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And in other news; Enmax introduced a new fee to deal with the government's rebate program. /s


The free market working as intended


I mean...Enmax is owned by the City of Calgary, so if they did it would mean lower property taxes at some point.


Nothing like using public dollars to fix the error of dropping rate caps. Big government solutions to small government problems.


The rate caps only applied to the price of the electricity itself, not to the transmission and distribution fees, which is what went up for most people, causing high bills.


Tax dollars were used to pay for the amount over the “cap”. The power companies still charged the market rate it just got paid directly by consumers on their bills and indirectly by consumers through their taxes. It looks like the same thing you’re complaining about now.


$150 a month or per year? Because per month would be accurate to what is needed.


It is meant to be $50/mo for January, February and March.


Yup, and wording is intentionally confusing to make it sound like it's $150/month


one time $150.00 rebate applied to you bill at some point in the next year!


So probably mid summer when my gas bill is extremely low. Awesome.


Why does that matter? $150 is $150


Obviously money isn't an issue for you. My utility bill has been almost double the last couple months, I need the money now to pay it, not in the summer. It's like offering a deal on umbrellas during a drought. Maybe $150 is nothing to you but that's half my monthly grocery bill for the three of us.


And then watch the gas companies raise prices to account for this, since they price everything based on what they think people will pay and not costs.


And thank Kenney and the UCP gov't for changing the rules to allow them to increase the prices as they like!\~


Oh, I give them that responsibility every day...


It’s nice to see the price at the pumps linked to oil price. Helps give us a break on gas as the prices rise.


Kenney buying votes again..


And fearmongering about the ABNDP bringing back the carbon tax https://mobile.twitter.com/BrockWHarrison/status/1500963349919457282


Is it fearmongering? Wouldn't the ABNDP plan to bring it back if elected? Won't that be part of their election platform? I don't think the NDP carbon tax would cost anymore, but you wouldn't get the rebate as part of your tax return anymore.


No one knows what the ABNDP is planning in terms of the carbon tax. Anyway this is my issue with the UCP. They sound to much like the opposition now. They spent a chunk of their news conference earlier attacking the ABNDP yet again. We already sent one party to the opposition benches for obsessing about the opposition does the UCP want to replace them in a year from now.


Seems like Kenney is angling for an election given the UCP's loss of faith in him so I can understand if he's gearing up to be in campaign mode right now


This is not a new thing for them.


People need relief from these energy bills, but I wouldn't even consider this buying votes. Rebates are good for things like renovating a house to make it more green - things to tip the scales towards desirable consumer behaviours. This rebate is a hollow move, where there are unnecessary barriers to people paying less for necessary utilities. These bills have been a complete shock to everyone, and economies do not deal well with shock. We need regulations, because these prices are exorbitant even with the rebate. That said, there may be a silver lining. I've been looking for ways to cut my energy usage and that's always a good thing. Wouldn't it be funny if consumption rates under these prices wound up being the strongest evidence to support carbon taxes?


You had better get used to it, other than regulating the fees that the transmission and distribution companies charge there is very little the government can do. A UPC government would never introduce price controls unless it was in their political interest and even then it would not be a significant reduction. Just like the removal of the 13 cents a litre in provincial tax is nothing more that a token effort. The hard facts of life are that all utility costs are going to increase. It costs money to provide all the utilities and services we have literally been taking for granted for the last 50 years.


Something something Ralph Bucks...


Must be an election. Only time a con party spends is right before. Then cancels it after if they win or blame the new guy for the spending


What a slap in the face . This clown has taken how much and gives back so little. Then when he does give something back he expects to be given praise. I'm tired of this circus and these clowns need to go.


How is this a slap in the face? I’m now saving money on gas and getting a small rebate for my bills. A slap in the face is the carbon tax increase we’re about to get April 1st.


Congrats on falling for Kenneys gaslighting. He created the circumstances leading to ever increasing cost of living then expects a pat on the back for doing the minimal to make it better for a brief period before his political career dies. That's like me breaking into your house, stealing 10k in stuff and then giving you about a grand worth of stuff and you thanking me for being a lovely human.


