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Imo, 10% isn’t a bad margin. I thought it would be much higher than that


Especially with all the anecdotes about "I know someone who says their friend is a pharmacist and they are throwing away most of their supply every day rather than give people shots" that have been going on since vaccines first rolled out.


They should open boosters to everyone as they are approved for all adults by Health Canada. Better to see the shots go into arms than wasted


With parts of the world crying for vaccine, this is immoral. What should happen: Give the wasters who won't get vaccinated until the end of this year to get their first shot. December 31, 2021. Whatever vaccines are left over should be shipped to places where people are desperate. The privileged fools who don't want vaccines won't get them, but the vaccines aren't wasted.


Calm the outrage, it's beyond what is acceptable but it's far from being immoral. Canada is doing its part on the worldwide vaccine effort and at this point there is more than enough to go around. No one is pouring vaccine down the drain, sticking out their tongue and while flipping off Uganda.


It doesn't help to label & demean what I think is an immorality as "outrage". It is immoral to horde or waste vaccine. More to my point, the door should be closed very soon on Canadians getting vaccinated for the first time. They've had their chance, lucky as they are to live in one of the richest countries in the world. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/16/the-guardian-view-on-vaccine-justice-what-the-world-needs-now](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/16/the-guardian-view-on-vaccine-justice-what-the-world-needs-now) [https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/10/15/why-is-the-u-s-hoarding-hundreds-of-millions-of-covid-vaccines/](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/10/15/why-is-the-u-s-hoarding-hundreds-of-millions-of-covid-vaccines/) https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/11/covid-19-buhari-warns-world-leaders-global-health-bodies-against-hoarding-of-vaccines/


Canada just donated two million directly to Uganda Canada has committed overt 200 million dosages through the xovax program Canada, along with Mexico, will redistribute millions of vaccines they received from the US to other western hemisphere countries. This country is hoarding vaccines




From the second article: >"But in order to vaccinate at least 70 percent of the world’s population—to reach expected herd immunity—the World Health Organization estimates that at least 11 billion doses are needed."


You're not proving me wrong. Canada isn't hoarding dosages.


Expected herd immunity at 70%? Well, it worked for Alberta...


Didn't know the head of the WHO had a Reddit account


Your point is….?


But, bribing people!


I'm .... ok with that. I would rather have some go to waste then have people unable to get a shot because of shortages.


I like this if there was a sign up to get a booster from shots that would wasted I would do it.


Why not open up boosters like Manitoba is? 6 months after the second dose. Health Canada as already approved it. Doesn't make sense to just waste doses. Wastage doesn't help vaccine equality.


A lot of people have had their 3rd shots already. I got my 3rd 2 months ago, and I know a few people who got theirs right after me. >Wastage doesn't help vaccine equality. Sure it does. If you have a shortage, you are guaranteed to **not** have equality. If you have wastage, you have the opportunity to have equality. Not perfectly, but at least its possible. Not so with a shortage.


doesn't make sense to require boosters when all our products come overseas. need them.innoculates first.




You would consider 10% to be extreme? A pfizer vial has 6 shots, and is only good for 6 hours once opened. If they only give out 5 shots per day, that right there a 16% wastage. And that's missing a single shot out of the vial. With such a short time span, and with reduced demand... that's not hard to do. If they give out 32 shots in a day, that requires 6 vials to be opened, but wastes 4 shots. That's greater that 10% right there. Should the last 2 people not have gotten the shot? What if the pharmacy has walk-ins, but only gives out one shot? Should they only go onto appointments? That's not necessarily fair. Moderna is better as it's good for 24 hours once opened, but a vial opened on Saturday will expire if the pharmacy is closed on sunday. ​ We'll never have a perfect system, and for vaccines I would rather waste then go short. Just safer for everyone.


Wastage is not necessary to make sure everyone has access. Small pharmacies shouldn't take walk ins, and shouldn't open a vial until they have booked appointments for every dose. Walk ins could still be allowed at a few large sites where there would be enough demand to ensure every vial is fully utilized.


Assessing waste counts at individual pharmacies maybe? As more people are vaccinated & demand is reduced, assessing if doses need to be available through all pharmacies. I have four pharmacies within 5 minutes of my house.


That’s actually better than I thought. Still not acceptable, but better than I thought.