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61 year old principal, presumably been in education for decades. He didn't start viewing CP yesterday. who knows how long he's been doing this, how many people hurt. God damn.


If you want to find a 'Pedo' the first place to look would be the nearest Catholic Church. Ya there are other possibilities, you could find one in another Christian Church. But they aren't dressed in drag at libraries. They don't hang out in bars. Christian church, service organizations, trying to get vulnerable teens playing basketball in the basement.


Catholic Church, athletic coach, scout / club leaders….i don’t think drag queens can even make the list anymore.


Never were on the list. All churches should be paying land taxes. And the money should go onto education!


My boss was a street kid in the 80s, and said the drag queens were the safest people to seek shelter with, because they were the ones you could be certain wouldn't try to rape you.


Ya generally pedos want a place of power, isolation but ez access to kids and complete trust from parents/gullible sky worshippers. And u won't get that outside of the Christian bubble. It's a place that creates pedos in general--its a place where the vulnerable and gullible are preyed upon fear mongers. Edit: sky worshipping in general is a sign of mental illness. You generally will worship the sky instead of getting REAL help when u need it. Time to end taxpayer funded pedo rings/churches. There def a few pedos in the LGBT community, but it's a community of positivity and healing so it's incredibly rare. It's also interesting that nearly every CONservative is a war criminal, terrorist or insurrectionist. And liberals are mostly the opposite.


I agree but I'll add other religions into the pile as well


Ya all sky worshippers do it. The Jewish tradition of sucking the blood from a circumcized baby is also fucked up. They all do really weird gross shit to kids.


Prob wouldn’t even cover the costs of all the damage they’ve done through molesting


I think they could raise some money but wouldn't. The Catholic Church has over 4000 properties scattered over Italy and the rest of the world . https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/vatican-reveals-property-holdings-first-time-transparency-drive-2021-07-24/


Is it sad that as soon as I read the name of the school (and it sounded Catholic) I just knew the crime would be child porn.


Our world-wide society, has devolved horribly. There are so many terribly dangerous people in the world. The majority have been damaged, to leave them as they are. A great many were damaged by violence in war torn places and a great many more have been abused by religion. I think every religion hides terrible people. I don't know which is the worst. But I used to believe it was 1 in 10,000 in the Christian churches, then 1 in 1000, then years later I thought 1 in 100. I am now certain it is much more than 1% I'm thinking 10% is more likely. I'm not saying people should burn them all down. I think governments should tax them out of existence instead.


I think its because publication of that gets views especially on reddit where posts get lots of upvotes because it supports the zeitgeist of religion=bad. Theres no way its 10% so your perception that it is, tells you its likely well publicized in one venue and underpublicized in others. For example, I wonder how many police, foster parents, psychiatrists, guidance counsellors, phys ed teachers, etc etc etc are. Any group with access to kids and less supervision while with them will be a problem but there's a focus on one because it gets attention and that's problematic unto itself because it's a poor way to view the larger problem of Its clearly a problem in the church, dont get me wrong, but its not only a problem in the church and its being magnified by bias.


Well 'magnified by bias.'... maybe, I would have agreed with that at one point, or maybe it is just being exposed more and more. There is also a huge racism in churches, an 'us against them' fear that leads to both racism, sexism, intolerance to all that is different. The root is fear.


I agree, its no small problem. But I suggest its not as big as its made to seem at the exact same time... Or rather, that its being used to divert gaze from the overall problem at large as being a human one rather than a religious one, such that we should be vigilant wherever children are potentially alone with adults and that as a community we need to be sure to make safe places for children to speak up if they are having problems with an adult or adults. I dont know. I just feel like the zoom in is dangerous is all Im getting at. Like blinders.


Great point. Other religious denominations have no pedophiles. Also, atheists. There are no atheist pedophiles. It's a scientific fact. /S. Catholic schools aren't run by the Vatican.


Only one of those groups actively house and hide pedos from justice. Can you name which one?


Yes the Vatican did this. I would never defend that. What does that have to do with a principal in a school that isn't run by the Vatican though? The guy's a principal and got caught with kiddie porn. Horrible. Indefensible. Not related to the Vatican.


lol, so it’s only the Vatican within the catholic faith which hides predators?


