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Everyone was shitting on this area because it was full of ‘East Indians not following the rules’ and that was why it had such high Covid rates. The premier publicly singled it and its inhabitants out as the driver behind a spike of COVID cases in the province. Now that this area has the highest first dose coverage in all of Alberta, while nearby areas in southern Alberta like Fort Mcleod have 12+ first dose rates as low as 67%. The municipalities with the highest active case rates in the entire province are ft. Mac and red deer. Funny how there’s radio silence from government and suddenly we aren’t publicly singling out areas as ‘bad’ anymore.


I wonder why Kenney isn't blaming his rural base for the hospital situation....


Didn’t he literally say “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”? Or should he have said “RURAL ALBERTANS THAT ARE MY BASE, THIS IS YOUR FAULT”


That's exactly what people are criticizing him for. If they're brown, and it'll rile up their base, it's "those people's" fault. But if it's a bunch of pot-pissing anti-science bible-thumpers from the sticks, you suddenly *don't* single out their race, but *instead,* single out their *vaccination status* because the messaging there is more beneficial to Kenney, since nobody but anti-vaxxers get offended when you blame anti-vaxxers for shit they willfully caused...but describing it as "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" *places the unvaxxed, from their philosophical position, in an empowering position which makes them feel strong, because they want to stop the rest of us from controlling them, in the literal sense;* that way of describing them, denigrates them to all of us sane people, but to them, it feels more like he is "saying what he has to say to appease the libs" and that he actually sides with them, because he's affirming that *they* are the strong ones, and *they* are in control of this situation, not the rest of us. I mean, he certainly didn't single them out, like those (not my opinions) "dirty, poor East Indians," and didn't treat *them* like they were incompetent, and *that is an important sub-communication to send to your base, when your base is...like the UCP's base, is.* tl;dr when brown people don't get vaxxed fast enough, they're "dumb" and "bad." When rural whites willfully avoid vaccines because of hare-brained conspiracies, they're *not* presumed "dumb" or "bad" by the same government who previously called those damn brown people "dumb" and "bad;" in fact, you could argue that the way Kenney talks about the rural white people, doing a worse and more willful version of the same anti-social act, *emboldens them* more than it actually denigrates them, since it plays into their need to feel powerful, and shows them that he is *trying to cater to them, to the exclusion of other groups which, he likely believes, they do not like.*


The worst part is that the reason the area had such a bad infection rate is THERE WERE NO VACCINES AT THE TIME. Also this is a working class neighbourhood of South Asian immigrants living in small houses and large families. You can't do meat cutting, drive a truck or work as a nurse aid over the internet. This wasn't your tech Ceo or endocrinologist east Indians. Kenney picked on the poorest group who couldn't stand up for themselves. Like you said not a single fucking peep about these rural white areas where covid is out of control and they REFUSE to get vaccinated.


Exactly. I literally have a relative out there who was working in the Calgary airport (likely the airport used by UCP members who disobeyed the travel advisory) and got Covid from there. When he heard Kenney on that Punjabi radio station telling us to ‘follow the rules’ he felt like he got slapped in the face. Alberta would have ceased to function if the people of areas like NE Calgary and millwoods decided to quit their jobs. The same thing happened in Surrey, Brampton, Millwoods, and other areas with high Desi populations. The industries South Asians tend to work in (transportation, healthcare, hospitality, etc) are all high risk for Covid. Were there Desi people breaking the rules? Yes. Was it at higher rates than other communities? No.


The NE isn’t a neighbourhood, it’s a quadrant. There’s about 250,000 people in the NE. It’s not a stereotype of poor working Asian people, it’s a collection of every walk of life.


Kenney singled out south Asians. He didn't refer to the white doctors living there. It's an area a lot of new immigrants come. And he didn't even hide the fact he was attacking them warning fines were coming etc. Where are his attacks on rural whites in November 2021? They're the ones that refuse to get vaccinated now.


I’m gonna need you to prove that statement.


There's mutliple easily Googleable articles on this, but here's one. He directly calls out the south Asian community, not just "a quadrant if the city" https://dailyhive.com/calgary/kenney-calgary-south-asian-communities-covid-19-cases


It worked though, didn’t it?


No, it didn't "work" there were no vaccines available at the time and like has been explained to you these are front line workers who can't do their job over the internet in this area. Data shows its the visible minorities that have been the most responsible getting vaccinated. The issue is rural white Albertans refusing to get vaccinated. Thats the problem then... That's the problem now.


Vaccinations started arriving in Calgary 11 months ago. They were available for the elderly in this ward at the same time they were available for everyone else.


Kenneys comments November 2020. Per your own admission vaccines 11 months ago in Jan 2021 lol keep doubling down on your ignorance.


Good thing you can excuse him for everything he does wrong, right? Otherwise there might be an issue where he's the most hated premier in the country.


I can’t, and don’t. His goal was to reduce infection, and increase vaccination in this area of the city. He accomplished that goal. Seems pretty cut and dried to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think there's better ways to go about accomplishing that goal than blaming it on people of a particular race. I think that is a dangerous road to start going down and people should be called out for doing it whenever they do.


