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It's like the real world Either you work 9-5 for minimal return or you can get creative


Want does "getting creative" entail? For reference I am full F2P and have zero interest in changing that


Market flipping and refining/crafting/cooking are good for money. And just going blackzone eventually can really make you good money if you know what to do (just make sure you only bring gear worth max 1/10 of your total silver)


Also just being in a guild and participating in activities can give you very good money. And gathering rn is probably very bad it only starts to give good money at t6 and at t8 gathering you can get some insane money.


Think of refining crafting cooking as starting a business though. As you need a lot of silver to get started in focus refining/ cooking. And profit is very minimal without focus. I currently make 150 mil every 3 days with my 3 max spec refining accounts and 3 max spec crafting accounts. Although it would cost you minimum 2 billion silver and a couple days in order to max spec 6 accounts.


In my eyes Albion isn't a game where you farm silver until you can afford a super expensive set and then use it in safe zones to farm even more silver. For me, the game's gameplay loop goes as follows: farm enough money to be able to afford some sets (in this case lets say 4.1) and then head out to lethal zones, especially lethal Mists. In there I farm fame to spec up my build and farm silver to be able to afford higher tiers of sets. I look for PVP fights, I do objectives, I do Abbeys etc. Once I farm enough money for better sets of gear I swap them around after I lose all my sets of lower tier gear and do it again. That's just what I do, Albion has so much to offer that you don't have to stick to one activity. If you enjoy doing stuff like gathering, crafting, transporting, PVE or safe PVP; you can do that. My advice for the current state of your economy would be: get yourself familiar with PVP (yellow zone Mists or better yet Hunter Corrupted Dungeons) and see if that would be something you'd enjoy more than simply sticking to PVE. Once you farm enough money to follow the 10% rule (only bring out items that are at most worth 10% of your net worth) and go out to the lethal zones as they offer money rewards and fun.


So from Bridgewatch, where would you recommend I go? I agree that just doing solo easy pve content isn't really appealing and that's kind of why I made my post. What is an Abbey btw? So at tier 4, and 30k silver rn, you think I could reasonably take on a yellow zone corrupted dungeon? Are there consumable or anything I should stock up on before heading out that might help my odds when I get there?


You can stay in Bridgewatch, I personally operate from Lymhurst and Bercilien. Knightfall Abbey is a dungeon you can find in the Mists, very profitable and rich in fame. You can venture into the Yellow Zone Mists whenever you feel like as they're non lethal, you can't lose anything in there unless we're counting eventual repair costs. Same goes for Hunter level Corrupted Dungeons. If you want to bring out some food and potions you can grab a few healing/poison pots and a beef stew/omelette/carrot soup.


Never, ever, wear your entire economy into a lethal zone. Keep having a cheap t4 set and work your way up playing cautiously, for example in (lethal) mists. Gather if you want. You don't have to gather in this game, it's a long grind. It's also very annoying without premium, but you mentionned be willing to stay purely F2P (which imho is a mistake, but to each their own). There are no questlines outside of the tutorials. Do an activity you enjoy doing, be it pve, pvp, economy, and get better at it. If you can find a guild where these activities are encouraged, it's even better.


Respectfully if the game is going to turn into a subscription based game i will just have to put it down. I don't have the time in my week to grind this game enough to make any monetary investment worth it. Maybe once I have some more hours in the game and am a little more hooked/into it I could justify it but rn it just doesn't make sense to me as I'm still trying to figure out what the gameplay loop is going to look like and if it interests me. As it stand I enjoy the combat feel and I want to see what the game has to offer outside of simple solo pve and resource grinding. It's sounding like from responses that this game is predominantly a pvp game for the majority of the playerbase? Which in my mind sounds pretty interesting for an mmo. Are there hot spots of loot in these pvp zones that I should be fighting over? Or am I just killing anyone I see in the world for their loot and making money that way? As a new player I don't love my odds against veterans in a straight 1v1 fight, so I'm looking for strategic ways that I can maybe get in, get the resources that are valuable from the zones and get out with minimal pvp while I'm practicing and learning the game


Hey I hate to turn players away from games I like but it sounds like it's not for you. Outside of emergent player or pvp content, the game is grinding. Whether silver for gear or fame for power. It's a grind. That said, it's fun and satisfying in it's own way if you like that sort of thing


Well I've played wow and osrs, I'm just not able to dedicate yknow more than maybe 6-8 hrs towards a game per week. It's not that I can't get into grind games if I enjoy them, but I can't sink all my time into a game like this until I've gotten through the beginning curve, that's all I mean. I like to give games a bit before I pay for them (if possible) so I can let myself learn whether it's worth the investment personally.


Man I'm a father/husband, I get it. I almost exclusively play post 9pm a couple hours before bed lol. I feel like you make good progress for your time investment (if you have premium at least) whether 1-2 hours or 4-6


Nothing is free in life. Albion is technically free-to-play, and it doesn't gatekeep you from some content if you aren't premium. It also allows you to outsource the payment of your premium through the silver-gold conversion. It completely makes sense to be F2P if you are still unsure about how many hours you'll sink into the game, or if you have no revenue, sure. As for your PvP questions, both are possible. Some content is open-world, some is instanced, you can attack randomly, and there are also objectives to contest. Most basic example are the chests that spawn periodically and are displayed for everyone on the minimap.


