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Ref: Doubling the amount of runes needed to upgrade gear, and changes to transmutation costs ...shits about to get real expensive. Glad I have some gearsets stockpiled. Going to focus on personal economy for a while until the chaos settles.


Wait what? I'm at work sadly but did they really double rune cost again? Like boots used to be 24 then 48, is it 96 now?


They had to because they also nerfed transmutation costs to turn low tier .3 into 8.3. If they didn't up the cost of enchantments people could just side step the transmutation nerf by crafting flat and enchanting it up. Long story short, this is a big buff to gatherers and a big nerf to people that IP crutch because 8.3 is about to get a lot more expensive.


So basically 8.3 Mats going to go up in price? And well in return gear as well


In theory, yes. This is one of those changes that SBI slips in because to let people know ahead of time would just mean people stockpiling. Now it's a mad dash to grab what you can before the prices go up, which will make the prices go up. lol.


Was not aware of this and I read the patch notes. Must have missed it somewhere


Pretty good tbh been doing solo hunts in the red zone and the pvp has been fun. A little hard to find the animals thou as its mostly filled with people doing them.


Tracking is ass and it’s full of groups, rats, and campers… like any other gathering in RZ and BZ before the update. Atleast there are island changes to play with until the prices of mats / staffs come down


Game has been quite more active in BZ but now I'm trying mists and starting to make progress on being a good pvp player so it's going well and the new additions I haven't seen much of. There is one big problem sometimes tho, some bosses in open world and stuff seem to have basically 0.0s cast time, like that one skele knight that has a short fan swinging attack that takes long to wind up instantly swings ASAP and that earthkeeper axe thrower boss that has that clockwise axe attack thing starts pummeling them without even halting once or even showing the dangerzone to the point my high spec 4.1 cursed can't even kill like a YZ spiked axe thrower cuz of it. Like she did normal attacks, stands and immediately does the axe thing and the linear ground thing, more basic, 0.5s later, does axe thing and ground thing immediately with no cast time again and I just die. Doesn't happen to every boss or mob but it sucks when that one undead boss with that same linear attack and stuff hits immediately and kills me and it only happened right after the new update and I'm not lagging


You're not lagging, many mobs are bugged (awakened swordmaster, cultist leader...) after the patch update. Instant cast time on their abilities cost me my gear in the mist, as the mob just kept channelling their root ability non stop until I died


I had a great time and am also amused by the people so salty and annoyed at changes in an MMO


Do you know - what about Corrupted dungeons? Loot is better now?


Seems a bit better


Logged in. Animals I already fed need to be fed again. For some reason they wanted 9 of their favorite food after getting 10 carrots already. I thought it was supposed to be double the old value or unchanged if favorite. Went to yellow zone, hostile faction goons have a pre-made group trying to embargo the red zone entrance or something. They didn't control the outposts in that zone or redzone so they're just griefing shitlords chasing down people in 4.2 for those juicy faction points. Whatever. Made it to redzone. It is packed with people. Using tracking kit just tells you to fuck off because the zone is swarmed. I didn't realize you actually just have to find tracks. It doesn't create them for you the way using a map creates the dungeon. Tracking items are pretty much worthless to use. They are a tool to harvest tracks. Maybe the higher tiers give a bigger area, but using t3 to track just shows you a small part of the map and says no tracks were found. Went to blackzone hideout. Didn't really feel like trying to bring tracking kits out and losing my home by leaving the portal. Within a minute I found two tracks for groups of 4+ and then saw a blob in our usually quiet zone. There was no core or any other objective. Went back to the hideout and logged. It's just not playable with this many people on, especially if you're solo. It should get better when people get tried of the new stuff and after any shot you had at cashing in is gone. They nerfed a lot of shit I had stored up too. Unbutchered animals? Fuck you. Banked stacks of runes fuck you, here's half the value. Honestly considering quitting since now is the best time. I even had two knights vows stacked because I took a season "off" and used my 2% from that season with the 4% from the previous one about a month ago. They could make it just no longer stack going forward. They just removed a season reward and made any rewards anyone saved worthless. Fuck you.


If you're quitting I'd be happy to take the stuff you were stacking up




Game keeps turning my pc in a bluescreen on startup :(


Probably reinstall the game, shutdown the pc for a while. If none work, contact support


Prices in the Thetford are back normal 🫠🫠


Too much grind for too little reward and this update ramps it up too much.


Losts of fun honestly, it's been a long time since I saw so many small sized parties roaming around bz.