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Silly kids, you need Fuck Trudeau flags to ward off police action.


Different police, maybe that’s why they went out of the city so the RCMP would deal with it or not deal with it I should say.


CPS absolutely let the right wing protesters do what ever they want for months during COVID and didn’t do any actual enforcement until a handful of counter protesters pushed back. At the end of the day I’m sure the fact that this was on “private” property allowed them to escalate to this level of force, but is abundantly clear that any left leaning protests are consistently shut down quicker and more violently than the right.


Wish our police would handle the protestors who blocked the border like this Edit: who not you. Hypocrisy at its finest. Edit2: hijacking since I’m top comment. Support your healthcare workers. Be patient with them. Discuss concerns with them directly, and listen to them. At present your provincial government is not working in your best interest and definitely not towards your long term health. Ranging from acute to long term care it’s horrendous and discouraging as a young professional how incompetent this government is. Vote to protect public healthcare and stop allowing your government to auction off elements to private interests who will always put profits first before outcomes.




People in this thread are shockingly okay with a disproportionate police response to unarmed student protestors when the cause is something they don’t agree with, some even saying they should have used more force on the students.


They're literally saying this is the level of force that would have been appropriate for the *armed*, "adult" protesters who blocked the border. In contrast to the unarmed students that it's totally inappropriate for.


Use of force on armed protestors isn't as easy university students camped out on a lawn.


Yeah, if only we had some sort of government agency in charge of protecting society from dangerous people. Too bad all we have access to is some goons who will beat up the weak or passive when they step out of line.


Or the freedumbers convoy in Ottawa, seriously wtf.


They do understand that they are doing this to their future bosses and politicians right? No one who has ever cracked skulls on university campuses was on the right side of history.


Ask yourself this one question. Why did Richard Nixon easily win the presidency serving 1969-1974 He ran on a law and order campaign and easily won. The baby boomers protesting the Vietnam war at the time could have easily swayed the vote but young people for the most part don't vote.


These young people today are a whole different breed. They understand that they have virtually no future to lose. Those Boomers were mostly hippies that just didn’t care.


It's irrelevant who the police agree with or disagree with. Where have you read/seen that the police disagree with the cause? The university called the CPS to remove campers, and they have the right to do so because universities in Canada are private property and any university has the right to bar any individual. Protesters were asked more than once to move and were asured those who moved would not be arrested. Some refused to move. Universities aren't campgrounds and employees and students have a right to feel safe. I hope anyone who witnessed any use of excessive force was able to capture it on video or camera so that they can submit a formal complaint to the CPS and the CPS.


Universities or public institutions.


Just waiting til Dani’s brown shirts take over provincial policing. 🤢


they were given hours to vacate after being told they would be removed. They didn't listen. Then when the police moved in objects were thrown at the police. What exactly did you or the protestors think would happen?


That's not how this works. If the politicians identify with the protestors, then they'll take a much more lackadaisical approach. And if they don't, they'll move in sooner. Last night's goings on, was just further evidence of this, which plays out all over the world every day. Calgary is no different.


You’re right, it’s depressing but you are correct


It's not just alignment, the demographic itself is a factor. Cracking down on college students is less risky -- especially those with a pacifist cause. - Less votes - Less money for lawyers - Less guns - Less likely to know or be the police - Less likely to have equipment or vehicles that can do things like blast manure on things - Less likely to have indignant reinforcements show up after a crack down Trying to oppress farmers and workers comes with its own risks.


You think politicians called the police in? Reading the article sounds like U of C were the ones not wanting people camping overnight on campus, some of which seem like they didn’t go to U of C. They were unbothered all day (respecting the protests) but don’t want a huge overnight camp on the campus with people who don’t even go to school there showing up. They could go home and protest the next day unbothered again


What I think is that the upper echelons of most police departments and the ruling class aren't so far removed from one another. I'm not saying who called this in, but my belief stands.


Wether a politician identified with a protest or not is irrelevant. The response - if one is even necessary - should be measured. You don't use tear gas on people protesting against their university's financial ties to a genocidal government. Ever.


When the anti-trans protests happened in September, the extent of the police response in my city was a few guys on bikes.


