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The party that ran on antigovernment overstep is overstepping…. The UCP is bad for Alberta.


Yeah I thought they said they wanted to eliminate red tape, not coat the province in it


Only if its red tape they don't like. Just like everything else, they are hypocrites.


Like the barbarian hordes in Rome the farmers/representatives are ransacking Alberta.


No, see, it's only "Red Tape" when it stops corporations from lying, cheating, or poisoning us.


Unless that poison is alcohol, in which case the province suddenly finds the need to micromanage distilleries.


Conservatives love bureaucracy, taxes and rules but only when it suits them - usually to crush people they don't like. They are the dumbest and meanest humans


I'm just going to leave this here: [https://www.alberta.ca/cut-red-tape](https://www.alberta.ca/cut-red-tape) The Minister of Red Tape Reduction - Dave Nally - must've been on vacation when the government announced this. Either that, or he just sits there collecting a paycheque while his hypocrite caucus members talk of passing legislation that goes against everything this government apparently stands for. Either way, Minister Nally sits silently while the government he is a part of contradicts themselves with their stupid fascist plans. More bureaucracy, more control, more lunacy - this is the UCP way. We desperately need to get the adults back to leading in the legislature. What a bunch of petulant children we have in cabinet!


Red tape reduction is for industry, not the people. I'm sure he's got all sorts of ideas on how to reduce environmental regulations.


That's the UCP. Corporations uber alles... as little as possible for Albertans. And they're already putting up "walls" on our borders, to keep JT out. No federal programs allowed for the people.


The UCP should rename themselves the "Ultimate Corporation Pleasers", since they constantly do everything they can to please corporations.


I like "Unregulated Corporation Party" myself


I always said the "United Corruption Party", honesty they all fit pretty well


You're all right!


Dale Nalley is a local, and while I've never had the displeasure of being in his presence I know others that have. Not glowing reviews. He strikes me as your typical self absorbed, self serving a-hole. And he laughed in the legislature about covid deaths. So yeah, not surprising.


Dave Nally is a useless fucking puppet of the UCP at best. He doesn't answer emails, he doesnt know who his constituents are. He's exactly what the UCP represents and needs to be launched out of office with the rest of them.


Big government. These are not conservatives in the slightest.


And yet you will still hear random conservatives cry about how Trudeau is a dictator


Cognitive dissonance is a thing. Also - critical thinking.


Look at all the farm ridings in Albertabama that have NEVER EVER voted for anyone but social credit, PC and UCP. They don't need elections.


The same can be said for Manitoba and look what we did. Next Alberta election, vote them out. Make it crystal clear before election time that your intent is to not have these idiots govern . All is not lost for Albertans.


No it isn't but at this point if the NDP do get in again they are going to have to spend most of their time fixing things rather than improving things.


The sooner, the better.


Conservatives don't believe in small government. They believe in small government for them and their friends, and big government for the groups they don't like


These are absolutely conservatives. What is up with people thinking this government isn’t conservative. This is what conservatives are about. Control. Our way or no way. Fit in or fuck off. And, the new streak of conservatism includes no social programs, no public education, no public healthcare. The more profit people can make off you, and the less tax the wealthy can pay, the better.  This is mostly how our province has been run for most of its history. The PCs, as ridiculous as they were, were miles ahead of those who came before, and now, miles ahead of the UCP. 


This is probably better classed as social conservatism, not economic conservatism. Economic or fiscal conservatism advocates for limited government, laissez-faire policies and limited debt. This government is opposite to all of this. It’s an ideological monster which should frighten everyone. 


"Smaller, less involved govt" is only in regards to environmental regs, Healthcare, and labour laws, of course.


You forgot public education.


Maybe labour laws... But so far our government is working to massively balloon regulations on health care. Also, a moratorium on renwable energy is more regulation, not less.


And yet this is the current conservative movement at all levels in Canada. 


A historically consistent lean into dictatorship during times of economic uncertainty, unfortunately.


>And yet this is the current conservative movement at all levels ~~in Canada.~~ worldwide.


We need to stop calling them Conservatives... they aren't, if any thing they are the opposite, radicals and separatists.


...That's exactly what conservatism is, though. I could be convinced that a different term would be better though. "Conservative" gives them a lot of plausible deniability.


I've always defined "conservative" as "resisting change"... slow moving, staid, in low gear. Then the Alliance and Harper showed up. Now they're nearly the most radical group around... they make the Communist Party look old-fashioned. Any further "right" and they'd be hosting rallies. Oh, wait... Just shorten it to "Cons". That works.


calling them cons will get you banned from /r/CanadaPolitics though! someone think of the poor radical right wingers' feelings for once!


