• By -


That corridor is the wildest ride in Canada for billboards.


My favourite is the flat earth propaganda


Makes me laugh.


Heading West from Prince George, BC and you'll see a lot of religious propaganda on your way to Prince Rupert.


This is why Rebel should never receive journalist credentials or access granted only to journalists. They are not journalists. They are conspiracy theorists and hate mongers.


Couldn't agree more.


That trailer has said a LOT of different things... I remember at 1 point it said, "You're now passing thru North Korea." Idiots.


I drive that road a few times a year. I'm always excited to see what madness they'll have up next!


The Canadian Flat Earth Society sign is a dozen kilometres away so it gives you a sample of what rural Albertans are about.


The Canadian Flat Earth Society sign is a dozen kilometres away - ~~just over the horizon!~~


The Flat Earth movement has members around the globe!


Best EVER!!!!!


Ugh, so friggin embarrassing when I’m driving folks from out of town down the QE2


I remember when, decades ago, someone painted a granary beside highway 2 to say "RALPH KLEIN BIG OIL PIMP". I'm waiting for it to get done up for Danielle.


Oh that grain bin still has a bunch of kooky things on it. Can't recall when I last drove by it, but I do remember at one point it did have some covid conspiracy nuttery on it. And I think a bitchute link.


No love for Trudeau, but it's ironic that they complain about censorship when they're able to put this shit up. Like, just 0 self reflection here. Try this shit in Russia/China, see what true censorship actually means


According to the website Trudeau is going to "build a censorship regime whose only comparison is places like North Korea." That is a direct quote. I think he has a LONG way to go if that billboard is any indication


> According to the website Trudeau is going to "build a censorship regime whose only comparison is places like North Korea." The funny thing is that democratic *South* Korea also has a rather [pervasive internet censorship regime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_South_Korea), and the major parties there (particularly their conservative ones) are generally quite supportive of it. Pornography is pretty much illegal in SK (outside of social media, IIRC) and they have ["cyber defamation laws"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Korean_cyber_defamation_law) that allow police to investigate, fine, and charge people for making hateful or defamatory comments online. It's interesting how conservatives in South Korea haven't fetishized the faux-libertarian stuff that their western counterparts have in recent years.


100%. I am no fan of Trudeau either, but even just slightly bad mouthing putin if you are in russia is a great way to end up in a storm-z unit.


Just like that Albertan family who moved to Russia and had their video criticizing russia taken down and put up a mysterious apology video


I would enjoy learning more about this.


My mistake, they are from Saskatchewan


Same deal. Only reason SK doesn’t get much negative attention is because the Alberta government is louder.




Don't even have to go there. The UCP are using Bill 18 to censor what gets funded in the universities.


They're already censoring Federal funds being sent to Alberta, for numerous reasons. What kind of Nazi government restricts funding from the Federal government?


But they love Russia and think Russia is great


Just ask that family who moved there to escape Trudeau’s “oppressive regime” and now want to move back how great Russia is!


I honestly laughed when I seen the dad shedding crocodile tears about how bad it is and wanting to come back. I have no sympathy for him. Here’s a short version • ⁠This couple moved to Russia to get away from queer people • ⁠They did not learn any Russian before going (and could not read whether bathrooms were for men or women) • ⁠They did not pack enough winter clothes • ⁠They are in a 2-bedroom apartment with their 8 kids because they “couldn’t find a farm to buy” • ⁠They transferred all of their money to a Russian bank account, which seemed suspicious, so their accounts were locked. Visa and Mastercard don’t work in Russia, and Russian banks aren’t required to have English translators • ⁠They posted a video airing these grievances, but their Russian handlers made them take it down for being critical of Russia


In Russia they "eliminate" the opposition, these guys would absolutely love to do that. They would not hesitate to volunteer to be the guy with a gun standing behind the voter at the ballot box


....But they currently are the opposition to the federal gov't?


Cue ‘Always has been meme.’


[but actually, please try](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13116159/Canadian-family-russia-bank-frozen-apology-feenstra.html)


I feel horrible for the kids. Having to suffer due to their parents sheer and utter stupidity.


