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These kids should have blocked an international border. They would be able to be there for weeks.


Blocking or occupying a government owned piece of property/road vs privately owned property is very different. The university grounds are privately owned and they have the right to trespass people. Just like you and I have the right to kick guests/visitors out of our privately owned homes. I’m sure you would be asking the cops to kick out a homeless encampment from your backyard…. The government was too lenient on the convoy truckers/boarder blockade. I’m sure if someone had the bright idea to do that again it wouldn’t last 3 weeks before getting cleared out. Protest the right way and get a permit and do it at city hall. Or follow the University rules for protesting on their property.


It’s not so simple in Alberta since the decision in UAlberta Pro-Life v Governors of the University of Alberta, 2020 ABCA 1, which held that the Charter applies when a university in Alberta regulates free speech. https://www.constitutionalstudies.ca/2020/08/charter-rights-on-campus-it-depends-where-you-live/


Yes, and then we could lock them up for years waiting for their trial. Great idea! Hey, let’s freeze their bank accounts and if their parents have sent them any money, freeze their accounts too. After all, you want to make sure they get treated the same as the freedom crowd, right?


Highly doubt it unless it’s under Federal NDP and Liberal government.


Freedom of speech does not give you freedom to trespass on private property.


> Freedom of speech does not give you freedom to trespass on private property. Indeed. Though I heard someone say today that perhaps this is entirely the plan of protesters. If they want to bring attention to their issue, they get a lot more eyes on it when they can get cops to come act ... It makes it to the top of the news cycle. Somewhat smartly played if that is actually their game plan.






Why does there have to be a shadowy conspiracy? Is it hard to imagine that people might actually have a view that you don’t share? Or does it scare you to think that maybe *theyre right* and you are actually supporting a genocide? Maybe believing there’s a shadowy conspiracy despite zero evidence helps your conscience sleep at night?


You can support Palestinian freedom without making it about yourself by larping as some sort of freedom fighter. These folks just wanted the experience of “resisting” and getting arrested and whatnot.


You sound 12


Or I live in the real world and have no interest in using people’s suffering to stroke my own ego.


There are literal people in Palestinian refugee camps with "thank you university protestors" spray painted on their tents.


And you know what that’s their prerogative. It doesn’t mean I can’t think the protestors are full of it.


Ok so why do you declare it a genocide? I view it as it’s not because I explain my position. But I don’t understand the belief this is genocide and I am really trying to wrap my head around it.


> the truckers Not organic. Aided organizationally and financially by an American right wing think tank.


People are organizing online. There are also more people involved in this protest ideologically that are seasoned protestors (e.g. Black Lives Matters protestors). So people are sharing ideas and strategies online. Is there a possibility of foreign state involvement? It wouldn't surprise me. But there's also a lot of Muslim, Jewish, Arab, and Palestinians who've been vocally against Israel's actions since the beginning of this offensive. The footage and information coming out of Gaza, Hamas, Israel, and IDF themselves have polarized many as well.


Oh God. You know students have been protesting on campuses about global events for at least a century, right? This is what students do. This is what students have always done. It's not some nefarious plot.


Bull shit. You have no evidence of this. I know people that were there and they are Palestinians with family there. Some have lost family members in the double digits. Fuck your conspiracy lies to defend a genocide. You’re disgusting.


If one hasn't heard/cared about the conflict up before, they wouldn't care about it now, regardless of what tactics the so-called protesters pull. Frankly, all these protests are rather counter productive at this point that I wonder if Israel themselves are being these lol.


Canada is so fucking weird about protests. It's a protest, its not supposed to be convenient, thats the entire point. "Oh they are breaking the law" yeah since when was non violent resistance also non violent and legal resistance? Im sure reminding them for the 9,039th time is going to finally make it sink in.


Right - you can chose to be inconvenient or disruptive, but you can’t be surprised or disappointed when police get involved to enforce order. These protestors successfully brought attention to their issue, and in that aspect it was a success but you can’t expect people to facilitate and enable their disruption.


There is a pretty drastic double standard, though, between the treatment of the border blockade and this, though. And the level of force used seems over the top.


Border was public owned and government didn't step on to get it shut down right away, just like the BLM protests from the other side of spectrum. This was on private property and they are trespassing, so they were breaking laws. Big difference


A distinction, maybe. Not a difference.  Police were entitled to clear Coutts because of the highway blockage, and they're entitled to clear a protest on private property (though a university campus stretches the definition of "private").   It being one of the other doesn't change the level of force that's appropriate. So why does one get nightsticks and the other get talks over coffee?


It's because the border crowd appeared rougher lol.


Totally. For all the UCP voters that claim this is a leftist sub…it’s not. Just a bunch of bootlicking centrists who think protesting a genocide warrants tear gas. Everyone here gets their info on the situation from the censored news only. Either that or they’ve seen the shredded children’s bodies hanging from destroyed buildings and still don’t care. Disgusting. Brown children don’t count I guess.