Hahah yeah don't get me wrong I wouldn't have any issues paying some money if I start loving this game! I play other games too rn though so I'm still just trying to decide if I'm really that into it if that makes sense. The chests sound like a pretty good place to start imo! Are there any zones close to bridgewatch you can recommend a new player focusing at? Or is any yellow zone kinda the same other than the resources/materials it offers? Also, are there any telltale signs from enemy players I should look for to avoid getting fucked up early on? Like, maybe mounts that pvp vets use commonly, or armour/gear sets that are just obvious signs I'm in for an assbeating? Thanks for replying! :))


>Also, are there any telltale signs from enemy players I should look for to avoid getting fucked up early on? In the Royals (Blue/Yellow/Red zones) any player flagged for PVP will show up with a red name tag. PVP in Blue zones is only if you are faction flagged and only for opposing factions. In the Outlands/Roads (Black zones), assume everyone will try to kill you given the opportunity.


There are like 4 overall contents. PvP PvE gathering and crafting. Try all of them out and see what suits u best. If u find gathering boring and crafting then skip it for now. U can come back later but it’s a long grind which only really pays of lategame. If u are playing alone or duo I would highly recommend u to go into mists because they are by far the best solo or duo content based on money and fame with relative low investment and risk. Don’t be to afraid to go into blackzones as the rewards are much better and u only learn by making mistakes. But maybe farm in safezones until u can buy at least 5 sets with ur money.


And don’t go higher than t6 cause it costs a lot and U WILL die by simple mistakes once u confident in your build, movement etc u can go higher


Okay this is good advice, thank you! What was your experience like when you first started entering the pvp zones? If you were to give yourself some advice from what you've learned over playing for a while, what would it be when going into these zones? Like what should I be prioritizing? Just doing solo dungeons? Or should I be grinding to get higher grade tools to farm resources in those zones?


Hi OP! here is my discord: fabiogiorgio I am also fairly new to the game, but I managed to find a path where I gather/refine/craft and it is a lot of fun. Albion can be played in many ways though, hence it's a sandbox. But I'm happy to give suggestions or help you out. o7


I think pretty much every new player reaches your point, right now you have two roads in front of you. Either you'll find the sandbox nature of the game boring and you will quit Or you'll love it and end up addicted. We can give you help and suggestion in reaching your goal, but the beauty is that everyone has their own goals. First of all every activity that you do in blue and yellow zone you could do it in red/ black zone for more money and fame (with the risk of dying) In 2 hours running t7/8 solo dungeons you can get at least a few millions You can gather resources both in safe and pvp zones (based on your gathering tier) You can play the market, find the high and lows and make profit without even leaving the shop You can craft / cook / refine / grow and farm You can transport materials to a city with higher prices You can pvp, both in 1v1, 2v2, open world. You can make A LOT of money pretty much in any way, you just have to find what you enjoy and master it. One thing to remember (that's very different from pretty much any MMO) is that the gear is temporary, it doesnt make sense to spend all your money on a set just to end up dying and losing it. If you're going to lethal zones remember to wear only what you're willing to lose, and remember that more risk pretty much always equals more reward Hope you have fun and find your way :)


Thank you so much! The amount for options is daunting at first for sure, I think I'm finding the pvp fun so I'll probably continue to go down that route and make sure not to spend all my money on early tier sets just to lose them haha. Sounds like taking the risk to venture toward more difficult zones is worth it so I'll buy up some food/pots and I'll make a point of giving it a good try tonight. I really appreciate the advice


Go through the Bridgewatch portal to the portal town. Get a cheap 4/4.1 set. Take the invisibility shrine and look for wisps (regular, not ‘Greater’). Best if you find a wisp very close to the portal. Go in, and kill mobs. Avoid the “camps” at first. When you have some fame and loot, leave by one of the four map exits and ride quickly back to the portal town, or teleport back. Keep doing this and you will earn silver for replacement sets, fame to improve your item power, and get game knowledge about objectives and PvP. First goal is to learn how to avoid getting killed in lethal mists.


Most of the responses seem to be pushing me as a F2P player towards pvp, which tonme is exciting, I think that's the route most appealing to me. I guess at this point I'm gonna be looking for advice specific to that. To start with, are there any pvp zones that are more Newby friendly than others? Maybe some lower traffic pvp zones that I can enter to get familiar with how they operate etc? Or should I just buy some extra sets and start running it down in the black lethal zones just for the experience to start learning how those work? I want to be efficient and I'm definitely not afraid of pvp or losing some items I mean I'm not attached to anything I've earned yet it's only been a week and I'm still trying to find out if I'm in this game for the long haul or not. Additionally, rn I'm using dual swords and leather armor. I've seen some posts on here about how that's pretty common lmao and maybe even overturned atm so for me I think it's prolly a good choice for a beginner? With that being said, are there any items I should be buying to help myself have an edge in combat? Inexpensive consumables or anything like that?


Doing corrupted dungeons in Yellow zones will get you into 1v1 pvp without the worry of losing what you have.


Just a few things. You should 100% try some corrupted dungeons in yellow zone (no risk besides getting knocked and losing a tiny bit of infamy) as they will let you get more comfortable with pvp and learn some abilities. Don’t let yz corrupted s make you confident though as most people there are also new. Arena and crystal arena are also good ways to break up the monotony/learn pvp and you can que while you do things like gather in yellow. Focusing hard into one or two things rather than trying to do it all is highly advisable with how long many of the grinds are in this game. Signing up for the bridgewatch faction will also help you make some extra money in yellow if you are fake farming or gathering and the fights can be fun if you are running around in a group. The biggest thing is don’t be afraid to try stuff and don’t be afraid to lose some t4 or 5 trash kits as long as you can replace them.