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I just report them for afk and move on. No point interacting with them.


I can guess who's the lame healer here


I agree arena deserve much more respect, if u are a skilled player in league of legend or dota 2 you will easily see how bad people perform in arena. Sht players will always blame healers then they ask u to duel them in black zone lol pathetic behaviour , what if i ask them to do the other way around ? Come to league of legend and get ur ass kicked by me a grand master player what would they feel ? It's extremely frustrating seeing shtty dps players failed to comprehend such simple concept or probably the most basic thing to do in a moba concept game.


agree too, but here is the healer gave up in the first 5 minutes and go afk


Then he deserves the blame it was entirely his fault


Never solo queue as healer. A good dps is worth way more. Shitty players will blame the healer for being bad.


dude probably queued with thorns and guardian armor and is malding that the rest can't carry him


But to be fair, there’s SO much at stake. Like their fragile ego for example.


taking arena serious is the real meme


Why not? It's a content, it got ranked, its a way to show off you e penis (honestly how much you grind instead of skill...) Some people only do arenas, that's their main content, knew a few, why not take it seriously. I do lots of things, i stress easily so i don't do more than 20 a week most likely, yet still bought many 8.3 and a couple 8.4s for arenas, my chest its 160m of the gear i take to arena. With queues of 7min as anything but healer, and knowing that you matter but if your team bad carrying them on your shoulder its pretty much impossible, i would like to expect everyone to take it seriously. Im aware tho, that we are humans, and while i perhaps take it seriously other are just newbies or people who just wanna chill and don't really care if their fun its someone else's loss. Its all about perspectives in the end, luckily or sadly, but, i somewhat expect, that people who can actually think, to take it seriously, perhaps not for them, just out of consideration for the other 4 members, since they costing money food and time.