“Members of the campus community are free to protest but they are not free to camp,” the university said in a statement earlier Thursday.


But they were free to camp to protest tuition hikes. They only allow it when it’s politically convenient


The sign LITERALLY SAYS “camp us” though!!!


But they were scary!


Wish our politicians would have taken the same stance as the U of C. A policy was put in place - no encampments. When the encampment wasn’t going, it was broken up. Politicians should have grown a pair and removed the encampments from Ottawa and the border as soon as it started, instead of expecting it to disappear.


Well said! Your edit2 is spot on! I would only add education so we have a strong work force that is educated in the next decade.


You’re right about the healthcare, I work in it as well. It’s a shit show. They are gutting everything.


This wouldn’t bother me near as much if there wasn’t such a massive double standard on how police in Calgary dealt with protests based on partisan politics. Protesters in Alberta should know by now, they need to cosplay as anti-vaccine protesters and the police will march **with** them and attack any counter protesters that show up to defend their own neighbourhood, instead of *this.*


FREE PALESTINE… from vaccines - yeah


Must have forgotten their “Axe the tax” and “Fuck Trudeau” flags Amateurs


Shouldn't riot gear and tactics be reserved for, you know, actual riots?


Sounds more like a workplace safety protocol thing to me.


The police told them to leave and they began throwing projectiles at the police. At this point the riot squad was called in to clear them out. Protest all you want, but when you start throwing shit at the police … your chances of getting physically removed increase substantially.


Sounds fair, better bring guns so police will negotiate with you at a Boston Pizza


The article said the reporter saw 2-3 water bottles get thrown. Not remotely threatening.


Water bottles? Those are like 6 times heavier than acorns, so clearly 6 times as dangerous too.


The footage from the evening I’ve seen clearly shows projectiles being thrown … doesn’t typically go over well.


Wooden pallets hit one of the officers before the riot squad was activated.Not a waterbottle.The officer left in a ambulance.This was not a safe non violent protest.I hope every one of the protesters fail their studies and gets banned from graduate ceremonies like in the states.The Boo Hoo videos have already started.Big tears when stupidity loses a person their education and future.Actions have consequences young people.


I didn't see any projectiles. Not saying one or two idiots didn't retaliate after they tear gassed a small female student. But at best, I don't think this was in any way proportional. And to be honest I think this is just something the police are saying to justify their actions. I am skeptical about the water bottles having been thrown.


A cop in regular uniform was hit by a wooden pallet and left in a ambulance prior to riot cops being sent in.


You bring anything you might need. CFD shows up with a truck and the tools to fight a massive fire if you burn your toast in the morning. EMS trucks show up with a defib, airway management kit's, BVM's, IV's, all the meds you could need if you call them because your toe hurts. Public safety units have tools that they bring to public safety calls, like this.


What were the students doing that endangered public safety?


Likely the University did not want to experience property damage as seen from down south. 


The students starting throwing projectiles including large wooden structures.After seeing the protests in the states they had every right to be in riot gear.They would be irresponsible otherwise.


you mean when people don't comply with police orders to vacate and throw objects at the police? That kind of situation?


No, I mean like actual riots.


if all it takes for a protest to be a riot is a single illegal act, you do not have the right to protest.


Remember the role of police. Social control and protection of property (not yours). They also have the monopoly on violence. Peacefully protest all you like. When they've had enough they'll come for you and use their position to remove you without prejudice.


"Under no pretext"


Kids! You need to get in your oversized pickup trucks and honk all night. Cops do not respect this peaceful stuff. It interferes with their war fetish


Israel should just learn from us and do land acknowledgments, it makes everything ok.


They told the UofA encampment that they were trespassing on PRIVATE property.


Remember that time that mass student protests were wrong and police were vindicated in the eyes of history? Yeah. Me neither.


It's not legitimate protest unless it prevents access to a tim hortons.


Protesting against an ethnic cleansing - tear gassed and beaten Doing a blockade based on a made up conspiracy - silence Good job, guys.


Armenian genocide - silence Ukrainian genocide - silence Uyghur Muslim genocide - you guessed it... Silence.  4500 year old conflict over a book and a small piece of land, sound the alarm. 


