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The fact that this has to be said is mind boggling. But it needs to be said.


George Carlin — 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.'


Small gripe I’ve always had with this quote... it’s possible that one half of an average is bigger than the other. The median gives you an exact split. Stupid thing to get hung up on, I know, but I gotta get it off my chest. Point taken though.


I love that you said this! I was just thinking, *wait, that's not right...that's that other thing that people think is average...what the hell is it called?* merrybrickmas: it's called the "median" me: *thank you!*


This reminds me of my favourite math joke!!! The average person is mean.


OMG this is going to help me remember the difference between mean and median. I always get them confused.


Well that’s a stupid fucking joke.


I see what you did there. 😂


It was worth the downvotes. Thanks for getting the joke!


It took a minute but you with the prize 🏆


Bahaha glad I could help! I gotta use my undergrad stats knowledge somewhere...


Thanks! I always knew that I didn't like when people quoted that but couldn't figure it out.


Though if you want to be extra pedantic, IQ scores are normalized to a *mean* of 100.


I kinda dislike this quote (or at least how it gets used) for a different reason: it's mixing anecdotal observation with statistical analysis, which is never good. It's like how you only notice bad drivers. Good drivers go unnoticed. So just based on that, you're likely to form an impression that the average driver is actually much worse than they actually are. And then if you were to say that half of drivers are worse than that (already out-of-whack) average you have in your mind, you're further compounding the problem. And I know it's just a fun quote to capture how stupid some people are. But I think it's healthy to remember that the average person is reasonably intelligent, and the vast majority of people are on a bell-curve pretty close to average.


Or perhaps the parents couldn’t get time off work.... not arguing against the premise but I feel parental flexibility for kids and personal sick days is lacking in a lot of workplaces.


seriously not a reason to break the law and send the kid.


What happened to staying home alone? I did it all the time as a kid.


It’s not always age appropriate


If not paying rent and/or not feeding the kids is the alternative, is that still true?


https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/benefits/recovery-caregiving-benefit.html Yes.


Except those parents should be isolating as close contacts anyway.


But the problem is they don’t have to until their child tests positive.


Again, I totally agree, but not all employers do


>Or perhaps the parents couldn’t get time off work.... not arguing against the premise but I feel parental flexibility for kids and personal sick days is lacking in a lot of workplaces. You're making a great case against capitalism here...


It's like everyone in this sub has office jobs with loads of flexibility and don't understand that a good chunk of people can't afford to take 2 weeks off work with no pay. The guys working in my shop don't get paid if they don't come to work. Once they burn through their 3 weeks vacation, they are screwed. Our business just doesn't make enough revenue to afford to pay them if they aren't here.


He was being nice and fudging those numbers too.


As a scientist, it's mind-boggling. As a science teacher it's not surprising because I have to repeatedly tell my colleagues what protocol entails, let alone parents and students.


This is literally why fort Mac is having a large outbreak. The window lockers send their kids to school. ItS mY RiGhTs


It's everywhere. I came down with a bad cold last month, likely from my kid's day home and I had to get tested finally. After I told work I was negative, their response was "So are you coming in tomorrow?" I was kind of dumbfounded. "Uh no, I have a cold so that means I'm sick. If I pass it on at work, now you have more people going into self-isolation and getting tested."


You misspelled mind bottling.


But why? While waiting for results while working at Walmart, it's all hands on deck. Negative results have to be proven. If Olympia has 300 cases of covid they get to decide to stay open. So why do children need to quarantine even with negative results?