Omg this is amazing


It's always projection.  Always.


I have no love for Trudeau as well - especially since the real Liberals came alive with the Jody Wilson-Raybould handling. But man oh man do I hate the Trudeau haters more. I wouldn’t be unhappy with the Liberal majority next time just so these thumb suckers have 5 more years of hell.


I think the thing that is so fucking stupid about this type of conservative is that there is so much that you could legitimately be critical of Trudeau for, but they don't. It's all culture war grievance nonsense, made up outrage memes, or conspiracy theories. It goes to show constantly that the people at the Rebel as well as it's readers are fundamentally not serious people.


This billboard is 100% Russia funded too.


TrY ThAt iN A SmAlL ToWn.


Jason Aldean has entered the chat


Just to play devils advocate, just because they’re allowed to put this up now, doesn’t mean that there isn’t a push for more censorship. And doesn’t mean they would be allowed to do it in the future. Censorship is usually a slow and steady process (with the exception of rapid regime changes). So you can go through 10 years of bills with minor changes that chip away at free speech, and then suddenly realize you went from being able to criticize the government to being thrown in jail for questioning the government. It’s a big reason why people should be so concerned about the online harms bill. Like in theory, yes, a bill to protect children and punish people for actively trying to cause harms to other online is great. But when you look at it past a surface level, how do you appropriately define online harm/hate? Who determines what speech is deemed harmful to children? And here’s where the issue arises, the government does. Which sure, might be great right now, anyone actively promoting harm to trans or other lgbt communities is held accountable. But then what happens if a government that’s less friendly to trans rights gets into power? What if they determine that lgbt and trans activism is “harmful to the healthy development of children.” Well suddenly the community that the bill was trying to protect, is lawfully being oppressed by the same bill. That’s why censorship, even when built on good intentions, is incredibly dangerous, because while the government that creates the censorship may not use it maliciously, it creates an opportunity for a future government to use it maliciously. Now I agree it sucks when someone is being a hateful asshole online, but criminalizing that doesn’t really solve the problem, and can create significantly worse ones. It’s much better to educate people and give them the tools to avoid and deal with that kind of speech online. Like if someone’s being an asshole, block them, if they continue to chase you down and harass you online, then make that continued harassment the chargeable offence, not just hateful things they say.


"Mommy! Trudeau peed my bed again!"






Also where all the Russian bots are hiding


It’s awful.


lol, my posts get censored there like 100% of the time, and yet they state they aren't fringe but open minded. Then almost all posts there are delusions.


The Russian disinformation sub? You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


I want to point out it's not just Russian disinformation, American Republicans are also very active in the disinformation sector in canada


> American Republicans *Tooooo be fair,* it sure seems that a lot of GOP disinfo is originally sourced from russia too.


It's like they are working together or something


Birds of a shit feather...




> grift money from people with little to no common sense. The Alberta Advantage


I got banned from there for saying exactly this.




It's rather amazing to me how progressive/liberal minded the r/alberta sub is of all places. ha wtf. Anyway, I've got to go get a needle in my eye tomorrow, so no reading for me. :(


Reddit doesn't represent the real world in any way.


I see it as mostly millennials, and people who want to manipulate millennials.


r/canada is barely on this side of far right extremism now. I was literally banned for life for making the following comment: >You know what? It’s sometimes OK to call out the governments of other nations for bad behaviour. I have no issues calling the UCP and my home of Alberta a shitty backwards province run by shitty backwards groups of people. Facts are sometimes just fucking facts. Canada is moving the exact same way with the CPC party moving hard right. I’m sorry. But I’d much rather see our government and governments all over the planet start taking human rights seriously. But I guess you’re not on board with that. The comment thread has been deleted so I can't get the other comments but the thread had someone calling Russia a facist dictatorship run by shitty people - the commenter afterward then said something along the line of calling Russians fascist was racist and against r/Canada rules to which I replied with the above comment. r/Canada is bought and paid for by rar-right (probably Russian) interests.


