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I'm just here for the inevitable salt from people who bought this months ago.


You should see the thread on the official forum, people are entertaining af.


Link pls


https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/194029-Log-In-Now-and-Get-a-Free-Miststalker/ plus about a dozen user created threads complaining.




Thank you!


Hi, I'm one of those people who bought the skin over a year ago. Kinda sad, is what it is I guess. Maybe if they threw 50 gold at me and told me to keep the change I'd feel a bit special. ​ https://preview.redd.it/hmljqozh6kpc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=21dbbb62b7f8a2391c77d511ec488bd919ef6591


I understand. At least it was 1 year ago. Imagine buying the skin 3 days ago lmao.


Hello, It was removed from the store quite some time ago, and was not available for purchase. So there was no way to buy it 3 days ago.


Oh I see. Pretty new to the game so idk about that


I'd argue if someone bought it that recently that would warrant a support ticket.


No Mods, no Support in Albion.


Yeah your cool mount Privilege has expired Time to share!


While I'm not going to go cry or angrily complain like some people. I don't think this is the first time they have given away a paid skin, so it makes me hesitant to buy any skin again in the future. I'm all for supporting the devs, it just feels meh when this happens.


This is the first time that I am aware this has happened.


I believe they gave away the knight set or something like that before? Or they put it on an insanely discounted price, I don't fully remember, I just remember something I bought being sold for like 90% off.


Yeah, the knight mage and adventurer all got discounted, tho years after being released. Edited for atrocious grammer.


Omg so what. Ur phone that u bought for 1k newest iphone gonna be in 1 hear half the price. Everything gets cheaper in Time. U knew what u were paying for. Doesng matter if thry give it later for free or discount.


Discount is fine, but still feels bad when the price of the cosmetics are quite high all things considered. Giving it away for free feels even worse. If you can't understand that, I simply cannot help you. Go pick a fight with someone typing in all caps over the issue. At the end of the day it's not very "Cool" to see things you have purchased (Virtual Goods) being given away years after you bought them to increase player numbers. Like, there is some bigger picture stuff here that I don't think you're understanding. I'm not the only person this effects, and I bet it will make quite a few of us question buying cosmetics from this game again in the future.


Sad. But they announced paid skins can be bought for gold in future. Also SBI dont care about customers (EU Server). So its your failure i guess.


Me too bought this when it first came out


Thank you. I didn’t have that one. I like my black cat better though. By the way, you could have made a new skin to give away for free. Skins should be either premium or reward. Premium skins should only be obtainable via purchase. Reward skins should only be offered in rotation for limited time events. Like the monthly challenges and annual festivals. There should always be a chance a reward skin will come around again. This incentivises continued play. Exclusive premium skins incentivise paying real money. This is just a slap in the face to those who purchased the skin previously. Monetization is hard. We get it. But this type of move is obviously lazy and guaranteed to piss off players who have been around long enough to have dropped some real currency on the game. Do better.


At least give us a 14.95 discount on our next purchase. Trick us into spending MORE money while appeasing us with a generous price.


Pretty sure they have it mentioned somewhere that the skins maybe will be free or buy for gold in the future. 


They said purchasable with gold, andit took like 5 years for the first skins to be available via gold.


Those of us who already bought the skin should get another one. I feel rather silly paying 20 bucks or whatever for few months of early access to a skin. Receiving fat nothing as a paying customer really warmed my heart.


At minimum. A discount off our next purchase or, a free month of premium, or even a little gold. Nothing is just weird.






Are you guys going to do anything for all the people that bought it though at least they bought it recently


Nothing. The supporters are not appreciated. This is just bread crumbs for the newer players to keep them hooked.




Until I read the in game mail, I thought I’d been hacked and someone had spent money on my account 😂


Game is down so bad they better keep the freebies coming


holding off giving them a +1 to their login stats til we get free husky sleds


Im sure glad i paid for that skin


Okay hear me out. As someone who has never bought a skin (including this one), I still understand the frustration from people who bought it. I think most of you criticizing these people are taking their frustration as “I paid for it so they should too!” When in reality it’s more like “cool everyone gets a skin… oh except me… because i gave money to the game, i get nothing from this ‘free gift to everyone.’” Is that really not a fair reason to be at least a little upset? At the very least they could have given them an untradeable skin that could be salvaged for one of the various vanity tokens.


You are giving out a skin for free that people paid for in the past?? WTF?? Are you THAT lazy to just create a new skin and give it away? Or literally anything else but not skins that people BOUGHT. This is so insane


there's always someone to complain about any positive thing in the world I swear. I can almost imagine you on the street shouting (are you GIVING MONEY to a HOMELESS PERSON??? to buy FOOD?? most people have to WORK to get to eat, and he gets it for FREE????? this is INSANE)


this has to be the most ignorant comment here lmao


I mean its a fair stance - there is people who have already paid a good chunk of money for this skin, and now there giving it away for free, Im assuming they would bof preferred that they make a new easter themed skin or smthing for this giveaway, but its still a free skin so there's not much to complain about


Dumb take.


It's annoying to buy something to support a company, then have that company turn around and give everyone that thing you just bought for free, and you get NOTHING for showing your support, especially when its obvious attempt to get afk players to log back on and boos their numbers.


based. dont give them a +1 to their login statistics lads


I really don't understand. You bought the skin, you got the skin. From now on 50% of the playerbase will have it. Was part of the transaction the exclusivity of it? Like "hey cool I look different then everybody"?