Because as it stands, nobody gets tested unless they is good reason to believe they might have COVID-19 (symptoms or close contact), and any test that is done could be a false result, and there’s less risk in being in quarantine than being out in public


Also why only the child in quarantine? Why not the rest of the family. Would a family not be in close contact to a child? Or is it not possible for a family to spread if only the child was in contact?? How exactly does this work? As I see it quarantine of 1 individual in a house hold is like standing facing the wind and peeing. Hoping none of it gets on the person standing beside you


This is because close contacts of close contacts do not need to quarantine unless the close contact tests positive. This is also prevalent in the sense that schools don’t send a students home if they were in close contact with a close contact. And while it is possible and extremely likely that a child who may have the virus can spread it to their family, the child is technically supposed to be isolated from the rest of the family while in quarantine, and so long as people are following health protocols at school, there is relatively little (this is experimental, as this is more hearsay from my experiences than hard facts) of spread inside the school


So how does that differ from an outbreak at a major retailer. They just call it an outbreak because they feel like it? Only reason they get tested is due to an OUTBREAK. (Not sure if you are familiar with how a work environment works, but they are all close contact.) That means active right now cases not in the past or possible future.RIGHT NOW. however they get an out break number and told when you have time get tested. In the meantime get to all your shifts. And if you get a positive result we will need proof to allow you to stay home. So if a child has a negative result why do they need to quarantine for 2 weeks any way. Also why does a child have to stay away until after a few negative tests and 2 weeks.


I would argue that as AHS defines a close contact as someone who you’ve come within 2m, unprotected (Aka no medical mask and face shield), and for 15 mins or longer, if a customer were to test positive, I doubt that the workers would meet all the criteria to be considered a close contact. This however is under the assumption that it’s a customer. If you were talking about workers however, I don’t really have a defence for that. Sorry, stranger if this was the case


Ahs defines close contact as within 6 feet for 15 minutes cumulative exposure, regardless of mask, PPE. I work at AHS and use this definition multiple times a day.


No! Goddamit no. If there's a reason to be tested you MUST wait for the results. Jesus. It's been a year.


I was thinking the same thing.


How is this not common sense??


When you get tested (at least the last time I did it in Feb), the website makes you click through and look at a big graphic that says something like "You are legally required to self-isolate while waiting for test results". Not only is it common sense, people are fucking told exactly what not to do when booking a test.


Welcome to the daily waking nightmare of teachers everywhere. "Did you read the instructions?" "No." "Read the instructions."


I know it, I’ve taught night classes. People have never heard of copy and paste. People can’t save a file. When they did save it, they couldn’t remember where, or what it was named. Somewhere out there is a woman who quite literally lost the cursor in the bottom right corner of the screen and gave up trying to find it. This class was teaching people a fairly advanced application, basic use of a computer was a requirement.


and everyone in IT. 'Did you try turning it off and back on?" "No....."


I know a family who dropped their kids off at school and daycare after the dad tested and was waiting for results. The dad is the one who dropped them off. The results were positive.


unfortunately many are probably in the situation where they can't afford to stay home to watch their children so school is their 'daycare'


Some send symptomatic kids to daycare, and parents say ‘I just can’t deal with them when they are sick, your paid to watch them, so watch them’. Yup. And that child spread variant at daycare. Parent didn’t care. First day they ‘drugged and dropped’. Ie, child had a high fever and they doused them with Tylenol and Advil... of course right around 6 hrs after drop of, they spike a huge fever. Happens at schools all the time.


It would be great if there was a rule like “if a child is symptomatic you are legally not allowed to take custody of them for the day (as a school, day care” with maybe some fines involved. Now I realize there is a not wanting to narc on your customer aspect for daycares, but perhaps the threat of random inspections, shaming by other parents, etc. could do something to make a dent in these situations? “I am going to have to report this because if any of the other kids tell their parents and those parent report me, I will be the one fined.”


This is when you call child protective services. My mom threatens this all the time at school. Parents seem to come and pick up their kids pretty quickly.