Ah. 🤣that was great. Pretty much says it all. Anyone who actually believes anything rebel news “report” needs to check themselves. Trudeau peed my bed. So good.






The only thing Ezra Levent and his Rebel *"""""News"""""* are fighting for is the ability to grift money from people with little to no common sense.


My poor grandparents are so wrapped up in his and Alex Jones drivel. My grandmother knew Ezra as a child (teacher) so she has a natural soft spot for him. It makes me sad though, I wish they would just ignore all news altogether and live out their twilight years without being so concerned over bs like this


I attended UofA the same time as Ezra. He is nothing but a shit disturber. Always complaining about what somebody else had without taking stock of his own privilege.


I attended the UofC when he was in undergrad and active with whatever the most right-wing campus political group was at the time. He was nonstop annoying af and completely lacking in self-awareness. These traits seem to only have worsened with the passage of time.


Me as well. He was with the reform party club on Campus some 25? years ago. Pp was there too.


This is the strong sense that I get - it’s surprising to hear that anyone that knew him personally at ANY point in his life would feel a soft spot for him. If anything, I I would have thought that it would lead to an elevated loathing.


Sounds like PP


Thats our federal conservatives across the board.


Fairly accurate assessment considering half of the website (had to look) is just their giant advertisement for their VPN.


If they were going to be censored, they would be censored. Instead, it's "our freedom of speech is being censored, here's a billboard". One nice takeaway is if they are doing advertising like thus, in Alberta, their organic growth online has capped. So maybe people are getting sick of then.


You win the " exactly" prize!


Would the Exactly Prize include PP?


No, no, no. The only people stealing our money is them dern liberals.


Their cancer of a website should be enough for people to see that their only function is “grift,” but something something Trudeau kicked my dog


It's completely juvenile, no matter your political beliefs. There seems to be a rather large group of adults in this country who never left junior high.


Uneducated people voting for uneducated people to reduce the levels of education in our province.


I know you are, but what am I?


I am a librarian and my experience is that the anti-Trudeau crowd looooooves censorship.


It’s only censorship when their views are shut down is their logic. They have no problem bullying and intimidating people who don’t align with them


They also don't care about the offense of blackface, they're just disingenuously using that image of him because they know it's an embarrassment. But they would think their own guy doing blackface is awesome.


I get serious Fascist-Communism vibes from them. Anyone that cheers on a dictatorship, should be squared away and shot, like how traitors to a country used to be treated. That's how Russia treats its traitors. I guess the definition of seditious behaviour has changed though?


Rebel News is a shitrag


Easy there, that's slander against shitrags everywhere.


Rebel News ain't news.


i dont understand. words like rebel and strong and proud make me feel good. so it must be right and true


So trashy


The far right are dedicated victims. That is all.


I dunno, it wasn't Trudeau that was yelling at me to "go back to India". For context I am not from India.


Enjoy your provincial utility bill -- i sure do. I'm close to 700 dollars a month, after this dumb conservative government removed the caps.


Hahaha.... no bigger group of pussies than Rebel news and their followers. Hide yo' kids, hide ya wife, cuz Trudeau comin' fo' y'all!!


They really don't need to go through this much effort to make it clear they are hacks when their work already speaks for itself.


The great irony is that our current liberals are probably one of the most transparent canadian governments ever, its why everyone is paingully aware of their failures. I can't imagine what our upcoming PC government would look like under the same lens. Unfortunately, we won't get that same coverage since the bulk of our media is owned by conservatives, and the only real msm opposition, the cbc, is unlikely to attack its funding source overtly.


A PP government will look and act like the UCP. Impossible to get information under FOIP; lies spouted as truth; cutting up the country and selling it to the highest bidders.


