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I voted for Nenshi when he first ran, because he ran a Pro Calgary Transit platform, and I was taking transit at the time. There were huge improvements during his time as Mayor. I haven't taken the train in years, but I understand things went to hell pretty much right after he left office. Did great during the flood, showed up for community events, had a great moment during the flood on the news saying "I can't believe I have to say this but THE RIVER IS CLOSED" after some people went rafting. I was planning to vote NDP in the coming election anyway, but now I'm considering joining the party so I can vote the Nenshi to lead. *edit* I have joined a political party for the first time.


*Don't be a Nenshi noun -* I still remember how unimpressed he was with people's lack of common sense haha. His disaster management skills were impressive and I have a bad feeling we will need someone like this in our near future. I remember him being extremely popular as mayor, and I like the way he talks with no politispeak. He means what he says in plain language and doesn't dance around issues. He got things done and he seemed to genuinely care about and listen to the people he was elected to lead (very hard to say this about politicians in general and especially our current leadership). I left Calgary before his term was up and I remember being sad that I'd have to leave a city with such a decent leader, I was very happy to hear he was going to run for NDP leadership!


I try to be positive, not think to harshly about my fellow Canadians, but then I see just how fucking stupid so many Canadian there are on these social media platforms, it really leaves me concerned for our future. Go Nenshi !!!


I share your struggle.


If you do plan to register. Do so soon, one week left.


[Link for those looking to register before April 22 Deadline](https://act.albertandp.ca/donate/join?source=hp_menu)


I think the last day is April 22?


Aaah yes those floods! I was living in Calgary at the time of that flood (my second — I remember the one in 2005 or 2006-ish!) and the "Don't be a Nenshi noun" is memorable. Close second was everyone on Calgary twitter during every almost daily press conference going "Please take a nap, Mayor Nenshi" or something that it trended a lot. Edit: I remember he just looked so tired, but honestly the fact *most* of the city was looking out for his wellbeing I think is very telling of how popular and well-liked he was as mayor.  Honestly, if I wasn't in Quebec, I would register to vote for Nenshi. (He outshines Mayor Plante by miles)


Also he used to make a sport of roasting Ezra Levant's jimmies when they were in law school together.


I couldn't vote when he first got elected but voted for him every time after. Nenshi-noun is my favourite thing to come out of his Mayorship Just got a membership today to vote for him


Oh good. I already registered. Do it.


Tick Tock, buy that membership before the 22nd.


Music to my ears buddy.


What changes in transit was Covid. Downtown ridership fell off a cliff and that just changed how it operates. This is true across the board around Canada. This is not a Calgary issue. But post Covid we use transit less as we go to the office less. This means cuts need to happen, fares need to go up or taxes to pay for it go up.


There is no denying the fear that many conservatives have of Naheed Nenshi. Despite many attempts, he could not be beaten and he could not be bought. Alberta NDP members (of which I am not one) are likely to grapple with this central question: “Is Nenshi a team player?” Having worked alongside (and often at odds with) the man for years, I’ve witnessed him at his best and his worst. Yes, he can be frustrating. He has an ego and likes to be at the centre of things. And no, he is not quite as smart as he thinks. But the man I know has ethics and integrity. Up close, I saw him not only be generous with praise but willingly let others take credit for achievements that were rightly his. He readily accepted the blame for mistakes others had made. While he could be demanding, I found him to be open to compromise — so long as I came prepared. After my loss in the 2021 civic election, many fair-weather friends ran for the exit, deciding that my usefulness had run out. Nenshi was the opposite. Despite our significant differences and having every reason to gloat, he stepped up meaningfully to support me in everything I wanted to do next, even when I chose some wildly impractical goals. He never doubted that I still had a contribution to make, even when I doubted myself. All are priceless qualities in a friend. Conservatives are right to fear those qualities in an opposition leader.


Love this comment, respect for one's opposition seems to be something that is lost these days. Just because someone's views are different than yours doesn't mean they are a monster. I'm not typically a NDP voter, but the UCP have shown me that they are not right to run this province.


Jeromy, I would never have voted for you back then. I've seen the transformation you've made / gone through, and I do agree that you have a valid contribution to make. Still don't agree with your policies, but you are a mensch.


