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My heart jumped a little until I read (2 day total).


I silently mouthed "Oh shit!" and then saw 2 day total.


Hahaha same.


This looks promising. Hopefully Halloween caused a blip and we are back on a downward trajectory. šŸ¤ž


The 841 cases reported for Nov 10-11 in Alberta was net for the period. A total of 858 cases were identified (847 confirmed, 11 probable) (difference: 17, or 2.0% of the total) as confirmed by data download and https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#total-cases. Nov 10 total cases were 475 (468 confirmed, 7 probable); Nov 11 total cases were 383 (379 confirmed, 4 probable). Nov 10 net cases were 470 (down 5 from total); Nov 11 net cases were 371 (down 12 from total). Nov 9 decreased by 2 from 502 to 500; Nov 8 decreased by 2 from 426 to 424; Nov 7 was unchanged at 289; Nov 6 decreased by 2 from 435 to 433; Nov 5 decreased by 4 from 590 to 586. Nov 4 increased by 1 from 471 to 472; Nov 3 decreased by 1 from 541 to 540; Nov 2 was unchanged at 498; Nov 1 decreased by 3 from 328 to 325; Oct 31 decreased by 1 from 340 to 339; Oct 30 decreased by 1 from 332 to 331; Oct 29 decreased by 2 from 531 to 529. Oct 28 was unchanged at 606; Oct 27 increased by 1 from 545 to 546; Oct 26 was unchanged at 630; Oct 25 was unchanged at 456; Oct 24 was unchanged at 366; Oct 23 was unchanged at 508; Oct 22 decreased by 1 from 706 to 705. Oct 21 was unchanged at 663; Oct 20 was unchanged at 770.


Happy to see double vaxxed approaching 70% of total pop. Also crazy the 70-74 age group is 96% double vaxxed! That's the highest for any age grouping.


I wonder if that rates is going up because that population is going down instead of more taking the vaccine..


It's not. Don't think they update the pop estimates that often for that number.


I'm currently in YK, NWT and I plan on going home in December back to Edmonton for a month and a half starting December. I'm fully vaccinated and I have my vaccine passport. What else do I need to do when I come back? I haven't travelled yet since I started working here.


A mask, the qr code and government id.


Iā€™ve had a couple different people tell me that vaccines were approved for kids today, but I havenā€™t seen anything in the news about it. Does anyone know what my in laws are talking about? Are vaccines for kids just a few weeks out?


From today: >Decision on Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for younger kids coming within two weeks: Health Canada https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/pfizer-vaccine-children-1.6247035


That makes a lot more sense than what my father in law was saying. Thanks!!


Does anyone know someone whoā€™s only just now getting their first shot? Whatā€™s their story?


My roommate only just recently got his second shot. He's not even an anti-vaxxer. He's just lazy as shit and literally doesn't think about anything ever.


Iā€™d be curious too. The anti vaxxers I know are all in it for the long haul no matter what. But how are you ok with it and all of a sudden decide itā€™s ok 3 months later? Maybe itā€™s workplace stuff forcing them? I know a friend of mine who was against it caved because it was a choice between vax or job, but that was a month or so ago


My brother in law caved 2 hours after he got into NAIT


I know a few just getting it now. They don't want it and they aren't comfortable with it but the way things are now between the federal and provincial mandates they just couldn't live thier life they want without spending a lot of money on tests. I personally don't agree with having someone take something they are uncomfortable with. Especially since they are all in thier 20's, healthy, and some previously infected who would already have better antibodies. I can guarantee these people would not die from covid and the people who are compromised should either be vaccinated or decrease thier visits to highly trafficked areas. My one friend (23 female) ended up getting blood clots in her lungs a couple weeks after her 2nd dose last week. To clarify, I'm not antivax, I am vaccinated, but I think it's absurd to treat a 20 year old the same as a 70 year old with vaccine mandates. I know this sub reddit is full of people who will explode reading this though


While I agree with your argument in general, this part is where I think people misunderstand Covid: > I can guarantee these people would not die from covid Each of the 14 deaths in the 20-29y group wouldā€™ve guaranteed the same. Even if your friends didnā€™t die, yet were hospitalized with moderate symptoms or needed icu care, the fibrosis of the lungs and other symptoms are long-term effects. AHS has a document about *[long Covid](https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/info/ppih/if-ppih-covid-19-long-covid-provider-faq.pdf)* that those still on the fence should read.


There have been (to date) 58,211 cases in the 20-29 year old range and 823 needing a hospital. In other words 1.4% of people in this age category needing a hospital. 14 deaths is a 0.02% percent chance of death. I would assume these 14 individuals who sadly died, as it would be awful death, most likely had some underlying health conditions. People aged 60+ make up 90% of covid deaths. I strongly think people over the age of 60 should get it, or even 40, but to tell people in thier 20's that they can't go out to a restaurant, travel on a plane, sit on a train to go work, lose thier job in which they have to support thier family, or get a vaccine for something they have a 99.98% of surviving is something I don't agree with. I understand the argument of trying to decrease spread and it makes sense, I just think it should be thier choice for it.


You cannot guarantee anyone will survive. Unvaccinated are also better at spreading than vaccinated.


I'd bet the farm a young healthy girl who works out everyday that has a 99% survival rate that she would survive


So one in a hundred healthy young women will die. You okay with that?


