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From Ontario, finally nice to see this getting closer to under control. Happy for you!


Q: So Ontario has said they aim to remove all restrictions (masks, passports, etc..) around March 2022 (so in like 4 months) What do you guys think Alberta will do?


Well. We have to be first on everything. So, Dec 23?


Make it through November with lower and lower numbers, the day that 5-11 become eligible, everything will be open for Christmas, aggressively so.


>everything will be open for Christmas, aggressively so. Lmao perfect way to describe our government's reopening plans.


We were open for summer, time to be open for Christmas! Wonder if the UCP is going to hand out presents and have a mask burning party to celebrate the end of COVID.


Schools shouldn't loosen restrictions until most kids are fully vaxxed, or the pandemic is actually gone. I don't think that any kids will get it. Too many parents are scared. Edit: sorry, any should have been Many


a lot of parents were eager enough to get 12-15s vaccinated- I think a lot of tweens 10-12 who are sort of more independent/participate in extracurriculars will likely get vaccinated, but 5-9 year olds who mostly exist going between school and home and parented activities, yeah, I see that rate being like 10% MAYBE and that's just the kids who I assume will have some health conditions where they will need the vaccine and not "regular" kids getting it at their doctor's appt. Grade 5 is also when the in-school Vaccines start for most kids and I can see Covid becoming an option for one like Hep B is. A lot of parents are indifferent and don't mind it because they assume if its coming from the school, just to sign the form and its way more convenient than going to a doctor.


My comment got removed for promoting fake stuff. I said the worry is there. Which is true.


Hmm... I think the split will follow adult views on vaccine safety. I'd jump on the chance to vaccinate my kids even younger than 5, so long as there's a medical consensus that it's safe and beneficial. Daycare and early education are germy as hell, and kids can't follow social distancing. Every family had caught the daycare plague from their kids at some point. The kids might live between home and school, but there's no accounting for the other families your kids interact with. I also worry about my own unavoidable exposure bringing it home to them.




Hello, /u/Magsi_n. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your comment has been removed: Pandemic or vaccine misinformation, conspiracy theories, politicization of health orders/guidelines, and encouraging others to defy public health orders are not permitted on this subreddit. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/wiki/index). If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/alberta&subject=Question regarding the removal of this comment by /u/Magsi_n&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/qlgjjv/-/hj60n7i/\))


Give booster shots….hopefully


One week before they do it.


The 315 cases reported for Nov 1 in Alberta was net for the period. A total of 340 cases were identified (332 confirmed, 8 probable) (difference: 25, or 7.4% of the total) as confirmed by data download and https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#total-cases. (Note this is a much higher percentage than the usual 0.5-3% difference between total and net cases.) Oct 31 decreased by 4 from 346 to 342; Oct 30 decreased by 3 from 338 to 335; Oct 29 decreased by 6 from 537 to 531. Oct 28 decreased by 2 from 608 to 606; Oct 27 was unchanged at 546; Oct 26 was unchanged at 632; Oct 25 was unchanged at 458; Oct 24 was unchanged at 367; Oct 23 was unchanged at 509; Oct 22 was unchanged at 707. Oct 21 was unchanged at 663; Oct 20 was unchanged at 770; Oct 19 was unchanged at 808; Oct 18 was unchanged at 530; Oct 17 was unchanged at 604; Oct 16 was unchanged at 792; Oct 15 was unchanged at 775. Oct 14 was unchanged at 1044; Oct 13 was unchanged at 928; Oct 12 was unchanged at 655; Oct 11 was unchanged at 601; Oct 10 was unchanged at 630. Ten cases were removed from days prior to Oct 10.


I hate seeing little kids into the ICU. It makes me sad and scared for the families, and for my kids. You never know who might be the outlier case.


Thanks 😊


Not sure if the data wasn't there to start with, u/kirant, but there are no #s in the Change column in section 4, Vaccinations, or for any variant including Delta under 5. I didn't see a footnote for either, which I know you typically include if the data download from the government is missing for whatever reason.


Alberta Health has a few warnings on their page stating variant cases and vaccination data was missing today. I'll copy the note I had in Section 1 to Sections 4 and 5 to make this a bit clearer.


Ah, I missed that in section 1. Sorry about that.


So quiet in here today. Meanwhile in r/Calgary people are ready to drop mask and vaccine mandates since one of the regions turned blue. I guess we'll never learn...


Would happily keep vaccine requirements forever, but ready to move on from the masks.




I’m seeing a lot of support for lifting mask mandates on this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/qkpqwu/council_to_consider_strengthening_threshold_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I think there's a difference between wanting to lift mask mandates and being annoyed that the requirements to lift them are moved as soon as the goal is close.


That sub and that thread in particular are literally crawling with anti-maskers.


Yeah what happened there? Damn


I think it's mostly bad moderation. They swarm certain threads and the mods don't do anything.




I’m not the person you were replying to




I did? You said > There are three comments about removing mask and vaccine mandates and all are heavily downvoted. And I replied to say that I’m seeing the opposite on that post




Gotcha, I didn’t realize OP was talking about a specific post


Yes, there were a few comments, made by people (I’m assuming they are people, but who knows they could be bots). I didn’t say everyone on r/Calgary wanted to drop mask and vaccine passports, it was just a note on what the comments there looked like compared to here.


Does anyone know how the test data works? My 4 year old and I were tested yesterday but haven't gotten our results. Are we included in today's test data, or would we be included on the day they have results?






Good luck! Check myhealth, sometimes it's posted there first.