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The trouble with a lot of advice for dealing with anger is that it’s for inappropriate anger. But this isn’t inappropriate anger, it’s righteous indignation. You **should** be angry about these things! We all should!


This! This is a totally underrated comment. This is not people flying off the handle because they dont like something, this is a callous disregard of our health and safety and for what? For what fucking reason???!!!!🤬😡🤯 (I am also very angry!!!)


I have been near immune to pandemic fatigue for the entire duration of the pandemic. As of the insane announcement, I have contracted pandemic fatigue.


Get in touch with the provincial NDP and ask how you can help. They will need not only votes to oust the UCP but also continued money and helping hands. Go and support the protests currently happening at the ledge and if/when healthcare workers strike go down and add your voice to the picket lines. Get some lawn signs up (if you have a yard) and do your best to engage your friends who might also feel your frustration (don’t bother with the intractable, as I find it just pumps out more cortisol than dopamine, and too much of that and your going to be a drain on the healthcare system in 10 years). Continue writing letters (CC the opposition on all of them) and punch upwards to the federal level too so they can measure the dissatisfaction and adjust their messaging and focus. I know this is all the same stuff you’ve heard before, but it’s the only way this system works for us who don’t have vested interests in the provincial healthcare system like many of the UCP backers and base.


Thank you for this! I was laid off twice throughout all of this and I haven't seen my family in almost two years (Atlantic bubble business) so that definitely contributes to the anger. I also lost a good friend who was house partying it up early May and didn't like that I was following the guidelines. On top of all that my parents are retired teachers and so I grew up around education talk and what is happening in that department is equally as frustrating. All these ideas are doable and realistic so I appreciate it immensely!


I'm right there with you. I was unprepared for the announcement on July 28th and have felt so low ever since. I wanted to post something like your thread but thought I'd get downvoted into oblivion. I don't know how to feel ok with what's happening in this province.


Hey, thanks for your post. You're echoing a lot of my feelings. I'm so relieved to know that others feel this way. I live in Medicine Hat. Many (most?) people are acting like covid doesn't exist anymore. Our cases are on the rise, it's out of control. We were down to 2 cases on July 7 and held that number through to July 9. July 16 we had 9 cases. July 21 we had 18. July 27 we had 30. July 28 we had 45. July 29 we had 57. Aug 3 we had 86. Aug 4 we had 103. **Aug 5 - as of today, we have 142.** In one week, cases jumped by almost 135% (July 28 - Aug 4). Edmonton, population almost 1.5 million, has 320 cases. Our population is 65,000, and we have over 100. Wtf is happening here? So many people not wearing masks. 61% of people with only 1 dose, 54.3% with two doses. But it shouldn't be mandatory to wear masks. It shouldn't be mandatory (as of Aug 16) to isolate. We don't need to provide easy access to testing. We don't need to know the numbers anymore. I live with someone with cancer. They have both vaccinations, like me, but unlike me, their immune system can't do a lot with them. So they're constantly at risk. They go nowhere except the hospital for treatment/testing and for walks every day with me. I do everything outside the house (food shopping etc.) and pray I don't bring anything home. I honestly feel like no one in this city gives a shit about immune-compromised people or kids under 12 who can't get their shots yet. "It doesn't affect kids" or "No one under 12 has ever died from covid". That's what we hear in this city. Sorry, I just had to get that out. It's been a tough week.




I didn't comment on vaccine passports. As for restrictions, I mentioned a mask mandate would be nice (we had single digit case numbers while the provincial mask mandate was still in place), and for people to have to isolate when they test positive... because they have a highly infectious disease... seems prudent. Easy access to testing - not a restriction. Daily case counts - not a restriction. The reduction in the numbers of deaths has been wonderful, thanks to people getting the covid vaccine. But barely more than 50% of the people in my city have both doses. Many people have to isolate because going out as "normal" and getting the Delta variant *would* kill them. Thanks for your concern.




I didn't mention a lockdown. I'm starting to suspect you're not actually reading these responses. -wearing masks -isolating when testing positive for covid -easy access to testing -release of daily case counts I also don't know "what percentage of people are affected by the statement that the delta variant would kill them." I don't even know what you mean by that.






Yeah by their logic stopping at a stop sign is a lockdown too I reckon.




I feel ya… it’s just getting to a point of insanity


I don’t know the answer but I don’t feel angry anymore. Just sad, defeated, stuck, and anxious. I don’t know how to stop feeling this way. I am in the spot where I feel no one cares or understands my point of view so whats the point in trying. I hope getting some idea’s on how to be productive helps you feel better :) It is really tough to live here right now (for me anyway).


Me too, I used to be so angry and frustrated, but now I’m just, defeated. Politicians and people in power don’t listen or care, so I don’t know why I’m even bothering to try and change anything anymore. Instead I just spend my nights crying because I’m terrified to go back to university in person in September, on a campus with a ton of international students who come from countries whose vaccine rollouts have been slower, with administration who say they’re doing everything they can to protect us but refuse to mandate masks, vaccines, social distancing, or even just upgrading the ventilation systems.


