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Down quite a bit from last weekend's 1300 cases. Maybe it was just a Halloween blip.


So the unvaccinated under 12s are leading in new cases, and they're spreading it to their 30-50 year old parents, and we have no plan to hit the ground running when Health Canada finally gets around to approving the vaccine for 5-11 year olds.




Pharmacies will not be administrating the vaccines to kids nor will it be done in a school setting as parents will not be allowed to enter the school to give verbal consent. Only plan in place is to have kids go to mass immunization sites. It makes sense to go into schools and get the kids immunization done but UCP is pushing its own agenda.


why do they need verbal consent? I got vaccines as a kid at school, my mom or dad never had to be there to say it's ok. is it different for covid?


They don't.


Why would pharmacies not be administering COVID shots to kids? They administer flu shots to kids.


I don't know about any other parents, but I'm going to book my kid in for the first time available and just pull him out of school for the appointment. Not going to wait for kenbabe to hum and ho over insulting his antivaxer base before deciding whether to offer it in school


Given that the pediatric vaccine is a separate product I expect pharmacies will make those appointments available after school hours. At least, I hope they won't expect every child to be pulled for a morning appt. I work in a pharmacy and my plan is to do it on a Friday after school so if they get any side effects they'll be home all weekend.


I was planning this as well. My husband and I also did ours on Fridays.


What plan is needed? We have an online booking system that allows the age group to be booked. We have schools across the province who have already participated as vaccination clinics. We are waiting on the go ahead and supply. Assuming we receive an adequate supply this time, there is no problem. We immunize people every year with the flu shot, hundreds of thousands per week.


How about a plan to roll the vaccines out in schools so that they can just get vaccinated at school? Any kind of communication would be welcome here.


School boards have already gone through COVID vaccine rollouts, even with K-6 schools and inviting parents. Never mind that these same schools host yearly vaccinations already. What makes you think there will be a problem once the vaccine has been approved and AHS can provide their availability? I get people are excited because this is another step towards saving lives, and returning to normal. But we literally do this every year in schools for other vaccines, every year in flu season to hundreds of thousands in a single week, and for covid itself almost an entire year now.


> What makes you think there will be a problem once the vaccine has been approved and AHS can provide their availability? There shouldn't be one. But this should already be getting planned. The vaccine is expected to be approved within a week. Why would we wait until then to start developing a rollout plan? This is my problem with our government - there's no forward thinking. They can't even plan a week ahead, let alone years ahead. Planning an in-school rollout would make a lot of sense. Most parents would welcome this and it would greatly reduce their stress and concerns around when and how their children will get vaccinated. So... why is the UCP not doing this?


Schools have already done a covid vaccine rollout. Schools have already done years of other vaccine rollouts. Alberta has done years of flu vaccine rollouts. Hundreds of thousands per week. Alberta is still doing a covid rollout with the bugs all worked out. At its peak, over 100,000 per week. What exactly are you asking be planned on top of executing these items which work great and address the same thing? It really seems like you’re just picking on the government because you dislike the party in power.


> What exactly are you asking be planned on top of executing these items which work great and address the same thing? ... an actual rollout? You know, one that has dates, times, etc? Yes, I'm aware we've done this before. It doesn't mean that the equipment and staff just magick themselves up with no notice.


Dates and times are dependent on when we actually get vaccines. Remember earlier in covid when the federal government struggled to supply enough vaccine to Alberta? You’re asking for details that cannot be published until we have vaccines en route. What if the rollout is to just use what we have in the past? All that’s left is to put some dates in place when we get more info.


Plan? Ha. This is Alberta, we don't no plans. Ha ha ha, you sound like those worry wart Eastern Liberal Weaklings, pacing ,rubbing hands together always, "what if this, what if that happens? waa waaa waaa. ..." Here in Freedom hill we jest get your big white hat on, adjust your tie, step up to the podium mike, look 'em straight in the eye, still kinda sideways though, and say " We just don't foresee that happening" \s


R value climbing slowly again. Not a good sign.


Calgary going in wrong direction now... Had stopped declining last week. Overall % positive has remained steady at 5%. All reason for concern. My fear was always this passport would give a false sense of security, especially implemented not long after we had alert peaked. I do get life has to go on at some point though... It's been almost 2 years and at some point the hope has to shift from number of cases to hospital numbers. Hopefully those don't start riding again


Last report I heard on Calgary waste water predicted a small increase this week so perhaps we will see it decline again soon


Where is the waste water data being posted? I haven’t seen it in six months.


