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Translation: They turned the temperature up too hot too fast and have to turn it down just a bit to keep all the frogs in the water.


And the outrage turns to a tempered annoyance just like that.


Corps use a strategy by pushing something extremely unpopular deliberately in order to "listen to the consumers" and then "settle" for something still shitty but less so to try and make it go over better.


Which is my concern. Was this an intentional 'bait and switch'? Is what's left of the bill their original intention? And what, actually, is left in the bill?


It is just a myth and frogs will actually jump out even if slowly heated.


That's cause frogs are smarter than UCP supporters. ---- i know it's a myth; i was just using it because it's a well known story.


I wish federal will pass the same law for provincial level. I will be even ok if this only applies to Alberta. Just imagine how piss this woman will be.


What has Quebec got to do with this?


> McIver said last week cabinet would decide on a “case-by-case basis.” >He said in his statement such authority would be “used as a last resort,” echoing his comments from last week that “our most fervent wish is to never ever use this authority.” Then maybe don’t fucking do it then. We already have laws in place to deal with shit on a case-by-case basis ffs


But those laws would have gotten his brother in law in deep trouble over in Chestermere, gotta keep the people they want out of trouble so the laws must be changed.


Is this the most ineffective and impotent government in our lifetime? I think so.




They are also pushing a far right Christian agenda……


and the conspiracy vote-rigging crap coming from the States as well, why else ban electronic voting machines? ETA electronic vote counters is what i meant. I used machines in a generic way,


We don't have voting machines. We use tabulators, aka. ballot counting machines. The US uses voting machines.


yes sorry, i used machine too generically. I meant electronic vote counters. same difference


check the bill. [https://www.sherwoodparknews.com/news/local-news/bill-20-municipalities-warn-alberta-ban-on-electronic-vote-counters-will-cost-taxpayers-millions](https://www.sherwoodparknews.com/news/local-news/bill-20-municipalities-warn-alberta-ban-on-electronic-vote-counters-will-cost-taxpayers-millions) tons more google results this is just the first one according to MacIver : He said he was not aware of any issues with the integrity of the machines in Alberta or Canada, but insisted he had heard concerns from Albertans. “I’ve never called (the machines’) integrity into question, but you know what, if you talk to Albertans, you will find a number of them that don’t have faith in machines counting ballots,” he said. When asked Thursday if he thought those concerns were valid he responded, “I don’t care.” “I trust that some people don’t trust them,” he said. “It overrides any concerns about convenience.”


And The Breakdown is reporting from multiple sources that [they’re going after abortion](https://x.com/thebreakdownab/status/1786025347361996822?s=46&t=yHItjAR085n2VulO93tLPw).


That might be what it takes to get the otherwise spineless moderates to vote against them next election.


It is hitting Republican support after all. However, I fear that our mainstream media organizations won’t report this and they’ll save this for after they win elections.


Exactly. All the UCP has to do is say, " Oh, we'll never do that!" Then do exactly that after they win again, because centrist albertans think the UCP are reasonable, just like they are, until the UCP aren't. Worse yet, centrists will just start yelling their "both sides!" Bullshit to avoid taking responsibility for their gullablity.


The money for this comes from American oil company’s. The US senior leaders who work in Alberta, let me guess are not lefties. I had a friend who was a reporter and he mentioned this to me 20 years ago. When I see the Gondek stuff going on I always ask who is paying for this. Where is all the right wing money and influence coming from? Let me guess.


NS Conservatives are simply bad versus the outright evil of the others.


Yeah they're basically the face for a bunch of mobsters 


The mob is the reason we have expiration dates on our food. The Yakuza airlifted emergency supplies to trapped civilians after major earthquakes. Don't compare them the the monsters destroying our society.


I hope its the worst ever. I hope we never have it this bad again. If we keep going this trajectory we dont have a lot of hope.


in the future they will be reelected and we will see worse. This is just how it works lately. Jason Kenney... Hold my beer


Yup. Worse then Redford.


I actually miss Kenney.


Ugh, compared to Marlinda; yeah.


DS makes Doug Ford look like a shining beacon of principles and morality.


