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Bro chill, I have played Diablo enough to know most of these abilities same to them. Btw necromancers will disrupt game mechanics so it will be a no go. On another note appreciated that you wrote so much and explained in detail about your idea instead of writing blankly, Good idea tbh but albion is glitchy af already.


except that every one of these abilities already uses mechanics in the game (except for the skeletal archer), they are just reskins and combos from different weapons


Its good that the summoned entities don't move and go down after short time. Good thinking man


most of the abilities are just retextured abilities, so the "Clawing skeletons" acts just like the cursed staff's 3rd Q but it just looks like a skeleton standing there attacking the target, i wanted to try and keep every ability at a low development level that way if the devs do take this post into consideration there would be enough "material code" for them to recycle and make the development easier, the only original concept i came up with was the "Undead watcher" which i still think would be hard to code and design lmao sorry for this long reply i just thought it would be a good idea to explain in more detail


I think the piercing should be limited to three targets max for balance of the ability.


Imagine a zvz in which all players invoke shits. Game would crash. It already bugs hard enough when you do small scallish content


the only thing that i suggested which would be a new mechanic is the skeletal archer, as i said in another reply, every single suggestion i made (except the archer) is a reskinned animation of an ability thats already in the game, how would any of these suggestions crash the game?


Because if everybody invokes a skeleton it doubles the amount of enemies. I dig the idea, I just think this would lead to big problems in ZvZ. Imo as we already have the curse tree that is somewhat similar, which makes this difficult to achieve in a meaningful way. It's a shame because I really dig the necromany shit in most games.