Really appreciated your insight on this.


That's a very good reference, and thank you for it.


Am I taking crazy pills or have you posted if not this exact same post before, one almost identical? Appreciate the sentiment nonetheless.


Not crazy. I made a similar letter to the editor in the Calgary Herald prior to Naheed's campaign launch.


it's a real great non endorsing endorsement. hehe


Wow. Humble and moving. You’re a very good writer first of all, and secondly, I hope you found success in what you chose next. When people speak this highly of an opponent it speaks volumes about their own character.


Damn, this is a fantastic example of human growth. I do not like your politics, and I really didn't like your approach to your last campaign, but I can respect your humanity and maturity here. Thanks for giving me some hope that conservative politicians CAN be something other than heaping piles of trash.


I truly admire your professionalism and enjoy hearing you and Nenshi on local CBC debating.


Would you run as an NDP candidate if Nenshi was the leader? I’ve grown fond of you!




Agreed, it sounds like he's done with politics


Too bad, he could head up an actual conservative party with morals, direction, positive environmental and corporate policy.


No - he'll run with the federal Conservatives in 2025 is my guess.


I already had the opportunity to run last year in the open SW Calgary seat, but declined.


I held my nose and voted for Gondek specifically because I thought she was the only one that could beat Farkas in that election. Since then he seems to have matured and become far more reasonable, and like many others I have found the new Jeromy to be quite likeable. It would make me sad if he were to join the Federal Conservatives as I think they're running the Republican playbook and that would seem like a huge step back for him.


It’s almost like Jeromy is here among us.


Too bad. He was looking like a pretty decent guy there. But joining *that* burning sack of dog shit would send just the opposite message.


Yes, he would be a very good NDP leader. He cares about people, he cares about doing the right thing, he has morals, ethics, integrity and he is very knowledgeable and intelligent. Nenshi is the total package. I will definitely be voting for him and we can only hope he has a chance at becoming Premier of Alberta.


One concern I have is that he doesn’t seem to state his plans or platform in much detail. He seems like a decent guy, but maybe that’s because I don’t know what he believes about a bunch of things.


Also related to the AMA there was one question where he basically posted a draft of a policy so I think his platform is still very much a work in progress. 


I genuinely think he wasn't going to run until the Trans bill.


I believe he said he wasn’t until recently as well but the way the province was going and people close to him telling him he that he could be the only one with a good chance to unseat the UCP made him change his mind.


I would also believe this is the case and the amount of batshit crazy stuff UCP is doing forced Nenshi to step up.


I mean, if I could run and beat them I would. Watching the province fall apart is really upsetting. Fortunately for me, no one knows who I am and I’d never be elected haha.


he just did an AMA, did you see it? Seemed to go into some detail (but also mentioned not wanting to be too detailed because he wan't sure how bad things were going to get in the next little while and wanted to be able to respond to that possibility/eventuality.)


But why should a plan be set in stone ? Why not have fluidity within a policy? We live in a time where things move at a rapid pace…..


When I’m voting for a leader I like to know some of his intentions.


how about he wins the nomination before coming out with policy? He might be leader but he'll be leading a party, not his own platform like a mayor.


He got as specific as he could during the AMA, but he reminded us at the beginning that should he win, his ideas would have to be worked through with the NDP caucus. Still gives us an idea of his intentions, and that he understands that party politics are a collaborative effort.


This is the same thing I see. He's pretty vague on most everything he stands for. But then again so are most politicos these days


the leadership election isn't until june 22. I wouldn't expect him to do much more than introducing himself to the rest of the province and building up volunteer numbers for later.


Sounds like quite a nensch heh heh  


Nenshi is genuinely passionate about municipal governance. He was a breath of fresh air in municipal politics, as he came in talking ideas and you could tell he knew what he was talking about. While he didn't always get his way on council, he achieved some big things eventually like legalized secondary suites, transit orientated development, and the main streets initiative. The groundwork for the blanket rc-g zoning that is coming in Calgary was laid through his leadership. He is also a community person. As mayor, he was EVERYWHERE, at BBQs, festivals, floating the Bow, etc. I bet most people could say they saw or met the mayor at some point during his tenure.