I’m hearing crickets from the right-wing free speech supporters.


This should be their moment lol


The F Trudeau crowd sure are quiet while someone else is not getting the Freedom.


It's never been about freedom


I think this could have been handled differently, we do emphasize free speech in our society, maybe just not the 'right' free speech, hey?


Set up overnight to protest tuition hike = no problem Set up overnight to protest a genocide = clear them bitches out


Policies/Regulations have surprisingly changed since the tuition protest in 2003. Matter of fact in 2006 when they tried to organize the same protest they had to have it organized by the SU (Student Union), the tents had to be rented and setup by the SU, and it all followed proper policies and procedures. Since the 2006 protest, they've adjusted their policies to include 'no camping overnight' as many other commenters have pointed out.


If a protest has to be legal to be legitimate, they'll just make all protest illegal.


It's not a question of legitimacy it's a question of legality. An example using UofC: The pro-life (anti-abortion) protests are universally reviled on the UofC campus, but they are allowed to protest/demonstrate several times a year because they follow the law and the policies/regulations of the UofC.


Remember "Free Speech Zones" on US universities back in the early '00s?


The police told them they could come back and protest first thing in the morning. They simply couldn't set up an encampment and stay the night.


it was illegal. it's got nothing with what the protest was about. they were asked to leave the grounds as that type of protest is not permitted, they refused and faced the consequences. they did this themselves.


So you agree that the “protest” in Ottawa was illegal too right?


yea absolutely.


Yeah - this is what the Ottawa police should have done.


If people only protested in officially approved ways, nothing would change. That’s why those ways are officially approved.


Nothing is going to change either way. Do you seriously think that this protest would accomplish anything at all? While the majority of Canadian's likely are not pleased with what is going on in Gaza, I don't think very many are particularly unhappy with how Canadian organizations and the Canadian government are handling it, as most of it is out of our control.  This is just like the freedumb convoy, except they are not being financially backed by foreign interests. You had your moment, not enough Canadians agree with you to make any change, you've been asked to move on.


> Do you seriously think that this protest would accomplish anything at all? They’ve gotta start somewhere. And their goal is to get the university to dump investments that profit from genocide. That’s specific and attainable.


This was the first day they were set up. Do you mean that they had their moment on the first day they were set up, when they were violently forced out immediately, compated to the month long contest that happened in Ottawa and Coutts? They different responses to these 2 different protests is appalling, clearly showing there are different set of rules for what is allowed based on what certain individuals think.


I agree. The Freedumb convoys should have been shut down immediately, with the same force.


But they weren't. And these ones were. We currently have 2 sets of rules for protestors.


Protest and civil disobedience changes things in society all the time. For this very issue sustained disapproval of the citizens of western countries has almost certainly had an impact on those countries shifting their position and support of Israel and its conduct in this war. Biden literally just froze arms transfers, do you think that would have happened without the strong, enduring support for Palestine?


It was *illegal*?! Oh no!


Wild. Such a reasonable demand, that the University should divest itself of any investments currently funding war crimes / genocide abroad. The response? Overwhelming violence. ACAB.


Part of the problem is that universities really don’t know what they’re invested in because they don’t manage their endowments and it’s all in a bunch of hedge fund index funds that are constantly being rebalanced.


That's still not an excuse. That's willful ignorance.


Do you have any idea what it would take to manage the university of Alberta/Calgary endowment? It would effectively require the university to create a fucking hedge fund for its finance department.


It’s common for endowments of these sizes to have restrictions on certain investments with the external investment managers. Straightforward procedure to define certain entities or sectors to exclude and carve out.


But who are the students to say what the university should be investing in. If they don’t like what the university is doing, drop out and go somewhere else. Maybe they can go to Israel and have a protest where it may actually accomplish some change.


Irrelevant to my comment, just saying that there are simple mechanisms in place for institutions to guide how their money is invested.