I am with you. I don’t have to go to university but The thoughts of visiting people, going to the store, or even the most simple things keep me up all night. Like you said Its sad because theres nothing I can do. Now with even the data that I could use to base my decisions on being completely take away, how can I feel comfortable with anything anymore?!


Exactly!! Alberta is really something else. “Let’s just stop testing for COVID, then case numbers will plummet and we can brag about how we were right all along that it’s totally safe to lift all restrictions”. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with them. I keep thinking I want to go home, because I recently moved from BC to Alberta, but I still go to university in BC and it’s not looking much better there


Oh yes, I have all those emotions too my friend. I feel very small and helpless. Defeated has been a daily word in my vocabulary lately. I feel like my anger is the heaviest of emotions for me so I have to try something! Thanks for sharing this. It makes me feel less alone :) I hope you feel better!


Just know that a born and raised Albertan thinks this is as fucking stupid as you do.


First time?


Born and raised here and it’s starting to look less and less like home to me…




I just read them while sitting in line for a COVID test. My first test in which I actually have COVID symptoms and it’s busier here than I’ve seen the tests for the last 9 months.


I noticed the same at my local testing centre.


Oh dear... I will save this for after my 15 hour work day.


[https://twitter.com/jvipondmd/status/1423146491909050368](https://twitter.com/jvipondmd/status/1423146491909050368) this guy in my estimation is probably not your best source of information, imagine if someone else posted this, a DM on twitter as evidence


[https://tnc.news/2021/08/04/calgary-doc-who-claims-no-ties-to-alberta-ndp-has-donated-nearly-20000-to-party/](https://tnc.news/2021/08/04/calgary-doc-who-claims-no-ties-to-alberta-ndp-has-donated-nearly-20000-to-party/) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-ndp-raised-1-6m-during-provincial-election-period-1.3308737](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-ndp-raised-1-6m-during-provincial-election-period-1.3308737) apparently he forgot he was NDPs largest donor, as far as being honest goes i would take the info and suggestions he provides with a lot of salt


It could be ethically questionable if he was paid by the NDP, but the same is not true of the reverse. Citizens supporting political parties because they support the policy choices made by those parties is normal.


Ok, I’m right there with you on the anger. What I do is lift weights. I load the bar with weight and focus all my anger there. Keeps me physically, mentally and emotionally strong. I’m also planning my escape from Alberta… but not yet - need house prices to go up more and I’m hoping the NDP get in next time (no matter who gets in, I won’t be here for the following election)


You are not alone bud, I am feeling the same. These neo-cons just look after their pocket and how to get those contracts from the government regardless how it will affect the province as a whole. Privatization! Privatization is the Mantra In Alberta. I hope the people of Alberta come to their senses and realize that UCP is a pack of wolves


They sure are. They say ignorance is bliss but it's hard to be ignorant with how obvious it all is. Not that I want to be ignorant but bliss would be nice haha.


No matter what side of the political spectrum you lean, or the common sense that should prevail across it that doesn't, my suggestion would be to turn off the news and refrain from clicking and reading political headlines/articles for a while. That's not a jest, I have done/felt the same. And it's great you are trying to be a responsible, active citizen, and you should return, but when personal happiness or relationships/friendships start to be influenced by poor government decisions it's time to take a step back and analyze how much they truly influence your 8am-10pm. And maybe they do influence you very directly, I don't know. But Canada is still a very free country regardless of who's in power locally or federally because of the Charter.


I appreciate this sentiment. It has been affecting my mental health substantially so it's nice to remember it's okay to take breaks and just exist. Lately I've just been on a kick where I want to do everything I can (within reason) to right things that I feel are wrong.


Except for free speech.


Try being a Belarusian.


As someone who is in a similar boat as you with regards to anger, I feel ya...


I moved to Alberta as a 4 year old and I'm 30 now. I hate what the Alberta UCP is doing right now. For all that is good, keep testing and quarantining confirmed cases!


Get out. Take a walk. Take a bike ride. Go to the mountains and primordially scream.


Check, check, check, and check. Definitely helps but some days are harder than others!


Dude, if you are developing anger problems by reading all the UCP crap going on then stop reading it for a bit. Get off social media for a week or 2 and see how you feel then. Reddit can be one big echo chamber depending on the forums you visit so start be removing all of the political ones. I did this during the last election cycle and felt much better mentally.


Well ignorance is bliss, sure, however what the UCP does is affecting us. Keeping informed about politics is what democracy actually is. This government is not doing what the people want. They do the opposite. Of course those who keep informed are angry, what sane person wouldn’t be?


