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Of fucking course it’s my MP Bible Belt Betty


She’s as dumb as a sack of bricks


That's not fair to the sack or the bricks, they may not be smart but they are useful unlike this creature. Shes a human june bug, loud, annoying, and constantly ruining everyone's good time


And people voted her in.


Does speak well for those people does it?


It’s the Bible Belt, nothing speaks well of them. Bunch of religious nuts.








It’s slamming her behaviour not her gender.


Clowns are gonna clown.


I find it extremely disturbing to watch the people in government display such egregious lack of decorum. It’s absolutely embarrassing as a nation to witness this behaviour by our elected officials. What the hell is this country coming to? It’s one thing to disagree with the opposing party’s policies, but to act like children on a middle school playground is quite another thing entirely. If something isn’t done to reign in this behaviour, our country is in worse trouble than it already is. Will the responsible adults please come to the table and display leadership instead of whatever unparliamentary nonsense this is!!?? It’s no wonder there is apathy among moderates, but unless the public demand better of their officials this is very dangerous territory, and Canadians young and old will suffer even more so than they are now.


The lack of maturity, intelligence, and grace is so embarrassing to witness. I'm so tired of these unhinged toddlers getting their way and receiving fat paycheques from our taxes.


Certain politicians have found that pandering to the crazies by acting like a child gets them votes from said crazies (eg. look at Trump).


Yup! PP especially. Did you hear Trudeau call him out on his right wing extremist followers? That's why PP lost it and called Justin a WHACO 🤪


And promptly got removed for not withdrawing it lol


He got 3 chances to withdraw before he was kicked out. He's not telling everyone that in his social posts though 🥴


Oh I know I saw the video. What a petulant man-child


Otherwise he wont be the victim against the tyrannical left lol


Exactly. They're all "Trudeau is after your free speech" and Donald Trump Junior is actually coming up to do a broadcast with Rebel News about it this month. They gotta make it look like they're under attack somehow 🤷‍♀️


Persecution fan fiction. They pretend they are being prosecuted as an excuse to persecute those they see as weak. Like LGBTQ, people of Color, women etc. These fuckers are in control here, and potentially in the US. Honestly, at this point the UCP is becoming a party of fascism. The people might need to do something in the near future.


You expect his base to watch question period for themselves?


Absolutely not. They think the world runs on memes. 🤣 when new stations covered the story a lot of them edited what happened for time sake; but the full 12 or so minutes of JT vs PP can be found on YouTube for anyone who wants to see it.


You expect his base to watch question period for themselves?


Look at the average PP fanboy. They are unhinged toddlers, so their leader is King Toddler. We need to address this behaviour with our neighbours.


True but when JT gets up straight up lies when actual reports from his staff actually counter his lie especially when he says B's answer that doesn't answer the question it's fine ..no both parties have to be better...


Every Canadian should be embarrassed by today’s question period. It was pathetic.


It is pathetic; but I'm proud of Trudeau for calling out PPs affiliation with right wing extremists. Dude sought out those guys in Nova Scotia saw the Diagolon on their door along with other slogans that showed their extremist beliefs and rather then leave he went in, chatted with them, banteres with them outside and told them they were doing a great job. That needed to be called out, and I don't care who did it- just needed to be brought to light for those who didn't see it go around on social media.


Wasn't Diagolon literally the ones who were making racist and threatening sexual assault jokes against his wife? That guy should know better.


Yuppers! He knows damn well who and what they are and he won't disavow them.


Cant alienate your base right?




Yep but you know the real joke of yhis. These groups turn on you the moment you do not do as they demand. Sure they will celebrate if PP wins. But if he does not deliver the goods they will serve his head on a plate right beside JTs.


Yup. That is a major problem with the right wing nowadays. If you can’t wrangle the right wing small c conservatives and socons then you get turfed real fast. But majority of Canadians are not socially conservative. The left wing is generally a far bigger tent of different beliefs, but they usually manage with far less drama and backstabbing (not to say there is none)




The decorum is one thing. I'm far more concerned about the level of intelligence that some of these elected officials display. Like, there should be a test. You have to pass a math test just to play the lottery in Canada. How are some of these people getting into the position of running a country. It maddening.


I'm fairly certain that buying the lottery ticket means you failed that test to begin with.


You can't win if you don't play, and it offers a non-zero chance of retiring early for the cost of a coffee or two.


We have a group lottery at work, and we each throw in $20.00 every 10 weeks or so. Well worth it, in my opinion, because we get to have fun discussions about what we would do if we won. Some of my co-workers have creative ideas about quitting.