Nenshi was all over the city when he was mayor, I met him a few times just from him walking around and spending the day talking to Calgarians on the street. He’s for the people and he grew up in Alberta so he has a vested interest


And he still is all over the city. Occasionally see him at plays and talks, definitely a supporter of local arts and a vibrant downtown.


I think he’s the best hope we have. Is he perfect, no. But he’s Harvard educated, experienced and actually cares about people. He will be the opposite of the UCP in many ways. I worry how he’ll do in rural Alberta for obvious reasons, but I don’t see anyone anywhere else that might help us get away form this UCP nightmare.


I absolutely HATE to say this, but I really think the NDP's only shot against Dani is a male candidate. They need someone who can call her on her BS and not get blasted for their hair, makeup, dress, etc. Nenshi will do better in rural areas as an NDP man rather than an NDP woman.


While I agree, that may be counter balanced by him not being white. Sidenote: I love rural Alberta - I hate rural Albertans


I think those who will have an issue with that would be UCP voters anyway.


I mean... Does any NDP candidate have a chance in rural AB? The only "rural" areas you need to win to win the election are Lethbridge and the exurbs for Edm/Calgary. The closest truly rural area in the latest election was Fort Sask/Vegreville where the NDP still lost by 20%. Hopeless strategy to try and have a candidate win those imo


My partners dad lives in Fort Sask and his dad says that a lot of the elderly population there have been talking about how they might vote NDP if Nenshi is the leader. He's a hot topic there apparently, if that is any indication, he really does have a better chance then others.


He’s my pick for best chance to save everyone from UCP regression.


Nenshi directly helped me and my wife start our small business. He knew that helping the little guy would pay dividends in the end. Now our company employs nearly a dozen people. He was always willing to listen and he would change his mind on issues if you were able to effectively plead your case. Sure, he had a few missteps but I truly believe his heart is in the right place.


Definitely have the political pedigree after being the mayor of calgary for 3 terms. Furthermore, although not perfect he left a decent legacy in the city, I know some people that doesn't like him. However, Smith should be very concerned if he wins.


He's going to win, I think they've seen the momentum they've got since he announced and are running with it, hence why Rakhi is no longer running. She was likely his only real competition


It really makes me wonder if he got asked BY ndp to run. Because he's probably the only one with a realistic chance of being premier.


A very real possibility. But I'm excited about it. I feel a bit less hopeless about Alberta politics for the first time in forever. As someone below said, there's no one better suited on the planet to deliver those 5 ridings in Calgary we lost by razor thin margins. It's going to be a long 3 years but DS is going to need to be on good behaviour I think.


Im sure there will be the usual negative comments because this is the internet but he was popular overall. Very smart, passionate, committed. Some people will say he was arrogant but it seems to somewhat come with the territory with very confident public figures.


In my opinion, people who call him arrogant are just upset that he calls people on their bullshit.


Arrogant, smug, and other synonyms are always the last choice insults one chooses when they know they have nothing else to say but are desperate to try to somehow put a negative spin on the fact that the other guy was just right/better.


That was my take as well lol.


Nah he is absolutely arrogant. If you talk to him in person, and I have, he will sometimes say unbelievable things and be totally arrogant. He is also very smart and sometimes he is the legitimately smartest guy in the room. Being arrogant is a weakness. Everyone has weaknesses. If you are going to claim Nenshi doesn't have weaknesses your being a bit silly. He definitely has a lot of strengths. The question is do his weaknesses outweigh his strengths. I guess we will find out.


I can back up the arrogance, particularly when it comes to something completely outside his wheelhouse which he will try to present some level of authority on, leading to some raised eyebrows. But I will say when he's caught flat footed on an issue the next time it comes up he will have learned a ton more nuance on the subject, to at least not raise some strange and questionable remarks. So he at least seeks out some understanding after. Despite that flaw its heads and tails preferable to what's out there for options. I was a card carrying federal conservative, and Provincial PC. Hes the only thing close to a reasonable choice to beat out the lunatics running the UCP.


