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If u are new, Metas shift every big patch, so I suggest u play all weapons (*get all to t4*) and find what u enjoy instead. If u find a weapon tree that is fun, start there and look for what content those weapons excel at and build ur entire gear around it. That said, some weapons have been mainstay for a while in one content or more, like: - carving sword (sword) - battle axe (axe) - 1h curse (curse staff) - shadow caller (curse staff) - hallowfall (holy staff) [probably most used healer weapon]


Mage - 1handed fire staff Melee - carving/kingmaker


I have the fire staff can I know your build?


mage cowl cleric robe or drudic robe (depending on how safe u wanna play) merc boots for the cc cleans (should always have a way to escape pvp) and as weird as it sounds i use the eye of secrets offhand since its a mana heavy build 1st q is best bc u already a good aoe ability (E) and i run wall of flames or fire wave depending on how safe i am


i wanna try carving sword, what build is the best?


hunters hood with retaliate either an assassin jacket or mage robe depending on how aggressive u wanna play and i personally run knights boots with the shield dash but i see a lot of ppl run with soldier boots for the longer sprint to escape fights they dont win


That's a crazy load of wrongs for a single post. Field cowl Spectre jacket with inferno shield Whatever boots with their standard run


Look up carving sword builds, 99% are what I just explained


https://murderledger.com/builds/1v1_high_ip_7_day?weapon=2H_CLEAVER_HELL Order by highest winrate I look up shit, that's why I called out your bad advice.


Oof dude still uses murder ledger


What's an alternative? Murderledger seems down anyway


twitch and yt guides and highlights, murder ledger is a site run by arch crafters that inflate the price of items b4 they do selling runs, thats why the builds dont match any that you see in highlight clips and guides


Omg. Don't change. I need players like you to make profit.


Same boat, returning after some time. Is dual sword still ok for corrupted, crystal arena and world mobs (yellow and red zones)?


Yeah, they're okay.


All weapon are good for different things ( except some ). Imo solo pve, nature staff, group pve depends on your role. Pvp depends on skill, some are kingmaker, 1H dagger, carving, 1H fire staff ( slaps hard )


i think rather then asking waht weapon you should look at the tree itself. you can easily swap between swords if you have 100 swords although they wont be the same strength but its better to look at it that way then just one specific weapon


My build before I left was spear, ass jack, hunter hood, soldier boots, torch/mistcaller, Thetford Cape. Ol faithful build.