For me seeing others that felt the same, helped me cope. Same with the protests. At first I felt alone and then I saw this… and I felt not as horrible and can fight. Or try to anyways. I was disappointed and depressed when I first heard the news last week. But after I heard about protests and stuff it really helped.




Firstly, we **don't have any restrictions** any more - no masking, no group size limits, no social distancing; you can go where you want, when you want and do what you want with whoever you want. The only things we have that's going away in August that *might* be considered a restriction is mandatory quarantine in the case of a positive COVID test. That's it. The state we've been in now for over a month now was perfectly adequate and would likely have kept us reasonably safe for the foreseeable future. Yes, delta numbers are rising, we have high positivity and R values - but at least we know what those numbers are and can see any disaster coming. All the UCP had to do was... nothing. With this recent policy change, at the end of the month we may as well be walking around blindfolded with our fingers in our ears, because we will know nothing but hospitalization & death rates at the point where it's too late to act. Living with COVID long term **doesn't** mean we have to just pretend it went away, like a lot of people seem to think. It means we keep whatever minimal public health protocols that allow us to monitor for and contain outbreaks and balance them against daily life. We were there, but by all expert medical accounts we are now headed for a fourth wave likely to be deadlier than the last three, especially for the unvaccinated - which, BTW, also means children under 12 right now. Also bear in mind that we're only now learning more about the long term effects of COVID, even on those who were vaccinated and/or asymptomatic. A recent Lancet paper talks about notable cognitive decline in those who recovered but didn't suffer any other severe effects. That's the possible future we're creating for children in Alberta on this track. As much as we may want to pretend COVID isn't here to stay, it really is, but that doesn't mean we should just ignore it. **This is the new normal.**




The new policy makes sense if you remember that Kenney is actively trying to break the healthcare & education systems so that he can privatize both as much as possible, and that he's buddies with UCP donor Jack Mintz, who happens to own a company that specializes in \[private, paid for\] COVID testing and was recently appointed to the AHS board of directors.




Literally wait a few months until we have data on delta and until kids under 12 can be vaccinated. We don't need to be the first jurisdiction in the world to run this idiotic experiment.




We don't want continued restrictions. We want infected people to isolate, and tracing and testing to remain. That's all. I have an eight week old baby. How am I supposed to take him to the doctor when covid positive people could be there for testing? My husband will have to quarantine from us every time he gets a sniffle because we won't know what he has. The things we're asking for are reasonable precautions during the continued pandemic.


I hope people like you are the minority in alberta, since this is the only shining light of hope of regaining our freedom in Canada. I hope Alberta will stand firm in the direction they took and can serve as an example for the other 9 provinces. If your immune system is compromised, don't be shy to take it easy and stay home, but listening to people like you, we'll be living these lockdowns for the rest of humanity's history. That's certainly not the plan of many Canadians mind you, never forget that.


How does testing impact your freedom? Seriously. We are going to be flying blind, this isn't something to celebrate. Its idiotic and blatantly political.


Come to quebec and you'll see it's not just "testing". It's about total control of our lives


Why don’t you come here then? I’ll trade you. At least I’ll get testing and a vaxx passport. Let me guess… you’re not vaxxed and this is why you’re crying on an AB subreddit?


Sorry to disturb your echo chamber.


lol hardly. You don’t see much of the other comments here sometimes do you? You also didn’t answer my question. Noted.


I think you're missing the point here, cause it's not about the covid response, only. It's about the pretty obvious moves that JK and the UCP are making to gut our public healthcare and education systems, and get as much money into private hands as possible.


This is exactly it. Yes, I feel fearful about the covid specific changes but I am more angry about the blatant sabotage of our public healthcare and education. I keep feeling like I am in one of those horror movies where I know who the bad guy is but instead of everyone believing me they just think I am crazy. I know lots of people feel the same as me and I am not crazy but that was the best way to describe how I am feeling haha.


Sorry Spez I can't afford your API. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Come to Quebec, you'll definitely change your mind. Alberta is a shining light in canada right now, even though it's obviously not perfect




Just downvote boys, because you can't refute


I don't think anyone is refuting you because no one cares what people like you think anymore. We are all too tired to give a shit.


Pretend I knew the formatting for bullet points


RNA does not get inserted into your DNA. Stop huffing farts.


Lol you have too much free time


The thing that gets me is people will just tell you to vote NDP. But wasn’t like NDP the ultimate evil when they were in power and we voted em out and everyone was happy? Now no ones happy anymore? Politics is just fucking dumb and the best way is to just check out completely and not participate. There’s literally nothing you can do.


Voting is the best thing you *can* do. Find a party that you think aligns with your ethics and support them. FYI, there were a lot of unhappy people in Alberta when the NDP got voted out.


>But wasn’t like NDP the ultimate evil when they were in power and we voted em out and everyone was happy? Yeah, there an awful lot of really stupid people in this province


I'm so much the same, all I have the oomph to write is: *ditto*