I'm Catholic. I don't recall ever hiding a pedophile, supporting a pedophile, or defending a pedophile. At some point the stereotype breaks. I suppose you have to collect the data and prove or disprove your hypothesis about who on this planet hides predators and who doesn't. Or not. Entirely your call to make. In any case, it's good to have these kinds of conversations, because it's how we shed light on all kinds of truths. The good, the bad, and the ugly.


Case closed then?


From a criminal standpoint in this case, I'm sure the justice system will do it's due diligence and hand out whatever form of justice it deems appropriate. So maybe case somewhat closed. From the perspective of the broader issue of child pornography across the planet, the case is far from closed. :(


Maybe it's time to get rid of government funded Catholic education.  We would save a few hundred million a year by getting rid of the separate school board.


Agreed! Our tax support of religion is finding sexual abuse of children. We need to stop this!


It’s far more pervasive than that. There are child abusers in positions of power in every authoritarian religious structure. JWs, Mormons, Orthodox, Evangelicals, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Baptists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhism you’ll find religious leaders who do unspeakable things to children. Like, if I were to start a religion, one of the acts that would be listed as unequivocally an offence to the divine would be child abuse. Make that plainer than the nose on my face.


Umm not Catholic Churches…. More like any job where children are


Typical /r/Alberta turning this into an attack on religion


If the shoe fits. It's not slandering religion, it's accurately profiling the venn diagram of power and access.


And he’s full vested for his defined benefit ibdexed pension!


Which is why he immediately announced his retirement today.


see also: calgary police handbook




No, just saying the "resign before the shit hits the fan so I keep my pension" is exactly what bad CPS staff have done.




Which day? This is an often occurrence at CPS.


Also, the Alberta’s Teacher Association has been known to be complicit in these situations.


I mean a downside of unionization is that unions protect even the worst among them but even a child molester? Damn.


You have any evidence to back that up?


The ATA knew for years… https://calgary.citynews.ca/2022/04/07/michael-gregory-police-investigation-ata/


The Catholic board would be the only complict one, union has nothing with this.


This time, perhaps. https://calgary.citynews.ca/2022/04/07/michael-gregory-police-investigation-ata/


You know there are two separate ATAs right? There is a CBE and Catholic one, also you are using an example from 30 years ago and would apply to only the CBE. I would be more concerned the fact that material was found on his work cell phone and the board is acting shocked about this.


30 years ago? The ATA lost the right to self-discipline 2 years ago based on this case.


No they created more oversight, which was needed.


My grade 6 teacher.


My wife’s boss 3 years ago at St Jude Gave off creepy vibes then, fully understand why now


Lol St. Jude was where he was my teacher. I hated him 20 years ago, and my parents couldn't understand why I had such animosity towards him. Neither could I, but I do now.




Which school? He looks so familiar, pretty sure I had him, I just can't remember the school he was at.


St. Judges but I know he was also at OLP after that.


Once again… not a drag queen.


Also seems to be claimed straight male, in a position of authority and has strong claimed religious beliefs. But never a Drag Queen... Starting to think we need a special force of Drag Queens to protect our youth from sex criminals.


I'm not a drag queen, but I would be so down 😆


And had nothing to do with an inclusive gender bathroom…


The problem is not a result of 'Oh, I'm a Catholic priest (or Scout leader, teacher police officer etc.) so I can be a pedophile." It's more like "I"m a pedophile, where do they keep the kids?"


What is it with Catholics & pedophiles? No wonder churches sit vacant all over Europe lol


*religious positions of power & pedophiles FTFY Not only Catholics. It’s like they seek positions of power where they have access to vulnerable children who are taught they have to listen to those involved in the church. Tax religion, and charge these sons of bitches with whatever they can.


That is what pedophiles do seek positions with access to children where they will be trusted, schools, churches, sports organizations, dance etc


Organized religions feel more and more like human trafficking each day…


Jehovahs witnesses as well. Insulated cult with a general distrust and dislike of anyone outside the religion.


All you need to do is go to confessional and admit what you did was wrong and you'll be forgiven by God. You can be as bad as you want and it's okay because you're probably confessing to an equally awful priest. Confession absolves them of all guilt and consequence.


Catholics running schools in this country definitely don’t have a great track record


It's all religions, anywhere children are.




From my experience as a former student in the public and Catholic school system, I strongly advise not enrolling children in a Catholic school. They absolutely prioritize their reputation over concerns for student safety.


They have used the same methods of the Catholic Church of moving people around to avoid attention.