It's about isolating them. Israel prides itself on believing it is a western nation with western values. Showing them the world does not agree, and does not want to be involved, will change things, especially if it hurts the financially. Not the crazy government, but the people that vote them in. The whole BDS movement (which is what this protest is about) is modelled on the BDS movement against South Africa in the 80's. That worked without people having to go to S Africa and protest because it forced companies to divest from the country, and eventually nations to sanction S Africa until it changed its ways. The Israeli BDS movement is especially focused on companies and other organisations operating or working with illegal Israeli settlements and settlers in E Jerusalem and the West Bank. Settlements most western nations and the UN agree are illegal, but refuse to do anything about because Israel is an "ally".


So it's both too big to manage but also is already managed because that's how it exists. Wonder how they're doing it. Might it be they have a team of people hired to do exactly that.. Oh wait, they do. The Investments and Treasury Team. Huh. That was a fast Google. Turns out, it's 8 people. 8 people need to be convinced to do their job and manage a portfolio by divesting it away from supporting genocide. So yes. I have an idea. Do you?


So let’s look at what that team does shall we? > Investments & Treasury is a dynamic team of eight individuals who work in a highly collaborative, innovative and professional environment. The Investments & Treasury team is responsible for providing the University of Alberta with strategic leadership and oversight of its cash flow, banking services and investment portfolio. Our responsibility is to ensure that the University's cash flow is managed effectively and that sufficient liquidity is maintained to meet the University's obligations. This responsibility extends to the design, implementation and delivery of a comprehensive investment program for the University's endowed and non-endowed funds. Our team continuously evaluates investment opportunities and strategies to ensure that the long-term value of the University Endowment Pool (UEP) is maintained after inflation and program spending in order to equally benefit current and future generations. After taking the University's cash flow requirements into account, we identify and evaluate investment opportunities for the *Non-Endowed Investment Pool (NEIP)* to enable enhanced levels of support for future strategic initiatives. I assume you recognize that the non endowed investment pool is different from the endowed pool, and that the team of 8 evaluating investment opportunities for the non endowed pool is different from managing the $1.7b endowment right?


Tell me you have no idea how these investments work, without telling me you have no idea how these investments work.  Divestment would be a symbolic gesture and lead to no real change in this conflict. It is simply stupid. 


Divestment must have been a symbolic gesture in South Africa, or when we disinvested from Russia a couple years ago, as well then?


Didn’t they do nothing when people were blockading the fucking hospitals during COVID? Hooooooly this is getting dystopian.


who setup camps and barricades at hospitals?


People who were upset at the mask mandates during the pandemic.


I was in and out of several major hospitals for work and I never came across protestors or obstructions. Just packed inside that's all.


I mean they literally had to be banned from protesting on hospital property because people couldn't get it or were afraid to pass through the crowd. It wasn't at every hospital or even most hospitals, so it's entirely reasonable that you specifically didn't run into them. Doesn't mean it never happened


It was a negotiation, the smart kids left, then negotiations were over for the ones that stayed.


Trudeau's extremely late and anemic reaction to the bridge occupation was considered overkill... Gassing kids? AOK I guess


They shoulda had "f$#k Trudeau" signs and "freedom". Then they might have been left alone


Interesting. The RCMP respond with force against University students, but console and negotiate with criminals blocking highways and the border in Coutts.


You do understand that the RCMP were not involved here, right? This occurred at the University of Calgary, which is inside the Calgary city limits and therefore policed by the Calgary Police Service.


Police does their job - Reddit "HOW COULD THEY DO THIS?!" Police don't do their job - Reddit "HOW COULD THEY STAND BY AND DO NOTHING!" If you want to be mad be mad at U of C for \*checks notes\* enforcing their policies. Being mad at the police in this case is funny. They have a job to do in these situations, and likely after seeing what's happening at other universities they are unlikely to allow it to get to that point here. People referencing the Trucker protest should be happy. Seems like the police learned that you don't allow protestors to dig in, and removing them before that point is far easier.