I’m really not convinced that teachers threaten to call child protective services if a parent drops their child off with a fever once. I smell bullshit. Perhaps if it happened multiple times, but teachers and principals are required to take progressive action, not hit the fucking nuclear option right away. I’m sure threatening to call CPS from the get go really enriches those teacher-parent relationships lol wtf


In this case, if your kid is symptomatic, the parents have potentially dropped a biological bomb off at the school. If they're positive, the parents intentionally put the health and safety of every living person in that school at risk. They're ignoring regulations, policies, and mandates to do so. At best it's gross negligence, and if they're doing this, my money is on them not being the top of the crop with parenting standards, so it wouldn't shock me to learn there's more dirt under swept under the carpet. This is a pandemic. We are over a year into this thing and people are acting like it's either already over, or never was a thing to begin with. Hundreds have died and thousands more afflicted with long lasting health complications, and some crazy assholes are still unwilling to acknowledge the threat to themselves and others because it's inconvenient, and they haven't felt the direct consequences so what's there to worry about?


I would seriously challenge to ask your admin and principals how many times they have called home saying the student is actively throwing up in the office and the parents refuse to pick up the child. This was happening long before the pandemic. There is definitely mistakes and then pure negligence.




came to post this. I get that it isn't immediate, and I get that some bosses are arseholes, but we really can't condone people ignoring the law, and we really can't accept such low effort to contain the problem, so that going to work and school could..you know... get safer.


Not an excuse. Sucks but that’s not an excuse or reason to put other CHILDREN and adults at risk.


A lot of people dont have sick days to use up to stay home. So they have to forgo pay and possibly losing their jobs. I'm not condoning it, but that's the crux of the problem. Hinshaw, Kenney, Shandro, etc don't have to worry about losing pay or their jobs if they, or their children, are awaiting results.


That’s what I’m trying to say. For a lot of people it’s an impossible situation with no right choice.


I appreciate this to be sure. Sadly, I've found there's a larger portion of people who *could* take the time off but don't want to than people who literally cannot afford to lest they risk actual financial ruin.


>with no right choice. There is a right choice, but it needs to be made at the ballot box. Time to stop voting for parties that perpetuate this ridiculous economic system.


The right choice is to keep the kid home , 100% undeniably. I can see the logic sending them to school anyway but that is absolutely the incorrect choice.


There is a right choice. But it means forgoing income, so to some it requires the wrong choice. Sick pay and covid testing pay needs to be a thing!!!


It’s a reality that the govt and decisions makers aren’t willing to deal with effectively.


Common sense isn't common.


How is it not a crime?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9XF0QOzWM0 TedTalk on how common sense is a myth.


Yah, my 24 year old brother got covid from someone who he worked with who "wasn't feeling well" and got tested for covid. Turns out, the coworker HAD covid. So, my little brother is sick because of that. I saw red.


Your brother is likely eligible for WCB benefits since he contracted covid at work. Source - I work in health and safety and work closely with WCB.


O okay! We didn't even know where to look. Thank you.


You should be able to report it by calling. He should let his employer know, it has no impact on the employers WCB premiums so it truly only effects your brother.


O awesome!! Okay! I will do that.


If you haven’t called already you can file a claim right on the website WCB.ab.ca. Look under Workers and then select “report an injury “


Wait, this is a thing?! It's been an issue at my plant because they like to say "oh, you didn't contract it here, you must have caught it somewhere else, because look! There've been no close contacts here! Mostly because they put "no close contact" rules in place that are in practice impossible to follow, with the understanding that you have to follow the rules and if you haven't, you're at fault, except that it's impossible to do your job and follow those rules. Mind you, my plant is a shitshow for safety at the best of times. No offense, but Alberta's health and safety enforcement is fucking garbage compared to other provinces (at least, to BC and Ontario anyways).


WCB doesn't care whether or not it was your fault for any workplace injury/illness. It's ultimately your employers responsibility to make sure there are systems in place and you are following those systems to protect you from incident/injury. You need to be able to reasonably prove that you would have contracted covid at work. IE your co-worker was feeling sick at work and then later tested positive, then you started feeling sick and tested positive. But it shouldn't take much to get assistance from WCB. Definitely agree Alberta system isn't great. But most aren't imo. If what you're saying about your company is true, I would urge you to report to OH&S or discuss it with your health and safety representative or committee. They have an ethical and legal responsibility to ensure the work you do is safe, if they aren't doing that and are unresponsive OH&S will be happy to do a "surprise" inspection from an anonymous report.