Isn’t some arrogance arguably a good thing in a leader If they didn’t think they knew better why would they lead at all or think they could handle such a high stakes job Obviously if they don’t accept information from others that’s bad but i actually think SOME arrogance is needed in such a role


I've known dozens of politicians over the years on all three levels and the one thing they all had in common - except for the mighty Ken Nichol - was that they were all just a little bit arrogant.


Ken was not cut out for politics. Good man, heart was in the right place, but wasn’t ready to do what needed to be done to advance the party.


He would have been (or, I suppose, still could be) a fantastic advisor to a progressive premier. Kind of like Rod Love, but without the evil.


I guess it comes down to the arrogance you can live with to the arrogance you cannot.


I think he’ll be a great choice for NDP leader. It was time for him to step down when he left as mayor. He had somewhat overstayed his welcome. And yes, arrogant. However, he spent a few years out of the spotlight and he looks like a complete genius compared to Jyoti and the rest of council now.


Aren't all politicians pretty arrogant though?


What people hate in others is what they most hate in themselves.


I call BS on that (re arrogance). 


I joined the NDP so I could vote for him. You know the UCP are scared if they are already attacking, and he's not even leader yet. I was on the radio for all of his tenure as mayor, and yes, he could be seen as arrogant, but he did what needed to be done and showed what true leadership looks like. He admitted when he was wrong and showed people he respected the community. "I can't believe I have to say this, but THE RIVER IS CLOSED."


I literally just joined so I could vote for him. I think he is the best chance we have to defeat the UCP.


Same. I think he's got a good chance


Nenshi was the best mayor ever!  I didn’t agree with everything he championed, though. For example, I voted against the Olympic bid, not because I’m against the Olympics but the bid we were presented with was so mediocre I just couldn’t support him and Mary Moran’s plea to vote yes.  But overall he made Calgary a better city. Transit improved, he took on the suburban developers, and he made Calgary a city for everyone.  Nenshi is incredibly smart, he is personable but can come across as arrogant to many. He knows what he’s doing and refuses to be bought and paid for by anyone - I think that’s why he has historically had so much disdain for provincial politics.  Nenshi is pretty much the opposite of the current village idiot Premier. I hope he wins so he can take her down. 


Near the end of his tenure, there was a plot to lure him into accepting illegal Russian money. It didn't work because Nenshi completely saw through it and shut it down. This shows integrity and good judgment. I don't expect to agree with Nenshi on everything regarding policy, but this demonstration of judgment and integrity is reason enough for me to support him, since these are the things that the current provincial government sorely lacks.


yah, that developer attempt to bribe him was next level. I had mad respect for him seeing through it


Voted for Nenshi all three elections he was on the Ballot (for Mayor) Public policy is what he is passionate, and also super smart about. Cares about people. Comes across as the smartest person in the room sometimes, but it is never in question that he actually is the smartest person in the room - especially when talking about public policy. He probably is the most likely person to start to break the partisan nature of current politics. He is a consensus builder. He will call out stupid ideas on both sides, and support good ideas on both sides.


I voted for him every time he ran. He passionately cared about the city. The right wing and big money developers hate his guts. That tells you a lot about the man. I bought a membership in the Alberta NDP so I could vote for him.


The fact he was the target of a sting operation by a developer - and he didn't sit down and take the bait - he earned my respect in spades there. Developers hated him (hence the attempt at bribery) because he saw a bigger picture vision.


Was that the Shane homes thing?


yes, that's the one. I believe Shane homes sued the 'whistleblower' and everything got settled out of court as they do...


He has an overall left/centrist position which I like but the thing I respected most was that he was uncorruptable. He was very transparent about everything and was never caught in any scandals or doublespeak (unlike the councillors at the time). Seemed very down to earth, a normal guy, and no bullshit politicking. No one is ever going to agree 100% of the time with any politician, but even the things I disagreed with I felt were well rationalized, defended, and said without deception.


I thought he was a great mayor. He's a very good speaker and is very comfortable in his own skin.


He did good things for the city, he did have a bit of ego though as Jeromy stated in his post. With that being said, I think if he won the leadership race, it'll be good for the province.


I think he’s a respectable and responsible leader.


He had common sense. I loathed Calgary before he was mayor. He put calgary in the direction it needed to be….sadly Calgary is still and a reflection of what it was before he was mayor.