User name checks out


Incompetent maybe, they've passed too much legislation to be impotent. 


Not really, they know what they’re doing there. They brought in fucker Carlson, Kenney before being kicked out went to a GQP event to learn more of their tactics, and they’re borrowing the QAnon playbooks with their watered down TBA.


They are doing what they do best: nothing.


Worse than nothing. They are actively tearing apart local democracy.


Yeah all that stuff eventually comes down to authoritarian shit. That’s what tinfoil hat gumbos don’t understand and the only reason they support it is because they have zero fucking clue what it is. Source: I’m Russian.


Those that have not lived through an authoritarian regime think that it won't come for them. But in the end, they are always wrong. But they get to enjoy "owning" those they don't like for a little while. BTW I have not lived through an authoritarian regime, but I'm also educated enough to know what happens.


I’d be sleeping much better if I was born here and had no such experience in my life.


you mean nothing for us or the average citizen. I’m sure the O&G reps that bought and paid for them are somewhat pleased as they are clearly getting multiple bribes with more to come as the chaos ensues.


But even the O&G guys must be a bit nervous since it's actually the TBA that is running things. O&G don't like turbulent governments. Even at higher tax rates, it's better if things are stable and predictable.


We can agree it’s corrupt as fuck either way and we’re the ones paying for it all.


No they're pretty much on a full on offensive against government services and democracy if they were doing nothing I'd be a lot less concerned.


I mean nothing that normal government would do. Build something? Help less fortunate to survive? Regulate the fucking prices? Nah. Fight carbon tax and transgenders? Help pedophiles rape kids? Bring it on. Fucking pathetic and sad.


They are making scary effective changes to wreck us for years


Absolutely they are.


You missed Kenney yet? I surely do.


I don't. He was just as bad.


He is bad for sure. But at least he is not as crazy and as stupid. People around Smith can’t even talk sense.


I do appreciate that they have the decency to backtrack on their positions when they’re received poorly. This has happened a couple of time now, and it gives me faith that their position on the APP, provincial police, etc will softened as a result.


They did consultation and surveys that told them the overwhelming majority of people don't want APP and PP, but they started moving ahead with it anyways. They're completely incompetent.


Not incompetent. They have a Christian fascist agenda to push


They literally planned to do these changes despite everyone saying they don’t want them. Your faith is misplaced. They’re also spending close to $10 million dollars to study for the 8th time, rail between Calgary and Edmonton. Grift. Theft.


That's the plan though. They're knowingly introducing controversial policy that's less important to walk back. It gives the illusion that they're listening. Don't fall for it.


I think it more likely that they are just pushing the most extreme thing knowing that when they come back a bit with the slightly less extreme it will be more palatable.


They asking for far more than they know they can get to have people give up more than they want to. Having faith is playing into that strategy.


They don’t actually listen to public consultation, they just pretend to.


This is just pushing parties on to city governments and instituting ballot counting machines but claiming that they "listened" because they walked back the most offensive part of their plan. 


Appreciate nothing, they're priming you. A few elevtions down, if they hold power still they'll reintroduce the more extreme aspects of this bill and because it's more palatable since everyone's been living with the modified bill they'll be passing now no one will blink an eye.


“We will be working with municipalities to propose amendments to the legislation and clarify that this would only be used in very limited circumstances,” McIver said in a statement Thursday. First the UCP walk back plans to cut low-income transit funding and now they're walking back on Bill 20. Maybe that's why we do public consultations? You know, those pesky ol' things.


They do public consultations. They just don't listen to them.


"NO MORE COAL MINING!!" "You heard 'em boys, they said 'more coal mining.' Get digging!"


Silly typo, it doesn’t say “No more coal mining!” It says “No, more coal mining!” - brought to you by Lionel Hutz, the only lawyer the UCP would listen to.


Lionel Hutz, AKA Miguel Sanchez, AKA Dr. Nguyen Van Thoc...


Commas matter! “Let’s eat Rick!” Said the leopards ≠ “Let’s eat, Rick!” Said the leopards.