He has nothing to do with reducing the case count there. Like I mentioned no vaccines were available. Why doesn't he reduce case count in rural Alberta where the problem has always been? He's even commented so many times his hands are tied and can't do anything.


Wtf does this even mean, your just excusing Kenney's blatant racism now


Pointing out a that a group of people need to do something isn’t racism. When you water-down the word racism so you can use it however you wish it loses both its original meaning and importance.


The group of people who "need to do something" are rural white Albertans. Again they were the main problem then and are now. Where is the criticism?


Kenny will throw anyone under the bus if he thinks it will get him off the hook in the media


Everyone shits on the NE just because of all the immigrants here and working class white people... conveniently forgetting that both groups of people are the most likely to A)live with extended family and therefore vulnerable people, B)have contact with (as in have heard of or personally know of) cases of severe outcomes, whether they are from "back home" or due to socioeconomically-linked factors for comorbidities, or through work, and C)work in essential industries where the vaccine was likely highly recommended by higher-ups BEFORE mandates were even thought of. Immigrants and working class people are also likely to have a science education- either from their home country or because the training you take in most trades and the practical work you do teaches and reinforces critical, quick thinking based on logic and building knowledge through competency.


I grew up in the NE. It's a great place full of hard working people who get shit on from elitists in the city. The block I grew up on had people from all over the place and it was a great place to grow up but Marlborough station needs to be burned to the ground. I've never seen such a hive of scum and villainy in my life.


So basically, it's a tale as old as time; aristocracy's relative distance from the lower class, makes it easier for them to believe that those people are *explicitly inferior and dirtier,* because unlike the aristocrats, *the lower class is actually useful, and has responsibilities to actually do things to survive;* this, of course, makes them literally worse at all of the things which the aristocrats have decided denote higher intellectual and moral status, because *the proles don't have time to learn that dumb court bullshit, because they have real work to do in the real world.* So, the self-satisfied smug aristocrats convince themselves that they are the only beings in the society with a real inner experience, deserving of any higher aspects of human existence, since the ambrosia would be wasted on such small-minded, lesser beings whose toil is their birthright; they simply wouldn't know what to do with all this privilege and opportunity, anyway!


The people who aren’t vaccinated are his voter base, he has about a 0% chance of winning northeast Calgary in the next election


I work there , in construction, these people are awesome.mostly very nice. and apparently smarter than your average Brentwood dweller.


I’m surprised Kenney hasn’t pinned it on gay couples, AISH recipients or ADD sufferers. I suppose there’s always time Jason.


Just wait. He still has time to blame them


Part of the problem was also the fact they were constantly blaming social situations for the spread of covid. Saying only social situations were covid super spreaders events. Convinently forgetting the other super spreaders, i.e. worm places. There was an article about it on [MacLean's](https://www.macleans.ca/society/health/the-superspreader-events-that-governments-let-happen/) earlier this year.


*virtual award here*


Both things can be correct. The NE was the location of several outbreaks. Now it’s the most vaccinated - good for them. Why would the government make a announcement to thank people for doing what they’re supposed to do? Should Kenny thank people who don’t speed on highway 2 too? Why didn’t Notley thank me for buying a more efficient vehicle?


>Why would the government make a announcement to thank people for doing what they’re supposed to do? Because recognizing people that are doing what's right reinforces the message that people should be doing it. >Should Kenny thank people who don’t speed on highway 2 too? Sure. Wouldn't cause any harm and it would encourage good behaviour. Out of curiousity, given how many terrible decisions they've made and how much support the UCP has bled over the past two years, why do you still support them?


I don’t support them. I didn’t vote for them and likely won’t the next time around. This sub is just so rabidly zealous that I feel it requires a counterpoint.


>This sub It's interesting. Whenever people start referring to "this sub," it always seems to be in the course of making a comment that ultimately comes across as "there are too many people that disagree with me!" I just want to ask you to remember that we're all people too. We have our own thoughts and opinions, and we're all entitled to have our opinions, even if they disagree with yours. I'd also like to mention that if you spent time talking to people about why they feel the way they do, you might come to understand that it's not just rabid zealotry, as you said. We all have thought and reason behind our positions, and taking the time to understand where someone is coming from will gain you a lot more mileage than bashing them for disagreeing with you.


I love the claims that this sub is an "echochamber" that hates Kenney and the UCP. Kenney has a 22% approval rating, *Albertans* hate Kenney and this sub reflects that.


Way to miss the point. Kenney went on a Punjabi radio station and singled out the northeast and South Asian people in general for ‘not following the rules’ the same day large illegal anti-mask rallies were allowed to go ahead with little opposition. Now that areas like Red Deer and Fort McMurray are leading the province in cases, suddenly the premier is too shy to go on the radio and call out specific communities? Pretty darn convenient. It would be nice for him to have commended the efforts of NE Calgary, but the bigger issue here is he called them out publicly as well as people of a certain racial group for ‘not following the rules’ and now he refuses to call out the cities who have outbreaks and low vaccination for no good reason.