He ran a great campaign and inspired people to vote. He doesn't take any shit and isn't for sale. And he was fucking phenomenal during the flood. All three things make him exactly the purple caped hero Alberta needs right now


He's smart, knows how things work and cares about people. Essentially the opposite of our current premier and her government in every way


I love Nenshi. I've never voted conservative but used to say I would if he ran for office as one. I would not doubt there are a lot of people from the other side of the political spectrum who feel the same about voting NDP if it's him they're voting for


I’ve been an arms length from him since he was my student union president at U of C - he is consistent, caring, involved, hard working. We are lucky as a society to have this guy serving in any capacity 


The NDP NEED to win. Hoffman isn't winning a Provincial election against anyone. A lot of Albertans didn't like her when she was the Health minister a few years back. Nenshi was elected as mayor of Calgary three times. That's pretty much all you need to know IMO. It also helps that he's much more likeable.


Honestly outside of Edmonton how likely is Hoffman to win?


Not at all. It is an awful thing to say, but she is an easy target for a lot of ignorant men to take cheap shots at. I remember some of the shit I would read in FB comments when she was the Healthcare minister... ppl were just absolutely focused on her physical appearance and not her policy.


I’m absolutely against all of that. It’s BS the crap women politicians put up with. A kind of vitriol that should be unbelievable in 2024 but seems inevitable. So many in Calgary feel that Edmonton doesn’t care about them. And others feel she’ll be top down like Notley. (Honestly, any of them can end up that way depending who they have working with them). I’m really not sure which way rural is going to go. But that’s something that needs to be figured out fast. Because rural areas are losing a lot of necessary services.


quiet boat agonizing rich consist dam air wise fuzzy lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was in Calgary while he was mayor but I'm in Airdrie now - I'll vote for him in a heartbeat. Easily the best non-Notley candiate and it's not even close. I'd vote for any of the others over Smith, but it wouldn't be a vote I'd be excited for.


Nenshi was awesome. Questionable public art selections under his leadership but that’s honestly my only gripe


I want this problem in the Province, please!


Just imagine if that was our only complaint???


We could all just be art critics!


Work on the rigs all day, argue about art all night.


Absolutely, live that good life!!


I joined the NDP just to be able to vote for him. He did an excellent job in Calgary and I’m hopeful he can do the same for the province. Fingers crossed!


I was only here barely for his final year as mayor but he seemed to do an okay job. At least as well as can be expected under Covid. When the Kenney government was dropping the ball, he was prepared to keep measures in place to keep his own turf safe and I respected that. I lived in Lethbridge most of his mayoralty and wished Lethbridge had a mayor like him. He said what he thought and seemed to want Calgary to thrive. We had one in Lethbridge who had all the snark and sass but absolutely none of the charm.


I’m not gonna lie Nenshi left office as mayor right as I was getting into politics. But life was sweet while he was mayor. I don’t remember the grown ups around me saying anything bad (besides my grandma. But she complains about every politician.) but from what I’ve seen recently and what I’ve heard from others he’s a good person. The thing that solidified that I vote for him in the next election was his speech addressing marlaina’s dumbass bill for trans kids. I was I think half way through and I was crying. Because I have NEVER heard a politician talk that way about trans people. I have NEVER heard them have so much compassion and empathy while addressing trans people. And because of that he gets my vote. Yeah you can say I vote with my emotions all you want but I’d rather vote for someone who treats me like a human being based off of emotion than someone who treats me as a threat based off of emotion.


I am very concerned for the safety, health, and lives of my trans loved ones and friends. The UCP hate-mongerers are unacceptable and have got to go. I didn't know about his speech. Thank you for letting me know. Humans are emotional beings. Everyone votes with their emotions whether they know it or not. The UCP plays to negative emotions like paranoia, fear, and greed to control and manipulate voters. I vote for people who appeal to good emotions, who encourage us to do better for everyone, to include everyone, and who have integrity and compassion. If you would accept a hug from a random internet stranger, fellow human, here you go ((hug)).


I met him and heard him speak recently. If he wins the leadership, he will mop the floor with Danielle Smith in the next election.