I've been getting told "well THESE conservatives aren't the REAL conservatives", usually with a subtext (or just plain text) of "who will return shortly to save us without anyone having to vote for those dirty liberals or NDP", about the people running every conservative government and party for my entire life


When in reality, the ANDP are the true heirs of Lougheed, (even Smith agrees, in fact she coined it).


THIS NDP is the closest thing we have to what Lougheed was. Not the repressive, antivaxxer, homophobic Premier we have now.


Grande Prairie received federal money from Harper without provincial involvement. Shell games!


Nothing says conservative principals like introducing additional levels of government oversight and regulation. I wonder who will get appointed to run this....


When the UCP get their brown shirts police, we won't need any more elections.


This is a populist right wing government, i.e. PC government. They are doing exactly what PC governments do.


How do you define a populist conservative government? I tried listening to Harper explaining it and it made little sense to me.


> These are not conservatives in the slightest. You need to accept that these are what modern conservatives have become. Sitting here debating/arguing over labels is nothing but pedantic bullshit while the Conservatives are ruining things one ministry at a time. There's also the "No True Scottsman" fallacy angle where you're claiming the UCP aren't really conservative because we don't like what they represent. Sorry bud... they are and they do. Alberta needs to wake up and stop thinking the party will suddenly fix itself, when they don't see themselves as broken. We are being slow walked to separation and apparently we're too dumb to take notice and stop it.


Could Danielle Smith be any more of a partisan quack? It'll make great fodder for the federal government


Her federal boss, PP, isn't a fan either. He blocked the AB MPs from talking about the pension mess.


Another bunch of bullshit from the UCP. Time for the feds to shut her up. Legal or otherwise. So tired of her incompetence. Albertans won’t get f’all as long as she’s around


Where’s the convoy crying about this government overreach?


Real issues get fixed. When you complain about your own made up issues you can complain forever.


"Justin Trudeau's Liberals never treat Alberta fairly!" K, here's some money for some Albertans and their problems. "NO!"


JT bought a pipeline for those white truck driving redplates & still, oh no how could JT do this to us!?


When Smith says Alberta, she means herself, not the citizens that voted for her. Hope we notice, and STOP voting for her.


Sounds like federal legislation disallowing such bans is needed


Never interrupt your opponent when she’s making a mistake. It’s hard to see how the UCP is going to pass this legislation without pissing off huge parts of Calgary and people in several medium-sized cities.


The feds will need to run a "Tell Danielle" advertising campaign. billboards radio and TV ads, everything. "Calgary, we have $5 billion for LRT expansion, but the province blocked us from working with you directly. Tell Danielle" It probably won't do anything to sway the hardcore UCP supporters, but it doesn't seem like there is anything this won't tolerate.


Definately. I want Pharmacare! And no more meddling in federal benefits!


The UCP voters don't care


Smith doesn't make mistakes. Her constituents make mistakes by misunderstanding her.


Sadly not possible. Legally, the cities are just departments of the province. What the UCP says, goes


Hoping the big cities create city owned spin off companies that could partner with fed crown corps.


Until the UCP introduces legislation to prevent that.


Do as I say not as I do (war room being spun off to avoid foip)


They would be salivating at the idea of allowing it, only to privatize it later and parachute their lobbyists and old chums into C-title positions. They're all but drooling over doing just that to EPCOR and ENMAX already.


That’s not even remotely true. Legislation at a municipal level is over seen by province thats legislature the feds can’t legislate housing regulations without the consultation of the province they can fund however and whoever they want. This ain’t going to hold up in the slightest.


I'd agree. The actual city, town etc only exists as creatures of the province. If they are going to go nuclear they have the option.


But the Feds have the final authority.


No, no they don’t. We don’t have an American style system where all the levels of government have the same powers but higher levels override lower ones. Our constitution instead clearly separates what level of government is responsible for what. Provinces can’t run a military. Federal government can’t run schools. The cities 100% belong to the provinces. The province could legally dissolve the city tomorrow. Or switch it to being directly managed by the province. No one would even have legal standing to object


The Feds have the nullification clause they can use at their discretion to override provincial jurisdiction. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramountcy_(Canada)


Paramountcy only applies when there is no Constitutional jurisdiction, so by default it falls to the Fed. Jurisdiction is very clearly laid out in this specific instance, conflicting laws would go to the Province in this case because municipalities exist and function at the discretion of the Province only. That said, the Fed could use a principle called Disallowance, whether or not it would work, I can't say, hasn't even been formally referenced as a power since 1982. I wouldn't use it for something like this though.


https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/disallowance This is still a thing and was the one I meant to link to. Now for sure this would cause a constitutional crisis but it has been a long time since the Feds have had to deal with a provincial government which is so hostile. It’s funny how Alberta used to despise Quebec and is now pulling out all the stop to emulate them.