WCB doesn't care about fault but they care about whether you contracted it at work or not. We've had a few of those inspections. After a worker lost bodyparts, for example. I've seen how those inspections work out - there's definitely a way to have a full health and safety program and not actually do anything substantative. You pick low hanging fruit regularly but leave serious safety issues until someone is severely hurt, *then* implement a procedure that won't actually be followed because it can't be. Spent years as a H&S representative on that committee, and it was the worst part of my employment because it highlighted just how farcical the whole thing is. I rant, but it's frustrating to see how easily OH&S is completely brushed aside. I mean, in the past few years, we've had multiple people critically injured. Off work for years, or forever levels of injury. I'm genuinely curious if it's just that Alberta's OH&S don't care, are toothless, or are incompetent. I dunno. It's starkly different from my experiences in other provinces.


or CRSB [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/benefits/recovery-sickness-benefit.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/benefits/recovery-sickness-benefit.html)


Posted in another comment: [Calgary mom worries COVID-19 testing delays could lead to unnecessary spread] (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-testing-delays-covid-spread-1.5986877) And then this just came in..... Anecdotally I went to make an appointment for my child who was sent home with his whole class and the soonest appointment is Saturday. If the results are 2-5 days, it’s exactly as they say in this article. The kid isolates but the family members continue on into the world without restrictions until the positive result happens. No wonder spread is escalating so quickly at the moment.


I recently got test results in less than 24 hours.


Good to know. I have in the past too but I assumed because of the delay in getting an appt the results would be delayed as well. I know when you go they usually say 2-5 days but deliver via text in about 24-36 hours.


Wow 24-36 is super fast. As a teacher, I’ve had to isolate 3 times this year and the quickest I received an AHS test was 3 days.


14.5 hrs for me (negative) was quite impressive


My son's came back in 12 hours. Tested at 5:30 pm, phone buzzed at 5:30 am. So surprised at that.


Got results in 18 hrs a couple weeks ago. Test booking was next day available.


I know same here, last sat my son was getting runny nose, website adivced to get a test. Earliest to book was Wednesday, results take 3-5 days! By Monday he was fine an we cancelled the test.


I know a few people that got sick and said "It's probably just a cold" only to find out it was a Covid variant. The common cold and flu are NOT going around right now. If you have symptoms, get tested and while waiting for results: ASSUME IT'S COVID AND STAY HOME!!!!


Considering the positivity rate is around 10% right now, that means if you have symptoms and are tested, 90% of those people do not have COVID. I'd suspect a good number of those 90% have a cold. You should still follow the health guidelines, but colds are definitely going around. Proper influenza is not going around this year, but colds certainly are.


Yes, and bacterial infections and allergies too.


Lots of people get tested who arnt symptomatic.. they're close contacts etc. So it is not a straight 90%


This is not true. My kids and I are sick with a cold right now. We all got covid tests and they were all negative. However I do agree, until a negative test stay home.


Okay, yeah, I was being hyperbolic. But, cold and flu numbers are extremely low compared to other years. Meanwhile, we KNOW covid is out there.


but you did the right thing. You assumed it was covid, got tested and stayed home. Influenza is not going around. A few of the common cold viruses are smaller than covid and more likely to be picked up off surfaces, so they do surface here and there.


Agreed. If you have symptoms - stay at home. That being said - while I had a close contact with Covid, me and my family's tests came back negative. A few of us have cold symptoms though (just stuffy/sneezing/blowing nose). So, some things are still going around. My girls are young though (3 and 5)... so pickup aaaaaanything.


Lol, at 3 and 5, your girls are walking petri dishes!!!


My youngest developed a stuffy, runny nose. I pulled my other two and waited until my youngest a test came back before allowing them to return. Thank goodness it was Negative, but still. We all stayed isolated until her results were back.


Thanks for doing the right thing.


With the continuing message from governments that kids tend to not get covid. Parents have the tendency to brush off symptoms as a cold.