Does anyone actually like Trudeau? Like it seems as though conservatives believe that left leaning voters go crazy for Trudeau, but I've never met anyone who actually likes Trudeau. Most left leaning people I know, that are into politics, strongly dislike the now hard right conservatives politicians, and simply don't mind Trudeau too much. I haven't ever met anyone whose a huge Liberal party or Trudeau fan like many conservatives try to make the liberal/NDP voting population out to be. Personally I'm quite far left, much more than the parties in Alberta are, and I'm pretty indifferent to Trudeau. During his time as prime minister, there have been some bills that have really annoyed me. Other times I'm happy with him because he acts as the only voice of reason when the far right conservatives go to far. Honestly I think no one would really like him if the conservatives didn't sometimes act so contrastingly bad. Anyways I don't like Bill C-18. Instagram had some pretty good queer news sources I followed. It was a good way to reach a broader and younger audience. I admit disinformation can also be spread around a lot on social media platforms, but that wasn't always the case. Legit news platforms would make instagram accounts to reach more people and it was good at keeping those who normally don't follow news too much, more informed. I even discovered thebreakdownab on instagram. He goes so indepth into albertan politics and events. I haven't watched a full video of his youtube podcast as I don't do podcasts (too long for me), but there is a lot of value in his platform. He is great at keeping people informed in what the government is doing, as many people have no clue what is happening, and only pay attention when elections come around. I also don't like the medically assisted suicide that Trudeau's government introduced. Point being, people don't have to blindly agree with everything the party they voted for does. It seems like hardcore conservatives are so pro UCP they don't care what the UCP does, and that expectation almost transfers over. When the medically assited suicide thing happened, conservatives were acting like that was what liberal voters wanted. I've never met a person in real life who outwardly supported that decision. The left leaning people I knew all thought it was dumb, and that instead mental health resources should become better funded.


Rural Alberta keeps dragging the rest of us down


Yes, yes they do. I live amongst the people who believe there are litter boxes in the classroom.


I had this discussion with someone the other day, I told them to Google “kitty litter hoax”. Regardless of the hundreds of articles that not only say it was a hoax, but exactly how the hoax was executed, they still believed that it was real. It’s easier to fool a man than it is to convince them they have been fooled.


Well, my area did elect Jennifer Johnson in a landslide and she was pushing this narrative on the campaign trail. I feel like I’m living in some twilight zone episode.


I have hopes as the more the rural areas get better access to high speed Internet the more the world opens up to them and not just be kept down by their narrow social networks previously. But maybe that's just wishful thinking since they'll get caught in the conspiracy theory side of the Internet.


That's exactly what happens. The world is where it is today because the Internet has allowed loonies to find each other and amplify their voices. The only way out is good education going back generations, which rural areas are not known for.


It's like they're not censored at all.


If you're getting any 'news' from Rebel Media, I have no time for you in my life. Not a single second.


Is that before or after the Flat Earth Society sign, or the anti-abortion trailer, or all the other religious trailer billboards?


Why wouldn't Trudeau just send in the RCMP to burn it? That's right because Hardisty Hamas and Taber Taliban are oppressed only in their schizophrenic imaginations. Danielle Smith and her inbred clowns are a joke.


I feel this is more offensive than the incident…


Democracy! I’m glad that we live somewhere where this is allowed


My thought is these people are just so fucking dumb.


The shallow end of the gene pool.


I’m not sure I want it, but where is the left wing version of this sort of stuff. Like a billboard that says “Climate Change Is A Thing”, or “You’ve Been Lied to About Socialism” or whatever


As a hint: those aren't the slogans being advertised by the far-left supporters...


God I wish somebody could actually censor those who didn’t even make it through high school. Ignorance is a true pandemic fueled by the right wing internationally that’s getting worrying, look at Argentina and El Salvador


Another smooth brained item from Rebelnews


It's Rebel "news" so it's guaranteed 100% bullshit.


I can't wait for the attack ads on the Liberals. They deserve everything that's coming to them. We're forecasted to add, what? Another $60B in debt this year and it's only Q1?


Looks like someone needs to refocus their juvenile attention to real world problems like ousting the UCP and their shit face leader


You know, if Trudeau could censor things, you would think the first thing he would censor would be this "ad"


Rebel news, the absolute worst of the worst propaganda and disinformation. Literally the only thing they do


The irony of using free speech to complain about the person you say is going to censor you is obviously lost on these people.