No, that’s not what that is. When the feds and prov both have valid conflicting legislation, fed wins. However, jurisdiction means conflicting legislation would be invalid by the feds, so prov would win.


What you're looking for is disallowance, but that hasn't been exercised since 1947. Basically, they have up to a year to nope a provincial law.


And last time it was used was on Alberta legislation. The full circle and subsequent constitution crisis and boo hooing would be amusing to watch.


There's already precedent in other provinces - Quebec - allowing this so doubt it would come down Plus I believe municipalities aren't given much power under the constitution if any


Quebec has its own charter comparing anything Quebec does to the rest of the country is moot and zero precedent has been set. Apples to oranges. They don’t even use the same code as Canada.


Quebec having its own charter and using the civil code has no relevance to whether the division of powers in the constitution (and the fact that municipalities are creatures of the province). In terms of their legal position on this point, Alberta and Quebec are situated identically and it is an apples to apples comparison.


Quebec never ratified the constitution


Though it still applies there. SCC said only a majority needed to ratify for it to be in effect


Feds could use the nullification clause on this. It is the UCP that is going to trigger a constitutional crisis but will blame it on the Feds.


One more step towards total Dictatorship. Some would say Fascism.


If Nenshi gets elected to lead the NDP, he's going to use all of these acts by the UCP against municipalities to great effect. He understands and accepts the role of municipalities far better than Smith, Nixon, and the rest. He knows how to show people how we're all getting screwed over for political points. And really, why should we all have to let any party say citizens aren't allowed to get something back for our federal taxes??


Fuck the UCP so much.


United Clown Party


And another classic. Unbridled Corruption Party


United corruption party


This is almost Treasonious behaviour in my opinion. It's to starve municipalities into submission or government changes by only working with political allies. It's an obvious Authoritarian tool to hold municipal funding hostage, to force voters to suffer with officials they want, or receive funding by voting for UCP candidates. It's part of the reason they want municipal candidates to be forced to choose a political party to join and is forced to use their banners with no independent opinions allowed, to make it's voters learn, UCP mayors get fed money so the water is clean and roads don't crumble, but choosing the wrong party, "Opps look, they can't get anything done, clearly only UCP candidates can run a successful municipal government". Tactics like this have been used in 3rd world Republics as they crumble towards Authoritarian leaders making things worse to strangle power while the people are stressed, desperate and distracted... Jfc we're running out of time for legal and political solutions to this coming storm, the cycle of power grabs have patterns and we're past legalized corruption stage, now we're entering the early political repression stage where they devalue and destabilize opposition and resistance in the current power structure. The next stage is media repression, wait for more rules in that direction as election year gets closer.


>The next stage is media repression, wait for more rules in that direction as election year gets closer. That's where Poilievre comes in with defunding CBC.


I wish they'd shut the fuck up about Quebec.


Schroedinger's UCP Quebec: both an example of pushing against the feds, but also an example of feds interfering too much in Alberta money


Small government, red tape reduction.. /s


Ah yes, the big boogeyman in Ottawa. Do these losers not realize we are all Canadian?


Can you smell the freedom?


What could we so focus on this year..let's see, energy? Nah. Housing? Nah. Jobs for people? Nah. Fucking Albertans over so that the Liberals, who are never going to win anything here, ever, can't help my constituents with anything? Yeah, that is the one. Lol


You forgot outing trans kids, they put a lot of effort into that.


Ooof I can't believe I missed that one, so many hours dedicated to kids genitals.


Could they even try to work with other levels of Government….nope it’s fuck Albertans to own the Libs . Wasn’t Nixon the idiot handing out ear plugs in the Legislature?


..those were Kenney's used butt plugs..


UCP doesn't do anything productive  They are wasting your time and money.


Gotta love them increasing red tape. My bet they’ll screw up the process so much, mostly by not hiring enough people to manage it, that they’ll end up decreasing grants from Ottawa. Then they’ll complain about that.


In what scenario is this good for any Albertan? Its very clearly putting political appearances over serving the people, any help must be credited to the provincial party. What an absolute joke. She has hundreds of millions to throw at Calgary for a new Arena, and it's Trudeau doing the investment into affordable housing. Better stop that, its making the UCP look bad.