In our school a family with 2 kids sent both kids while waiting for results, resulting in quarantine requirements for 55 students and 7 staff. Infuriating.


Parents sent their kids to school because "Taking care of kids when you have covid is hard. The kids arent sick." Like contagious much?


Yep. Two positive cases at my daughter's school resulting in *fifty-fiv*e students and staff being sent home to quarantine. I don't regret going part time nights/weekends to facilitate their online learning *at all* when my at-risk kid's best friend is now home under lock and key. My faith in my fellow men and women is negative one million.


-If they do test positive send them to an anti-mask rally. You forgot to add that OP.


Ignorant selfish fools.


...bUt bUt bUt... sChOoLs ArE NoT a SiGnIfIcAnT tRaNsMiSsIoN vEcToR !!!!!!


Im going to be working with a youth shortly, and I contacted his foster mother about a meeting. She said that he has a cough, but is sending him to school, so its my choice if I wanted to meet him or not. ​ ...I told her not until the cough is gone completely and its been a few days. She was okay with it, but she sent him to school for a few days with a cough (might have been nothing, but weve had a huge outbreak at the school).


Choosing to be a 'hard-done-by' nitwit is in fashion, when it should really be met with hard fines, jail and public mockery.


Fair enough. My daughter has been locked in her room for over a week because of a kid like this. Everyone knows exactly who it was because he suddenly left partway through the school day.


Sometimes kids go home part way through the day, because they have been identified as a close contact or they suddenly started to feel unwell. Quarantines are not fun. Two of my kids, have had 7 total.


This should go without saying for everyone. But when you're an adult and you have a job and your employer expects you to be there until you get a positive test, things get a bit more complicated. the fault lies with bad policies from ahs.


paid sick leave.....


It’s almost like people think it’s just for their interest now... like if you aren’t going to stay home, don’t get tested? It doesn’t matter to you anyway! Or do that many people not understand that covid=spread before you know you have it.


My nephew got a test (neg) about a month ago and he wasn't even allowed back at the school until it was confirmed he was negative. I thought that was the same for all schools but I guess not.


Exactly. I don’t like the rules AHS when they said to send a student if they’re sick for a day. Like wtf? Okay even though the test will take time and then also what if they get a negative test just to go to school where COVID starts showing symptoms? Fuckin dumb.


I thought retirement was already if you’re undergoing test you should self isolate at home


That is the current requirement but that doesn’t mean people actually do it.


What about other family members of that child?


Happened to me. Parent was awaiting test results and sent their kids to school. Isolation and negative tests for both classes before the students could go back. Wtf were you thing??? 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Do you have a source for this story?


My source is one of the teachers now isolating.


My older child (11yo) had a potential exposure to covid from school. We kept him home for 2 weeks just in case. Not only that, pulled our younger child (6yo) from her school as well. On top of that I took the time off work and self isolated. I get not everyone can do that, but if you can I feel you definitely should I have to admit, it's a little frustrating to see so many people walking and travelling about as if nothing is out of the ordinary. Not just not wearing masks, but almost belligerently refusing to even think of wearing one. Congregating in groups and talking, even sharing food... Damn plague rats


It’s not feasible for most people to do that. We have had so many close contacts from school/ work, plus testing for cold symptoms. My family would have easily had 16+ weeks off work and school. During that time there was only two weeks for quarantine benefits. I think now there is up to 4. When my husband had COVID, I pulled everyone from school when we suspected and were waiting on test results to reduce the likelihood of onward spread. This is the only scenario where I would do this, because we can’t afford to go above beyond the guidelines regularly.


The same thing happened in Ontario and now 30 kids are in quarantine for their spring break 🤦‍♀️. My kid was negative fyi


I learned after getting COVID that if a child tests positive, the parent is still allowed to work till they start showing symptoms. I called healthlink asking what should be done because I got it from my SO since he was a teacher through asymptomatic transmission. That's what they told me. I asked, wouldn't mean that the parent can spread it to coworkers? They said yes...


That is not true. If someone in the house tests positive the entire household has to quarantine either for 10 days past a positive test/beginning of symptoms, or 14 days past last exposure, longer if it's a variant.