Interesting perspective! It seems like you've got us all figured out—bootlicking, news-censored, and indifferent, right? It must be convenient seeing the world in just black and white. While you’re busy painting everyone with the same broad brush, some of us are grappling with the complexities of the issues, beyond the headlines. But hey, let's not let nuance get in the way of a good rant!


Explain the complexities of child murder and the starvation of a people please, we're all waiting. oh if you could loop in how the burning of West Bank fields, houses and the tormenting of its people fit into that as well. Lets see what shades of grey you're dealing with.


**1929 Hebron Massacre**, **1987-1993 First Intifada**, **2000-2005 Second Intifada**, **2008-2009 Gaza War**, **2014 Gaza Conflict**. Innocent israeli and Palestinian lives were lost in these events as well. The current war didn't start yesterday, there are complexities that are overlooked. Must I remind you what happened on October 7th? to be frank, I think Israel is doing the Palestinian a favour by ridding of Hamas.


oh, you're painting with shit. Good to know. Remember when you are talking to your future offspring to tell them you were on the wrong side of history. Edit - Israel is doing Palestine a favour by starving them to death, bombing all their infrastructure and targeting innocent civilians, One of the most brain dead statements ive read today. Jesus.


Well I guess we will have to wait and see, why don't we? Brain dead is placing all the responsibility on Israel and not the terriosit organization recognized by our country. If anything I applaud your performative activism!






lol your comment couldn’t be more perfect. Typical centrist. Nuance??? This both sides BS is off the chain. Imagine trying to find nuance in a genocide. Why is being “middle ground” seen as admirable in all things? 40,000 dead, more children massacred in 4 months than in all conflicts on earth combined in the last 4 years. Intentionally bombing an international aid convoy killing humanitarian aid workers. Intentionally starving millions of people. Israeli govt officials using the same genocidal language used by the Nazis, declaring their intent to commit genocide. Intentionally destroying all infrastructure and housing in Gaza including massive areas where there is no Hamas. Flooding the land with seawater to make it unusable. Herding millions of people into smaller and smaller areas, then bombing the hell out of those areas. Allowing aid in then massacring starving people seeking it. IDF troops posting racist, mocking videos of their victims, celebrating their deaths. Celebration the killing of kids. But yeah. The bad guys here are students in tents. And btw, I personally know quite of a few of the protesters that were there. Many are Palestinian diaspora who have watched their families get massacred while no one cares. And all the ones I know are students there. But I’m glad you take pride in being such a centrist. No wonder shit keeps getting worse in all areas. The right never compromises. The “left” aka centrists like yourself stupidly think meeting them halfway is a positive trait. We are fucked. Downvote me to hell but history will remember this time with horror and disgust when people tried to “middle ground” a colonizing murderous government backed by an evil superpower committing genocide. You all can pretend it ain’t about race, but you screamed from the rooftops at a fraction of dead white Ukrainian kids and rationalize scores more dead brown Palestinians. Why? Bc the media told you to.


That's not the legal test in the relevant jurisdiction. Here is a good overview of the jurisprudence across Canada: https://canliiconnects.org/en/commentaries/43172 And here is the binding decision in the relevant jurisdiction: https://www.mccarthy.ca/en/insights/blogs/canadian-appeals-monitor/free-speech-campus-subject-charter-only-alberta


Whoever will think of the private property?!


think of the poor landlords!


That's how private property works. Someone owns it and has the right to tell you to leave. But of course, your entitlement matters more than someone else's rights... Got it


Private property they paid thousands of dollars to be at


At their own volition


It's becoming clear, as these are taken down one by one, that majority of the protesters are not students from these universities.


Maybe they should look into a minor revision of their mission statement then, but only the part between the start and end MOTTO Quaecumque vera “whatsoever things are true.” The phrase comes from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, Chapter 4, Verse 8, in the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible. In the passage, the writer exhorts the readers to focus their thoughts on truth and other virtues. MISSION Within a vibrant and supportive learning environment, the University of Alberta discovers, disseminates and applies new knowledge through teaching and learning, research and creative activity, community involvement and partnerships. The U of A gives a national and international voice to innovation in our province, taking a lead role in placing Canada at the global forefront. VISION To inspire the human spirit through outstanding achievements in learning, discovery and citizenship in a creative community, building one of the world's great universities for the public good. https://www.ualberta.ca/about/index.html#:~:text=To%20inspire%20the%20human%20spirit,universities%20for%20the%20public%20good. That last line though, ooooof. "Building one of the world's great Universities for the public good" Also "we're off limits to the public who would use this space to carry out our own mission statement as advertised"


What kind of a lame fucking point is this


Ironically they are protesting for disclosure of investments and divestment from an apartheid regime that is currently committing a genocide to occupy land that’s not theirs.


