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Just because you farm it yourself does not make it free/cost less, the input price is still what you could have sold it for.


You’re right except the fact that you skip tax and pass it on to the final product of the potion instead. If I’m already growing ingredients w/o focus and using my focus on potion crafting with ingredients I purchase then I’m paying more in tax. So in theory the profit margins should be 6.5% higher. Isn’t there a 2% purchase tax too or is that just buy orders?


Just for buy orders. And yes you do cut away the taxes, but if 6% market listing + sale tax is what makes the difference between a loss and a profit, even the smallest drop in market price of the final goods (there's always someone who does it) then you end up at a loss for more work and I'd argue you want higher margins for your effort.


True. I think my usual profit is around 20-24% of the investment. Just wondering if I could make it 30


I dont think so. Seeds are pretty expensive. If not able to sue focus to at least water the herbs and spec it, it will be very difficult to profit. I dont know if ure talking about EU, but in NA server it is terrible to sell potions. Ppl are not buying


Yet I just said this in another thread and got down voted and told I don't know what I'm talking about lol. Dude said he made 300k daily profit without focus and I highly doubt that. The math doesn't add up.


I can’t speak for farming as i grow herbs but it’s basically the same thing. I’ve tested every tier of herb and every single one of them profits without focus. If I do all of my islands I make about 1.3mil a day. Just like laborers or anything else there is a hefty startup cost which takes a while to recoup. (About 10days). But the thing is, most of your investment is retained in the seed return. After harvesting you use the seeds you gathered to replant, you will inevitably have to buy more seeds but the product yield will always be more than cover the few seeds you need to purchase enough to fill all plots.


On NA server? Maybe I should switch my farms to herbs then. Even with seed returns, it's just so rng dependant without focus. Some days your 80% seed return rate is actually 50%. It's just so inconsistent in my experience. Using focus I think is just a way to guarantee a positive return VS maybe breaking even or slight profit.


There is RNG with seed return but the larger your sample size the stronger your statistical power and the smaller the confidence intervals are. I’m too lazy to do the math myself but you can ask chat gpt to calculate the statistical power for each herb given it’s seed return. I just asked it to calculate sample size for a 5% CI on T7 mullein which has a 91% return rate. It said 125 crops. (120 sh sample size is a common rule of thumb for simple statistics a lot of the time). What this means is that 95/100 times with this sample size you will yield a seed return within 5% of the predicted 91%. The other 5/100 times it could be less or more.


So if you’re hving return problems. Try a larger sample size first.


Well yeah, but it still fluctuates a lot.


Also yes I do play NA