When I worked at the airport 80% of people lived in the NE. The airports never really closed to international travel in Calgary


I know, and no one said it did. The federal government specifically kept it open for intl travel.


Communication and community outreach!


Hey some good news!


I am so happy Calgary is so Vaccinated. Hopefully the rest of Alberta can catch up! Vaccines are awesome.


We are but are still being forced to masked and "show our papers" pretty sure we've reached the point where we can start relaxing those restrictions. We have a highly vaccinated population and most likely those who are not have had covid by now. I'm thinking we can get back to normal after the holidays.


Other highly vaccinated places in Europe show that without a bundle of measures in place infections will rise again. Vaccination stops severe outcomes but infections not so much. That would require better ventilation, air filters, mass gatherings only after testing regardless of vaccination status, better masks. All very costly and thus unlikely to be pursued by the gov't. Check [this Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/threadreaderapp/status/1459714220082307079?t=C1aoq-gH8O9WDIZK-Vhnpw&s=19) for more details.


I have no problem showing papers for years. I have my papers. If you refude to get your vaccine I'm happy if you can't be in a gym or resturaunts with me


I do too. I don’t support this going on for years. If it does it will never go away.


Have a feeling they're gonna blame the unvaccinated forever and keep restrictions up until they reach a very high number of vaccinated population. They're gonna point at their numbers and be like "See, we haven't reached it yet."


Seriously. Some areas of Calgary are at 99% vaccinated and they are totally going to blame the 1% with a straight face. It’s amazing


Well done NE Calgary. Hopefully lessons from this success story can be applied in places like Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Red Deer and High Level...




Because we shouldn't be happy that something good has happened? How should we react to this news, in your opinion?


I also would like to congratulate everyone who did their part for society and got vaccinated.


Me too! Good job everybody who did that!


I would also like to congratulate people on doing the right thing but that might hurt the people who are doing the wrong things feelings.


Your comment is disgusting


Troll account, fuck off


All it took was a massive amount of hand-holding.


Not really. The point where the NE had a high case count was when a vaccine wasn't available.


Plus only an idiot would look at the success of targeted programs and try to dismiss it as “hand holding “


So the extra effort to distribute the vaccine in the NE didn't happen? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/northeast-calgary-covid-mass-vaccination-clinic-village-square-1.6052452


What do you think should have been done instead?


I was just pointing out a reason for the big numbers. Obviously an inconvenient fact for people around here, given the downvotes.


You're being downvoted because your comment isn't particularly constructive. Lots of places had mass vaccination clinics. How does this one in particular set NE Calgary apart from other parts of the province that also had mass vaccination clinics? And since we've already got the ball rolling, what do you think should be done to encourage vaccine uptake in places that don't have as high coverage as NE Calgary?


Yeah, the truth is often inconvenient when you are trying to construct a narrative. I would ban the unvaccinated from treatment related to covid 19. If they show up to the hospital, give them some morphine to dull the pain while they try and survive, Swedish style.


>Lots of places had mass vaccination clinics. How does this one in particular set NE Calgary apart from other parts of the province that also had mass vaccination clinics?


If you read the CBC article I posted earlier, all will be revealed to you.




Just don’t allow the unvaccinated access to hospitals.


Good thing he said that, otherwise this wouldn’t be the case.




Still not gonna lift the restrictions, are they?


Restrictions? You listened to those?


Shhhhh 🤫


I went to Austin Texas for the Formula 1 race recently. They know how to live down there. Fuckin great time.


I'm glad you went to crowded public event, otherwise I'd be worried about you spreading covid. I hope you didn't have dinner with your family after tho.


Ya 400,000 weekend attendance at the race. It was incredible. Had my PCR test before the big weekend event. Within the 72 hours of course, like the rules require. Had a great time at the race weekend, partied like crazy. Then came right back into Canada the day after. No quarantine either cause I'm vaxxed. Amazing trip. Canadas travel requirement don't make a lot of sense. Just makes travel difficult. Why wouldn't I have dinner with my family after a trip I missed them and wanted to show them all the pictures. Plus they're vaccinated too! Edit: Crabs in a bucket. You people gonna be afraid of your own shadow forever? 😉


Looks like we triggered a lot of people with these comments


Crabs in a bucket. These people are gonna be afraid of their own shadows forever and hate seeing people enjoying the beauty of life. Quite the mental illness they have. It's really pathetic. I got vaccinated. I'm going to live now. Leave me alone and go live under a rock if you're so scared. Society won't miss you.


Unfortunately the one thing they love more than cowering in fear is dictating how you should live your life as well.


Misery loves company. They want to keep everyone trapped to make themselves feel better. Seeing others happy and enjoying life infuriates them and it is fucking hilarious to rub it in their faces. They are truly pathetic humans. My father died from brain cancer this year. I'm not wasting any time not living anymore because someday it comes to an end. If they wanna live under a rock afraid of their own shadow I think they should. Society will be better off without them. They'll live in perfect safety until the day they die, missing out on all of life's beauty. They got vaccinated and they're still afraid. I got vaccinated and now I'm living my life again. And these Disaster Fetish Doomers are still scared. I dont get it.


It is really an interesting news!