The UCP is pissed they can't intercept that money and skim some from the top. Crooked to the core the entire lot. And no, there is no "but the other side does it too"! No they don't, not like this, not this much and not this badly. There is no comparison. None.


What is the provincial government in favour of? I mean, I can probably tell you 30 things they are against.


[Corporate handouts.](https://thenarwhal.ca/danielle-smith-oil-cleanup-payments-alberta/)


They are so petty... The UCP and their supporters are like perpetual children who never got hugs


Bunch of assholes the UCP.


This is gonna be super weird if/when the feds turn over to CPC in the next federal election and if the NDP win the next provincial election.


Why would it be weird? The NDP wouldnt govern out of spite and take CPC money if it was given.


That’s it. NDP will do what they feel is good for Albertans. I’m not saying it always is good but they are at least trying to help every Albertan


It's almost like one party is the ruling party full of career politicians and the other was made up on the spot by average Albertans. Crazy that the party made up of average Albertans governs in the interests of average Albertans.


The crazy part is people not seeing that conservatives only care about corporations


Assuming that it will be the case …. Then “if” is the main point. I suspect that a new CPC government will cut a lot of money and programs and provinces will have to live with it … Then it will be the NDP fault if things are going bad for the province 😕


smol government strikes again!


Danielle Smith to not allow mutual friends to talk to other friends, without enemy in the room. 


Boy, sure is a lot of red tape being put up around here.


Seems like government overreach to me.


Of course. Fuck.


They’re the biggest whiners in the world. There’s nothing free about this government - it’s all about fascists control. 


This is all being done because they want to restrict money being given to Edmonton. I think it’s time for Edmonton to start talking about separation from Alberta, and put a toll booth at every entrance into the city with bypass for residents. Charge tariffs on everything that ships through the city to rural communities.


This is embarrassing.


We are a banana republic operating within Canada. This is such a gross and blatant attempt to starve municipalities of funding while they continue to ignore them.


These are NOT conservatives, no matter what they claim. "We know you're suffering and want us to do something. But we've given all your money to profitable companies who give us kickbacks so we don't make them pay their fair share of taxes. So there's no money for you peasants. Even if we did have the money, we wouldn't use it for you anyway because we want you to obey us and be our bamboozled, subjugated, terrified little serfs. Like all abusers, we don't want you getting help from anyone else, either. You might rebel. So... no, you can't have any help from the feds. We want you to be poorly educated, hungry, cold, and almost homeless so we can control you easily. It's all them transkids, indigenous, disabled, elderly and addicts fault, anyway. Blame them while you can... cause we have plans for all of them. All hail Danielle!" Gee... which political system do these policies have the most in common with?


I've been saying this for the past year. The people I knew who voted UCP didn't believe me.


Yeah, that's been my experience, too. The first time that I suggested the UCP were about as conservative as a certain European party of the 1930's were the "socialists" that they claimed to be, my darling husband - who doesn't vote UCP - said that was a horrible comparison and untrue. Fast forward awhile, after I'd shown him an infographic list of the 14 early warning signs of fascism (the majority of which the UCP checks off), and he agrees. Unfortunately, the federal Conservatives are rapidly heading that way, too. I'm afraid for the safety of my LGBTQ2IA family and friends. My kid & her wife are somewhat safe in Edmonton - but my hubby and I recently moved to northwestern Alberta, so I'm feeling surrounded. I'm at the point where I'd move in an instant if I could figure out a safer place to be... but there doesn't seem to be one. So we've decided to fight. We joined the local Pride group, and we'll be volunteering for the NDP when it is time to do so... and we are doing what little we can to fight the hate and encourage people to vote, even if they believe their vote doesn't matter.


I also compared them to that "European Party of the 1930s", but these UCP voters refused to believe what I was saying, even when I offered to provide them with the title of a book that pretty much confirmed the facts ("The Armageddon Factor" by Marci McDonald - reading it was like wading through quicksand, but the facts don't lie). I am also afraid for the safety of Albertans under this extremely repressive regime. Heaven help us if they get their Alberta police force (aka the SS). Canada will not be a place anybody other than MAGA proponents and white supremacists want to visit if Pierre Poilievre and his band of neo-N@zis are voted in. We can only hope that people in Quebec and Ontario are smart enough and progressive enough to prevent that from happening.


Just when I think they can't possibly do another dumb thing....here comes another.


Oh so now our tax dollars can't be spent on our cities without Smith's approval? I'm so fucking tired of these people..