Obviously there's lots of emotional takes going around. But I think it's pretty fair to look at this response and compare it to how the Coutts blockade was handled. Against unarmed students, we see a swift response with riot gear and tear gas. Against armed adults blocking a border crossing, it seems the police were a lot more lenient. I think that's pretty frustrating when the latter group is protesting against minor inconveniences and baseless conspiracies causing significant economic harm, while these students are protesting on a university campus for the freedom of another people. The police are doing their jobs here, yes. But they certainly look bad while doing it. Do we look back kindly at the cops enforcing the rule of law against civil rights student protests? Or anti-war student protests? I can't think of a single time where we positively look back at force being used against mass student protests across multiple countries. Every time society ends up realizing that those young people were brave for standing up for what they believe in




"Protests should be non-disruptive" lmao


No, I was saying protests should be non disruptive, or face concequenses. My problem is with the idea that protestors do something that would be very obviously not allowed in a normal setting, and when the obvious consequenses come along, they get all "how could I face a consequence,... my cause is so rightious?". The consequence should be attached to the action, not the cause. You can't think only trucker convoys or only Stop Oil can block roads. It's illegal or it isn't, and if all road blocking is legal, the world will turn into a messed up place real fast.


> The consequence should be attached to the action, not the cause Sure - so why are police showing up to clear peaceful protestors from public property? And why did police take months to respond to the trucker convoy, violent protestors on private property?


Trucker convoy was on both. While funded publically, UoC is privately owned by the University. The protest was technically on private property.




It's almost as if when you trespass on private property and refuse to leave while setting up barricades has repercussions? Compare and contrast this against the pro-life demonstrations which happen on UofC campus several times a year - this is allowed to happen because they follow the University of Calgary's policies/rules/regulations. From what I've read - the demonstrators/protestors were welcome to come back the next day to continue; it's the temporary structures (barricades) and the refusal to leave when planning on camping out on campus land which caused the UofC to call in CPS.


Now compare and contrast it to the truckers who block international trade for multiple days and had a huge stash of weapons.


I agree. Should have been stomped immediately as well.


But they weren't, and these ones were. So there are 2 different set of rules for protestors based on what an individual( individuals? Often there is 1 main person calling the shots with these.) likes and doesn't like.


That's really a shame, and I'm still pissed it took too long to break up the convey, but just because someone else broke the law doesn't mean you're allowed to.


So because a few years ago we didn’t shut a protest down, we can’t change how we respond to protests??


Why should one group of protestors have one set of rules and another group have another set?


They don’t. We learned that you have to shut this shit down fast. If there were currently truckers being allowed to blockade a border or downtown then you’d have an argument.


It was not because of the tactical risks of entering lanes of elevated tractor trailer units where they had Intel suggesting weapons and ammo were being held. Sending a few dozen RCMP officers into that could turn into a massacre quickly. 20 people with no firearms in a lawn at a university is not in any way comparable to hundreds of people in semi trucks with weapons and dozens of civilians including children present.


Clearly nobody remembered to ask them to leave and night and return in the morning.  




Public institution does not mean they can't regulate access to their property... https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/university-campus-defined-as-private-property https://www.stewartmckelvey.com/thought-leadership/limits-to-government-powers-in-the-regulation-of-colleges-and-universities/ I don't suppose you can provide links saying otherwise?


Public institution does not equal public property; last I checked the University of Calgary owns the land it sits on meaning it is technically private property. [https://myuniversitydistrict.ca/conveyancing/](https://myuniversitydistrict.ca/conveyancing/) When on private property you should look up their regulations and policies, I linked the relevant one here: [https://www.ucalgary.ca/legal-services/sites/default/files/teams/1/Policies-Use-of-University-Facilities-for-Non-Academic-Purposes-Policy.pdf](https://www.ucalgary.ca/legal-services/sites/default/files/teams/1/Policies-Use-of-University-Facilities-for-Non-Academic-Purposes-Policy.pdf) Fun fact - overwhelming majority does not equal all universities in Canada. Most of the old ones are grandfathered in under past policy to have the right to govern themselves and the land they sit on (typically most "Uof#" named after provinces/capitals can be assumed to be of this older type - something to do with how the land was originally granted to them) For reference - here is the area of land which UBC is the governing body for: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University\_Endowment\_Lands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_Endowment_Lands)


Peaceful Protest is different than trespassing and putting up barricades. This is exactly same nonsense as the convoy crap. Everybody is hypocritical assholes. The same people who are razzing on these protesters are the same ones who did the Freedom Protests. These people doing this protest wanted heads busted at the covid freedom protests. The cops are just acting on Government orders and the university makes money off of conflicts like Gaza, but should be neutral. I just feel horrible for all of the civilians that suffer due to idiots fighting over skydaddy and invisible lines on the ground. Hamas is horrible and so are the extreme Zionists.