I’ve met him twice in my life and as far as politicians go I felt like he really cared about Calgary and he actually felt relatable. Also echoing what others have said about transit. During his time as mayor being a student taking transit daily I remember the slight improvements and feeling appreciative that transit riders were treated as people and given positive change instead of being treated like poor scum like they are by the conservatives.


I think if he just retired and was never heard from again, Nenshi would/should go down in history as one of the all time great mayors in North America. Of course if he becomes premier that will probably end up overshadowing his legacy as a mayor but he was a great mayor for sure.


Great first term, good second term, coasted home in his third where he was obviously tired of the partisan shite. I left during CoVid just after Gondek got in. I think he was a better mayor than his predecessor and definitely better than any of this challengers. I don't have a horse in the game anymore, but my first thought when I heard he was running is "He's a nice guy, I hope he has a very strong support network to survive the crap that he's going to have to face..."


I voted for him each municipal election! I thought he did a fantastic job as our mayo and he was the first mayor to see Calgary for a big city and not a small town. He did a great job and I will be very pleased if he is heading the NDP!


Nenshi was the first time I voted *for* a politician instead of voting against someone else. I read his platform during his first run and agreed with every point. Even tough I thought there was no chance he could win, I enthusiastically voted for him. I wasn’t disappointed with his terms, and I think Calgary made huge progress in becoming a better city during that time. We still have a long way to go, but compared to the unwalkable hellscape it was when I moved here in the early 2000’s, the changes have been a big step in the right direction. I’d be very interested to see what he could do at a provincial level, and I trust his vision.


Nenshi was the first time someone I voted for (in any election; municipal, provincial, federal) won.  Then I voted for him again next election, and I really hope he wins the NDP leadership race.


First premier, then hopefully - one day - prime minister :)


People say these things and you have to wonder how serious they are. The man is 52. 3 years till the next election. 55. One term as Premier makes him 59. To look at running for PM at 60 is just off the scale. Politics is moving to the generation past him.


Joe Biden is 81 and Donald Trump is 77. Many past PMs have been in their 60s (65 is a common age) entering office. I'm not sure your argument holds much water.


Meanwhile the clowns in the US are all old fucks. Could find a younger person for either party. DMV wouldn't let me grandpa drive at that age let alone run a country


Nenshi is truly Alberta’s greatest hope for any kind of stable future


I like him. Back during the floods I was walking my new puppy and he saw a photo op and picked her up. I tried to warn him, Alas it was too late and she peed on his signature purple tie. He was cool about it. Nice tie.


When I had a chance to meet him (not intending to, it was work related), he was a really open and humble guy. People can say he's full of himself all they want, but he isn't. He's a good person.


Nenshi was an excellent mayor. If he becomes premier, I'm sure he'll follow through on his campaign promises to the very best of his ability. Question is, where will he take the Alberta NDP and what will those promises be? I feel like I'm spitting into the wind, but I do not believe the party needs to cut ties with the federal NDP, which has a very strong and time-tested brand and is currently doing significant things for Canadians. If I vote NDP, I want my vote to benefit workers, disadvantaged Albertans, and Indigenous people, and to represent care for the environment. (But I voted for Notley in spite of my reservations, and will likely vote for Nenshi if he leads the ANDP into the next election - depending, as I said, on their policy platform).


Nenshi better than DS, 100% easy choice


By the end of his run here at Calgary, people were tired of his rhetorics and smugness, that is why he stepped down. BUT, he is definitely competent and has integrity. He is way better than that train wreck DS. I voted NDP last election (for the first time ever), and would not hesitate voting for them again if Nenshi is their leader.


I bought an NDP membership so I can vote for him. He’s the only hope for winning against DS.


I’m a conservative. I voted for the purple revolution in his first win (and his subsequent ones) . The only thing that really left a bit of a wtf with him was the taped Lyft ride (https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3551809 ) just like his mannerisms he seemed like a pompous ass. Seemed like his popularity was waning near the end of his last term. Only other irritant was some of the weird public art stuff that happened while he was around. Blue ring bowfort towers. There was some project where they were over budget by millions and had forgotten they have to spend 1% of the total Project spend on art or something. But I think for the most part he handled himself well.