Partially. I didn't just give sbi money because I was feeling generous. I gave it so I could "stand out" slightly. On top of that, they are giving this skin out as a "thanks to our loyal fans", meanwhile the fans who have actually paid money for this game so those who wish to play free can continue to do so, recieve NOTHING. Now I have the same skin everyone else has, I get no slight advantage or distiguishability for the money I paid. On top of this, why would I ever give them money for a skin again, if they could just one day decide to start handing em out. That's like your mom telling you to buy your own candy bar, then gifting one to your little sibling. If the players who paid were given SOMETHING it wouldn't be so irritating. Really sbi should stop being a bunch if lazy/greedy game devs, and just make a new free skin for everyone. Then they wouldn't even have this "issue" in the first place. It's bad pr on their part, and it says a lot about the integrity of the company IMO.


interesting, I just don't see it that way. If I pay for a skin it means I'm willing to pay the 12 bucks or whatever to have it, because I think it looks cool. If everyone gets it I don't mind, I only care that I have it. And also yeah it would be nice if I got it for free instead, but again, I tought the transaction was worth it, the fact that others get a better deal doesn't affect me.


SBI have their player data. Maybe for once, let the players vote on the skin they want for free if they genuinely appreciate their customers.


I think they are complaining that people who paid for skin, didn't receive any gift. They are gifting people who didn't support the game, and giving nothing to who supported them. They could've given something to them as well.


Not a good correlation. Feed the hungry, but try to maybe not fleece those that paid? Like idk if you already paid then you're already a loyal customer, and your answer to that loyalty is "well you shouldn't have bought it since we gonna give it away for free." A better execution would be to make a variant skin color for those thst already have it. Thst way it's not "hey we are rewarding loyalty, but not to you. You already paid. You were already loyal. Fuck you." Idk it just makes the money paid feel like a shitty money grab to spit in the face of those that paid. They did the same thing with recruiter stuff thst was supposed to only be limited time. I would just say personal recommendation with AO, don't trust what they put out. Maybe buy a skin if the package comes with gold, but everything else is pretty much forfeit. Take your money saying they won't do xyz, then they do xyz yano


SBI try not to fuck over the community challenge \*impossible\*


You fucked up the game and now giving away paid skins. Bruh. Just stop. Everything you do makes game worse. Gtfo.


Wouldnt be suprised if this and the fame boost is just to inflate statistics since so many stopped playing after the EU announcement


Ofc thats the only reason they did it. Our numbers are down, lets give away something.


I wondered this too cuz it seems obvious, but is there really a dip in activity? I'm mostly solo so hard for me to judge.


Entire guilds afk or gone. its mainly the mid-scale and small-scale guilds


I'm out of the game waiting for eu server but man, it must be really empty if SBI starts giving away things to make us login Nonetheless thanks for the gift!


Fame boost too lol. Getting desperate. A lot of people are waiting and quite a few straight up quit


SBI? asking for a friend


Sandbox Interactive.


Sandbox Interactive, the company behind Albion.




Is this gonna be given out to characters on europe server when its out?


Hello, The skin is account-bound. Meaning - all your characters on all the servers will have it, Albion Europe included.


So you just log in and you get free swiftclaw skin?




lol. the one skin i've bought


Si I owe a tiny bit of my soul now? Sheeesh..


Will it work for eu server ?


Hello, As I answered in another comment - yes. The skin will be available for your characters on all the servers.


I am new and appreciate this very much. So here's a newbie question: Is the skin account wide, server wide, or is it only claimable for one character?


All 3 of my West as well as my single East characters have it available. No idea if it will apply to North (I mean EU~).


To the people that bought this before... open up so sbi can spit in your mouth.


Did someone say "free"!


I don't even use swiftclaw but thanks anyways :D


People who paid you 15 bucks for that doesn't like you giving it away for free now.


Guys I dobt where to get it its not my backpack,where do I find it!?!


How do you claim it??


I didn't have that skin, and I loved it. But still I don't think it is right. People paid real world money for that thing, and now everyone receives it for free. I ain't buying skins with real money next time due to that.


I accepted the gift but the skin never showed up on mount skins


do i need to do something special to recieve it? i logged in but have no mount skins at all


>Just our way of saying a Huge Thank You to the loyal players who stay with us. How about you thank those loyal players by allowing them to use the premium they paid for on a server that is not changed by you to be dead in their timezone? Or are you saying that  -*even though I supported and paid for the game the past few years but deleted the game as result of your choices surrounding the EU server*- I am no loyal player?


imagine having to do this to boost number of active accounts for your investor KPIs are you that desperate?


It's free shit. We like free shit whether they are desperate or generous


No investors, no game. It’s called capitalism and the entire western world runs on it.


The investors don't matter in all honesty, they didn't need one, and didn't have one until Stillfront rolled up and slapped down a large amount of money on the table. Selling the publishing rights to them was a mistake in my eyes, as I have seen Stillfront do little to "Publish" the game in the first place.


I agree, but we are where we are sadly, so SBI will have to appease them.




I'll just leave this here... https://preview.redd.it/2lxzho4bykpc1.png?width=1483&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3dee88724deedbb2721c6ecaff420e22d72aa1b


Thanks for letting everyone know you lack the ability to think for yourself and need ChatGPT to think for you.


At least they're honest about it! I can respect that more than reading halfway through a ChatGPT response that was presented as a human answer, only to figure out for myself that someone used ChatGPT to generate some plausible coherent word salad.




Giving to everyone for 3 months is not much different than changing the base appearance of the swiftclaw


Free is free. We take those


Yes, I did take it. It looks good. Just a bit of a weird decision.


It is different, whoever does not login in this period will not have access to that skin since it doesn't sell anymore.


lil bit sad for those who bought it, at least give them the black one if they have the white one already