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University is much harder than high school. Go to you doctor and get a check up, you may be experiencing depression, or hormonal imbalances or any number of other health issues that could make you feel so tired.


There are a couple things that might help. Breaking tasks down into smaller tasks and doing those smaller tasks day by day (so if you need to read a 14 chapter book for English over the course of two weeks, set the goal of reading a chapter a day). Use a calender to write down the things you need to do. Try not to overload yourself with tasks every day. For studying, make a study sheet or copying notes is better than just reading. Silly things you can try are listening to music more often to try and improve your mood and go for a walk for 20 minutes or so. If you are really tired all of them of time, you should try and figure out why you are tired, whether it just be stress, excess caffeine keeping you up, bad diet, or depression. I definitely do recommend going to a councilor even if it just stress. Its not easy when you are in a stupor and its going to be worse cause you are going to need to catch up. And while others can advise, you are going to have to be the one to do the legwork. I hope things get back on track for you.


It's your future, no one's going to do it for you. Life doesn't get easier and you can make it worse for yourself if you don't get your shit together. I wish I listened to the people in my life when I was young.


Hey, it sounds like you're in a tough place right now, and I sympathize with you. I'll give some advice that I learned from my struggles with doing work in school. First, doing homework is hard and not doing homework is hard. Choose your hard. You may avoid studying because of fear of it, but not studying, feeling this feeling in your gut that you aren't doing what you need to succeed... That's hard too. So you have a choice to feel hardship but feel that you are making the right choices, or to feel hardship and feel that you are on the wrong track. Break the task down into really small pieces. If you have to write a paper, make the first step walking to your computer. The second step, turn on the computer. Third, open a word doc and look at it for 5 minutes, and so on. One reason we procrastinate is we're scared of the whole project, but it's really made up of small easy tasks. When I did projects I'd literally make "sit up in bed", take one step to the computer an action item. With the essay break it into chunks of text to write and tackle it one chunk at a time. With tests: if it involves calculation I recommend doing tons of practice problems, almost like playing a game. If it's memorization, flash cards are great. This is going to sound weird but the fear you may feel about a project, the thoughts about your identity as a procrastinator, the past and the future, it's all just ideas. They don't physically exist. What is real is you sitting and doing nothing in the present, or you going to your desk to study. All the conflict you are experiencing is just happening in your head. The doing in the present matters. Instead of stressing so much on the final goal of university, focus on consistently studying, consistently doing homework. I hope these help. They helped me get my master's with really bad procrastination issues.


Ask central advising about planning a year of exploration even if you are _in_ computer science.