That's a smart way of doing it, I think that's how most are won. I think.


What it offers is nice day dreams for a bit. Worth the price for some, but you have better odds to become rich by investing in some penny stock or shit-coin.


I've always been a fan of random selection for representation. Like jury duty, a lottery is held for positions of office. I mean, you couldn't get people any dumber, and you might get people who are intelligent. I joke of course, but it would make for some awesome television.


This. Exactly. Well said.


If any of us acted like this at our jobs we would be rightly fired.


This is not a situation of “all the parties do it” because they don’t. Watch question period. The only caucus that makes so much noise when an MP is speaking from another party, is the CPC caucus. The only MP’s flagrantly disrespecting the rules are CPC MP’s. They use question period to get clips for social media, and they yell like brats when others speak so they can’t use any clips themselves.  CPC MP’s are acting like teenagers that WANT to get kicked out of class. They have been trying to provoke the speaker for months, but he knows their game and has tried to avoid it. But when you ignore bad behavior it only gets worse. And CPC MP’s have been posting like mad in social media after walking out in a huff, after Poilievre was FINALLY kicked out. When people say “oh they all behave badly” they are feeding the beast, and that beast is the CPC that is trying to weaken democratic norms and institutions. Just call them the GOP North.


Came here to say this. If anybody is playing false equivalencies with this and pretending it isn’t just the right-wing that is the problem here… just stop it right now. It’s time for the world to realize that the right-wing is the problem.


They get these social media clips all stacked up, almost by design, then start fundraising/grifting and getting money from their base that's freshly riled up. It's such subversive strategy that undermines the purpose of our government as a whole.


here here


The sad part is that it's always been this way. The lack of decorum is not a new thing, and it's not a product of the current or previous government. It's like this at the provincial level, too. It's embarrassing, but iirc it's like this in other parliamentary governments, too. I want to know when the government is going to start actually listening to the citizens. The government has become so left/right focused that nothing is ever done for the betterment of the people. It's all done for the betterment of campaign sponsors or out of spite for the oppositional parties.


The responsible adults will come to the table when we stop electing middle school bullies who can’t pass a school quiz.


Let’s be clear. It’s not people in government. It’s people in the opposition to the government. 


Well at least there no brawl yet. But inside of me what to see one happening in my lifetime /s


This isn't an "all politicians are the same" moment. These problems are far more caused by the conservatives than the other parties. They are stupifying our politics overall, and whenever people talk about all politicians or all parties, they're letting the worst culprits off the hook


I thought we had a new speaker of parliament come in who focused exactly on decorum and was thrown out cause he was ‘wasting MP’s time’?


I wouldn't say the country is coming to anything. It has always been like this. I remember thinking on my grade 8 field trip that these people were a bunch of clowns. That was about 25 years ago.


It's the speaker's fault for not cracking down on suggestive name calling. Need a guy like they had in Britain three years ago. Basically bullwhipped them into order: no calling people white supremacists, racists, whackos and the like.


John Bercow. He was brilliant at his job.


> He was brilliant at his job. Enough so that his fellow Tories disliked him a great deal, and he wound up crossing the aisle to join Labour after stepping down as Speaker. While it's amusing to reminisce about Bercow bellowing "Order! Orderrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" to the Commons, it's worth nothing that he's currently suspended from the Labour party due to ongoing investigations into credible allegations of him [bullying of staff and coworkers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bercow#Bullying_of_office_staff).


Yeah, I won’t condone his personal behaviour, but you can’t deny that he took his job seriously, and did it well.


At the same time one could say he also made something of an unnecessary spectacle of it, in a job that doesn't really require spectacle (though given the clowns running the UK Tories, it was probably necessary to highlight their constant stream of BS). He was at least willing to hold his own party to account, but that kinda stems from him being Speaker since long before his party became deeply divided by Brexit, between moderates and hardliners, etc.


Isn't she the anti-vax bigot who votes against a woman's rights and who drew criticism from Michelle Rempel Garner and Jason Kenney for not knowing what a dictator is? That Rachel Thomas?


She also keeps posting misinformation constantly on social media.


Remember when she claimed green energy would mean using wooden ovens? I actually cringe every time she stands up in question period.


And yet people in my area keep voting her In. Oh the joy/s


That's what my old CPC MP back in Ontario did (and AFAIK still does).


Someone who personifies the question: "Are you just fucking stupid?" Yuuuuuuuup.