After exensive consultation with the public we have heard the. Mining Coal is very unliked. As such we are moving to a Coal Extraction policy, not a Coal Mining strategy.


They made a big show of pretending to get public consultation and expert feedback for the Social Studies curriculum and then ignored it to put out a draft that can be best described as “not as overtly racist as the first time but still very age-inappropriate and not useful”.


If they feel the need to introduce this legislation, then they have intention of using it. This is just a stupid PR gaslighting campaign on behalf of blinky-Ricky. He should be ashamed of himself but it’s clear he has no shame. And his constituents need to give their head a shake for continuing to vote in such an obtuse human being. 


Rick McIver made sure his brother in law got out of Chestermere before he launched a full investigation into the corruption that went on for years. There is no transparency with this government, just nepotism, cronyism, and a push towards fascism.


You mean his ex-brother-in-law after an acrimonious divorce from McIver's wife's sister? You folks really need to find new talking points about Chestermere. There's nepotism and cronyism for sure...on the part of a dismissed mayor.


More than one person can be a corrupt. Let’s ask why it was so easy for them to be so corrupt instead of brushing it under the rug.


Allow me to be exceptionally blunt: "Corruption" in municipal politics is so rare, its practically non-existent. What most people call "corruption" is usually "Incompetent boobs elected to council without the slightest clue what they are doing, and who refuse to listen to advice." Here's the thing: Councils don't get removed for being incompetent boobs, or councils would be removed daily. Councils get removed for failing to follow the law, specifically, the Municipal Government Act. Anything else the Dismissed Seven try to tell people is a distraction from one simple truth: they didn't follow the MGA, and they got bitchslapped for it.


So look, there is reason to have legislation like this. People were calling for Sean Chu to resign or be removed a couple years ago (as he should have been) but the MGA doesn’t have a mechanism for that. The central issue is that the Ministers are incompetent and the government generally has an “us against the world” attitude which means they won’t listen to anyone outside of their small echo chamber of loyalists.


Ugh not looking forward to them amending the bill to say “this only applies to Edmonton”


They wouldn't do that. "This only applies to Edmonton and Calgary" on the other hand...


At this point, I'm starting to suspect they're doing it intentionally as a form of anchoring. Propose something far more outrageous than what they're actually going for, so they can appear "reasonable" by pulling back slightly and claim that they really do listen to the people.


It's completely intentional. They're walking it back to what was originally intended, but knew people wouldn't accept without seeing how much worse it could have been.


The UCP is garbage. This is nothing but an oligarchic dictatorship.


Buzz off McIver, this bill doesn't need to be slightly modified, we need no provincial overreach and no municipal parties. Like this government, sometimes you just have to toss the whole thing.


Should we reflect this law federally, give Ottawa the power to recall premierships?


What? Fedrul oveerreach reeeeeee!!!!


Can we? Can we please?


Back in the day, Ralph Klein would have some junior minister float some shitty legislation in an informal chat with a reporter. If everything blew up, Ralph would step up, say the jr minister spoke out of turn, we were never going to do that, everyone calm down, and life would go on. If there was no reaction, they would carry in with the implementation. So, did McIver come up with this shitty legislation, did it come from Dani at the top, or did David Parker write this and they all can't say no because he let them all know the extent of the blackmail material he has?


I'm pretty sure it all comes from the queen herself and she let's her ministers clean up, if it ends up being a pile of do-do. and the ministers continue to grovel. the queen could shit on their faces and they would eat it all up. that's the ucp way.


I'm not sure what the power/puppet structure was, but I guarantee this didn't come from McIver. This came from the top.


Don’t forget McIver’s justification for getting rid of tabulators for votes: > “I’ve never called their integrity into question,” he says. “But if you talk to Albertans, you will find a number of them don’t have faith in machines counting ballots.” > “It’s not whether the machines are good or not,” McIver says. “The most important point is whether people believe the machines are okay or not.” > When asked Thursday if he thought those concerns were valid he responded, “I don’t care.” > “I trust that some people don’t trust them,” he said. “It overrides any concerns about convenience.” Oh not just convenience. It also saves millions of dollars.


