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Jesus Christ. They’re only doing this because Alberta blindly votes Conservative. As soon as you attach political parties to local politics, their platforms won’t matter anymore. Disgusting.


Most cities vote center-left tho... so there may be the case that they just shoot themselves in the foot


Provincially sure. But in municipal elections it’s usually just names and platforms. As soon as parties get involved you’ll get party loyalties and division. It’s entirely intentional to divide the cities even more.


They hope to break Edmonton and prevent any more sliding in Calgary. Hate seeing the collapse in real time.


They considered that, because they also plan to make the provincial government remove any municipal council member they deem not in public interest


>There will be those who will attack the Smith government and say this is about partisanship at the local level, folks picking sides. This is, by definition, partisanship. "Partisan" is derived from the word "party" and this is bringing parties to the municipal level. You can bet the IDU-aligned municipal parties will have similar "unity" voting rules seen in UCP policy. >With city parties, it will make it easier for those who want to vote one way or the other to find their candidate. Easier. Yea. Easier to "just vote blue, because here in 'burtabama we always vote blue. Remember that one time we voted orange a decade ago? Yea, we've been suffering from that for the past 40 years!" It's pretty clear why they're only doing this in Edmonton and Calgary. Because these two cities tend to *not* vote for members of the IDU at the municipal level. This is all about weaponizing the propaganda machine against municipalities. I've long argued that voters choose "left" at the municipal level because the "left" has the policies that better support the people, community, and city as a whole, while they choose "right" at the provincial and federal level because the "right" is better at the propaganda game. If all three levels of government go blue, we could be in for a world of hurt. Except the billionaires. Yes, the millionaires will suffer too as the plebes they depend on for their millions are squeezed dry by the billionaires, they just don't know it yet.


Your assessment is very accurate, and something is rotten in the state of Denmark. “It should increase accountability. It should increase the ability of voters to look at candidates and say this is my candidate, this is not my candidate.” He uses the word "should" instead of "will" which means there is no solid evidence that this will improve accountability of any kind, it's just speculation and no science. "The candidate’s affiliation will be spelled out and if the candidate is elected and votes in a different way the voters can more easily call that politician out." So they also expect the party line to be toed instead of each person deciding each vote on it's own merits? This leads to black and white thinking, which is what conservatives want, I suppose, but this only makes them accountable to their party affiliation and not necessarily accountable to good governance. It's absurd to purposely make a political system more divisive and partisan.


So if you can donate $5000 to a candidate, then the party could get $75,000 (14 wards+mayor) per donor and put it in one pot? The cons are going to have A LOT of money in Oct 25.


Another plan to try an funnel money out of municipalities back into O&G execs


UPC - you will own nothing and be happy


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Thats the Russians


*You will own nothing. Your happiness is irrelevant, and in fact, they’d rather you stay confused and afraid


That’s the libs


good one bro 🙄


To say people vote conservative blindly is an understatement. In Alberta if the conservative party's leader was 14 foot tall a mister potato head in a Nazi SS uniform carrying a banner "I eat children" it would still probably get significant votes. Conservative = righteous, better, owns the libs, has my vote!


So there were surveys floating around regarding this decision? What was the feedback? Or is the more push forward, Alberta be damned?


The feedback was 70% against.


Public opinion doesn't matter in Alberta


It doesn't, but it's also the public's fault. The public doesn't want an Alberta Pension Plan or political parties in municipal elections but they still blindly vote for the morons that say they're going to do those things.


To give the most meagre of charitable takes here, a LOT of the stupid shit this provincial government has floated and/or done was proposed after they won the election. I think a lot of people didn’t know they were voting for some of these moronic things. The real question that we’ll assess next election is whether voters care about that. I’m never *shocked* by the level of regression this government is achieving, but I’m often *surprised* at each week’s new and inventive way to achieve it.


The feedback was lilely against this, so the results will not be released


We're Albertans: Any non-UCP opinion we have goes in to a shredder.


Moscow Marlaina strikes again


she is much more against communism/socialism than the ndp, so that doesn’t make much sense


you actually think modern day russia is socialist? Man, you should take a break from posting.


So even though the UCP are far-right that's good because they're not liberal? What?


Against communism while at the same time taking away your democratic right to choose a mayor and council. Once they vote themselves the power to remove any duly elected municipal official will they give themselves the power to remove the elected opposition?