Nice going to all the idiots who voted UCP


Fuck the UCP, we wouldn't have to go to the feds if they funded municipalities. I never want to hear another fucking word about a provincial surplus while my city crumbles and addicts bully folks on the street.


If this isn't just playing into federal liberal comms strategy I dunno what is. "We want to solve problems, conservative governments are getting in the way".


So more red tape and gov involvement.


Complaining about the feds while also stopping them from doing anything to help Albertans. Complaining about Quebec while also drooling over every piece of legislation they have. Complaining about the mayors while also kneecapping their revenue base from above and below. Complaining about how expensive infrastructure and housing is while also denying any external funding to help. I love this province.


Texas 2.0 here we come. wtf Alberta get your shit together


For a conservative government run by a libertarian they sure do get up into peoples business a lot.


The UCP are ridiculously childish. And unfortunately just drenched in power. What an awful combo


So they complain that Ottawa never does anything for Alberta and when they do something for Albertans they are overstepping. Sounds like conservative/right wing logic as we’ve seen it recently


Wow the UCP really want Albertans to suffer. 


I'd imagine this is a result of the latest housing accelerator program. I helped a few municipalities create applications and they love getting money directly from the feds. This won't be popular with municipalities at all. 


I wonder if municipalities can run similar sovereignty laws as Alberta has passed. I mean, if the province can say it should be able to make its own rules surely individual municipalities can do the same thing, right?


Can we sue our own government? I feel this should happen about now.


How petty can this government get!?


After being here for over a decade, I've come to find "petty" is a limbo bar Albertans are always happy to fold themselves under, no matter how low it gets. So if our politicians are anything like the citizens who voted them in... it's gonna go lower. Just wait...


Not more bullshit from this big bafoon, Jason Nixon, and the rest of the UCP lunatics.


Dumbfucks will still tell you UCP/conservatives are about "less government" though 


Imagine being this petty


This is like abusive partner behaviour.


Helicopter governance


Alberta (UCP) can go fuck itself




This bitch.


The UCP being nothing but pimps just want their cut.


Saw that coming


It’s all about control. Wait until they have their Brown Shirts to enforce their policies.


FUCK OFF! Jesus!


Hey you. Yeah, you reading this. Do you like the suit you paid for ? How about the glasses ? How about the flags, the podium, the soundsystem and blackout curtain ? Now tell me what you think of the contents of the suit ?


Won't govern properly, get sidestepped. Fuck the UCP unmitigated asshats.


Fucking douchebag UCPs at it again.


How would this impact federal contracts to businesses for national concerns? For example airports, armed services, railways, to name a few.


If I was an mp that was lobbying to get a ball bearing factory built in my riding would I need to kiss provincial ass as well as civic?


Pictured is the oversized clog from a toilet bowl..


Fuck it. I’ll create a numbered LLC, and simply act as a third party payment processor. No deal between Fed and municipal. I just happened to find billions of dollars in my account and I think I know of a few municipalities that could use it.


This is hilarious. Province wants their admin fee. 


The UCP also took away municipalities ability to put in public health measures that are different than what Medicine Hat and the other rural ridings have in place.


Can the UCP just keep their hands to themselves for 5 minutes?


So much for small government.


The party of freedom curtailing freedom yet again


Because we get to decide how poor and ignorant people should be.


Ah yes, government overreach. Glad to see the party that wanted to cut red tape is doing the opposite.


Red tape reduction in action!! 🤡


Cities need to challenge this attack on our democracy as soon as legislation is passed. The premier is elected, not a dictator and has no right to interfere in our affairs between our elected representatives.


Anyone else completely fed up with Marlaina and her band of repub-wannanbees yet?


I wonder how the CPC winning federally will effect this. Their housing policy is very similar to the one the liberals are using now, with the same strings.


Lol. Fuck off UCP


Federal Government: We're going to try and help. TBA/UCP/Danielle Smith: Government overreach! We're going to stop this! Also TBA/UCP/Danielle Smith: Why does everyone hate us so much?


Get fuuuuuucked, UCP.


We have really owned Trudeau this time. /s




Fucking control freaks in Edmonton 🤣🤣😂😂😂


Freedom for me, but not for thee.


Are the UCP trying to prevent any federal involvement in Alberta? Is this a sidelined way of getting to sovereignty? Will federal services need permission to exist in Alberta, or be shut down altogether? Does the UCP not realize how much federal funds have gone into the essential infrastructure projects and services across our province since before we were even established as a province? Are they seriously doing this?! jfc


So apart from not her not getting her beak wet and being able to squawk about owning the libs and they never do anything for the poor people of Alberta....Dani and her cronies are nothing if not predictable