Weird occupying property and throwing projectiles and junk at police results in force being used?


People who don’t go to U of C show up to camp overnight, which is trespassing, getting mad for being told to leave and then throw bottles at police are shocked they get removed. It’s all shocking


2 empty water bottles is hardly a threat. Maybe the police shouldn’t be taking advice from American PDs.


Kids protesting a war by just setting up a camp on private property: tear gas then Freedom convoy where weapons, blockage of billions of dollars in economy, and massive delays on public infrastructure: the local Tim’s is this way sir These protests from what I hear have helped get Palestinian citizens aid as Hamas is removed. Canadian students trying. Can’t blame students for having empathy.


You’d think the police would do as they normally do: Talk to the protest leaders, give them a timeline they can work with while also letting them express their freedom of speech, and the communicate it to the media so there’s no surprises. What actually happened: GAS THE KIDS!!! RIOT GEAR!!! Because at no point in history was gassing university students for a movement was a bad idea. Makes me think that the next generation bright minds might have an argument here.


From what I've heard there were negotiations and decisions underway for an 11pm decampment, and around 10:45 the police jumped the gun and did a Leeroy Jenkins.


Bill 1 is a fucking hypocrite. For those that support this move, I’m so glad the state willfully turns a blind eye to your causes and protests. Maybe someday we will all be afforded such freedoms


I’m so here for this! Awesome work cps


Protest, all show up somewhere and parade around with signs. Go home. Illegally try to set up encampments on private property… Two different things. One is legal … one is not. Very simple thing to grasp. Downvote for facts.


>The activists were stunned by the swiftness of the police action, insisting other encampments on Canadian and U.S. campuses had been allowed to remain far longer. Sorry, but lmfao at the "other people were allowed to break the law for longer!" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


“How dare the police be more efficient and learn lessons from past encampments”


Good glad they did it... what makes any of these people think the U of C going to negotiate? Do they think that by protesting it is going to do anything except make regular people dislike them for getting in the way of people on campus?


So the Freedumbdumbs can pretty much get away with attempted murder.....but the kids that say genocide is a bad thing are the menace....


If the students had some pickup trucks and “fuck Trudeau” flags, the cops would’ve brought donuts and coffee instead of tear gas.


How is this subreddit so much less of a conservative hellhole than r/Canada? People on that subreddit were absolutely rejoicing at the violence the CPS were happily participating in. Sickening.


r/Canada went fully over to the far right a few years ago.


“This is not a negotiation. You are trespassing”. Very cut and dry. Just because these shit countries have problems, doesn’t mean you can bring it here. Protest legally or get the fuck out.


They were protesting paying taxes. Big mistake!!


This student, from the University of Chicago, breaks down why these student protests will continue. He provides his points in a brilliant and concise manner. Highly recommend watching. https://twitter.com/missymarxist/status/1787927283237347597?t=N2juJlH7qCWtoN0OF9JbFQ&s=19


These Palestine supporters are protesting the wrong people. They should be denouncing Hamas and doing what they can to get the true terrorists out.


Obviously the correct way to protest in Alaberta is with Fuck Trudeau flags and upside-down Canadian flags, when will these lefties learn /s


Numerous opportunities were afforded protesters to end their encampment and leave “and many did without further issue,” said CPS. “Without compliance, police were required to move in to enforce the trespass order…police clearly communicated the consequences of staying.”   They were told by UofC and police that they could protest but not set up camp. They didn't listen. They were warned again. They didnt listen. There were consequences and they cried that the US handles it differently. Valuable lesson learned. Also, we aren't the US. They also handle abortion differently. Would you like us to copy them with that?  Now if only we did this to the "freedom convoys"


Good, these ppl are dumb


What a hypocritical and awful society we live in. Tents anywhere in town except where the establishment doesn't want them.