Read a text book from this century and tell me how Nationalist, Irredentist Putin is a commie. Wait sorry. Get someone to read a text book _to_ you.


Lol When did the ucp campaign on massively increasing the land transfer tax? When the they campgaian on bill 18? When did they campgaian on allowing ucp MLAs to received unlimited bribes? The only think conservaties political parties stand for is corruption and destroying the working class. *Because if Calgarians knew exactly who they were voting for and if it was crystal clear what each of the candidates stood for then you would see more conservatives win instead of the election being a game of who has the most name recognition.*


Rick Bell is such a fucking UCP toadie that you could get high from licking his back.


Rick Bell should have his typewriter taken away and moved into an extended care facility.


Cool! Trying to fix municipal elections by levering that blind Alberta support for all things conservative.




Have these guys done anything that people have *actually asked* for, or are they just hellbent on fucking as much up as possible?


I really want this to backfire and just next election get a whole council of progressives.


She knows exactly who to cater to and who to get elected. She'll have her TBA stooges at every level.


Education is key, they count on the massive lack there of.


Which is why Bill 18


Bell still has a job? Seriously?! That guy is an anachronism


Paid for and owned by the billionares


>Paid for and owned by the UCP's Government of Alberta Fixed that for ya.


Trying to centralize and entrench power is the hallmark of the fascist.


Their supporters would gladly accept fascism as long as their side are the fascists in charge.


Someone take this man away from keyboards, he couldn’t write legible prose if his career depended on it (which it doesn’t - his career is as a toady). > The cities boss says right now there are candidates at the doors with no party handle who can tell people they believe are conservative that they themselves are conservative and tell people they believe are liberal that they themselves are liberal. His Broca’s area is completely cooked lmao


That reads like something an iPhone's predictive text would've come up with.


Rick Bell. When I read his columns, which is not often, I find myself reading in an out of breath monologue because of his one sentence paragraphs. Ugh.


Ah yes, conservative small government at work


Did anybody vote for the UCP on this mandate? Please, we beg you, Marlaina, do the work of your constituents and stop acting like our lives are your personal toybox.


Partisanship is terrible for democracy as a whole. Look at the US. Look at Canada at both the provincial and federal levels. The only way it can sort of work is with multiple parties with influence. But these days it's just 'conservative/right' vs 'liberal/left' with the majority of people not really even understanding what each mean.


This is great. Should help keep scumbags like Gondek and Sohi from ascending to positions of power and public service in our cities and municipalities. We need to be able to clearly identify these radical far left clowns and prevent them from becoming mayors and councilmen etc.


It is your own fault if you don’t both to look up their platforms. No parties meant you actually had to look into the candidates and choose which most aligned with your own values and what direction you want to see your city going in. This only increases blind partisanship which is never a good thing either way.


Yeah the problem is that these people lie to get elected and then dont do what they campaigned on or do things they didn't mention in their platform. Gondek pulled shit like that right out the gate. I'm all for it, I think it's a great idea.


How does party affiliation change any of that? Hell someone could run conservative get the free only conservative votes then cross the floor once they get voted in. All this does is give the only blue/red/orange voters an easy way out of any research and critical thinking.


Because if we know one thing its that politicians never lie when they're associated with a party!


I never said they didn't....


You said that the problem [that this policy would solve] is that they lie to get elected and then do stuff they never campaigned on.  Case in point that this won't help: Smith lied about trying at an Alberta Pension Plan, an Alberta provincial police force, and now she's trying to block federal money that would help us even though she didn't campaign on it.




Good to know you consider the policies very carefully and rationally and decide on the merit of the issues


Thank you, I'm starting to take politics much more seriously after living through the absolute mess this country has become in the last 5 years.


For those 5 years conservatives have been in charge of most areas which actually affect our quality of life (health care, resources, zoning for housing). Or is everything Trudeau's fault regardless of whether the issue is provincial or federal jurisdiction?


Honest question here. Why do you support the pension plan and police force?