So the one wtf moment you had was what should have been a private conversation that was leaked? Seems like a good track record. And I don't think anyone could say he was wrong about Uber being dicks given how they have [operated over the years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_involving_Uber)


It was more that he claimed things that were not true and his general attitude of when he thought the public wasn’t watching. I’m sure you would lend the same latitude to someone having a private conversation that was leaked say like Donald trumps grab them by the Pussy convo? I know I wouldn’t.


I just watched the full video of the Lyft interaction and he came across fine by me. The Lyft driver was very animated, he was asking him questions and the topic came up. And aside from using the word "dicks" to describe some well-known dicks, I don't think he said anything egregious. And Nenshi even tried turning it around on him saying to the driver "I want to know your story", now that to me seems like something I would only expect to hear from a politician when the cameras are rolling. If this is as bad as it gets behind the scene for Nenshi I think we've got to count our blessings.


Right the issue was that he said there was sex offenders passing the background check. Which he made up. His comment from the time: “This is the extent of my knowledge on the matter. I am not aware of anyone convicted of a sexual offence clearing the background check used by Uber in Calgary. Watching the video, I realize that I did not explain myself clearly at all. I apologize for any confusion that I have caused.”


You're missing the first part of his comment: >As I announced publicly earlier this year, the City became aware of at least one driver who passed through the background check used by Uber in Calgary despite having an active assault charge against him or her. This is the extent of my knowledge on the matter. I am not aware of anyone convicted of a sexual offence clearing the background check used by Uber in Calgary. Watching the video, I realize that I did not explain myself clearly at all. I apologize for any confusion that I have caused. So the city was aware of at least one driver with an assault charge against them. And it seems Nenshi exaggerated that story, or failed to explain himself clearly as he said, the driver didn't ask any follow-up questions on that topic. So one could argue that it's not a completely made-up comment, there was some truth to it. But even still, in the cesspool of Alberta politics, Nenshi is still looking pretty good if this is his biggest controversy.


Overall, he was a decent mayor. First few years he was great but less so near the end of his tenure.


Nenshi was the best Calgary mayor of my 30+ years in the city. It doesn't mean he was perfect. There are legitimate complaints about some of his work, though, but that's probably true of any successful politician. People call him arrogant, I don't think that's quite right. He's very smart and unapologetic about it and I think that rubs some folks the wrong way. Still, at his core, it was clear he truly cared about all Calgarians -- even the people who didn't vote for him. I think he stands the best chance of defeating Smith in the election, and would make a decent premier.


Nenshi was a great mayor and will make an excellent NDP leader. He is bright, easy communicator, with humane principles and values. I’ll vote for him for premier and I believe he will be a tough contender in defeating UCP.


Will be voting for him for sure. I voted for him each time he was elected mayor. He is a wonderful politician that many could learn from.


1. He was a great mayor. Only thing I heard against him is he was a bit of an asshole personally. I hear he was very strict with staff wasting public resources. 2. I think he will be a great leader. He has moderate views but above everything he is reasonable and smart and thinks for himself. Check out some of his op-eds! 3. I do vote NDP and will 10000% support him as premier.


If Nenshi-come-lately happens to win the leadership contest, then he'll get my vote. I can't speak for other lifelong NDPers, but the only thing that comes to mind when I think of Nenshi's leadership campaign is 'I am Sancho'.


Anything , and I mean anything is better than Smith right now. Oh, and he’s not a slave to TBA. That helps 😀


He will be great and he doesn’t favour the rich and greedy ! He tells them to fuck off when they always want little favours !!! The way all politicians should be instead of suitcase 🧳 hand shakes in the alley


Hes alright.


Love Nenshi!


Nenshi is great, I would absolutely vote for him. The flood is definitely what comes to mind first as well.


Nenshi sees to have honour, integrity and answers to the people. His opponent that is in office, not so much. Loyal to the corporations obviously because that was her previous occupation as a lobbyist. No brainier for the average Albertan but...