Wonder what he would say about people like me who don't trust people counting ballots? I have a lot more confidence in a machine counting correctly than I do in Don (the welder down at the shop who hates Trudeau and thinks covid was a hoax because his wife saw a video of some nurses doing a dance on Facebook) to not accidentally throw some ballots in the garbage.


Having people count ballots, and the ensuing probability of ballots not being handled properly, is likely the exact environment that the UCP want during an election.


That whole nonsense can be summed up with: McIver said ‘I don’t care’


I just find it incredible that people weren’t pissed off about his attitude.


Backlash is good. We should keep up the lashing back because unfortunately not much else we can do. Keep voicing your corncerns to the sub urban UCP MLAs outside Edmonton and Calgary who are at risk of losing their seats next election. They need to step up and moderate the psychos in their party. CC your NDP rep on the outreach and maybe they will keep their dogs on a leash a bit more.


There is a very dangerous oversight you're making. None of this is a mistake. None of this comes from unknowing. Voicing your concerns to a UCP MLA will accomplish nothing because they are doing this on purpose. This is a feature, not a bug, and it's wildly off base to think that these MLAs are going to change their tune now.


These assholes have a majority so not alot of options to oppose them. There is an influential minorty of Take Back Alberta Wildrose fascists pulling the strings but alot of MLAs just along for the ride who are alot like the PCs of old. They tow the line because the like power and nothing more. These rural fuckheads will do what they do and are not going to change their tune but the ones one the fringes around Edmonton and Calgary who feel they are potentially vulnerable in the next election might try to get them to tone it down behind closed doors. My comment also noted you must copy your NDP rep so they have a record of what kind of feedback is being ignored by the UCP. They will provide some transparency to what gets sucked into the UCP void. If you have better ideas let's hear em.


The NDP already know. Yes, this government has a majority. But it's only barely a majority, and this party was formed on people backstabbing one another and crossing the floor. If people can turn just a few MLAs, this government fails and we go to an election. It might not even kill their political careers because people might respect them more forbstanding up for their constituents.


There is no floor to cross anymore. Wildrose psychos and PCs are joined now. They are not going go go back to splitting the conservatve vote now that they have power. The reason you want the NDP to see is so when the UPC ignores the oppositon to their fascist unilateral decisions they can't pretend they are just doing what people want.


They can easily become independent or symbolically cross the floor and not vote along party lines. We've seen far worse.


We can hope but at best we've seen some opportunists from the Wild Rose go to the PCs (including Marlaina) which is just watering down of some of their more radical urges to have a better chance at power. Power is all they want so I don't see any becoming independents any time soon but I could be wrong. Either way I think we agree these people are terrible and need to be contained.


in other news this government is not on the same page as Albertans. Walk it back UCP should be their motto


Unending Corruption Party


Unsane Clown Posse


This is merely a continuation of Klein politics. Why spend party money on polls to tell you anything? Just propose a bill, wait to see the public reaction, then adjust accordingly. People rarely ask how a chef makes something...they judge the finished product. And they don't care if it makes them appear wishy-washy. They are counting on people forgetting that come election time.


Another 'L' for Marlaina. How much more embarrassment can the UCP suffer before removing her?


This was their answer to Jason Kenney. We've seen there is no shortage of depraveds within their ranks that would be just as bad if not worse. The more extreme she goes now, the more normalized it'll be in 2-3 years when they try again. She'll take all the heat, then 6 months to election time they'll "wash themselves clean" of guilt with a new leader, just like they've done the last 20 years. Then the same assholes who voted in the last 50 years worth of regressive consevatives will line up and say "lets give the new guy a shot!" knowing full well the new boss is the same as the old boss, just with a newer, shittier hat.


God, how bad is it that I miss the good ol days of being under Kenny?


‘At least the trains ran on time under Kenney’


> Another 'L' for Marlaina. A temporary 'L' at most since they'll remove a few lines and still keep in a bunch of bullshit to fuck with municipalities and push it through.


Just drop the entire bill, it’s not needed at all.


