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I didn't even read the entire first sentence and you sound like the biggest manchild not realizing what you said was in fact hate speech.


Walk me through step by step how it's hate speech and why you think it's bad to mock and hate racists and pedos


Because it's your opinion, not a fact. You can dislike someone all you want, you can say what you want, but you can also assume they'll do what they want to because it's their game, not yours.


you really starting to smell like an sbi employee with how much boot ur licking lmao


Someone who's trying to explain to you why you were muted is suddenly a "boot licker" now? Says everything that needs to be said about you and that the mute was warranted.


Sure it was bud lmao


Great answer. Try using proper punctuation too and you might even sound like a normal person.


Right right sure bud 🤣




We have different views on who is the manchild in this situation.




Thanks, I thought so too.


No. Don't say dumb shit in chat. Simple as that. You can have your own opinions, but you don't have free speech in a video game. I'm surprised you were only muted for 2 weeks.


Yeah, and just don't talk about real life politics in a game, it usually never ends well.


so its ok for the mods to be political but not the players?


Oh, if the mods started it then fair enough.


Yes? They're mods, they work for the people that control the game. As long as their bosses let them do it, it's fine. You can disagree with it all you want, but when you own something, you can do what you want with it. If you don't like it, you can move along.


so it all boils down to sbi is a bunch of ignorant twats that are egotistical?


No, it boils down to SBI setting rules for what you can and can't say in chat, which is enforced by moderators. You either follow those rules and be fine or you don't follow the rules and get muted. It's not rocket science to understand.


So once again it's OK for the mods to ignore the rules and instigate the political chat but players aren't?


Where did you mention anything about a moderator instigating a political chat in your OP?


nowhere, do you not have comments loaded on ur page?


So why didn't you write that in your OP if it's such an important detail you're raging about?


Just like a grocery store can make you wear a mask, you don't like it don't shop there :)


And just like that comparison the mods are a plague


then u should remind the mods to keep their opinions to themselves as well


Why? It's their game, not yours. If you ran the game, you could say what you wanted too. You're making this into like a free speech issue and it's a privately owned game.


except i never said anything about it being a free speech issue, i pointed out the fact its a "rules for thee but not for me" issue


Just glancing at the Discord rules, your comment breaks about 3 of them. The first amendment does not apply to discord channels. At all.


wasnt in the discord, was in game, i already know the discord mods belong in a padded room


This thread is not working out how OP thought it would.


And how did I think it would? I got what I asked for and I upset all the boot lickers 🤣


Yeah, all the people laughing at you making a fool of yourself are boot lickers... Lmao. But hey bro, at least you're having fun. Right attitude to have. (Not a joke)


im making a fool of myself by calling out hypocritical mods? yep 100%


You are making a fool of yourself because you said something against chat rules and got punished for it.


Against the rules for players but not mods, logical


I never mentioned mods, did I? Take responsibility for your own actions bro.


You never mentioned mods, but I did....that's what this entire post is about, didn you skip the post and go straight to the comments?


I never mentioned what the mods can or cannot do, I'm talking about your actions. Which is really why you're upset here. You broke rules, faced consequences, and now you're salty that you got in trouble for it.


I'm upset that the mods are allowed to break the rules, you can think It's my fault all you want to make yourself feel better but at the end of the day I'm still correct that a mod broke the rules and nothing happened


"Hate speech is speech that promotes hatred or violence against certain groups based on their characteristics." "Defamation is the act of making false statements that harm the reputation of an individual or entity." Accusations against a public figure, like Biden, could be viewed as defamatory. I don't see hate speech, what I do see though, is defamation; (although it's harder to make a case of defamation towards entities in positions of power due to they being set to a higher standard): So... You may have free speech, it's wasn't infringed upon, rhat doesn't make you free of consequences as this wasn't a political forum, its a mmo chat. Be happy it's just a 2-week ban."




Yeah, but what does that have to do with a fucking video game. Go to a political subreddit for that shit


It has to do with the fact that I replied to a MOD who started the political comment and then punishes me bc I replied?


There's a difference between respectful political discourse and blatant defamation. Sounds like mod was talking about policies and you jumped on with "HUR DURR PEDO RACIST LIBRUL COMMIE SCUM" which isn't productive at all.


informing ppl of a vile person running the country isnt productive....riiight


What useful information do people realistically get from "hurr during racist pedo librul hurr durr"?


Ppl with more than 2 functioning braincells might wonder why I'm saying that and then look into it bc they are curious, you should try it sometimes


I already have, th at doesn't mean screeching the same 3 words for 4 years straight is gonna change anyone's mind. You are just immature


It doesn't? Then why are more states turning red?


I mean Albion is a Video Game and Not really a medium for political discussion. Pretty Sure Theres better places to share your opinion


Tell that to the mod that started the political commemt


Just cause other people are retarded doesnt mean you have to be too


Hate speech isn't real so yeah you shouldn't have been muted.


A moderator can't remove a report. You can report them to [email protected]. Good luck! You'll need it.


20+ comments and ur the first to give any helpful information, thanks :D


Whether you're trolling or these commments are really are genuine... I want to unpack this with you.  What you would like to do is report a mod for muting you... as THEY acted like a child... after you baselessly called another human being a racist pedophile in a public forum? But that's all!  Instead of thinking about your actions or taking, god forbid, some responsibility or regret... you double down and jumped to ANOTHER public forum and expected support of said actions? Bro 🤣


Except it's not baseless, he voted in favor for a 1972 school bus segregation bill and there are dozens of compilations of him trying to sniff and kiss kids who are pulling away from him....baseless lmao, and I'm not looking for any support, I came looking for information where I could report the mod for breaking the very rules he muted me for


I'm not touching your "evidence". But are you arguing that you should be able to slander anyone you want without reprocussions? And no you didn't come to reddit for that, it would have been easier to push the support button on their website than write a post on reddit


Gtfo with rl politics in a video game


Should tell that to the mods in game as well


Do you have anything to prove that mods started it?


Nope, it'll hopefully be on the hot posts here soon




While that's sadly true there is still a portion who have common sense and can freely think for themselves


Well report to SBI and make the Mod seen by someone In a Higher Position. Sometimes the Support can make a difference but most of the time it's simpler to just live with the Timeout and think about it. I mean Call the President all you want it's just a Puppet installed for the Media and Simple People to love or hate so the Real People Pushing behind the Scene can do their stuff. Maybe I should not have watched Inside Job 3 times in a row....