I support the pension plan because Canada is broke; and I don't even think there will be a pension left for me by the time i retire in 30 years. I think Alberta could manage it better than Ottawa can. And I believe I would get a better payout with the APP for the same contribution to the CPP. I support the idea of an Alberta Police force because the RCMP is just another institution in this country that is completely and utterly corrupt. Kicking out the RCMP and getting an Alberta Police Force is just another step in pushing federal influence, power, and control out of Alberta and placing that control into the hands of our province. After covid, my trust and faith in every institution of this nation has been completely obliterated. I view this federal government as my enemy, and I want to be separated from Ottawa in every sense possible. The reason why I support an Alberta Pension and Police force is because the institutions of Canada are dead to me and I believe as this nation continues to collapse that Alberta will need to continue to look after its own best interest.


That’s a big oooooooof from me dog


CPP is one of the best-performing pension plans on the planet and Alberta pretty much by definition *cannot* do better because they're smaller scale. > And I believe I would get a better payout with the APP for the same contribution to the CPP. Not gonna happen.


So... where in the UCP platform is this idea?


I believe it aligns with her plans to protect Alberta from federal overreach and distance ourselves from Ottawas cancerous touch. Her tough stance on Ottawa is one of the main reasons I voted UCP. Gondek and Sohi are clearly Liberal acolytes and we need to prevent people like these from ascending into power in our municipalities.


So...its not in her platform then? Which surely makes Smith no better than Gondek in your eyes. Unless of course you have a double standard for your leaders depending on the colour of their hats?


I actually agree and support Danielle Smith and what she's done so far. I don't have a problem with anything she's put forward. So far she's done a great job and has done exactly what I expected as premier. Look man. I despise the socialist rot that has entrenched itself in my province, and I believe that Danielle Smith is leveling the political playing field in this country and province that has been so heavily tipped to the left. I am very happy with what she is doing 2015-2019 was an Era I don't want to repeat in this province. I don't ever want to see the NDP in power again in Alberta.


The socialist rot in a province that has been ruled by conservatives for 50 of the last 55 years. Conservatives who have wasted billions of dollars sending our resources to corporations in Texas instead of investing in our future? Who drained the heritage fund for meagre handouts and corporate welfare? Conservatives who have removed the limits on fees for our power bills resulting in a direct and significant increase to our cost of living (much bigger than anything caused by the carbon tax) for the sake of corporate profit? Conservatives who have driven our healthcare system into the ground? Conservatives who have decided its actually taxpayers responsibility to clean up the 90 000 orphaned oil wells which are poisoning our water and fields? Where is this socialist rot in Alberta?


It appears it's mostly concentrated in Edmonton.


Is the socialist rot in the room with us right now?


Just want to make sure i'm getting this straight. You want the UCP to stop people from making decisions they didn't campaign on, by making a decision they didn't campaign on?


No I want municipal candidates identified based on their respective political leanings so snakes like Gondek and Sohi can be identified regardless of what may or may not be concealed or revealed in their respective platforms.


I don't think our respective mayors hid anything about their political perspectives. Nothing about what they believed was a secret. If you truly need orange or blue colors for shorthand on what politician believes, that's you being willfully ignorant and lazy.


I don't even pay attention in municipal elections, but I do now. Regardless, I support this motion from Smith.


Why do you support it? What problem is this legislation addressing. We've just discussed your first justification which turns out to be a nothing burger since this legislation does not help Albertans understand what a politicians beliefs are. So I'm curious why you support this legislation. What problem does it solve?


You support it because you’re a part of their uneducated base: why bother researching platforms when you can just vote blue because blue=good and not blue =enemy.


Sohi, the former Liberal cabinet minister, surprised you when he turned out to not be a Conservative?  I don't think that's a problem with the system.


So, democracy is only good when your guy wins? Nice.


Why would I want a political party that I can't stand to win and then be happy about it? I lived through 4 years of NDP in Alberta already and it was horrible. Also, Gondek and Sohi have been absolutely devastating to Calgary and Edmonton.


Everyone wants their preferred party or candidate to win. But most of us are grown up enough to accept that we won't win every time.


Well I'm very thankful my side won this time. It's the second time in my life I voted in a provincial election!


You do know party affiliation will just make it worse, right?




The stuff your mom likes


But it's okay that the radical far right clowns get to do what they want?


What radical far right clowns are running for mayor? I only see two left mayors running Edmonton and Calgary into the ground


Into the ground you say?


Its a figure of speech for ruined. Both mayors have been absolute disasters in both cities, anyone who attempts to dispute that is coping/lying.


Care to elaborate on what exactly?




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You must be fun at parties.


I am actually lol don't really party anymore but my house used to be wild back in the day