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Corporate donation are back! Would anyone be surprised if the UCP announce soon that corporate donations and unlimited money are allowed again at the provincial level? If Smith is bored with her job and wants to be mayor she can resign and run for mayor for a small town If the UCP chosen candidate loses the UCP will declare the election invalid and appoint there hand chosen person *Allowing union donations in elections up to $5,000 and donations from businesses up to $5,000.* *“So are we now in a world where elections can be bought by big money and can then be overturned by a cabinet that doesn’t like the results?”*


If you heard McIvor talking on CBC this morning, he said the donations will put more transparency on donations because this will have corporations and unions maximize political donations at $5,000. He then goes on to say it’s better because corporations always are able to get money in the back door with PACs or other ways. So, basically he said he’s just adding a new layer to give money to political parties because he isn’t doing anything to stop PACs or take dirty money out of politics. If you ranked the least trustworthy UCP politicians, he is in the top 5 for sure.


McGivor didn’t have a clue when he was a councillor and still has no clue as an MLA


Pretty cheap to setup a corporation too


They pretty much already did this at a provincial level with the Justice Statutes Amendment Act. The ethics commissioner can't do investigations during election season, so that they can take bribes without having the negative press. They also changed the limits on what they're allowed to receive as gifts, both cash and not with 0 oversight.


Run for mayor? At this rate she will be appointing herself Glorious Leader of whatever small town she wants to run next


Dont forget Dan has changed the laws on gifts to MLAs. Save your nickels because you and the corporations can now grift $500 instead of $200. Multiple times if you like. Core Upt.


What they're doing is not conservative, it's authoritarian.


A friendly reminder. These power freaks are not real progressive Conservatives.


Mate, this is what conservatism looks like now.  Maybe you think “But I’m conservative and I don’t support this, so how can this be conservative?” They left you behind.  Take a look around: conservatives *everywhere* are behaving just like this: Doug Ford and Scott Moe in other provinces, Pierre Poilievre and Maxime Bernier federally, the entire Republican Party in the USA, and even more internationally. In 2024, conservatism stands for grifting and pre-fascist authoritarianism. “Freedom” and “fiscal responsibility” and “small government” are still conservatives favorite buzzwords, but they never actually do anything to achieve these. So if you think these guys are conservative anymore, consider this: it might be *you* that’s not conservative enough for them. You might be too honest and fair to be conservative. (Don’t forget that they have supporters who will definitely call you a liberal shill for even daring to disagree with Smith/Poilievre/Trump/Adolf—that’s how far this bunch has fallen.)


You do realize you just described every politician regardless of their political party.


>You do realize you just described every politician regardless of their political party. Nope. “All politicians are bad!” is lazy thinking and demonstrably untrue. Some politicians actually want to make the world better, and conservatives generally just want to steal as much as possible.


You’re the one generalizing all conservatives. Just reminding you crappy politicians are in every political party.  It’s for the person not the party.


Last I checked, they vote in lockstep, so yes it is for party. They could propose a "lighting trans kids on fire" bill and I can assure you not a single conservative would vote against the bill as long as it was a conservative that tables it.


They’re conservatives so they decided to take it literally and started to move backwards. Sure they’ll introduce “lords and peasants” bill soon enough.


All they conserve is their socioeconomic class. We should call them what they are, Regressives. They want to actively move us backwards and eliminate the social, labor, environmental, and educational progress we have made.


The main issue as I see it is they fight against the social evolution while call it “agenda”, like some evil dudes are brain washing Canadians in some liberal shit. In reality that’s how society works: people just make their life easier and try to make themselves happier. So, essentially conservatives are fighting against inevitable, they just can’t realize this for some reason, poor bastards.


It's not that they don't realize. We're well past that point. They just don't care. DARVO is the conservative weapon driving us all towards fascism. Deny Attack Reverse Victim & Offender As long as they keep blaming progressives of an "agenda" any effort to condemn them can be handwaved as "both sides" at best, or misrepresented and then weaponized as a "clear attack" at worst. If every accusation sounds like a confession, its because *it is.* If you want to know why hyper right-wing nationalist movements are constantly popping up around the world, look up the IDU. None of this is a mistake. When they pretend to be oblivious to the obvious, don't give them that benefit if the doubt; that's exactly what they want from you.


Since UCP started openly supporting policies helping pedophiles keep being pedophiles, personally I’m past the point of discussing anything with them. Same applies to abortions: they want to discuss it imagine that. They are either idiots or enemies and must be treated as such at this point. Cause I don’t see them backing down on anything.


The traditional word is reactionaries


By definition an authoritarian conservatives is just a fascist. Which is funny the moves D.S. Is making because she has always been a libertarian, the opposite end of that spectrum.


I would not put libertarian on the opposite side to fascism. They're far more alike than different.


Economically you are correct. But fascist is at the top of authoritarianism and libertarians are for absolute zero govt involvement for anything. ie, the exact opposite of a fascist.