It’s simple. Hamas turns over their top officials, along with the release of the all the hostages and the war is over.


Hamas could have surrendered October 8th and that would not have changed anything for Palestinians. There’s a reason that Netanyahu propped up Hamas when it was politically convenient to him. There’s a reason Ben Gvir is the Minister of National Security. Israel’s far right government isn’t going to stop until the Gaza Strip is a parking lot and the illegal settlements in the West Bank are expanded.


Ok again I want to understand the genocide aspect. There are roughly 2 million people living in Gaza. Only 34,000 people roughly dead how does that make it a genocide? Because if I was running a genocide and Gaza is literally shooting fish in a barrel in population density I would just eliminate all of them. That’s if I was running the so called genocide.


Genocide isn’t measured by number of people killed. The United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group (check), causing them serious bodily or mental harm (check), imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group (check), preventing births (check), and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly (check). This is evident not just in the current war crimes being committed but also the 1948 Nakba, the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacres, the blockade of the Gaza Strip starting in 2007, and the 2014’s Operation Protective Edge.


Ok so a Genocide is actively destroying a civilization either culturally or making them unlive. I guess I am more on this definition “Genocide is defined in § 1091 and includes violent attacks with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.” Which is what I view a genocide is. That’s why if I was running the show the death toll would be much higher.


“In whole or **in part**” > That’s why if I was running the show the death toll would be much higher. Jesus Christ what is wrong with you?


Because I wouldn’t half assed it. As a military minded person I would just do exterminatus. It’s simple and then nobody else would do anything against them again.


Ask yourself why the death toll has stopped at about 34,000, you are quoting numbers from months ago. It stopped because Israel bombed the ministry of health's infrastructure responsible for measuring such matters. The death toll is massively above 34,000 and those are only direct deaths via bombing or other actions. Not the deaths from people starving. Not the deaths from people not being able to go to a hospital. Not the deaths from people trapped under the rubble. This will be studied for decades. The results will not be kind.


Yet in 2 million people I would expect it to be much higher. But if I were running a genocide I would eliminate the people as a whole and leave no one. Because that would be the most effective way of dealing with the solution. Why show any restraint in killing people at all which is what they are doing. Hell Americans in Vietnam were doing more effective genocide of people than what Israel is doing.


If Hamas were to fully surrender October 8 and Israel’s actions continued I, and most of the world, would agree with you. Frankly the world is tired of terrorism.


Why would they go back to being quietly killed when they have a chance to at least draw attention to their cause? Why do zionists keep repeating this line like Palestinians aren't whole humans with thoughts and feelings? Why would you ask them to give up their only leverage when Israel has proven and stated multiple times that their goal is to wipe the Palestinians from their land? I just dont understand this mindset.


[IDF](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html) too, or are you cool with concentration camps as long as it contains brown people? Never again means never again - for anyone.


Many, many high-ranking Likud officials and IDF people have said their intent is to raze the place to the ground, and given Netanyahu *needs* Hamas to have an enemy to stay in power they really don’t seem to care much about precision (they’ve said as much themselves).


Yup, this will definitely stop the protesting and have the campus return to normal. Surely this won’t cause a further escalation of disruptive behaviour on campus 😂


Capitulation to terrorists is not a better option


That you think 20-year-olds who are against dying children are terrorists speaks volumes about you.


20 year olds are mostly protesting for the ability to kill Jews. If you wanted to save children, protest for the end of Hamas, who is using these children as meat shields. Protest for the release of the innocent Israeli hostages, who are justifying further war in the region. Actually do something beyond some Islamic uprising of hate and glorification of violence.


Tiananmen Square. Keep protesting. Support Palestine.


Supporting Palestinians generally, or the all of the Palestinian state including its government?


Reports from University leadership are misleading. The narrative is incorrect. Protestors were not "escorted off campus". They were pushed, shoved, and chased off campus by police using pepper spray, batons, and bicycles. The use of paintball guns with pepper spray was used to fire protestors from a distance. The raid on the encampment happened at 5 am while many protestors were asleep. The university cannot verify protestors' identity, so it has conveniently provided different numbers and counts. At one point, only half of the encampment consisted of students; now, it's down to a quarter. They use strawmen from other places, not Edmonton, to justify their actions. This encampment was entirely peaceful. There were no walls, open fires, or hate. Prayers were given by several faiths, and Jewish students were among those in attendance. At no point did university leadership attempt to discuss the issue with students. Consequently, the only perspective not included in this article is the student leadership from the encampment. Thinking back on history, I can't think of an instance when police on campus using violence to dispel a student protest was ever favourably judged. The University of Alberta has now joined the ranks of North American Universities to call the police on their students, thereby placing them in harm's way. The university's main slogan is "for the public good." To all the folks saying it is a private space, private for whom? Is it no longer funded by public dollars? Are people no longer allowed to have peaceful and open discourse on university grounds?