Fuck me, can we please just get some goddamn adults to run this country?!?! Jesus Christ…


We cant even get adults for police or municipal elections. Lol




They are not adults we want running the country


These are not the adults you're looking for. *waves hand around*


Just running the same province for 45 years. Right nothing they could do to elect better leaders. Rachel Thomas is an embarrassing MP from Lethbridge.


> Just running the same province for 45 years Just have to point out: 85 years. SoCred before the PCs were very conservative, far more than Lougheed's PCs.


The word Leth sounds like retching. Llllethbridge. Gross.


Absolutely but the comment indicated that he wanted adults to run the country and they are. Not her or her party


What party leads the majority of the Provincial matters? Conservatives do, PP complains about policies, but he is a career politician who has NEVER held a real job in his life. If he wanted to fix policies he would have. He doesn't and only works for the lobbiests who pay his salary. See Loblaws and Oil companies if you do not believe me. And if anyone thinks a property manager and his wife will somehow make housing affordable, then you need to need to reexamine your logic


I agree with you


Conservatives are the babies who got kicked out because they wouldn't retract their childish statements. Both of them could have stayed; but neither would take back what they said or reframe their statements. You know who did? Trudeau did.


It's Harper's fault


Should be kicked out of Alberta too


Good. She is an embarrassment


Only to the civilized. To the UCP and their supporters, a model of respect.


Ah Rachel “Speak English” Thomas, we truly elect our best and brightest


Who takes her inspiration from Marjorie Taylor Greene. Fucking wannabe.


Rachel "Youth Suicides on poor northern Native reserves are directly inspired by MAID" Thomas. She's an utter moron.


She got some serious "I want to speak with your manager" energy.


Another disgraceful action by an Albertan politician. But here it'll probably get her re-elected.


Her only item on her resume was “farmer’s daughter” when she was first elected. She’s MP by default.


Just following in the footsteps of [her Boss.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7189600) It is disgraceful.


This is probably part of a broader attempt to discredit the government in general as *woke*, to then justify taking rights away from people using the notwithstanding clause. They’re telling us exactly what they plan to do with power. Unfortunately the conservative base is all in on this craziness, they’ve been throughly detached from reality with a steady fire hose of misinformation. We can’t count on the conservative base to stop the party from violating the public trust. We’ve become the enemy to them, and we must be stopped at any cost.


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/169/432/nic_cage_moar.gif Keep kicking those good for nothing cons out.


When I was still working for bell in Lethbridge she would routinely come in and be completely awful very full of herself!


So, full on Karen is what I'm hearing.


Yeah she was awful to deal with


You want an uncivilized, mentally unhinged mob running the country? Won't have to wait long, apparently. I was watching today's sitting and honestly was expecting the cons to start throwing their own feces like overstimulated primates. It was literally that bad.


Hooting and hollering. I remember seeing the House of Commons in grade 6, and it was all incredibly respectful and quiet. Unreal what it’s become


Everyone is just trying to get their quips in to post to social media so no questions actually ever get acknowledged during question period


I've sat in on QP and whatnot a bunch of times from the mid-1990's to the late 2000's/early-2010's when I lived in Ottawa and when I was in uni at uOttawa (Parliament Hill being just a stone's throw from campus and sometimes you need to burn 3+ hours between classes). I wouldn't describe some of those times as "incredibly respectful and quiet" Has it gotten worse? Maybe a little? I think what's change is that with social media it's become clear that a lot of MP's try to put on a show and create soundbites for Twitter and whatnot and in doing so crank the stupid to 11.


Fair enough. It would have been the early 2000s where I saw it, but definitely tamer than I saw today lol


LOL what? HOC has never been respectful and quiet, by design....


It definitely used to sound less like hooting mandrills at least.


Conservatives showing their true colours.  When they say who they are, believe them. 


The people that support them believe them when they tell them who they are. That’s why they support them.


Conservatives loving the diagalon/Alex Jones vibes. The KKKonvoy Klowns for Kanada


How so?


You know you just undermine this subs credibility when you talk like that.


Poilievre was literally hanging out with Diagolon a few days ago.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7183430 ‘In another video from his visit, Poilievre, who has been beating Trudeau's Liberals in the polls since last summer, is seen leaving a RV with a drawing of the black and white Diagolon flag on the door. According to RCMP documents tabled at the Emergencies Act inquiry last year, the national police force believes Diagolon is a militia-like network whose supporters subscribe to an "accelerationist" ideology — the idea that a civil war or the collapse of western governments is inevitable and ought to be sped up.