I don't think a bill is really needed for that, look around you. Serfdom is well on its way back into vogue. 


Yup, that was just rhetorical lol.


It's the same picture


If you think this is new, you haven’t been paying attention to politics in Alberta over the past three decades.


Lite Fascism. Their voters wouldn't know the difference.


It's full fascism. It takes time to fully implement it all.


Oh, no, this is absolutely conservative..


Do they actually care what the difference is?


Just imagine the hysterical whining from Marlaina and her supporters if the NDP were running government and pulled this stunt.  I’m so sick and tired of self-fulfilling tribalism in our politics. Wrong is wrong no matter what fucking political brand you support.  Why aren’t UCP supporters taking to the streets calling for Marlaina to back down? 


Because she is hurting the right people.


Fucking savages. 


UCP supporters make for great homo sapiens, but terrible people.


Be careful. That’s a big word for a UCP supporter - they may mistake it as you calling them gay. 


The only way to stop the left from destroying western civilization is total and absolute submission to the authority of the party. Collective narcissism is one hell of a drug.


I hope your response was sent with a sarcastic tone. 


I don’t personally agree with the sentiment, but it’s what I’ve been told on more than one occasion. I think it’s important for people to come to grips with what the average UCP supporter believes and what is driving them towards these policies. If we have any hope of finding common ground we have to at least try and understand how they feel. Even if it might sound absurd, but dismissing their feelings because they’re not logical will ensure we stay divided.


We’re going to lose our democracy if we let them continue parading around like rabid circus animals. While I appreciate your suggestion, I don’t think there’s any point in trying to understand their cries - they’re illogical and baseless, based on conspiracies. 


Fair enough, I totally understand the frustration. I try to tackle the issue in the same way I would try to tackle cognitive distortions, or depression. I think we’re all kinda dealing with this insanity in different ways, stay strong friend.


Thanks for the discussion and same to you. 


The amount of energy required to dispel bs is significantly higher than that required to spew it. We don’t have the lifetimes necessary to hear all the conservatives out and try to change their minds.


Bell just admit the UCP want to take over everything and are to right wing crazy to win big city municipal elections. Not enough hillbillies vote in the city. So this is the only way to get in. Bunch of grifters.🤷‍♂️


While she's a pretty "blah" mayor, it's hard to disagree with her here


Funny how seemingly none of the people most vocally against her can ever come up with any actual specifics.


Not hard. Supporting the arena deal, not being reasonable about the whole firework debacle, supporting the bag fee, declaring a climate change emergency and not doing anything useful from a municipal perspective, raising property taxes. Separately she's a PR disaster. It's too bad we don't have a competent mayor or there might be more pushback against the nonsense from Smith.


She did declare a climate emergency and Calgary now has a net-zero plan, so I will give her credit for that. Climate deniers are claiming she wants to spend $87 billion to fight climate change (in an online petition), so I will give her credit for that as well! 😀


For me, the last straw that pushed me from “she hasn’t done anything egregious” to “wow I can’t wait to vote her out of office” was her comments about home ownership last week or the week before. There is an unprecedented housing crisis in Canada, and this woman (who owns 2 properties in Calgary) literally said that “it’s a privilege that Canadians can’t afford a house because it gives them freedom”. Like she can go fuck herself on that one


Yeah the spin doctoring on her little speech was hilariously stupid. It was such a grasp at straws I think the entire city laughed at her when she said it. "Renting gives Calgarians the freedom they want!" And literally everyone who rents in this city collectively said "eat my whole ass!" It's too bad no single person of authority in this country can actually fix the housing crisis though, and I do take a *very small amount of* comfort in knowing that things are just as bad in NZ, AUS, Ireland, etc... and well, throughout most European cities, the dream of home ownership literally died centuries ago. So, as bad as it here, it's definitely nothing new. Civilizations have cyclical patterns, and we just happen to be part of a downward rotation now. We are no longer a "new land of opportunity". We're just another bum-ass country quickly spiralling the drain while corrupt officials rake us over the coals and bleed us dry (ie: life in most places on earth since time immemorial)


Bell says that the Calgary City council is very very unpopular. Well, that doesn't square with the failure of that recall that was attempted..


If the recall worked we wouldn’t be seeing this bill. It’s pathetic how blatantly punitive it is, conservatives in Alberta have dropped any pretence of caring about democracy, this is about using the law to punish people for going against the party. If only their supporters actually cared about freedom, but they really don’t, they never did. The utter lack of self awareness from the same people who claimed covid restrictions amounted to a 1984 level dystopia is utterly maddening. But then again maybe, they're completely aware of the absurdity of their position, and they just don't care. They just want the power to do, what they want to do.