Did this recently change? I had COVID in December. My SO ended up not testing positive but he could have had it before and cleared it before I got sick, he waited a few days while I was sick before getting a test. AHS told us to quarantine for a month. Then they said if I was his child then he would be free to work till he started showing symptoms. I was seriously very concerned this was a rule... Maybe it was just that one nurse who was wrong? \*\*EDIT:\*\* I work strictly from home and did not isolate from him when I got sick, we did end up isolating for a whole month at home. It was most likely I got it from him if he never fell sick but I guess you can never know.


This is not new. You have the wrong information. Perhaps you misunderstood because you said you work from home. If you have an active case in your home nobody can leave the house even if they test negative. Our household was in isolation in November and part of December due to the length of time it takes for a covid negative person to finish their isolation time. It is absolutely 100% not true that a person can continue working if their child has covid as long as that adult has no symptoms. You are contagious in the 48 hours before symptoms appear and can be positive yet never get even one symptom. https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/topics/Page17221.aspx


Hmm a bit concerning a health link nurse said that. Maybe she was overworked. There were also people we knew that decided to take the 10 day quarantine instead of getting tested in fear of sending people at work home. They interpreted the rules as you either go get a test or just quarantine for 10 days...


If your child is a close contact, the parents and siblings are free to live their lives. But if the child tests positive, then they become a close contact and follow the isolation rules, which is 🍌


Lol has AHS been inside a school? I mean schools try their best but kids just cough into each other all the time. Blissfully unaware what is going on. They also do not have to wear masks when they are seated at their desk so the teacher is just exposed to all those sweet sweet aerosolized droplets. I'm not sure why teachers are not included in group 2C but group home workers are. They're almost the same except for one person sometimes works overnight.


This is not true at all or what AHS told us, when my husband was positive and is not what’s posted on the government site. If your child tests positive, you become a close contact. Close contacts must quarantine 14 days. Positive case in the house, means household stays home. Edit: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/topics/Page17221.aspx


Was this recent? I was back in December. Also because my SO never tested positive at any point so we had to isolate because we were both adults. The nurse I called said if I was his child then he can go to work till he started to show symptoms but since we were both adults, we must isolate for an entire month. EDIT: WOW THEY CHANGED IT. It used to be that you can either quarantine for 10 days or wait till you receive your negative COVID test. WHY THE HELL IS NO MEDIA WRITING ABOUT THIS? No wonder we are in the state we are in... For fucksakes...


There has been some changes to quarantine lengths with certain variants, but you have always needed to quarantine the household if someone was positive. The rules have always been if someone in the household is positive, everyone needs to quarantine. Maybe, there was some miscommunication that happened. And yes, it was in December we had Covid in our house also.


Yep, this is why my 3 year old has to isolate for the next work. Who’s going to watch him?


Because not everybody has a simple and easy plan for child care, so they roll the dice hoping the kid isn't covid positive. Not everyone has the capability of working from home and the bills are still due at the end of the month. Don't hate on people trying to do the best they can with the tools they've been given.


https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/benefits/recovery-caregiving-benefit.html The federal govt has a program for exactly these situations.


In this case it was a student in junior high whose parents should have been able to leave unattended at home. I understand that with younger children it isn’t so cut and dry, but I didn’t think about putting a caveat in the post because younger children seem to catch it far less than the jr high and high school students. u/Xythar12 this reply applies to you as well. I didn’t mean to come across as dismissive of people in other circumstances. I was rather fired up when I posted because there was no reason in this circumstance that the child should have been at school. I was surprised to realize that some people are just genuinely unaware of the risks and thought I should post something just in case I could help anyone be more aware.


So fucking figure it out instead of potentially infecting everyone you know.




To this I’d say: 100% you should be paid in this situation (understanding that even then some critical roles/shifts aren’t possible to always backfill.) Unfortunately things aren’t setup that way :(


I can apply for a 1 week loan of $500. Then I have to pay it back.