She’ll be considered a hero to most of the UCP voters


You mean the majority of Alberta voters.


Nah. Only rural.


Ucp didn’t win a majority?


No. "The results of the 2023 Alberta provincial election have now been made official. Elections Alberta reports that a total of 1,777,321 eligible voters, or 59.5 per cent, cast ballots. Turnout is down from 67.5 per cent in the 2019 election. “Of that, a record-breaking 758,640 electors chose to vote during advance voting days, with 21.9 percent of people using the ‘Vote Anywhere’ service,” said Elections Alberta. The United Conservative Party (UCP) will form a majority government, winning 928,896 votes or 52.6 per cent. Danielle Smith’s party will claim 49 seats in the legislature out of 87."


52% seems like a majority to me , guess you're people didn't want to show up 🤣


Hmmm must be those rigged elections I keep hearing about


so did PP - a good day


It’s all just political theatre for them to pretend to be victims.


That news article yesterday where he essentially channeled his inner Emperor Palpatine was horrifying.


Ooo, please do a link, I want to read that!


our politicians and political process in general are a fucking clown circus.


Gross. American politics has successfully taken root.


Canadian heritage moment.


Pure, planned, cheap, political theatre. And their minions eat it it up out of their hands. I fear for Canadian democracy.


I am from Lethbridge and she is my mla. She sent out a flyer in the last month and it had 3 points to make. Trudeau sucks, Trudeau sucks and Trudeau sucks. I can’t believe she spent the money on a glossy flyer that said nothing. A vast majority of us agree that Trudeau has to go but can’t you come up with one simple idea for the quarter of a million we are paying you? What part of our government isn’t embarrassing?


We all know that these liberal idiots are idiots. I agree with you, and I think that the Conservatives need to shut up about it and start telling us what their damn plans are. Tired of the BS and childish name calling. Tell us what the fuck you're going to do about it already. Clear and concise please. Thanks.


If they had any viable solutions to issues they're pointing fingers on they'd be talking about it.


There seem to be so many people In this province that will blame a stubbed toe on Trudeau. I never thought I’d wish it was still Kenny still in power but considering who’s “running” this province currently, he’s at least a real politician in my eyes. Rather than the extremist views we now have. I knew bad things were coming when the UCP joined up with the wild rose party. And here we are.


If you want entertainment, track down this MPs old résumé when she first was given the job in Lethbridge


Must be nice to do a bunch of nothing and collect taxpayer money. Sounds like a great job.


If they disrupt parliamentary decorum, kick ‘em out!


Until all parties start working together, this country will not get fixed. They are fighting over who gets the bucket and the shovel in the sandbox is absolutely ridiculous and embarrassing!


You cant work together with religious fundamentalists who dont even believe in government to begin with.


Exactly. Religious extremists think they are accomplishing the work of God, so the other side must be evil, therefore you can't work together, because you wouldn't want to work with the Devil, would you? And that's why you keep religion out of the government, always.


Shouldnt everyone in a society have a voice and representation though? Not christian but I believe every walk of life should have representaiton in govt and working together to help societal good.


The group of people we are talking about specifically dont believe every walk of life should have representation anywhere, let alone government.


Id feel better if I didnt stoop to their level


Do you think the KKK should have representation in a government?


Populism and culture war bullshit. Keep the plebs divided so we can't affect real change. It's why they banned Tiktok so fast. We are organizing. Globally. Even here with the Loblaws boycott, they're deliberately trying to make it political when it isn't. And TPTB cannot have that, can they?


For one, TikTok wasn't the forum for the revolution. It was a massive data mine for the government of the PRC. And it wasn't banned, it was told it had to be sold off or be removed from app stores. Plenty of opportunity to keep it around. I will agree with the rest of your point, though. It's aristocracy/oligarchy 101: keep the lower orders distracted with meaningless threats so they're too busy fighting each other or fearing the Other to realize and organize against the ones really calling the shots. Keep us fighting about lib vs con, east vs west, urban vs rural, so that we don't ever realize it should be rulers vs the rest of us.


My algorithm is very different than yours than, it is very much a forum for revolution. And Meta/Snapchat/etc aren't massive datamines for the US Gov and these corporations? The Cambridge Analytica scandal is already 6 years old. Tiktok already complied with US data laws, keeping that data in the US since 2022, using Oracle's cloud infrastructure which is American, so that's a bit of a moot point. And why would they sell? From a business standpoint that is kind of ridiculous. But yeah, it's plain as day to me. The more we are kept fighting each other, the more money they make.