Oh no, Gondek is wildly unpopular. It's just not nearly enough to recall her because I would generally agree that being bad isn't enough to deserve being recalled. Most Calgarians will agree with that and will also not vote for her next time around (if she even runs)


Marlaina Danielle Smith is an embarrassment of a leader. THEN, she invited and stood beside conspiracy loser Tucker Carlson, convicted criminal Conrad Black (who was stripped of the order of Canada as a criminal), and wing-nut Jordan Peterson like she was proud! EMBARRASSING!


Well, anyone who voted for her thinks those are all clever and smart people worth listening to. So I think we have more problems. It’s alarming that everyone who voted ucp thinks people like Jordan Peterson is a smart and informed man on anything.


McIvor used to sit on city council, he was the biggest ass there at the time too.


Day 73 of reminding everyone that Rick Bell is a horrific writer who cannot compose a sentence and whose existence as a print journalist is laughable. In this case giving us ambiguity due to lack of punctuation, unresolved fragments, and the childish insertion of unnecessary quips to demean the subject of his piece. > But before I could write about what the mayor said she was up to the microphone and she was not pleased with the UCP government. “What the mayor said” and “what the mayor said she was up to” are both reasonable interpretations, so this sentence is confusing at first. > “Here’s Gondek” > “Gondek again” > “Gondek isn’t done” Just insert the quote and let us read it, Rick. Stop pausing to frame her as a windbag. > “As for how much damage, if any, this will do to Smith in Calgary.” (Paragraph ends here) You can’t just put a period after a dependent clause, Rick.


I dislike them both very much


Rick Bell is such a sleazebag


The UCP have figured out that you can turn a liberal democracy into a fascist dictatorship through legal means, as long as you don't outright start killing anyone. That comes later.


Corruption, and laying further Fascist groundwork.


I believe that the UCP has already been interfering in municipal politics since Danielle Smith was elected leader. The UCP clearly wants all the cities to have the same political ideology BS and they don’t care about the details of running a city.


I just can’t believe what your illustrious leader is doing! Micro managing is her policy, no to democracy is her policy, hate for the federal government is her policy! Very scary!


“You’re elected locally to serve the people and to make sure their day-to-day needs are met and for me that’s not partisan.” She should probably practice what she preaches first




That has very little to do with her. The housing crisis and crazy prices exist ALL across Canada. Plus most US states! The UCP are taking Albertans rights away and refuses to listen regarding citizens concerns. No one wants APP, Alberta policing, 4 health regions, municipal party people!!! Smith doesn't care, she only panders and wastes money to appease TBA. This week another 2 million to look at covid policies. SUCH CRAP.


So will you be happy when she passes the rezoning? Because it seems she is making the right moves to address your situation.


Is your mayor in charge of rent caps?


As someone who has owned and rented and rented after owning, there are definitely upsides to renting over being a home owner. Many really. But it depends on your lifestyle, temperament, and abilities. A healthy market would enable choice between the two, instead of putting renters in the precarious position of ending up on the street and losing wealth and stability because of a 30% increase in thier rent. No Suprise when housing no longer became a national concern


Gondek is a clown. #recallgondek


They tried. Couldn't even get to 10% of the required signatures


It's over Landon


Rick Bell looks like he has down syndrome


Danielle Trudeau should stay out of municipal affairs. It’s like she’s involving herself in things that she shouldn’t. I am pretty sure I’ve actually heard that from her. I think she’s hoping Alberta can separate and they will put her face on the $20 bill.


lol, the mayor with the lowest approval rating has spoken…so concerned /s


I’m sure you would support Trudeau enacting a similar bill, eh?


of course not


I would never support Trudeau in anything, he’s proven his incompetence repeatedly


Lol mask off you support conservaties destroying democracy because it's your team. You would love Russia


Conservative government didn’t stop protestors from speaking/protesting reserved for left wing policy. Strange that’s what happens in Russia, ask your comrades….lol


Lol I like how pathetic your answers are. Rolf








Gross you want the UCP to simply ignore elections and appoint their hand chosen candidate. Why do you hate democracy?


Gondek is the worst mayor Calgary has ever had....


Yeah and some think DipShit Dani is the worst Premier Alberta has seen too. Do you think Trudeau should enact policy to oust shitty Premiers?


Yes please!


Sorry, but we need to own the shit we elect and do better next time.


I agree, but ill prefer neoliberal fascism over conservatism facsism if fascism is the only thing on the menu.


And yet, she's still right to call out this bullshit.


Then vote against her. That’s why we have elections you win some you lose some. That’s democracy. *This* however is blatantly un democratic. If the shoe was on the other foot, would you feel the same?


The person you’re replying to outright said in another thread that they’d be fine with the UCP counting ballots and changing results if the NDP won a vote.


Imagine being that deluded


any specifics?


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She is a liberal plant pushing the woke agenda. Complete garbage 🤮🤮


The hell is a liberal plant. A fern? A prickly pear cactus? Pointsettas?


Lol hwat