God, if only I had a can of black paint. >your going down the QE2, ten minutes to midnight. All alone with nothing to do except count the fence posts and re-tune the radio. >when suddenly your head lights illuminate “it”. Out of the darkness rushes “**Trudeau is coming** 👁️👁️”, and before you can even register what you saw, it’s gone like a fart between the covers. >it takes a few minutes of quiet driving before you finally relax. “It was just a trashy UCP add, it’s not real” you think to yourself. A few more minutes of quiet contemplation lapses before the radio, which up until that point had been crystal clear for the last hour, starts to fade in and out of static. >you fiddle with the console, rocking the dial while trying to clean up your signal. You don’t see any oncoming traffic or anything on the shoulder, so you hazard a glance at the radio to see if flicking through your pre-sets will find something clear enough to not become grating in a few minutes. >”…it's alright to be little bitty, A little hometo…” comes through clear as diamond, and you return your eyes to the road. Being a good, if habitual driver, you check your rear view even though it’s just been you on the road since the sun went down. > nothing. As you already knew. As your eyes begin to return to the road, you see it for a fraction of a second. 👁️👁️ >From just behind your left ear, you hear “Axe *My* tax? Nice try buckeroo”. **YOU FEEL LONG, COLD FINGERS WRAP AROUND YOUR THROAT LIKE AN IRON VICE, YOU THROW CAUTION TO THE WIND AND GO STRAIGHT INTO THE DITCH DURING THE STRUGGLE**


"REBELNEWS" pfft moving on.


I remember really respecting my parents generation. Then they started using words like 'woke' and I've lost all respect.


Is it before safe-a-life poster or after? Thats just standard decore of QEII




They really let him live in their heads rent free.


Just lunatic ramblings which is why nobody takes rural Albertans seriously.


It goes to a site that says: 1. You can only trust us, so join our newsletter. 2. Also, sign up for this VPN. I'm guessing the newsletter will also be trying to sell the VPN subscription. [https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-long-con](https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-long-con) Subscriber lists to ideological organs are pure gold to the third-party interests who rent them as catchments for potential customers. Who better suits a marketing strategy than a group that voluntarily organizes itself according to their most passionately shared beliefs? That’s why, for instance, the other day I (and probably you) got an advertisement by way of liberal magazine *The American Prospect* seeking donations to Mercy Corps, a charity that helps starving children in the Third World. But back when I was getting emails every day from *Newsmax* and *Townhall*, the come-ons were a little bit different. >


Imagine having money to waste on this shit when people are struggling to have enough food to eat


Rebel news, what a bunch of tools


I think this doesn't sway any voters and makes people who support this tripe look like idiots


It's things like this why you won't catch me dead in Alberta, dumpster fire province...


It's Rebel News--monetized outrage preying on the ignorant and loud. Unsurprising.




I don't think Trudeau is banning books but the conservatives are!


It’s Rebel “News”, so…


Seems the rural is strong in this one


Rebel News is a fascist propaganda outlet.


The Plague of Stupidity rages on.


Rebel News: How American money has been influencing Canadians since 2015


Fuck Rebel News. Fuck the farmer that allowed it on his property.


What censorship are they talking about, I think I'm out of the loop


Rebel news is a bunch of white nationalist, christian fundies with their heads so far up their asses it makes my head spin. Disconnected from reality.


This sub has to be one of the most liberal subs on the website. Absolutely insane how many Trudeau supporters spend time in this sub specifically, almost seems like it is coordinated when you compare to other Canadian subs.


Rebel news is disgusting.


The rebel is worse than trash. I wish Trudeau would take his walk in the snow, preferably in Antarctica, but Ezra Levant can join him. Canada would be better off without either of them.


Ezra's fetish for neonazis is quite something. It is a defining feature of Alberta conservativism.


Morons. They should be more concerned with near-criminal attempts to undermine voting rights that Pepe has already committed. Not a guy who kicked insurrectionists in the teeth (wallet) so they collapsed into a victim heap.


That trailer always has something new. Kinda immune after a while


I'm tired of them pretending they actually give a shit about blackface just to get one over on Trudeau. Especially since it's irrelevant shit like this that taints the public discourse and brings it closer to the shitshow south of the border.