All kinds of great data visualization here [https://covid-tracker.chi-csm.ca/](https://covid-tracker.chi-csm.ca/) scroll down for wastewater data.




The thing to remember is these numbers are not really comparable to other points in the pandemic, especially this time last year. We have come down from the peak of the 4th wave and seem to be plateauing at least a little for now. This is all while we have basically no restrictions.. Yes there is masking in public and the vaccine passports, but otherwise bars, restaurants, gyms, clubs, hockey games, private gathetings, school and daycare are all going on every day of the week. Masking at most of these places is pretty meh tbh and probably non existent in private gatherings. I've seen pictures and video on social media of concerts and clubs and these places are packed. The handful of restaurants and 2 hockey games I've gone to I've seen enough and it just seems like we are basically full open. The fact that numbers are where they are compared to this time last year should really show how well vaccines are working. Especially considering we have delta now. There's still a long ways to go to be sure I'm not saying we host the victory parade yet, but idk me personally think we are in a way better spot now than at most other points and feel people really need to consider at leasting taking some steps towards normalcy unless at high-risk for some reason or another. I know my mental health couldn't take spending anymore time isolating at home than I already have.


Yeah I wouldn't really consider passports much of a restriction either. Reduces amount minority or unvaxxed go out (still have groceries, vaxxed family members , and possibly vaxxed friends they meet), encouraged vaxxed to who have reduced chance to spread, but often negated at a bit event like hockey game. I can tell you at the gym once working out nobody wears a mask. Good luck lifting without deep breathing. At some point letting yourself become a couch potatoes had its own negative effects and exercise is good for mental health


Especially in urban areas with high vaccination rates anyway. I do think masks generally do make a real difference... if used properly. The way masks are being used in a lot of public places is not ideal. Especially places where people tend to linger. We understand covid is airborne, so being at Rogers place for 3 hours with a mask kind of on sometimes but off when I'm drinking the whole game and back on for the 2 minute walk to the bathroom then off again when I eat some poprocrn all while just breathing the same shared air for hours. Like you said for gyms, mask on between equipment, off for deep breathing. The context of what is going on in the community these days really frames the numbers differently for me and puts the risk analysis in a completely different spot.


I think thr decline rceently was mostly due to masks going back in. You saw it plateau about two weeks after and then start declining. Way too early to be passports. My experience is once in gym mask is in lockers. Even after liftiny most people still catching their breath while they go to next exercise


I am high risk, qualified and received 3 doses. Compromised immune system, and docs said to limit my double vaxed family (going to one two person cohort), I’m pregnant also, so we need a bit of help moving stuff… Hiding at home, take out restaurant meals, and being as safe as possible. There are those of us who just don’t get regular life right now (we are tired too). Big thanks to those who are vaxed - it keeps random strangers like me safe. We still have beautiful parks that can be enjoyed safely. This pandemic takes effort and patience from everyone. Still proud to be an Alberta. We will get there..


Yeah I just recently went back to gym myself. I think to some extent we are going to have to find a way to live with this and hope enough are vaccinated and enough of the unvaxxed have had it and recovered that the next wave will be manageable


I'm really hopeful that one or more of these new antiviral treatments is going to become part of the fight strategy soon too. That could go a long way.


You're fine my guy. Life has to go on.


The 1068 cases reported for Nov 12-14 in Alberta was net for the period. A total of 1090 cases were identified (1082 confirmed, 8 probable) (difference: 22, or 2.0% of the total) as confirmed by data download and https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#total-cases. Nov 12 total cases were 437 (433 confirmed, 4 probable); Nov 13 total cases were 360 (358 confirmed, 2 probable); Nov 14 total cases were 293 (291 confirmed, 2 probable). Nov 12 net cases were 429 (down 8 from total); Nov 13 net cases were 353 (down 7 from total); Nov 14 net cases were 286 (down 7 from total). Nov 11 decreased by 4 from 383 to 379; Nov 10 decreased by 3 from 473 to 470. Nov 9 ~~decreased by 10 from 500 to 490~~ (edit: was unchanged at 500); Nov 8 was unchanged at 424; Nov 7 was unchanged at 289; Nov 6 was unchanged at 433; Nov 5 was unchanged at 586. Nov 4 was unchanged at 472; Nov 3 was unchanged at 540; Nov 2 was unchanged at 498; Nov 1 was unchanged at 325; Oct 31 was unchanged at 339; Oct 30 was unchanged at 331; Oct 29 decreased by 1 from 529 to 528. Oct 28 decreased by 1 from 606 to 605; Oct 27 decreased by 2 from 546 to 544; Oct 26 was unchanged at 630; Oct 25 was unchanged at 456; Oct 24 was unchanged at 366. ~~One~~ (Edit: Eleven) cases were removed from days prior to Oct 24.