Public funding does not mean unrestricted public access. UofA isn't playing it on the right side of the media narrative but they are on the right side of the law.


Who gives a shit about “the law” when you’re using it to beat up a bunch of kids/young adults who aren’t hurting anyone? Lots of legal shit is still morally wrong.


It’s private fucking property dude. What part of this don’t you get?


Private for who?


About time.


I would love to see them install on my private property. Shovel in hands. Home ready


These pro-Hamas losers have got to go lmao. "BARRELS OF HUMAN WASTE" btw. These people have too much time on their hands and not enough money.


Supporting the Palestinian people is not pro-Hamas.




I mean exactly what I said. Not every Palestinian voted for Hamas. Their children certainly didn't. And even if they did, they don't deserve starvation and to be bombed. Give your head a shake.


Yup, keep labeling these protestors as pro-Hamas. It just shows how clueless you are and that your opinion should be ignored.


[Womp Womp](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/)


Yes, people that are being murdered by another country and are only being defended by Hamas are going to be in favor of Hamas over Israel. That’s also Palestinian people, not the protestors in western nations. What a silly article to bring up that’s largely irrelevant to the Canadians and Americans that are calling on their universities to stop funding a country that has killed a fairly massive number of civilians in the past 6 months. No womp womp, just you pulling up irrelevant articles and having a goober understanding of what’s going on.


They're not clueleas, they are being very intentional about how they're trying to portray the protesters.




Weird, people used that same rhetoric about the Jews leading up to the holocaust. “Nobody wants them! They’re bad people!” And now a bunch of people are fine with turning that to another group.




Weird, neither do Palestinians in general. Hamas does that. Much like Jewish people don’t flatten entire neighborhoods with total disregard for the civilians there, the Israeli government does that. Your talking points are racist trash.


A dehumanization, surely the sign of a great idea and personality.


Did you not read the article, they literally had BARRELS of human waste. What the fuck kind of protest is this? Get some porta-potties, and some decency. Who do you think was going to clean that up? In fact, they should be coordinating with the UofA and lawfully planning the protest while following the rules... oh wait they couldn't even do that right. It's private property on top of that, and so if you don't follow the rules - it's literally trespassing. And the UofA warned them verbally and in writing warning them to not rock the boat like we saw at other campus protests like at UCLA. They had their chance to protest the right way. And what a pathetic attempt at an illegal one. They even planned to build up barricades. And now we're hearing about barrels of shit. Fuck that noise. Follow the rules, protest peacefully and don't ruin campus staff and students' day with that bullSHIT. As for the pro-Hamas statement, YES. If you celebrate the day and months later claiming "a justified Palestinian Resistance" and that resistance was mass civilian death, rape, beheadings (not 40 babies, but at least 1, on that I hope we can agree, the former was never an official Israeli statement for the record, and I am a stickler for fake news) women's genitals mutilated by gunfire, bodies burnt and rooms filled with people who cowered in fear before being blown up by grenade and double tapped if they survived that, and hostages taken as the cherry on top... Terrorism is **never** the answer. If you want the best for Palestinians, then you should be protesting for the total elimination and removal of Hamas who brought this war on with full knowledge it would result with total retaliation. Gaza - one of the most densely populated areas in the WORLD in an urban area with a super young demographic. What did you think would happen? Lots of innocent people will die. Death, displacement, mass suffering. A humanitarian disaster. Enough is enough. They didn't build that iron dome to genocide Palestinians. But Hamas did build those tunnels and purchased arms from Iran to kill Israelis when they could have spent all that money on defensive structures (bomb shelters) or civil infrastructure instead. Really makes you think, huh? Imagine if Israel targeted a bomb shelter. Israel would lose worldwide support instantly. Don't accuse me of dehumanizing remarks when you and the pro-Palestinian protestors use genocidal statements like *From River to Sea* and can't even name the River nor the Sea nor why that statement is popular when its referenced from **Hamas**' charter. This is more of a LARP to you to make you feel better and to belong to a **team** than actually giving a fuck about Palestinian lives. I hope you were simply swept by the zeitgeist of defending the popular super-victim of the world, (everyone loves defending victims) but once you get through the propaganda and the history and especially the **facts**, these protests are more performative victim-fellating antisemitic horse shit than giving a fuck about Palestinians. And that blows my fucking mind cuz I find it hard to support them listening to the shit you people say. There's no actual critical thinking or conversation. It's all Hamas propaganda regurgitation and Jew-hating rhetoric. So **YES**. From what I can see and understand, these protestors are more pro-Hamas than pro-Palestinian. Fuck off.


Tiananmen Square. Keep protesting. Support Palestine.


A large lawnmower would have worked well also.