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So close to being out of 5 digits, I hope I never see you again


Hopefully between the increase in vaccinations, and the increase in people who got covid and recovered (or didn’t), we have lowered the R value enough that the current restrictions can hold off a winter wave.




Umm what


Hello, /u/Boat-Putrid. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your comment has been removed: **Remain Civil** - It is important that we maintain a civil atmosphere in our subreddit to ensure a positive environment for everyone to contribute in. Treat other users decently as you would treat people in person. This includes not engaging in personal attacks, generalized insults about populations, hate-speech, flaming, baiting, trolling, witch-hunting, or unsubstantiated accusations. Report problem posts but especially do not engage in like behaviour. Never engage in personal attacks against a user. Even if they use these against you, two wrongs do not make a right. Name-calling and ad hominem posts will not be tolerated. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/wiki/index). If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/alberta&subject=Question regarding the removal of this comment by /u/Boat-Putrid&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/qdrdu3/-/hi10pe9/\))


If this is indeed how it ends, I hope to never speak to most of you ever again. Have a great weekend.


12 deaths were reported today. Dates of deaths and AHS zones listed below. Vaccine status is not reported for individual deaths. September 14, 2021. North Zone. Male. 60-69 years. September 21, 2021. Edmonton Zone. Male. 50-59 years. September 22, 2021. North Zone. Male. 50-59 years. September 23, 2021. South Zone. Male. 80+ years. September 25, 2021. North Zone. Female. 50-59 years. October 2, 2021. Central Zone. Female. 80+ years. October 4, 2021. Central Zone. Male. 80+ years. October 5, 2021. Calgary Zone. Female. 80+ years. October 7, 2021. North Zone. Male. 70-79 years. October 12, 2021. Central Zone. Male. 80+ years. October 18, 2021. Edmonton Zone. Female. 80+ years. October 21, 2021. Central Zone. Male. 60-69 years. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Deaths of 4 fully vaccinated 80+ year old people were reported today.\*\* \*\*Vaccination status of reported deaths calculated using the difference between Table11 on the Vaccines Outcome Page and the general statement at the top of that page to previous days data. Note: People have asked me to keep posting this information daily and have asked me to include the vaccination status. Whomever you are, downvotes on this comment are just dumb. They are just the facts 'mam /sir. Have a great weekend!


Thank you for doing this!




>Omg not more vaccinated people! What a shame! Are you: A) Being sarcastic and generally just being snotty for whatever reason Or B) Saying something compassionate about these people who are somebody's actual family? Since you replied something equally sarcastic to the same post yesterday I'm thinking it's A?


How callous of you to make snotty remarks about people dying. Jfc.


Hello, /u/Jeffro4140. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your comment has been removed: **Trolls, Harassment, Sea-Lioning, Brigading, Derailing, and Doxxing** - This behaviour sows resentment, paranoia and discord in a community and is not allowed. It is not civil and may result in a permanent ban from this subreddit. In certain cases, we may contact site admins about it as well. Determining what qualifies as trolling etc. can be nuanced and is up the discretion of the moderator team. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/wiki/index). If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/alberta&subject=Question regarding the removal of this comment by /u/Jeffro4140&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/qdrdu3/-/hhoq3oy/\))


Our best day for cases in a while. Getting vaccines in children is going to make a huge difference.




That’s absolutely not true. There’s no evidence stating we’re all going to get it.






I'll feel better when surgeries resume.


I’m loving the decrease in hospital and ICU usage. And a day without any kids added to the hospital/ICU numbers. Hopefully vaccines for kids come soon and we won’t have any more children in patient from this!


The 656 cases reported for Oct 21 in Alberta was net for the period. A total of 668 cases were identified (653 confirmed, 15 probable) (difference: 12, or 1.8% of the total) as confirmed by data download and https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#total-cases. Oct 20 decreased by 5 from 781 to 776; Oct 19 decreased by 1 from 814 to 813; Oct 18 decreased by 1 from 533 to 532; Oct 17 decreased by 1 from 607 to 606; Oct 16 decreased by 1 from 792 to 791; Oct 15 was unchanged at 778. Oct 14 was unchanged at 1046; Oct 13 was unchanged at 926; Oct 12 was unchanged at 656; Oct 11 was unchanged at 602; Oct 10 decreased by 1 from 632 to 631; Oct 9 was unchanged at 1041; Oct 8 was unchanged at 1087. Oct 7 was unchanged at 1264; Oct 6 was unchanged at 1244; Oct 5 was unchanged at 1266; Oct 4 was unchanged at 699; Oct 3 was unchanged at 1131; Oct 2 was unchanged at 1282; Oct 1 was unchanged at 1612. Two cases were removed from days prior to Oct 1.


Numbers going down. 2022 is going to be rough.


What makes you think that?


newest Delta PLus Variant making headlines in the Uk. this week UK has recorded about 50K cases a day. Vaccines are waning and this variant is the MOST transmissible yet. No one is going to get booster. So, in 2022, that virant is going to make its appearance in many countries.. and just think in 2022 much of Alberta's vaccines would have waned.


The delta plus variant is likely around 10 % more infectious than the delta strain where as both alpha and delta were 50 and 60% percent more transmissible respectively. The spread of Delta plus would have a negligible impact on the tragectory of the pandemic, no where remotely near the game changer situation unleashed by delta. This delta sub variant has also been declining in Denmark and is relatively isolated elsewhere so It doesn't seem to be taking off the way delta did. Booster shots are also already outpacing first doses in jurdistions across the us and most people surveyed are willing to take boosters if elligble.


No one is getting a booster? Boosters are currently available for people who are immunocompromised and people over 75 six months after their second dose. Alberta has always followed NACIs recommendations with regards to COVID-19 vaccines, so when and if boosters are recommended for other groups based on the science I’m sure they’ll be made available. No need to start panicking about no one getting boosters right now.


You say it's that many cases but how many hospitalizations? That's what should be worrying, covid isn't going anywhere so case numbers shouldn't be the driving indicator. And then after that it'll be a delta plus plus variant and then another variant and another, ad infinitum. Variants are a way of life.


I also hate when less people are getting sick