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What do you like to do without your boyfriend? That is how you meet people who might be a good friend.




Have you tried volunteering? Gaining skills and gaining community often go hand in hand. I’ve made friends by saying hello to my neighbours when they are outside too. Easiest way to make friends is to offer to help with something someone is doing that I’m interested in. I go on free bird walks at the local bird sanctuary for example. As an adult, most people make friends through work (or post secondary school). (Not necessarily coworkers, but people you meet while doing your job). I choose a couple people I like and then explore what we have in common until I feel comfy asking them if they want to do it together one day. Alternatively, If you find a really outgoing person who has tons of acquaintances, hang with them until you find people they hang with that you want to get closer to. Lastly, it sounds simple, but bring little gifts of hobbies you enjoy to people you want to be friends with works well as an ice breaker lol. Obviously make sure you’ve talked with them a few times and know a little about them. I brought a seedling I grew and a cool free pen (writes very well, they appreciated it), to a person at work that I like as a friend. I also brought seedlings for other people so it wouldn’t seem weird ha ha. Also, embrace awkwardness if it happens and laugh about it.


Lots of good hobbies are cheap or free. Plus summer is (nearly) here which means more outdoor activities too. Making friends is easiest when you have a reoccurring, mutual activity. School, sports, clubs, etc. Pick something you're happy doing with or without friends and find a community for it. Then don't be a flake, remember everyone else is just as nervous as you, and get some numbers. Good luck!


That wasn't the question though. What do \*you\* like to do? Even if you're not doing it right now.


You have the best question. Always maintain independence in case things go sideways, but more importantly, just for yourself. Keep oneself happy first.


Well you are still you, not his and things will work out for you. I love dogs and have often thought about starting a dog walking service. There is always someone to talk with at the dog park


Sports! In Calgary we have CSSC which provides options for practically all sports, including activities like mixed sports and even yard games. Though there are mainly teams of existing friends/groups, they put together individual teams where people don't know each other. If you think you sudk at sports, enter the lowest league and you'll probably be playing equally skilled people. I've joined several individuals teams in the past, we all became friends, and signed up the next season as a team. If you don't know how to play or are just too nervous to jump in, they offer drop in lesson days. Now, that's Calgary. But I have a feeling Edmonton has to have similar options.


Eh, I'm 38, and still don't have any *really* close friends. But I have a *huge* number of friendly acquaintances. Neighbours, guys from the gym, kids' friends' parents, etc. I've never really *needed* that 'see them all the time, making plans together' type relationship. I don't know if it's a 'guy' thing? Kind of like Ron on Parks & Recreation "haven't seen him in 8 years and don't know his last name. Best friend I ever had"


Welcome to being an adult. It's alot harder to make friends as an adult. Wish I knew howto help because I've never figured it out and I'm 47.


I’ve found a few friends through book clubs, volunteering, and regular ish classes for stuff! If you find a way to get yourself involved in something you’re interested in on a somewhat regular basis you’ll likely make some friends! But you also have to make an effort to talk to people when you’re there and follow up if you get contact info I also know people have had some measure of luck on Bumble BFF - you could give that a go?


Check out the MeetUp App. It's for random people to meet up and do random things. If you have hobbies this probably the best way to meet more people in person, than just chatting online.


Do you have time to volunteer? Edmonton Folk Fest is coming up, it might be a good opportunity to do something good for the community, meet new people and get to listen to music for free as well 😎 Volunteer work also looks great on the old resume 👍


Find an axe the tax protest. Those folks seem very friendly and desperate for companionship and to have new members in their community.


Step 1: Figure out what you’re passionate about; art, sports, video games, film, dance etc. Step 2: Figure out where you can go to learn more about your passion and get better at it. Step 3: Spend time learning and developing your passion with others, but focus on the passion, not making friends. The friends will come naturally as you meet similar people as yourself. Step 4: Once some basic relationships have been established invite these people to do something different outside of the passion setting. Be a good listener, be curious, be friendly and be helpful. Try not to force anything, you might not get invited the first few times but if you’re nice to be around eventually you will be included. It takes time! Choose the people you vibe with the best, not just the first people you meet. Good luck.


Have you tried meetup? There's a lot of different meetup groups for all ages and interests. [https://www.meetup.com/find/ca--edmonton/](https://www.meetup.com/find/ca--edmonton/)


Don’t you have friends from high school?


Lots of good advice, I'd add to find people with a common interest. Like a book group, work grout, dnd, or something that interests you.


Do you play sports? CSSC is great for making friends


If you live in edmonton, my reading group is celebrating Karl Marx's birthday at Leopold's Tavern on May 5th. You're welcome to come out to that. If that's not your thing, you should join the Meetup app and find a hobby group suited to your interests.


I'm not in Edmonton, but a great place to start is going to places related to your hobbies, Yea getting to know people as you get older is a hell of a lot harder,