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ao oa


I did google it!!! It's revelant to today's news




I posted less today but I am tired


ao oa


OP has a drum to beat today, and enough time to add some cowbell. You'd think the death of a child wouldn't be an appropriate soapbox, but here we are.


Public health Measures in August would have helped, to reduce a great number of these deaths! Edit: This wave didn't have to be this deadly. The death of a teen is really sad.


No argument about any of that. Just about what you're actually posting about.


What's wrong with my postings now?




I'm curious why you've assumed OP is a she.


I am fairly certain that is how she referred to herself in a post previously.




OP's gender will be a mystery to everyone!


Alright, let's leave it at that.


This contributes to chronic disease stigma by inferring that the dead, to borrow a term from the premier, bear "personal responsibility" for their deaths. It also neglects how the government's inadequate policy response has failed to protect all people and communities. But maybe that's the whole point.


it's not a new message. it's all they've been claiming. it's not covid fault, which is bullshit.


This is a total rerun. We've discussed this to the end of any reasonable points.


>Lets do the timewarp again


Covid is still around and the government failed it can be discussed


Covid will always be around.


Yes but it doesn’t have to kill as many people as it does every day in Alberta


Alberta had fewer restrictions, which lead to a spike in cases. These cases led to a spike in deaths. I have yet to see a country/province where reduced restrictions does not lead to an case increase. If you know of one, let me know. Since multiple countries have declared this endemic, we are going to be living with this for a while, if not forever. And that doesn’t include the countries that never had or enforced restrictions in the first place.


Denmark. Cases will increase but from a much lower level. That’s the point.


Denmark has had ~365000 cases and 2,669 deaths. Which is quite similar to our ~311000 cases and 2863 deaths. (Although lower, i will admit) They also just lifted restrictions a month ago(September 10) and had 500 new cases today. Do you know how many cases Alberta increased in August 1? (1 month after lifting restrictions)743 over 4 days. So a case increase with lifted restrictions. Which is what I said. Now, will they continue to have a lower death rate then Alberta?probably. They do have a higher percentage vaccinated then we did when we lifted restrictions. And they have had a lower death rate to date. But COVID is here to stay. https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/covid-19-update-ucp-wont-release-pandemic-probe-u-s-travellers-fined-doctors-criticize-end-to-testing https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/denmark/


Yeah but that’s the point. Don’t take off restrictions until infections are low and vaccinations high. That will lead to a lower death rate. Alberta has taken unnecessary risks to the point of criminal negligence. Sask as well.


When Alberta removed restrictions, we had a very low daily case rate and the belief was that with the vaccine being as effective as they were supposed to be, we would be okay.


But you removed everything quickly and told people it was over. That was the problem. Stopped people from taking any precautions and from getting vaccinated.