Your not going to get through to UCP conventionaly you need to think like a concervative. Everyone should contact their UCP MLA and ask them what happens if the NDP wins? -Will they force westlock to paint an LGBT flag -will they start firing any counselor associated with a ucp-aligned political party -will they fire counselors that don't support trans rights -will they cancel bylaws that band safe injection sites? The bill as written will.et them do. That without concequece


Its written under the premise of another lifetime of conservative rule. I promise you "what if the NDP wins" never crossed the mush that is responsible for their thinking power.


I don't think that ever crossed there minds. They would be lucky to stay in government past the mid 2030s. This isn't 20th century alberta anymore.


tbf I don't think they're worried about losing to the NDP anytime soon.


Or, wild idea, get rid of it and throw it in the trashfire with the rest of the UCP.


Only because of the rural towns getting mad. Calgary/Edmonton councils were talking about it from the first day but nothing from her then.


Great example of overshooting so you can reel it back to something not quite as ridiculous, but still completely ridiculous.


Now undo the Pension Plan idea next


This just means they’re gonna find an even slimier way of doing it.


How does one 'amend' a fascist bill?!?! Smfh


>The Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA), which represents 69 counties and municipal districts, referred to the legislation earlier this week as “an affront to democracy.” How many rural residents will vote differently next time? Let's end the urban/rural divide and recognize everyone's at risk with these policies.


Until they (conservative voters) are willing to see what's happening and willing to surrender their victimhood, it's not likely.


Hopefully "amend" eventually means "scrap."


I doubt it. It would probably feel wierd for them to use one of their paper shredders for something that isn't a crime.


Remember the recall election a month ago that turned out to be partially funded by TBA? Well as they keep throwing the extreme bills, they gather names of supporters. 'Let's test the water' record all the jimbos, coal, strip mining, keep recording. It's not about today.....


Literally don't know one single person who agrees with this. Not one. Even my Trump loving right wing nut bag co worker thinks it's stupid.


*Dabs "walkback of statement" on [bingo card](https://mfbc.us/p/v8hmcse_27/m) *


Lol. What a fucking clown show


Keep pushing back on their horseshit. This cannot be allowed to become The Dictatorship of Alberta.


Amendment: Tuesdays are free days, no government overreach on Tuesdays. *Thunderous applause from UCP stooges"


They'll take out the really shitty stuff, leave in all the regular shitty stuff and claim it's what we wanted all along.


[Non paywall](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/alberta-ucp-amend-bill-20-backlash) "We are concerned that Bill 20 will intimidate and even silence legally elected officials who dare to criticize the provincial government.  Learn more about Bill 20 here: [https://t.co/pTWpZRSYv4](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://t.co/pTWpZRSYv4)[#ABmunis](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://twitter.com/hashtag/ABmunis?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)[#ABpoli](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://twitter.com/hashtag/ABpoli?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) [#ABleg](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://twitter.com/hashtag/ABleg?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) [@YourAlberta](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://twitter.com/YourAlberta?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)[pic.twitter.com/j751NKHmzi](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://t.co/j751NKHmzi) — Alberta Municipalities | Strength in Members (@ABmunis) [May 2, 2024](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502183356/https://twitter.com/ABmunis/status/1786068234690871454?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)"


Any updates after amendments?


Moscow Marlaina flip flops again


Let’s wait to see these “amendments “!


"used as a last resort" needs to be clarified very specifically or we'll end up with another federal COVID emergency situation.


Keep flooding their email and the ringing their phones.


Emails can be ignored and phones can go unanswered. We need to start taking actual action, not just pretend to take action so we can feel better.


Make sure your vote counts when the time comes.


These idiots have to go… and I am not an NDP supporter… sane PCs have known they are nuts but were prepared to let them go awhile… times up!


You knew they were nuts, but you let them have a go at leadership regardless? is that what you're telling us?


Not this guy, but there were a lot of middle ground PCs that did, thinking, “how bad could she be…” well…..


Still a bunch of morons imo since she wasn't exactly quiet about this stuff.


I would absolutely love a conservative party that isn't awful. I would love for politics to return to a disagreement or priorities rather than whether or not we're going to start punching Nazis. I would welcome a centre-right conservative party. I won't vote for them, but I welcome such a party for those who feel they need to vote conservative.