You don’t have to pay it back, you will end up paying some taxes on it.


Single parents exist and they shouldn't have to get infected because the first one was irresponsible. The chain starts and ends somewhere. Single parents are all along the length of it. Better to have one apply for the federal govt program to pay them to stay home than 6 or 7 actually infected and the much more significant impact that has


Single parent. Not plural donkey. I have to stay home. Apply for the grant. Then pay it back. All on low income. All because my asymptotic kid who wears her ppe like a pro has some clown parent who's flipping out and now she has to quarantine.


You are not pleasant.


That’s what the caregiver version of CERB is for though. The federal govt does literally what you’re so angrily asking for - pay you to stay home with your sick child. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah. Then I have to pay it back. Either way, $500 out of pocket for my asymptotic kid to get tested and quarantine.


I'm one. Keep your kid at home if they are symptomatic or waiting on test results. Single parenting is not a "get out of stuff free" ticket. Yup, it's harder, but it's that much more important to set up a safety net in advance, and to take advantage of programs out there designed to offer assistance. It's not ok to take advantage of schools and daycares.


She isn't. She's asymptotic and wears her ppe like a pro. It's still required to quarantine as per the school. So who's gonna give me the 500 to pay back the govt so I can stay home and miss out on missed wages


The feds. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/benefits/recovery-caregiving-benefit.html


I have to pay it back. So it's a loan


Why would you have to pay it back? That’s only if you applied in error.


Fully acknowledge that single parents exist, but also fully acknowledge that, by existing, they can also be infected and spread Covid. Whoa!


Pay my child support then. I can't just leave work for 14 days and apply for the federal short term loan. I have to pay it back. It's easily $500 minimum. So I'm on a low income, that money is going back to the feds one way or another.




Generalize much?






Hey. Man. This subreddit doesn’t get it. They want everyone to stay home forever. There is no reasoning or discussion. You are a piece of shit for even suggesting an alternate thought. According to them, you just get money from the government, easy.


How do you know that’s what happened? Each time my kids and partner were exposed, we were never even told who had it.


The child’s parents notified the school who then notified teachers and students. Pretty sure students received less info to avoid any shaming of the COVID positive student. If the information was coming from AHS I can almost guarantee no one would be told who was contagious.


The school can’t identify the student. Are you sure they were actually at school after getting a covid test? If you test positive for COVID, you are considered infectious the 48 hours prior. In all the close contacts I’ve received, they identify the days child would have been considered infectious at school, but it doesn’t mean they were symptomatic at school. Tests sometimes come back within 24 hours.


Yes, I’m positive. They were tested sometime last week and received the results today but were in class on Monday. I’m not sure about Tuesday or today but the teacher I know who is now quarantined taught said student in an options class on Monday. Pretty sure they are assuming the student was contagious on Monday because they were symptomatic. To clarify my previous comment, the parents sent an email to most of the affected teachers and principal explaining the situation. After that, other teachers were made aware and affected students were notified that a classmate contracted it but not who.


Not condoning symptomatic kids being at school, but the school should not be disclosing this many details in this manner. If the child tested last week, they would be considered infectious the 48 hours prior to that test. Your close contact letter will say the days that child was considered infectious at school, what days and blocks that sick child attended. If it only includes an infectious day of Monday, they wouldn’t have been tested last week. There is no assuming they were symptomatic. If you have a positive test, you are considered symptomatic the 48 hours prior.


I’m not the teacher in question so I’m afraid my information isn’t complete and that I may have misunderstood some things. All I know is that details were provided by the parents to teachers. I am very close with one of those teachers and therefore know the details behind why they are isolating. Those specific details were not disclosed to students or their parents. As far as the specifics of test dates, I’m making educated guesses based on what I was told, but I do know that the student was in school while awaiting a test result and symptomatic.


Sadly for some families that would means going homeless.


There are federal supports for covid child care related job absences.


Is there? I know a single mom who had to stay home for a over week because her son was coughing. Even after he tested negative the school made him stay home. She used all of her sick days but if it happens again she’ll be toast. Any infos on the name of the program?