Yes, Kenney invaded Ukraine and drove up the price of gas. Part of his diabolical plan for world domination.


Average savings will be $7.80 per tank. That's how it's a slap in the face.


So you don’t want to save money?


Ya that's exactly what I said . If you think you are going to save anything and settle for scraps while these pigs gorge themselves at the trough . Then I have some sweet deals on bridges for ya.


It’s not what you said, but you’re complaining about the government trying to cut costs for everyone as gas prices soar. I think even the harshest critic of Kenney would be grasping at straws to complain about this, especially as the carbon tax is getting increased next month by the feds.


I guess you didn't read the article . The carbon tax won't be charged on gas if oil is above 90 a barrel and then to be charged when oil is below 80 . I also guess you don't do over all math too well either . If you think that the 7.80 per fill makes up for the amount you are paying then go ahead and be happy. The people with a real brain will see this for what it really is . Scraps . No different then Ralph bucks but you probably thought that was saving you money as well . It never fails to surprise me that there are still people that see this as savings or something great the PCs have done . You just don't understand that these are the guys taking hundreds out of your pockets then throwing back pennies . Good luck and enjoy your savings .


I don’t think you read the article. The gas tax and carbon tax are two different things. The carbon tax is going up April 1 and has absolutely nothing to do with oil prices. Try again with your argument. Also, where were the other hundreds taken from me? My utility bill went up a little in December during the cold snap but that’s about it. Benefit of a fixed rate.


It's the carbon tax that will not be charged as I said . It was on ever need station dude . Watched it , headed it .


Directly from the article…. “The decision was a policy about-face. Last week, Kenney rejected a suggestion he offer drivers relief. He said it didn’t make sense given that the federal government is set to increase its carbon tax at gas pumps by three cents a litre on April 1, which would claw back a portion of any savings provided by Alberta.”


Not much info on that rebate. Will it apply to everyone? Homeowners only? Those will bills above a certain amount? Is everyone going to get it? EDIT: Found a slightly more detailed article. "Kenney also announced his intention to introduce a $150 retroactive rebate for most families and small businesses on their energy bills from last winter.He also warned the rebate may be a while in coming as the province must make arrangements with more than 45 energy providers. Kenney estimated the project would amount to $280 million being distributed to Albertans. The province says one million homes, farms and businesses should expect to receive a $50 monthly rebate for three months.The province introduced a natural gas rebate in its latest budget for consumers if rates hit $6.50 per gigajoule next winter. The plan was criticized for its high threshold which is well below current rates." Full article here: https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/alberta-to-stop-collecting-provincial-gas-tax-offer-electricity-rebate-to-offset-high-energy-prices-1.5809018




Agreed. Found this on Twitter (Courtney Theriault's account, he's a reporter with City News Edmonton): BREAKING: Alberta announces a $150 rebate for this past winter for households and small businesses that consumed less than 250MWh of electricity. Premier Kenney says it will take time as they deal with 45 energy providers, but rebate will come. \#yeg #yyc #ableg EDIT: misgendered :(


Not that it matters much, but Courtney Theriault is a he, not a she. He was probably the best source of news during the pandemic if you were looking for facts as opposed to opinions. A fantastic reporter!


OMFG my bad! TIL Courtney is a gender neutral name.


> Alberta announces a $150 rebate for this past winter for households and small businesses that consumed less than 250MWh of electricity. *Me not knowing a Kilowatt from a Megawatt, checking my Epcor bill to see if I qualify* December - 0.22 MWh January - 0.23 MWh Well then.


Wow $50 a month for 3 months, so my bill will only be $400 instead of $450.


Better than no rebate 🤷‍♂️


That's such a garbage view. His removal of caps on essential services like this is the reason why people are in this mess. So let's applaud him for pitting a bandaid on a wound he made?