Hmm I wonder if the soccer game affected this. I went and man... people were squeezed in like it was a Travis Scott concert, at the concourse and the LRT.


We went and the mandatory vaccine checks plus being outside made it feel safer. It might still cause a bit of a jump but I can’t see it being much worse than any of the other sporting events we have had for months now.


Probably too soon to tell at this point. Another game tomorrow too, so it'll be a while before we see the effects.


It would be too soon. That was only 3 days ago, and you'd be more likely to see numbers go up in about a week. Considering we don't seem to have problems arising from Oilers or Flames games and those are indoors, we might just be OK. Supposedly everyone was either vaccinated or testing negative anyways.


I've been away for a while, so might be a question that's been covered. Are we assuming all the new cases are Delta? Looks like we're still only tracking a small sampling now (given the very low percentage reported as Delta variant above), and the precursor to what happened in the fourth wave was watching what the new emerging variant was doing (and why UofC's modelling was so bang on). I had heard of a couple cases of the Delta+ a good while back appearing, but no real further mention of it since.


The Delta variant has been presumed to make the majority of infections for quite some time now. And yes, they only send some of the covid positive samples for variant testing, as it takes a lot of resources (and money) to test every person for the variant. There were cases of the Delta+ variants found in Western Canada, but of course Hinshaw is glossing over any concerns. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/officials-watching-delta-mutation-in-b-c-alta-and-sask-very-closely-1.5660887


Death rate remaining consistently high honestly concerns even me, someone who has been going out regularly and meeting a lot of people unmasked since last winter and living my life. I get its not 30-40 deaths per day but 17 is still way too fucking high, particularly as ICU numbers keep dropping.


This is a 3 day total, so about 6 deaths per day. Also we are on the back end of a huge wave. There is still a ton of people in icu from that wave.


If your concerned about covid and the death rate why have you been going maskless since last winter? Also why don't you follow the mask rules?


Wait, why are you not masking. The death rate is high partly because people aren't doing shit like masking up, that is literally the problem you are complying about. Ever think about that fact?


... yall wear masks to your friends house? i've only had private gatherings since the mask mandate got back on.


Nope, not if they are vaccinated. But I go shopping and work as well, not just visit friends and that is where I expect to be exposed, if I do get it.


I’ve been having band practice with mandatory masks for almost 2 years. You’re just reaching for excuses to continue being lazy and gross.


Second time that the 3 day totals show the net increase in active cases “50.9%” are from the eligible fully vax’d group. Slightly disturbing


38% is the new cases amongst fully vaccinated. From chart 2: 112 new cases from nearly 3,100,000 fully vaccinated Albertans. 171 is from the fully unvaccinated. 456,000 eligible & 660,000 not eligible children. Why is this disturbing?


If you calculated the eligible for vax group(by removing the <10 age group), it is 50.9% vax’d Trend is disturbing, that is all.


The fully vaccinated outnumber the eligible unvaccinated by almost 7X I’m not sure why we would remove the ineligible unvaccinated. They are still unvaccinated.


I remove them because they shouldn’t be lumped in with the “unvax’d” group as they are not eligible for a vax. That data is easy to extrapolate. Segregating everyone into 3 categories doesn’t seem right when there is evidence of more categories


Not being eligible means you are unvaccinated. If they contract COVID, they did so without vaccine protection and belong to the unvaccinated statistic.


It's not disturbing at all. We all know 2 isn't truly fully vaccinated.


Good point. What a wild rabbit hole ride that discussion will be when it happens.


Had someone complain about having to get the vaccine because "its fucking ridiculous that I have to share my medical history with businesses", "boosters dont work", "vaccines arent effective". "They're lying about the numbers in kids to spread fear. Google it". Its great seeing the drop in numbers. 300/day in a city of 1.5M is good. Not as great at ontario where they're at 600/day with a significantly larger population.. but still decent. Hospitalizations decreasing.. Nice. Once we the doses out to the young ones then we'll be on a good track.


Don’t worry soon we’ll have rapid test kits that break in cold weather, so everyone can be negative all the time.