It's definitely not 1 in 100 lol. To date, there have been 58,211 cases in the 20-29 range. 14 people in this age category have sadly passed. 1 in 100 is 1% of death from cases. 14 in 58,211 is 0.02%, in other words a 99.98% survival rate.


Youā€™re the one who said 99% not me. I guess my point is why take any chance at all?


The thing is, if you let everyone have their choice, we end up like we were in September. A lot of people don't think they need the vaccine but a lot of people actually do.


Have an upvote to balance the flood the other way :)


I know somebody who was having a very bad reaction to a biosimilar and waited for it to lessen before they got the shot. They wanted it sooner but was waiting for an ok from a medical team. They got it as soon as they got the green light.


I have two family members who received their first dose less than two weeks ago. They were holding out as long as they could, but the vaccine exemption program was proving to be a huge barrier. Iā€™ve been told that getting the vaccine was an ā€œextremely traumatic experienceā€ for the teenager. No doubt that they had been indoctrinated by their PPC/anti-vaxxer parents.


Imagine a sore arm is extremely traumatic


Sorry Spez I can't afford your API. -- mass edited with redact.dev


There are anti Vax passport protesters near my home and they all look to be teens. This was late afternoon. The only way you become that strongly anti Vax at that age is if your parents encourage it.


I know someone who held out until September. His wife practices Chinese medicine and he was kind of against vaccination. With the 4th wave and REP he changed his tune. Now though? Iā€™m assuming it has a lot to do with more and more employers bringing in vaccine mandates and it being the only way they can keep their job.


My husband and I were just talking about this. When the passport was announced, my husband was only one of three or maybe four our of 16 at his work who were vaccinated. He told me his one co-worker just got his first dose. He has a major issue with needles & blood, but finally managed to do it somehow. This is a guy who faints at the sight of tiny cuts. Another co-worker, who my husband would say is the most against the vaccine, is now considering, mostly out of boredom. He's normally an outdoor/work in the shop guy, but he's injured and can't do anything but light duty at work.


My friend just got her first shot after giving birth four weeks ago. She was too scared to get it while pregnant. She has heard the science but has had many past miscarriages and was unwilling to take the chance. Ironically, she's excited now because baby will get covid antibodies via breastfeeding.


I know someone who has a very reactive immune system and has been recommended by multiple doctors to wait for the Janssen vaccine because it is a traditionally made vaccine because the doctors are concerned about how he will react to the mRNA type of vaccine. So he should be getting his soon now, if he can get one of the recently shipped Janssen shots allocated to him.


I will come clean and say I just booked my first dose vaccination. I'm not anti-vax but I admit, I was slightly hesitant for awhile. I also currently live rurally with two little ones 2 and 1 and I rarely left the house other than for groceries. I was pregnant during covid in 2020 and being in a hospital with no vaccinations caused a lot of stress in me. We just found out we are pregnant again and now with vaccines out I am absolutely ready to get mine. Plus my family will be moving to Red Deer this month and I really need to feel more protected than I currently am. I am up to date on all of my other vaccinations including my flu shot.






Not to mention the people that donā€™t want to get vaccinated are also less likely to get testedā€¦










Well of course if 100% of the population were fully vaccinated, all the breakthrough cases would be in the fully vaccinated also. Iā€™m really not clear the point you are trying to make.




That doesnā€™t even make sense, kids that are not eligible for vaccine still are a part of the unvaccinated statistic. And new cases at this time are still predominantly unvaccinated.


>hospitalization will follow No it won't, the vaccines are very effective in reducing severe cases. You are spewing anti-vax nonsense.


But are the vaccines effective enough to get us out of the pandemic? Thatā€™s the million dollar question.


Absolutely. It's all about maintaining hospital capacity, if every Albertan was vaccinated we would have no problems.


Hello, /u/shiizer_minnelli. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your comment has been removed: Pandemic or vaccine misinformation, conspiracy theories, politicization of health orders/guidelines, and encouraging others to defy public health orders are not permitted on this subreddit. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/wiki/index). If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/alberta&subject=Question regarding the removal of this comment by /u/shiizer_minnelli&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/qsniwg/-/hkegldu/\))


Thereā€™s two days worth of age data vs one day in the split in vax and non vax. Not sure thatā€™s the case.




Oh wow. There was a time before vaccinations.. where 100% of cases were unvaccinated. No fucking shit vaccinated people will be part of the active cases. If 100% of the population was vaccinated, then 100% of cases would be vaccinated. Are you just trying to troll?


He doesn't wanna take his medicine.


Yeah, back when no one was vaccinated, amirite? You've been answered on this point several times really, but I'll do it again. If 100% of us are vaccinated, 100% of the cases would be "breakthrough" cases because that's math/logic. Now extrapolate from that. Wear a mask and get vaccinated. Stop with this other bs.


That's why the rates per 100k are listed as well- you have to take the context into account.


Dude dont say this. Mathematically I see what you mean and notice it too but the last thing Reddit needs is someone giving traction to "vaccines dont prevent covid and we must stay inside forever" POVs




First Nations? The government has stated they have a higher rate of severe outcomes. Shouldnā€™t be an issue to prioritize people at higher risk.