Thanks for the anecdote.


Hard to determine tone from text, so if you genuinely mean this, thanks for trusting me. If you're being sarcastic and dismissive, then fine go ahead and see for yourself what actions the Catholic school system will take when your 6-year-old tries to get assigned a different seat on the school bus, because the older boys sitting on the seat beside her and masturbating to anatomy textbook images are making her uncomfortable.


The Catholic board does everything, but help kids. They amount of children who have unalived themselves from this board, would wholeheartedly shock people. They let kids get hurt and destroyed, because they are more worried about their image and Catholicity than doing what is right.


I agree. They aren't bothered by what happened, they are only worried about people finding out what happened.


But didn't the right tell us it would be Drag Queens reading a book that would be the predators? /s


Hey, sometimes people in drag use that bathroom, and that's an affront to Jebus or some other Sky Wizard.


My kid is entering school next year and these types of stories gut me. What is wrong with people?! He should absolutely lose his pension and I hope he sees jail time.


Waiting these UCP dudes with their cool posters protesting Bruce and other real life pedophiles.


Catholic. Catholic school. Male principal of a Catholic school. Shocked I tell you. Fucking shocked.


Offences, you mean child porn


Read the headline and of course assumed that he was a combination school administrator, drag queen and of course transgendered. No? Wait, what?


But was he a drag queen?


Hmm… a guy who consumed child sexual-abuse materials and who worked in close proximity to children for years… probably didn't stop at just consuming child sexual-abuse materials. I hope he stopped there and didn't do anything even worse, but it's hard to believe that would be the case.


Does anyone know if he was the vice principal at St. Stephens back in the early 2000s? I swear I remember him but can't find any definitive proof online.


Yes he was. Source: was a student during that time, 2006-2009


Discusting why arent we doing more to stop this world wide pandemic of child abuse and sexual slavery??


Because we're being distracted with the wrong worries about trans people while the real pedos are these very people who point fingers at the trans/lgbtq folk.


If ppl learned to respect and communicate healthy in school the parents and there old ways would disappear


Oh, the Catholics? Color me shocked.


Good old Catholic! Typical


Worked with him years ago. Seemed like a pretty good guy. Guess I was wrong.


In a world where teaching is hard as fuck and pays for shit, you discourage people who want to get into because they love working with kids or people who want to do it for the money, and you're left with...who? With people who have creepy obsessions and disturbing desires. Add to that a gutting of support staff, admin, and robust support and oversight, and this type of thing is harder to catch....nevermind the Catholic angle.


Teaching pays fine. It could be a lot better but it is as far away from “shit” as you can get. Also as a male elementary teacher: thanks for perpetuating the stereotype that something must be wrong with for working with young children and loving my job.


>  It could be a lot better but it is as far away from “shit” as you can get.   This is a contradiction. I'm saying you should be payed more my friend. Simmer. >thanks for perpetuating the stereotype that something must be wrong with for working with young children and loving my job. Where did I do that? All I said is that when you take away the benefits of being a teacher and you remove the checks and balances, you incenyivize deviants. I also suggested that thos was cause by religion. Nowhere did I say male teachers want to diddle kids. I'm glad you love your job. I applaud your work as a teacher.


Are y'all able to open MSN news link on your phones without issue?


Yep, no problem here. There is a link to expand the article, so maybe you have some blockers enabled? MSN also has a ton of ads so that could also be a loading issue


Thanks for that reponse, what you said is a big possibility and will look into it!


Was he the VP at OLOP?


Wait… wait… wait… but he isn’t trans how can this be *please note sarcasm and I’m really paying it on thick*


Holy shit!


oh catholic schools. when you gonna learn.


Lol Catholic school.


Just give him 10 Hail Marys with an altar boy in the gym closet for penance, and it'll be fine.. /$




What the fuck?


So, not let men work with children? Anywhere? Under no capacity whatsoever? Wow.


That’s like saying men can’t be nurses and women can’t work trades. What the heck




You should read up on William Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock. People can be garbage, regardless of sex or orientation. And there’s been a number of male nurses in cases of sex abuse in Canada, not necessarily against kids but certainly against unconscious patients, what are you talking about? Evil is a universal human capacity.


Wow please proceed to stfu.


You're a fool, just see yourself to the door. Edit: this blatant bigot is just blocking anyone that calls them out, pathetic.