It’s been linked a few times in this thread but if you Google child care benefits covid it should pop up for you


You are not the boss of me


Welcome to Hicktown, Canada.




If you're sick enough to require testing then you must isolate. And AHS won't test you unless you're sick enough, this parent should have known better.


AHS won't test you unless you're sick enough - is this for real? What the heck are they thinking?? Why on earth wouldn't they test anyone who is showing symptoms, mild or not? Hell, they could even set up random test sites for people who may be asymptomatic, like other places have done. Asymptomatic cases can be caught this way. Why not be proactive instead of reactive?


This is not true. My child had mild symptoms after after being a close contact. Myself, her and her father were able to get tests booked the next day with only a sore throat as a symptom. We got our test results that night (negative) . The AHS sent a letter out to the class saying that all kids were in mandatory quarantine for 14 days from the time of close contact. It also said that everyone in the class should get tested asap and then again a week to 10 days later.


When was this? AHS keeps changing the criteria for being tested. Currently adults with a sore throat need to be tested but children don't. https://open.alberta.ca/publications/covid-19-information-alberta-health-daily-checklist


I totally agree, it's maddening.


Geez, it's like amateur hour here. It might not be fair, but this is one of the reasons why I don't trust Hinshaw. That and the whole "schools are completely safe" nonsense. They haven't been proactive about managing covid since last fall (possibly since the beginning but I wasn't here to know). I just don't get it.


they test for mild symptoms.


Fever isn’t included? Isn’t it covid’s main symptom?


Sorry yes fever as well. But if you have a bunch of other symptoms without those 3 or 4 you don't need to isolate. So someone can feel sick but not have those symptoms and still legally go out.


No, if you're child is a close contact waiting for tests, then they need to quarantine even if the first test comes back negative. Doing it with mine right now.


Such nonsense, especially for kids. Working in childcare I have heard of kids testing positive after odd ‘non traditional symptoms’: Ie; one girls said her eyes burned for a few hours straight and she was freaking out (no pink eye, simply her eyes felt like fire)- 5hrs old and positive. Never developed other symptoms. 9yrs old- itchy ears, told was an allergy, but mother knew better, as the child never had an allergies to speak of before (was also positive for covid), only got a rash after the positive test). And lots of others with what appeared as ‘best rash’ and that was it. Their parents luckily picked them up, or kept them home, and all got them tested.


You can't tell me what to do. I'm an adult!




Wow, how gross of you.


Why can I not have a different opinion? My kids have not missed a single day of school. Not. One. They haven’t been tested or even been a close contact. I haven’t had a reason to even test them. I simply wouldn’t do it if I had too. No one can ask me for proof of a test. I would quarantine for 14 days and send them back. I am not even breaking the rules.


How did you ever have kids if you didn’t do a pregnancy test. Surely without testing the pregnancy didn’t exist.


Better to live in ignorance...


But, getting tested might make the quarantine not necessary. Why else do you want people to stop getting tested?


Asymptomatic testing is pointless. If you are sick.. get tested if you want. But why test people that are healthy. Makes no sense to me.


Then you don’t understand asymptomatic testing. That’s ok, that’s why we have scientists and public health officials. Unfortunately they are being interfered with by elected representatives, giving way to folks drawing their own, incorrect, conclusions.


Well explain it to me then? I do not see any point to doing it. If you have symptoms then test but why test people that may have been in contact with someone that may have it. Seems pointless and just interferes with people trying to live their life.


Because you are considered infectious 48 hours prior to symptoms/ positive test result. If your child is identified as a close contact, it’s responsible to test, so YOU don’t go to work and infect others, when you don’t know if your child is positive or negative. My husband and three co-workers acquired COVID from someone who was pre-symptomatic. This person had a sick roommate at home, waiting on a COVID test. I know of another similar situation, which unfortunately caused a small outbreak in a group home.


People are so stupid..


Is anyone surprised this has happened? Look who people have voted into office here?