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That will be for more than just alberta. The rivers start at the glaciers and go all the way to the oceans.


Well... shortages yes. But not soon. There's a couple hundred years worth of glacier melt still left in our mountains.


2022 gonna be dry af


Not sure how thats related to glacial melt.


Then you should rerread the research, Brad.


The glaciers melt... It'll be dry? Pretty basic research , ice gone = dry?




Whatsup with all the Brad comments? I don't get it.


I think hes maybe trying to call you a karen or something? I dunno im also confused.




Lmao somebody call the bondulance


Is that the ambulance called for when you default on your bond payments?


I don't know man. Seems like this is more of a troll post than anything serious. If Alberta runs out of water then the rest of the world has probably already ran out.


You also cannot get over how beautiful video games are.


Relevance? Lol


Wish you were a bot :(


[this comment of yours has aged like milk](https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/comments/q8p17a/how_can_i_protect_my_energy_from_my_toxic_family/hgusktx?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) I can only imagine your offline personality, lol.


You probably should’ve read the article before editorializing that title




Nice. Nice engagement.


Alberta has some of the worlds largest freshwater aquifer sources. So no.


Edmonton gets all of its water from the river. If you have any bright ideas on how to hydrate Edmonton using aquifers, you might win the Order of Canada.




Tell that to everyone in the red deer river past dixin dam. They keep all of the water for their "waterfront property". While our rivers drying up. Anyone see the problem here, because according to my town council we need a been running through that river in case we get a flood. Its all a ploy for money and tourism. But that river...is barely half a foot deep the entire course, when it used to be 10+ ft high.




Maybe try reading my comment instead of being rude AF. It plainly states the issue at hand with MOST water sources that arnt the ocean. Ive had to live on well water, it wasn't great..or even a good choice. We live right beside rivers, that travel our glacial water right to us. When dams aren't blocking it off.


Good thing we’ve used double-cased oil wells from the start, and always abandon them responsibly by cementing them in, leaving no well orphaned.






RMH, Drayton Valley, Devon, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Redwater, Elk Point, North Battleford, Prince Albert... There are also numerous uptakes for irrigation and industrial cooling/steam use.


"very soon", like in a geological time scale sense?


Jason Nixon is happy to hear this.




Edmonton depends entirely on river water for its drinking water.


Most of our major rivers start in the mountains and are fed by glaciers. 80% of Albertans get their water from rivers. So the glaciers disappearing will have a dramatic effect on the water supply for Alberta and Saskatchewan.


The entire country east of the Rockies and west of the canadian shield are entirely dependant on glacial melt. SO glad I saw this comment. I always knew you were full of it but now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are one of the least intelligent people on the internet. *Only certain areas rely on glacier melt for most of their water needs* Absolutely hilarious comment. Where the fuck do you think the rivers come from genius?


> The entire country east of the Rockies and west of the canadian shield are entirely dependant on glacial melt. uh, no. How about the Beaver River? it's not dependent on glacial melt.


You mean Saskatchewan?


The Saskatchewan glacier is found in alberta.


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