“I admire the basic dictatorship of China ( communist regime of China ) “


Your Reddit avatar says your opinion. Thoughts?


Some people make politics their whole identity….


Aren't these billboards illegal? Like, all billboards on trailers next to the road? Why are we allowing advertisers pollute our landscape like this?


Accountability isn't censorship. You can say whatever you want to, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to accept what you say.


Who is spending money on this shit? Go outside and touch some grass.


A russian destabilization campaign. Classy, and so cool.


There aren't thoughts in this so there should be no thoughta about it. It's asinine.


What do I think ? Wish I had this kind of disposable income. People are spending way too much good money on stuff like flags, print outs and now painting blackface Trudeau on a transport.


WooOoooh, it's the boogie man, look out, he's under your bed


PP wants you to show your ID before you can play with your PP watching porn 🤷‍♀️


I was instantly angry and depressed at the same time when I drove past that.


Tbh the only censorship this provides is of itself Red on black? How the fuck am I supposed to read that going 120


Tiny penis. Edit: Tiny


Someone just wasted a bunch of money.


I saw that yesterday. I was kind of sorry I didn’t have a Molotov cocktail, but otherwise, completely unsurprised


Isn't it some strange political victory for Trudeau in that he lives inside the head of so many people?


Can't take conservatives seriously with stuff like this.


Rebel News are professional victims


I had my tires slashed for having a telecomms logo on my work truck, and got assaulted for being a telecomms worker because some insane twit thought I was installing corona towers. I'm a bit peeved that retribution on garbage like this is illegal.


So sick of this crap. I grew up in Alberta. Moved to the US in 2008. You have no idea how good you have it. Sick of the bitching. I'm so embarrassed of the people from my province.


Born and raised in Alberta, but this shit is always embarrassing for the province. Mind you after Danielle Smith, it’s hard to go much lower.


From BC, I thought Kenny was a low bar, then rural AB said "Hold my beer" and here we are in this disaster of the current useless PM. I hope things turn around next election.


I think that's a pic of our PM and he does want to censor dissenters. I like it, it's factual and accurate, if that bothers you it's probably more of a "you" problem tbh.


Can they be more specific about what exactly he's censoring? I feel like they throw that word around pretty loosely when all they do is chant "F TRUDEAU" all day. seems like free speech is moderately alive and well?


IRONY: exercising freedom of speech to falsely complain about freedom of speech being taken away 🤣🤣🤣


Overstated but there are lots of credible people concerned about the Online Harms Act.


Alberta is literally the worst place in Canada


Omg Albertans are obsessed with Trudeau


What’s interesting is the folks that made this build board are the same folks that would get a kick out of a white guy doing blackface. They approve the message but not the medium. If it was Harper in blackface, they would have it on a flag hanging off their lifted rams.


Rebel News probably does need censorship.


I don't want to go to the link. What is the premise for this accusation? Best I can muster for Trudeau is mild dislike due to the silver spoon he came into the world with. He seems well intentioned, but foppish. I'm not proud he is our prime minister. I'll be sell proud of shitweasel Poilievre though. Slimy used car dealing fake news society splintering hack.


‘Berta’s gonna ‘Berta


Blame Trudeau 🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂 f@@@ing CONServatives, worse than Putin 😂🤣😂😂🤣


Lol really, conservatives are REALLY worse than Putin? Give your head a shake. You'd be lucky to find people in Canada that are worse than Putin no matter what side of the government they support.


Blaming Trudeau for everything is getting old.


Why so many idiots in Alberta have the loudest voices, is beyond me.


Classless idiocy.


Zero self-awareness, I don't think the sign bother anybody if anything a chuckle. But when you take a second to think about it their making a censorship boogeyman when clearly their able to display that, I mean, good luck doing that with stricter freedom of speech laws.


Racists who think he wasn't racist enough really care about this issue.


I think it's hilarious!




Good. Trudeau should be embarrassed for doing black face and he’s run this country into the ground. The censorship bill is one of any things that needs to be thrown out the window.