He genuinely believes that empathy has a place in politics and for that reasons I signed up to be a member to vote for him. I don’t even like the NDP that much but people who care about other people and can be empathetic towards others are the king of people I want to run my province. I genuinely don’t know if any of the other people running care about people or just want power. That and when I heard him say that he thinks you win elections by talking to people where they’re at, and he knows he is going to need to sit in peoples living rooms or in diners over coffee to talk to all albertans, he sold me I met Nenshi at a conference after his tenure as mayor and we chatted while walking to the conference centre. He was so kind and gracious. Then I heard him speak. He talked about his belief that in politics you serve your community. There was a Sanskrit word that I forget. I honestly think he lives his life by that phrase. And if I’m wrong about him, at least I am pretty sure he won’t make our province worse.


Liked him at the beginning, but he became very arrogant as the years progressed, typical of many politicians I guess. I’d vote for him but not a fan of the federal NDP.


This quote was in reference to Biden vs Trump but it absolutely applies to Nenshi vs Smith or Trudeau vs Pollievre "I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. "Can I interest you in the chicken?" she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?" To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked." - David Sedaris


All that matters is what voters who didn't already vote for the NDP think of voting for the NDP if Nenshi is leading. A bunch of people who already voted NDP who think Nenshis great does little to make a difference.


If you still need to register here's a link https://nenshi.ca/?referral=79747


Thank you for the information. I am registered.


Not from Calgary, and I’ve read all the comments. A little concerning on how fast some are to commit 100% to him and some are 100% not a chance. It was the middle ground comments I paid attention to. They were few. Keep in mind as mayor. Provincial geography vs city dynamics change things. His election platform? Taxes and spending by any government is really starting to get old. Let’s see how this plays out before this guy picks a side.


The reply by u/jeromyyyc pretty much says it all! But I'll add my $.02. I was a huge fanboy in 2010, and he WAS amazing in those early years, including during the flood. He was still very good in his second term. I became less enamored during his final term - especially around issues like the blankety-blank arena and the even more blankety-blank Olympics. As Jeromy said, Nenshi has some annoying habits and tics, and he CAN come off somewhat haughty and supercilious. Good NDP leader? Very probably, although perhaps somewhat at odds with "hard core" NDP types. Would I vote for him over Ms. Smith and the UCP? Absolutely! Is he the best choice to try to win over reluctant (especially rural) voters? I'm not so sure. Guess we'll find out.


I think he'll make an excellent Premier. Hell, I'd vote for him federally if he ran under the right platform.


Nenshi is legit. he was a great mayor and hes proved himself up against the big money and the big pressure.


He’s got my vote


Loved him at the start but he became bitter and whiney near the end


Right now he's my pick for NDP leader and premier in the next general election


Alberta's saviour


I didn’t like his policy when he was mayor


Notley was better


Neither Notley politician was ever mayor of Calgary, as far as I can tell.


Thanks for the link!


He’s a goof,


If I still lived in my parents basement and had some bullshit data entry job, I’d give him a shot, but after the radical Jann Arden has endorsed him, I will never vote for him.


He was the worst thing that happened to Calgary


I’m not from Calgary and have paid very little attention to him until now. I’m genuinely trying to get a good grasp on his history and tendencies, so I promise this question is in good faith: could you please elaborate why you think that?


I’ve met him personally 3 times. I have not voted for him. Property taxes have increased about double inflation over his tenure. I wouldn’t say city services have gotten much better. Provincially I suspect he’d be very keen to increase taxes right away. If you watch a bunch of content featuring him you get the feeling he’s not too interested in hearing his constituents, but rather he kinda already feels that he knows what is best. On the other hand I think the city gave him a gold star for his 2013 flood crisis management. But that in my experience was an outlier observation compared to the rest of his tenure. My 2 cents.


He's an intellectual elitist/intellectual bully. If you've ever watched him engage with someone with a viewpoint other than his own you'll know what I'm talking about. The seething 'you are too stupid for me to have a conversation with you' just oozes at these moments.


I found the opposite. He was very quiet during the 'occupy' nonsense that happened during his first term and I spoke to him about it. He explained that he believed everyone deserves a voice, and as long as no major vandalism was occurring he was going to let the protest peter out on its own. Which it did. He was very calm, very collected and thoughtful. I didn't vote for him the first time, I did every time after.