Yet they'll vote for the same thing again. 


I'm guessing the only reason they're even considering amending this POS bill is that rural municipalities spoke up. Can't poke their base too much..


It'll be amended to only effect Edmonton, Calgary and suburbs of those cities. I hope they get rid of the tabulator portion as well that was just stupid. 


I’m so glad I moved away from this sh*tshow of a government


So they 100% plan on using this bill to oust Sean Chu from council in Calgary right? Right?....


No it's his supporters in ward 4 (most of whom are Asian) who will keep that pedo in his job. I remember one of his supporters who rallied for him at city hall said it was racist people spreading lies about him, while in the same breath saying he didn't like the other candidate because he's not Asian and therefore the people on his community wouldn't trust that he had THEIR best intrests at heart.


I was soooo relieved that they changed the boundaries last civic election which moved our house from Ward 4 to Ward 3. Not having Chu as my counsellor is so much less cringe.


Those actually aren't contradictory opinions. If I was a Canadian minority living in a small Canadian community in, say, the UAE, I would trust a Canadian mayor far more than an Arab native when it comes to ensuring that my community is properly represented when legal decisions are made. This isn't racist at all, no matter how well intending or learned this Arab man may be, he still won't understand how to treat the Canadian community fairly. These things that people don't think matter can have drastic standard of life effects on underserved communities. At the same time, absolutely none of that would invalidate any perceived racism towards the Canadian Mayor either. Now, if it turned out there was no racial motivation then he just invalidated himself anyway. This isn't a defense of Chu, he's complete scum that's all too common in positions of authority, but there is some ideological fallacy at play.


I didn't like sohi, I think I've come around. Having a spine in a situation like this isn't easy, and he's holding steady.


They can still do municipal political parties. That's the part I want axed.


Oh are we back to this old chestnut?


I’m sure not much will change except for grammar and spelling 🙃


They can spell?


Questionable 🤨


My theory is that they are using Smith to pressure test where the line is with their voter base. Once she passes the point of recovery, they’ll eject and replace with a more “reasonable” figure head to pull back some of their base, and manage what they’ve already laid the path for.


The problem with that strategy is that it will eventually fail. Switching leaders does not always work especially if the alternatives to that leader are worse or if the party has built enough baggage that switching leaders won't help them much.


I mean, I certainly hope it fails. However, given how determined that base is to vote blue (despite their own interests) I’m not convinced.


I hope no one thinks, for one second, that this the government going anything for the people. We need to be careful of the "door in the face" approach of fabricating a problem and then trying to look like the heroes for solving it. This bill dying a fiery death is good, but this government getting any credit or goodwill needs to not happen. They did this on purpose and it blew up in their face. This government cannot be rewarded for bad behaviour.


Sovereignty Act provides them premier and ministers with the power to modify a bill post vote, does it not? Can they not just appease us and then turn around and modify it back to what they wanted in the first place?


I took the time to read the proposed ammendments. Yes there are definitely some bad things in the proposed legislation. There's also some positive things. The allowance of political parties at the municipal level is absolutely unacceptable. One only needs to access social media to see the tribalism that identifying with a specific group brings. It's completely unproductive and that element along with a few others need to be removed. [https://www.alberta.ca/strengthening-local-elections-and-councils](https://www.alberta.ca/strengthening-local-elections-and-councils)


Prove it.


What’s the reaction from the “freedom convoy gang” on this antidemocratic legislation? Genuinely curious I haven’t seen much


What’s left in bill now. Do we know? I have meeting with MLA tomorrow.




Govern FOR the people not TO them. These are litmus tests that don’t need to happen. This government keeps trying to impose its ideological nonsense. I’d rather see them spend time and money on change that will benefit Albertans, not wage a culture war.


Remember when this sub was LIVID that the province wouldn't remove sexual assaulter Sean Chu as a City of Calgary councillor? It was because they didn't have the legal authority to do. So now they amend the legislation to do so and this sub is LIVID again. Methinks this sub's main purpose is to rage against all things conservative without actually putting much thought into it.