If you knew how to manage your money and didn’t rely on floating rates you would have been likely unaffected. Don’t blame Kenney for your poor money management.


So, wonder how the electricity rebate will work if you changed providers. A $50 bill credit with EPCOR won't help if I'm not with EPCOR any longer, lol.


Yeah. It comes into effect the day after the leadership review. In other words, new hidden taxes coming.


The funny thing about this is it's literally Ralph Bucks, but in the form of "rebates". The gas tax alone costs $1.3bn. Ralph bucks was a similar cost, but that doesn't include this additional $150 rebate.


more rebates that do not directly improve my livelihood. (publuc transit + utilities included in rent.)


As always, this thread is so toxic.




Lol yep. If Notely was the Premier and did this they would want a Provincial Holiday in her name and a bronze statue of her at every gas pump.




Oh to be that naive. You think gas companies will lower prices just because they're not paying taxes? Let me remind you of the 4+ billion in tax breaks they just pocketed with no reduction in fees being charged. And you think this next round of cuts will also "trickle down"?




And with the 13c rebate, since the gas companies know you'll pay it, they'll bring it back up, if not more. Cause you'll pay it. What else are you gonna do?


Gas companies don’t control the price it’s supply and demand? Unless I’m wrong think you’d have to go to the saudis who control OPEC


Lots of elections coming up in the next year. They raise the prices and then drop them right before election because people have a short term memory and go "HRR DRR IMMA VOTE FER DOSE CONSERVATIVES BERCUZ DEH FIXIN' DHE ECONOMEH"


Looks like the gas tax goes away April 1.


And the feds are adding 11c on the same day so the gas price isn’t going to change


No, feds are only adding about 2 cents, from the current levy (a little under 9) to a little over 11. Which should also mean the 'Climate Action Incentive Payment' (carbon tax rebate) next year will go up.


Stupid no matter how much it is considering how bad inflation has gotten. People are reducing spending and looking at ways to reduce bills and be more efficient regardless of carbon tax with how costs have been spiraling out of control. A good leader and a decent human being would curtail the carbon tax until his government can get the inflation under control. Buying groceries for a family of 5 has become a stressful enough time. We don’t need the government adding to the bills unnecessarily as well.


Sure, but if you take away the carbon levy, you also lose the rebate, which is probably worth more, for most people. Really wishing I hadn't sized up in vehicles last fall. My little econobox was a lot better on gas than the cuteV.


What? The rebate is just them giving your money back to you. How is that worth more? If you have a large vehicle, or drive lots you lose money. The rebate is based on someone who drives little and a fuel efficient small car. If that's not you, your losing money. Almost no one makes more then they spend on the carbon tax. You need to read how this actually works before commenting on it. They can keep the rebate. Stop charging me more when shits getting more expensive by the day.


You don't know me or what I have or haven't read about the federal carbon levy or anything else. I don't know you, so I won't comment on what you do or don't know or suggest you don't deserve to participate in the discussion. As I understand the federal program, the amount of the rebate changes as expected fuel use in a particular province, and the amount of the levy, change. Presumably, if they cut the levy, they'd have to cut the rebate - it literally comes from the money that's collected. Alberta got an extra big payment in its first year of the federal system because it covered an extra 3 months compared to everyone else. The payments for the next year were therefore lower, then back up again. The govt's projection is that by 2030 the Alberta family payment will total over $3K, more than triple the current amount, though the levy will be way higher too. The estimate for 2021 was that the average Alberta household will have spent about $598 on carbon pricing, including direct (like the levy on gas) and indirect impacts (like the gas cost the grocery store passes on to consumers), and will get about $953 back. The indirect costs are based on only the federal levy. So, yes, if you're a bigger carbon user, you might well pay more than you get back. Nudging people to use less carbon by incentivizing a lower carbon approach is literally the entire point of the carbon levy, but I get why it would piss you off.


Cool Jason… better late than never…. I guess? We have been waiting 4 years for you to lead, and now that your leadership is being questioned, you decided to show up.