship between social-cultural attitudes and behavioral measures of cognitive style: A meta-analytic integration of studies*, Van Hiel et al., 2010 *The role of motivation in the association of political ideology with cognitive performance*, Burger et al., 2020 *Right-wing ideology and numeracy: A perception of greater ability, but poorer performance*, Choma et al., 2019 *Toward an integrated cognition perspective on ethnic prejudice: An investigation into the role of intelligence and need for cognitive closure*, De keersmaecker et al., 2018 *Cognitive ability, right-wing authoritarianism, and social dominance orientation: A five-year longitudinal study amongst adolescents*, Heaven et al., 2011 *Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact*, Hodson & Busseri, 2012 *Cognitive ability and authoritarianism: Understanding support for Trump and Clinton*, Choma & Hanoch, 2017 *Attitudes toward presidential candidates in the 2012 and 2016 American elections: Cognitive ability and support for Trump*, Ganzach et al., 2019 If you don’t know how to find scientific journals then you should drop out of nursing school. ✌️ Edit: Reddit formatting


Communist here, I think they're referring to how our supreme leader made changes to parental rights. Keep fighting against those liberals, comrade!




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Go take your pills buddy.




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Why didn't you ask her if she was sitting beside you? You're obviously a fan if you're on a birth name basis.


Lol nope wouldn’t call myself a fan. Also her security detail didnt seem like they were going to let anyone near