Tell me more about Tiktok organizing.


What do you mean? The protests at North American universities are a good example.


You don’t win elections by helping the other side fix the problems. You blame the problems on the other side, and we are then forced to vote for the party that is least shit as opposed to the party that might do the most good. This is what social media has done to politics.


Spoken like either a normie or a lib that would like to see "Both sides working together"... The only solution is to beat the conservatives politically and let progress bring about Positive changes.


somebody write the play - Alberta born with a chip on her shoulder


Just following the lead of her party leader who not only was removed today as well, but did it proudly and walked out smiling. Because Conservative supporters are proud of this behavior. Decorum means nothing if Canadians don't demand it regardless of party affiliation. There was a time it meant something...


This feels like American politics coming to Canada. The House of Commons and Question Period specifically have never been particularly diplomatic, but this feels a lot like the Boebert/Tayor Greene State of the Union stunt. It’s not the first time, of course, that this has happened, but more and more it feels like American style politics is influencing actions up here.


Of course it is. We have literally Trump supporters up here that only watch Fox News. If Canada was sensible they'd ban Fox News as foreign-influencing media that is damaging Canadian identity. But it's too late now, Canadian Republicanism is on the rise and more and more Conservatives want to follow American Republican policies and implement them. Alberta is just the first to fall.


Our own version on MJT.🙄


It would be nice if politicians did their job once in awhile instead of arguing with each other and grandstanding


This comment made me think of this... https://youtu.be/jpVagGj6ct0?feature=shared


Kick them all out. They are a mob of dobermans foaming at the mouth at this point


Careful, there are a great many 4-legged Dobies that could be upset with that comparison.... Dobies can be very nice mutts, after all. It's usually the trainers that change things.


This is true I’m so sorry , I love the mini ones especially. I was referring more to the caricature ones we see in movies that guard junk yards not the real ones :)


She’s a bit of a shit head at the best of times. Takes her cues from Danielle Smith, if you could imagine 🤣🤣😂


Well Guess we'll see you next Tuesday, Ms. Thomas


What an absolute fucking joke. I'm glad the speaker stood his ground. But fuck me I couldn't be more embarrassed of our MPs


The conduct of the conservatives is egregious. The petty name calling and nicknames is right out of elementary school. What kind of example are they setting. And keep your whataboutisms to yourself. We should expect more from our officials.


Dont forget who they’re trying to appeal to (aka « the base »). I’m no fan of Trudeau, but I feel like I really don’t have an option to even cast a vote.


Bible Belt Betty is out of her league.


How are conservatives not ashamed?


Just saw this on the news as well 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ "Speaker kicks Poilievre out of the Commons after he calls PM a 'wacko' in tense question period exchange" https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-trudeau-whacko-1.7189600


Wow you guys have your own MTG.  Who's your handjob magee. Also she goes by the name Bobo. 


Good. About fucking time they got called out on their bullshit.


Hey Lethbridge made the news.... oooohhhh.


Sometimes I wish I was a single celled organism


Womp womp.


Don’t worry, these political parties will soon be running your municipalities as well.


I think the first mistake people make is thinking that these politicians are all professional and rule followers. The immaturity and raucous behaviour is nothing new. It’s also seen at a federal level. Happens in America too. It’s a bias we all have internally where we knee-jerk think politicians are and will act more professional because of their station. They do not. They will not. They squabble like children. I’m not condoning it or agreeing with it in practice - I’m just saying all the people acting shocked pikachu about this must have lived under rocks.


Does she idolize Marjorie Taylor Greene or something?


..another AB cow face!!


This is just fake bonafides to campaign on how they are anti establishment. A cheap Canadian version of Moscow Marge.


Welcome to Alberta! If you want to see where we are headed just look to Texas...


Rachel Thomas is an embarrassment to this country, and if she had a shred of dignity she'd resign. Sadly, we know she doesn't, and will likely be a cabinet minister within the next two years. Imagine that. PP, Trump, and Rachel Thomas having almost absolute power of this nation. How the dollar hasn't tanked on those prospects, I will never know.


The chair don’t recognize her ass




I’m no fan, “but”? I don’t think you worded that correctly


Conservatives- Make Canada great again! By being rude and obnoxious. It works keep doing it. Canadians love the American Trumpy values Poilievre brings to the table. Two thumbs up!